Cute Maknaes, Jealous Hyungs and...Yoongi


Taehyung groaned, tossing his head onto the couch’s arm rest, legs curved. Hoseok, who was sitting right beside him, hands massaging his leg gently as the other held his phone. The irritated noise drew his attention away from his phone and he looked at his boyfriend.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Hoseok asked, hands dropping his phone, completely stopping everything. His eyebrows were knit, showing every last inch of concern he held.

The younger male pouted, lifting his head up to look at him as he spoke. “I miss Yoongi-hyung.”

J-Hope rolled his eyes, removing his hand from his leg to continue texting Jimin on his phone. He wasn’t jealous; he just hated the idea that HIS boyfriend missed someone else. There wasn’t anything wrong with it; that ‘Suga’ kid was his friend after all, and, from what he knew, they hadn’t seen each other since their second date.

Jungkook made the same noise. Seokjin glared. “Ah! Yoongi-hyung! I miss him too!” he shouted, almost as if he were in despair. “Last time I saw hyung was when we went to that new buffet.” The youngest male pouted.

“What’s so great about this Yoongi character anyway?” Jin voiced J-Hope’s thoughts. The male’s boyfriend stared at him for a few second before finally answering.

“He’s our best friend. He’s like…” Jungkook looked over at Taehyung to continue for him.

“Like our guardian angel!” V whined.

Hoseok rolled his eyes, unconsciously typing a lot faster than before, shoulders slumped.

Jungkook snapped his fingers, eyes wide, “That’s exactly right!”

Seokjin got up from his spot (that was on the coffee table) simply to tap Hoseok’s shoulder. The male looked up at the other and Seokjin dipped in to whisper into his ear, hand cupping over his ear as he did so. “Maybe we should just keep calm. After all, they’re just friends. Just try and not get mad.” His eyes grew intense and it was kind of harder for him to whisper as he continued speaking. “Even if they’re basically talking about him as if he were the best damn human being alive.”

J-Hope glared up at him. “You think so?” he mouthed.

All he got in response was a nod and then the rapper looked back at V, who was now hugging the pillow. Despite the fact that his blood was boiling, Hoseok bit his lip, nodding.

“Why don’t you just invite him over then?” Hoseok mumbled, still trying to push down the small jealousy fit he was having. Taehyung and Jungkook quickly looked at him, both grinning widely, so wide that it made Hoseok and Jin wonder what kind of power Yoongi had over them both.

“Seriously?!” Taehyung chirped, voice laced with joy.

Hoseok looked away, trying to hide the small portion of anger that dashed across his face before smiling back at his cute boyfriend.

Taehyung was a bit oblivious to what his boyfriend was feeling, far too blinded by his happiness to notice. He was just glad that he was about to see his best friend (besides Jungkook) again. He would’ve guessed that Hoseok would at least be a little jealous because last time that they were all with Yoongi, Hoseok didn’t exactly end up happy. It wasn’t that he was complaining, though, it was just a bit weird.

Seokjin sighed, pressing a kiss on Jungkook’s head before he got too mad (or jealous) at the boy to want to talk to him. It was as if he were bracing himself for the worse.

Jungkook smiled up at him. “You haven’t met Yoongi-hyung, have you?”

The older male simply shook his head. “No. but Hoseok gave me a pretty good idea…”

They shared their looks. Taehyung’s heart dipped. Now he understood. Seokjin was probably worried sick because he thought that Suga was some kind of player that just tried to steal people’s boyfriends but it wasn’t like that.

Taehyung glared at his companion. “Probably not a good one…”he mumbled under his breath.


He had to do something to straighten this out; he couldn’t just let Seokjin think of Yoongi as some kind of pimp. That was an idea Hoseok had in his head since he had first met the older rapper and the circumstance wasn’t exactly a positive one. Now he probably views Suga as a home wrecker or something just as terrible.

It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t true.

Taehyung decided to pull Jin to the side while Hoseok and Jungkook were watching some show about cops and action that didn’t capture his attention much.

