Why We Love J-Hope


It was the day of the date. Luckily, V was a bit more relaxed this time. His heart didn’t beat as incredibly fast as before, and his head didn’t spin as much, but he still felt nervous. His guts, however, were still one huge knot that only seemed to dissolve when Hoseok was around.

                “Jungkook did say to dress casual…” Taehyung mumbled to himself. He shook his head as he stared at the garments in his closet. Everything he owned was either too dress-y or was simply too casual. He pouted, looking down at the floor. He then pulled out his phone from his front pocket to check the time; 3:45, it read. He thought for a moment.


                He could go to the mall and buy something for tonight…

                Or he could borrow something from Jungkook and run off to see Hoseok at the record shop. He wondered for a moment if he should call J-Hope up or something, but then the biggest smile flashed on his face when he figured it would be a lot cuter if he surprised him. Not that he was trying to be cute for Hoseok or anything…

                Okay, yeah, he was.

                All the boys were in the record shop, all rehearsing for Hoseok’s date. They were, however, all tired, so they all sat down on the counter or the floor and rested for a while, head tossed back, water bottles in hand, sweat all over their faces.

                “Thanks again you guys for, you know…” Hoseok said after he managed to catch his breath. Jimin, who had been drinking from his water bottle, removed his lips with a mute sound before smiling.

                “It’s no problem, hyung!”

                Hoseok wiped his face clean and gestured for everybody to get up when a customer walked in. she was a girl just about Namjoon’s age with caramel brown hair that went past her shoulders. She had a clean face and pink lips, pale face and long legs. She was wearing a striped shirt and a high-waist skirt with stiletto heels and she was so pretty everyone stopped talking.

                J-Hope swallowed. She walked over to him, bag swung over her elbow, smile on her face. “Hello,” her voice was as smooth as silk. “Um, do you mind helping me with something?”

                Hoseok shook his head and then quickly nodded. Before he could screw up anymore, he decided to use his words. “What I mean to say is of course I’ll help you.”

                Taehyung wrapped his denim jacket closer to himself. The long sleeved striped shirt he wore beneath was said to bring his eyes out more (by Jungkook) and the red jeans of his clung perfectly to his legs. They perfectly outlined his figure and he was sure Hoseok would like it. On his feet were his black Jordan’s that had this orange-pinkish outline that matched the black stripes on his shirt. If he didn’t look completely adorable for J-Hope, then may he gods strike him down right now!

                A small smile formed on his lips with every inch he got closer to the shop. His smile got bigger when he pictured Hoseok there, happily greeting him as he entered the shop as if they haven’t seen each other in years, as if Hoseok’s just been waiting there all day for him and him only.

                That adorable little smile was clean off his lips when a female had her little dainty finger on Hoseok’s chest with a smile on her face. Hoseok blushed and looked down shyly, making his eye twitch without him even realizing it. His hands balled up into the starts of a fist before he could even register it. What was this burning feeling in the pit of his stomach? It couldn’t be rage—he only felt that when something really pissed him off and he shouldn’t be pissed off right now because it’s not like Hoseok’s his property—they’re not even dating.

                However, his feet were already moving a bit faster than he had wanted them to towards the couple. His eye was twitching slightly and his blood was boiling—it was as if his heart was a volcano that spewed out lava in his veins, making it boil.

                Hoseok’s smile was clean off his face when a pouting, enraged Taehyung walked in. as if it were instinct, he took a step back, moving away from the female. Taehyung stepped beside Hoseok before grabbing his hand and leading him into the room in the back.

                Hoseok’s eyes went wide. He had ed up; he shouldn’t have been so close to her and he knew it. The grip Taehyung had on his hand never loosened, but it did tighten just a little when the smaller boy turned to lock the door, eyes glaring daggers at Hoseok when he looked back at him.


                Taehyung shook his head. “No. no excuses. Just… give me one good reason as to why I shouldn’t get mad.”

