The Effects of Jimin



“What’s up with him?” Yoongi mumbled under his breath, looking at that flawless piece of from afar. He was perfect; that pout on his face looked adorable and his cheeks were puffed out a bit, arms crossed in a sassy but… undoubtedly hot manner. This was torture. Yoongi wanted to talk to him, but another side of him asked, ‘why should I?’ Jimin was being a right now anyway and maybe ignoring him was the best option for now.

Park Jimin had been swaying his hips, relentlessly taunting Suga. He had been polite, way, way too polite with customers, especially the guys. He had been bluntly ignoring the rapper, acting as if he was nothing more than a poster on the wall; just there to be there, as decoration rather than actually existing. But what pissed Yoongi off to no end was the fact that Jimin knew he was there, he knew Suga would be staring at him, admiring him but all he did was flirt even more with the clients, who either seemed rather flattered or way beyond flattered to the point where they’d look as if they were having a hard time keeping their hormones in check.

What the hell had Yoongi done to deserve this treatment?

All he had done was flirt a little, wink and be his charming self and now Jimin was completely ing at him for no reason.

What a ing—

“Oh,” J-Hope called out of nowhere, smirking at the obviously pissed off/ pained expression on Yoongi’s face.

Suga snapped his neck in his direction, glaring cruelly. “What?” he drawled out, or rather growled out, obviously not in the mood for this.

But Hoseok’s smile was still intact. “He’s jealous.” The way he said it though; it made Yoongi feel stupid because he made it sound so obvious, so painfully obvious it felt as if someone had thrown a brick to his head with a note on it that said, ‘HE’S ING JEALOUS YOU IDIOT!’

He blinked. Okay, this was confusing. Obviously Hoseok must’ve been confused. There’s no way that Park Jimin, as in the same guy who had been rejecting him, the same guy who had practically tossed him away like nothing more than a flirty rapper… there was NO way in hell that THE Jimin was JEALOUS over him. Nope, it just wasn’t logical.

He scowled at J-Hope, rolling his eyes. He turned to look at Jimin. From the corner of his eyes, the younger male saw him staring, so he grinned at the 18 year old before him, winking playfully. Suga’s head ached but he didn’t comment, instead he turned to look at J-Hope, now fully believing J-Hope’s stupid statement—which didn’t seem so stupid now. “You’ve got to be ing kidding me.” Yoongi mumbled under his breath, watching as Jimin manned the cashier, repeating the same process.

J-Hope wore the smuggest face, obviously content with being right. Yoongi gawked, looking over at Hoseok to mutter out, or rather breathe out a, “but why?”

Hoseok smiled softly, turning to look at Jimin. “Well, he may not be head over heels in love with you, but he doesn’t like not having your attention.”

Yoongi took a few seconds to process this, nodding in understatement when he fully comprehended where the other was getting at. But before he could press on other questions, he had to ask, “How the hell are you an expert with relationships?”

Hoseok chucked, patting his back. “I’m not. The thing is though, Jimin has been my friend for years. I just know him. He hasn’t acted like this in a while, but I know for a fact how much he likes the attention. But when you got that girl’s number, giving her all the attention, Jimin couldn’t cope with it so now he’s trying to get your attention back… in a way that pisses you off,” J-Hope mused.

It took almost three whole minutes before Yoongi finally gasped out a, ‘OH’. He looked at the grinning Hoseok, smiling back gratefully. “Thanks a lot. I bet you’re also an expert in handling jealous boyfriends, aren’t you?”

Hoseok narrowed his eyes, slowly drawling out a, “I guess…” trying to figure out where he was getting at.

Yoongi beamed. “Then you must know how to make it up to them.”

Hoseok grinned from ear to ear, chuckling. “Ah, I see. Then I guess you must actually like Jimin if you’re willing to try and get his sassy .”

“You better believe it, Hobie!” Suga exclaimed joyfully, patting his back.

Jimin heard the sudden outburst, rather displeased when he turned around to see Suga’s arm around Hoseok’s shoulders. He bit back a smart remark, simply rolling his eyes, grunting under his breath.