Jin raised a brow at him, a bit confused, thrown off, but he didn’t comment because he figured that V would probably tell him to ‘watch his back’ if he broke Jungkook’s heart or something. However, that wasn’t the circumstance.

“Um, T—“

V shook his head, hushing him for the time being. “No. listen.” He looked over at Hoseok who looked back at them a bit shocked and somewhat confused. He smiled warmly at him before turning back to Seokjin, who was looking at Jungkook. The younger male had been biting his lips, too entertained with the lines he was hearing to even turn around right now. “Yoongi isn’t a bad guy.”

Seokjin rolled his eyes. “If this is what this talk is going to be about, I think I’d better—“ he was already taking a few steps away before Taehyung pulled on his sleeve, pulling him back into the spot h was in before. The older male bit back the next few words.

“I know that you think Yoongi-hyung is some kind of pimp because before my date with Hoseok, he was attached to me in a way that would seem wrong—“

The older male scoffed. “Wrong? He practically had you wrapped around his f—“

“Let me finish,” Taehyung warned, narrowing his eyes. Jin sighed in defeat, deciding to bite his tongue, crossing his arms. He looked a bit calm, giving V the chance to continue speaking. “Thank you.” He smiled. Jin nodded. “Anyway, yes, that may have seemed like the case, but he was actually trying to help. And you would know this if J-Hope-y-hyung wasn’t so jealous right now. He didn’t tell you that it was all my idea—“Jin opened his mouth but V glared, making him close it again. “It was a plan to sort of fix and prevent any fights between Hoseok and I in the future. But I won’t get into that now. But Yoongi was innocent. He was just trying to help a friend. But neither I nor Jungkook have any strong feelings that aren’t completely friendly for him. He’s like a role model to us; especially Jungkook-y because they’re both rappers. Plus, he’s our hyung and now that we live together, he’s like our father who makes sure that we’re okay.” His features softened. “Trust me, you and Hoseok-hyung have absolutely nothing to worry about.”

Seokjin seemed a bit speechless now. He couldn’t do anything else now besides inspect the younger boy for any traces of a lie before sighing, nodding. “Are you sure?”

Taehyung beamed. “Absolutely. If you don’t believe me, just ask Kookie over there if he’s interested in Yoongi-hyung.”

Seokjin chuckled, looking back at said boy who was simply smiling at him. It didn’t seem that Hoseok had taken his eyes off the duo since he first caught sight of them talking.

“If you’re sure then…”


While the boys waited for Yoongi, they ended up at the shop. Jin and Jungkook were helping out the customers and Taehyung was at the cash register while Hoseok stocked up the CD’s. Namjoon was busy with homework right now but he surely wouldn’t take too long to come.

It was a busy day.

It was a weekend so it was understandable; most people got paid these days and they would surely want to blow their money on something as beautiful as K-Pop as soon as the bills landed in their wallets. The song had been playing ‘Bad Boy’ by Big Bang and Jungkook was nodding his head to the beat, mumbling a few lines under his breath while he wasn’t tending to anyone. Seokjin smiled from the background, his stomach doing these weird flips at the sight. He hadn’t felt this before, but, to be honest, he welcomed the feeling. It was something so great because only Jungkook brought this feeling and anything that involved Jungkook was something that Jin could learn to adore.

Taehyung was fiddling with the store’s radio, pouting when he heard everything was on commercials or something that he didn’t like. He sighed, removing the plug that went from the store’s radio into the connection for earphones on his phone. Well, if this store was going to get more customers, there better be good music to go with it.

He searched through his phone before leaving it on Taeyang and G-Dragon’s ‘Good Boy’, smiling to himself when the customers at the store squealed in joy (mainly the girls *cough* and Jungkook *cough*).  Hoseok walked in from the small closet in which boxes of new snapbacks and posters were stored with a box in hands, grinning when his eyes landed on a very happy Taehyung.