                J-Hope got incredibly close to him before pressing a shameful, apologetic kiss on his forehead. When he pulled away, the boy was still frowning. He sighed. “Because since you’ve entered my life, I’ve been smiling more often. Because I can’t imagine living without you anymore.” He spoke with such sincerity, as if he had spoken with his heart. His eyes never left Taehyung’s and Taehyung could feel his heart melting if only for a brief moment.

                But he had to stay mad if only for another minute. He crossed his arms and looked to the side, afraid that if he met those deep chocolate brown crescents full of honesty, his legs would give out on him.

                V scoffed. “If you say so,” he claimed, unimpressed, barely believing himself.

                J-Hope smiled when his mind wrote out what was really going on. “You get jealous, didn’t you?”

                So that’s the feeling, Taehyung thought to himself as a blush appeared on his face. He ducked his look. When he felt Hoseok smile, he quickly looked up with a frown on his face (But damn, Hoseok thought, he looks so cute when he’s mad), pout on his lips. “AM NOT.” He claimed, looking away. He couldn’t even lie to the guy.

                Hoseok smiled even wider. The fact that Taehyung had actually got jealous over him was something even he couldn’t believe. It was amazing how the boy liked him enough to view him as his property, but it was also a bit saddening how he felt insecure enough to think Hoseok would like someone else. Was she cute? Sure, yeah. Was she better for Hoseok than Taehyung? Absolutely not. Nobody was better for Hoseok than Taehyung. Why? Because Taehyung’s smile, his lips, his taste, his everything was irreplaceable and nobody in this small world could even begin to compare to him. End of discussion.

                “Taehyung-y,” Hoseok mumbled, nose brushing against Taehyung’s. This was the only way he could capture the boy’s attention. “I swear to you that you’re the only guy that I’ll ever really like. And as for her, she doesn’t matter. I didn’t sing for her, I didn’t even go out of my way to make her smile. Matter-a-fact, I could give a flying if she smiled or not. I don’t care about it.” He paused for a second to brush some hair off of Taehyung’s forehead, smile on his face. “I only care about making you smile. I only care about getting your perfect pink lips to twist up into an adorable smile for me because you make my heart beat so fast and I suddenly become a stuttering mess when you do and I just can’t even control my urges to kiss you when you do. Don’t you get it, Kim Taehyung? You drive me insane and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

                When the orange-haired boy smiled, Hoseok’s heart did just as he told him it did when he smiled; it went above the limit to the point where it sent signals of desire into his brain and his lips registered it and—

                Taehyung kissed him softly, sweetly, slowly.

                It was so real, it was so perfect. It was incredible how their lips fit perfectly together, and it was even more incredible how Hoseok could even manage to think when those sweet lips were sliding against his.

                They pulled away with a soft smack. As always, Hoseok’s lips still trembled, if even slightly, when they pulled away; that sweet candy taste was still lingering on his lips, making his taste buds buzz with excitement. It was so perfect; just as perfect as Kim Taehyung.

                Hoseok pulled Taehyung’s hand up to his chest, on his left side, making him feel his beating heart.

                When V felt how fast it was beating under his touch, his eyes met Hoseok’s. It was amazing; how could their hearts beat so fast? Was that even possible? “I-I—“

                J-Hope brought the boy’s smaller hand up to his lips and smiled, pressing a quick kiss on it. “See? That’s how fast my heart beats when I’m around you. Like I said, pretty boy, you drive me insane.”

                V chewed on his bottom lip, unsure of what to say. “You drive me crazy too…”

                J-Hope smiled his trademark grin before answering. “That’s good.”

                A/N: Okay, so I know this was extremely short but I guess it will have to do for your fan-girl needs. If it doesn’t satisfy you and you feel like you want more V-Hope, go to my other story, “Happy Holidays”, and click on the second chapter that should read “V in a Box”. And remember SUBSCIRBE AND COMMENT!

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10