Taehyung walked up behind Hoseok, smiling. “Keep your hands off, hyung.” Taehyung jokingly warned, softly shoving Yoongi aside. He wrapped his arms around Hoseok’s side, nuzzling his face into the warmth. Hoseok chuckled softly, reaching an arm to ruffle his hair up, smiling. “This one’s mine!”

Yoongi nodded, giggling. “You got it, Tae.”


“Hey, princess?” Yoongi called out from behind Jimin. The younger male didn’t answer; no, instead he continued to fix the caps on the shelf, ignoring Yoongi for about the… hundredth time that day.

But there was no way in hell Yoongi was going to give up now.

“Talk to me, please?”

Jimin rolled his eyes, finding it harder to deliberately ignore Suga when he pleaded him to do something.

“Aw, really?” Suga pouted, lip curving out adorably. Jimin wasn’t looking at him, so this didn’t work either in favor or against him. Damn… Yoongi wished Jimin was looking so that hi aegyo could be that much more affective.

“Not even a sassy put down or a cross of arms?” Suga drawled out, craving attention. “How could you be mad at me? I’m giving you all of my attention,” Yoongi accused, pouting. His lips quickly twisted up into a smirk when he got a few inches closer to Jimin’s back, practically whispering into his ear, “That is what you wanted, isn’t it?”

Jimin quickly turned around, but only to smack Suga on the head, almost hitting his fragile ear. Yoongi winced, rubbing the sore spot, pouting. He could’ve cursed him out, but he figured that it wouldn’t be the best way to get him back and it certainly wouldn’t make Jimin give him any good attention. Instead, he settled for groaning in pain, asking, “Ow. What was that for?”

But the other didn’t respond. He his heel and continued sorting out the shop. Taehyung watched from afar, hiding his face in the crook of Hoseok’s shoulder, trying to keep himself from bursting out into laughter.

Hoseok patted his head, resting his nose in the meadows of orange above Taehyung’s head, trying himself to stifle a chuckle. This was really something else. He didn’t know who was more whipped by now, Jin or Suga?

“Really? I thought you’d at least kiss it better…”

Jimin scoffed, shaking his head, still looking away from him, his back practically the only thing Yoongi could see was his back and his hair… he knew better than to look down.

“As if.”

Well, those weren’t the words Yoongi was looking for but a least it was something. He could work off of that, right?

Suga grinned, immediately forgetting about the dull pain at the side of his head. He gained some confidence to step up until now he and Jimin were face to face. Jimin didn’t see all too pleased to see that grinning fool, but he didn’t seem as mad as Yoongi thought.

Okay, this was a start.

Yoongi grinned. “Tell me something—anything. You have my complete and undivided attention.”

Jimin was now tempted to say something, but he settled with looking down at the floor, trying to compose his flustered face and small smirk. He definitely could NOT let Yoongi see what he was doing to him.

“Ooh!” Yoongi grinned, looking down to try and see that all too amazing smile. “Is that a smile I see?” he teased, grinning himself.

Jimin’s face grew hot, but he didn’t comment. He quickly turned his back to him once more, afraid of letting him see him blush. Park Jimin DID NOT blush. He hit the bastards and continued on his way. But this bastard was different…

Yoongi continued giggling triumphantly, running back and forth, facing Jimin every time, way too pleased with himself for making him smile—he could not miss this precious opportunity to see such a hard earned smile.

Of course, Jimin would continue ducking him.

“Lemme see it!”

“Get out! Leave me alone! Aishhh~!”





Suga grinned. “That’s it baby, say my name.”

Jimin turned and, just as he was about to smack Yoongi, the unexpected happened.

Yoongi caught Jimin’s threatening hand just in time, pushing it past his shoulder, causing the younger male to be pulled flush against his chest. Yoongi’s other hand quickly wrapped around Jimin’s waist, taking the opportunity to hold him this close seeing as Jimin was still in shock. He smirked down at him, loving how warm and close Jimin was. He had to value these few seconds while Jimin was still in shock, while his body was still numb and while he couldn’t do anything.