He settled next to his, resting the box on top of the counter, quickly pecking his cheek. A girl in the background saw this and she blushed fiercely, pretending as if she hadn’t seen anything, even if she did pull out her phone a few seconds later to capture the next cute moment. Taehyung blushed, biting his bottom lip.

“Hey, hyung,” he beamed, his eyes turning into cute little crescents that sparkled like diamonds and Hoseok couldn’t stop himself from smiling along.

“How you doing here, baby?”

Taehyung shrugged. “Pretty good. What about you? You’ve been back and forth these past few minutes. Aren’t you tired?”

Hoseok smiled at him. “Nah. I’m used to it. Besides, these boxes aren’t heavy.”

Jungkook stepped in, singing a few lines under his breath; “I don’t play, play, play~” Seokjin was behind him, still smirking adoringly.

Taehyung shook his head fondly. “Aish, Kookie, when will you ever stop singing?”

“As soon as G-Dragon’s part comes on. Then I’ll have to start rapping,” the kid assured with a sly smile. Hoseok laughed.

When the song switched vocalists, there was a different voice added. And it wasn’t G-D’s. no, this voice made the two youngest males grin from ear to ear and practically leap in joy while Jin and Hoseok shared the same worried look.

“Yeah, everyday fresh hanot charime, banjeondoeneun simhan natgarim.” Yoongi stepped in, walking with such a swagger, like a rapper stepping onto the stage to rap his awesome verse. He moved his hands to the sides, gesturing with his fingers. His voice was deep, deep enough to go great with the song and even Hoseok was impressed.

Jungkook ran to him, enveloping him in a bear hug and soon enough, Taehyung followed behind, both hugging him as if they haven’t seen each other in years even if it was only a few weeks. Suga grinned, lacing an arm behind both of their backs, trying to hug them back but it was difficult when the two males were jumping up and down, both clearly overjoyed to see him. It felt nice to know how much these kids loved him.

“Hey you two kiddos!” Yoongi chirped, laughing. A few customers walked by a bit slower when they passed them, trying to understand why two males seemed like they were about to burst like fireworks while the other three seemed  like a group of high school girls meeting at the mall.

He looked past them, smiling at Jin and Hoseok. He let go of the younger males to walk over them and while he was doing so, Seokjin glanced at Hoseok in a way that almost made the rapper chuckle.

“And how are you, Hoseok!” he beamed. Hoseok waved, trying to force a smile. “I haven’t seen you since—“he hummed, “since your date with Taehyung-y!”

Why did he have to go and bring that out? Now Seokjin seemed twice as nervous, something that he knew was wrong because he truly shouldn’t be worried. The younger males stepped in behind him, both settling besides their rightful men.

“Yeah,” Hoseok said quite awkwardly. He sounded as if he were ready to rip his head off but then noticed a cop behind him and bit back his emotions. Yup. Just like that. “It’s been a while.” But couldn’t it have been a while longer?

Taehyung grinned, strapping his arm around one of Hoseok’s. This seemed to relax the older male. “How was that date anyway?” Yoongi asked, smiling.

V grinned. “Uh, well, we’re still together—“he took a second to grin at Hoseok before looking back at his friend. “But this time closer than ever.”

Suga chuckled. “Ah, married already?”

Hoseok’s eyes almost bulged out of his skull and Taehyung was blushing a bright crimson color, steeping in to smack Suga on his shoulder, glaring.

“I was kidding!” he stated, trying to defend himself even if it was already too late. He rubbed his shoulder, trying to soothe the pain. He smiled at Hoseok. “Be good to him. He’s like a brother to me.”

Hoseok smiled assuringly. “I got it. I think I got the message when I met Jungkook.”

Suga chuckled, looking at the maknae, giving him his full attention. Said boy was laughing too, trying to hide his embarrassment in the crook of Seokjin’s shoulder. His boyfriend smiled warmly, looking directly at the mop of hair resting across his side.

Once Yoongi noticed the new member of the group, a grin drew itself onto his lips. “Well, since I see that Kookie is so close to you, I’m guessing that you’re his boyfriend. Or if he still hasn’t gathered up the courage to ask you to be his boyfriend, then I’m assuming you’re his crush.”

Seokjin smiled. “Trust me, he had the courage.”

Jungkook was still on his shoulder, this time trying to hide the small fraction of a blush on his cheeks. He felt the tips of his ears heat up and he just had to nuzzle into Jin’s shoulder, trying to dig a deeper hole so that he could hide the rest of his face in.

The laughs he heard only fueled his flushed face.

“I’m Min Yoongi.” The rapper stated, bowing politely. “Nice to meet you.”

Jin bowed back, right after he managed to shake off an embarrassed Kookie from his shoulder. However, the boy still held onto his arm, causing the action to come off as only the portion of a bow. “Kim Seokjin.”

“Well then, Jin. I’m gonna tell you the same thing I told Hoseok over there,” he said, pointing his thumb towards the rapper. “Treat my Kookie like a princess. You’re his first boyfriend.” He said, eyes narrowing, voice changing into something that sounded stern, like a mother. “Don’t up his first experience.”

He hadn’t seen it like that before. Jungkook seemed like such a bad , a beautiful one at that, so he always figured that he’d at least have more experience in the whole dating thing. But now realizing that he was guiding Jungkook through this whole ‘romance’ thing was like realizing he had to guide a bling boy through a dark maze. Now he had to make sure he didn’t screw up. Now he had to take things slow and be gentle with his porcelain princess.

“I won’t,” he assured, smiling at Jungkook, looking the bashful boy into the eyes. “I’d hate to lose someone as wonderful as him.” He said, voice laced with honesty.

Yoongi smiled, clearly pleased. He didn’t look stern and tense anymore, now he was back to a grinning ball of sunshine with sparkling eyes. “Now that that’s taken care of,” he announced, grinning through the whole sentence. “You guys better get to work! There are dozens of customers waiting to pay!” he exclaimed, pointing at the line at the cash register.

Taehyung’s eyes went wide before dashing off to his rightful spot behind the register, Hoseok following suit. Jungkook rushed over to a pair of kids who walked in with their mom to help them and Jin went to the box on the counter, already unpacking them.

Suga laughed to himself.


It was nearly six and, considering it was a weekend, Hoseok closed the store a few minutes later. Before he could get comfortable with his adorable orange-haired boyfriend, he went to restock the Big Bang and EXO CD’s, along with a few B.I.G. posters as well as the Beast snapbacks. He wondered if these fan-girls ever ran out of energy with all the squeals and shopping they did.

He huffed out a sigh, his body aching. Hoseok had spent a good part of the afternoon bending down to fix a few CD’s the customers misplaced and his back hurt. It was fine, though. He just had to shake it off because Taehyung would surely want to spend the afternoon playing around and he had to follow around because he adored him. Besides, that gorgeous smile on V’s face would be his source of energy, that thing that kept him going for the rest of the day.

All the boys were at the lounge, all laughing. Seokjin seemed less tense than before because Yoongi hadn’t touched his boyfriend at all besides a few pats on the back that didn’t seem at all threatening. Taehyung was smiling from ear to ear, listening intently to the words rolling out of Yoongi’s mouth and Jungkook seemed just as happy as he rested his chin on his knuckles, beaming.

When Hoseok opened the door, Taehyung quickly looked back, grinning. That smile made Hoseok’s body feel numb, the pain he felt momentarily fading away. “Hyung!” V exclaimed, running up to him to hug him as if he hadn’t seen him in forever. Suga was in the back, cooing and Jungkook simply smirked, happy for his friend. Taehyung pulled away from the hug, his arms still wrapped around his neck and Hoseok’s hands still holding onto his waist. “You’re just in time! Yoongi-hyung wants to show us a new rap he’s been working on!”

Hoseok smiled at him, nodding. He let go of his waist and held his hand, leading him to a couch. They both sat and Yoongi smiled before clearing his throat, resting both his elbows on his spread thighs, holding his hands out before him.