Taehyung’s eyes went wide, his laughter far gone from his body. Seeing as things got serious, he held Hoseok’s hands, smirking at him before whispering into his ear, “I think we need to get down to business in the other room, hyung.”

Well, there was no way in pretty hell Hoseok was skipping up on the opportunity to kiss his boyfriend’s lips off in the other room.

He held his hand, quickly walking, or more like running into the lounge, pleased with the blushing Tae following him.

Jimin’s heart was beating so fast, so fast he thought it was going to spring out of his chest in any moment. He really, really wanted to calm its rate down because with their close proximity, he was damned sure that Yoongi could feel it. If he did, he still hadn’t commented. Well, how could he? He was staring at Jimin, eyes tracing every curve, memorizing how beautiful he looked like when he was surprised.

His eyes were a bit wide, mouth slightly agape. His crescents looked more like full moons… beautiful sparkling full moons that Yoongi couldn’t rip his eyes off. His lips were pinker up close, puffy, perfect. Jimin up close, Yoongi decided, was way more beautiful than admiring him from afar.

Yoongi smirked when he looked at the other’s eyes, more than pleased why he saw how Jimin could rip his eyes off of the rapper’s lips.

“Want something, baby?” Suga purred, leaning in.

Consciousness kicked in a flash, causing Jimin to slam Yoongi into the nearest wall, a few caps falling in the process. Before Yoongi even had the chance to react, Jimin hopped up onto his thighs, linking his legs behind his waist, hands entangling in his hair. Yoongi’s eyes went wide; he was about to speak, but all he could do was open his mouth. The second time he did this, Jimin smirked, leaning in to steal Suga’s lips in a hungry kiss, one that neither expected.

The kiss never slowed down; it was desperate and messy at best, but it was their first (together) and it felt like the best they’ve ever had. Lips smacked deliciously, teeth clashing together every once in a while, which neither of them minded, saliva stringing between both their tongues when they continued kissing. It looked hot, it felt hot.

Yoongi’s arms raced to hold Jimin’s waist, trying to pull him in closer, even when they both knew that was not an option.

It took a while before Suga pulled away, gasping for breath. Jimin tilt his head to the side, panting softly, trying to catch his breath so that he could speak. Yoongi was almost positive that what come out of his mouth would be a smart remark, but he was way too happy when it wasn’t the case.

“You,” Jimin began, voice still a bit off. He pointed a finger to his chest, the other hand still bracing himself up on the other’s shoulder, “are mine. I don’t give a that we’re not dating, or that I’ve only known you for a little while, but you ARE mine. You can’t look at anyone else. And don’t even think about flirting with someone that isn’t me. Got it?”

Yoongi swallowed, nodding enthusiastically. “But…” he began. Jimin was just about to shut him up when a squeeze to his told him otherwise. “I think we can fix that none-dating thing.”


“Hey…” Hoseok began softly.

Taehyung, who was sitting right beside him, head on his shoulder, fingers intertwined, simply hummed, his answer muffled slightly by Hoseok’s arm.

“I think… I’m sorry if this is too soon for you but… I think you’re amazing. I don’t want to keep looking for the right one because you’re everything I’ve ever wanted and way, way more…” his voice trailed off when Taehyung beyond gorgeous (more like flawless) face was now looking at his, eyes sparkling with hop and maybe something more. Hoseok couldn’t chicken out now—he had been feeling so differently, so strongly towards V and he had to say what he felt now; he had to know whether Kim Taehyung felt the same way or not. No matter how bad it would (or wouldn’t) hurt. “But I think… scratch that, now that I’m looking at you I’m pretty damn positive that I- I---“he sighed.

“Kim Taehyung, I’m in love with you.”

A/N: I know, I know, it’s short. But I wanted to update as fast as I could because you guys want some Yoonmin so there it is! And the cliff hanger--- sort of--- DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNN. Anyway, I’ll try to update often, k? as always, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE.
















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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10