“Well,” he started, “it’s more like a rap in progress.” He corrected, shrugging his shoulders. “But it’s better than nothing.”

The boys nodded in agreement and Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the oldest male in the group, wanting to make sure he didn’t miss a beat of this. Hoseok would be lying if he said he too wasn’t interested in what was about to happen.

“Oh, oh my haters 좀 더 욕해줘
키보드 워리어, 노력해 좀
그래 그렇게 무시해줘
니가 틀렸단 걸
증명하는 게 취미에요
Uh 논란되는 실력,
날 속단하긴 일러
I’m kill-a 잭 더 리퍼…”

He stopped and Hoseok’s eyes went wide. That was pretty good. Better than most things he wrote. Jungkook’s eyebrows were furrowed a bit before his eyes went wide, breathing out a soft, “wow.”

The boys all clapped and Yoongi smiled, looking down at the floor in modesty. “Ah, calm down guys, it was just a part of it. It’s not even done yet.”

“It was still awesome, hyung!” Jungkook exclaimed, smiling.

“It was pretty good,” Hoseok admitted. Taehyung nodded, lacing his hand with his boyfriend’s. Yoongi smiled in their direction.

“You know, Hoseok, I heard you’re a pretty good rapper, too.” Suga stated. All eyes were now on Taehyung because this was obviously his doing. The younger male blushed but Hoseok smiled at him before looking back at Yoongi.

“I’m okay.”

Taehyung scoffed. “He wrote me like two songs and he rapped in all of them,” he said, frowning at Hoseok’s modesty. “He’s great!” he gloated, smiling at his boyfriend. “And he can dance too!”

Jungkook jumped in. “And Seokjin-hyung is an amazing singer too!” he smiled at Suga. “We should all write a song together!”

Yoongi smiled. “Well—“

“My friend Namjoon is also a rapper. And Jimin is an amazing singer and dancer,” Hoseok stated before he shot down Jungkook’s idea.

Seokjin laughed, gaining everybody’s attention. “You know, with all these talented people, we might as well become a band!” he was joking but everyone’s eyes went wide and they all cheered, smiling. His face went pale.

“That’s a great idea hyung!” Taehyung shouted joyfully. Everyone began to chat amongst themselves, all stating what they should do and what they should wear and ideas for songs and how they would become famous and Jungkook even stated that all the girls would drool over him because he was ‘the golden maknae’ and Seokjin stared.

Jungkook stared back.

“Maybe a band isn’t such a great idea,” Jin mumbled. Jungkook grinned, kissing him on the lips. Everyone looked away except for Yoongi who seemed a mixture of proud and happy and disgusted.

 “You know that nobody else can stand me like you can, right?” Jungkook said, smiling. Taehyung was just about to protest because hello, he had been his best friend for years despite his sassy attitude but Hoseok shook his head, telling him not to ruin their precious moment. “And you do know that there isn’t anybody else in the world that has managed to catch my attention like you, right?” Jungkook continued cooing, drawing out small portions of a smile from Jin, who was trying to push it down. “And you do know that despite everyone hitting on me everywhere, I never cared about them because I really, really, really like you, right?” this time, Seokjin smiled a bit and Jungkook took this as a victory.

“Well!” Yoongi abruptly stated, “While you four are busy in love and all, let me just say that every one of our fans will be my girlfriend!”

Hoseok and Taehyung looked at each other before smiling. “You do know that there are going to be some fans that will be…” V stopped, trying to come up with the right words to put it, “…younger that Kookie, right?”

Yoongi nodded, shrugging his shoulder. “I don’t care. I’ll be their Oppa. And if there are a few fans older than me, they’ll be my noonas.”

They all smiled.


A/N: OMFG sorry for the very late update but damn, can I just say that being a freshman in high school is hard? And I hope you guys don’t think anything less of me because I’m not a… experienced author or anything. But I try my best! Anyway, I’ve been busy with pre-AP algebra and all so, yeah… I know that this isn’t a good excuse but… hmm okay. COMMENT AND SUBCRIBE!

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10