Texting and Movies


It had been a few weeks since the little incident at the shop. Taehyung and Hoseok were always together, and Taehyung was becoming just a bit more daring around his boyfriend. He was still pretty shy, blushing his cute little blush when Hoseok did cute things like peck his lips in public or whisper sweet things into his ear. They visited the café a little more often now; V would get a bit mad at times when Jennifer would talk a bit too much with Hoseok, completely ignoring him. But Hoseok would always give him the acknowledgment he deserves, holding his waist, resting his chin on his shoulder, listening as Jennifer talked and talked.

                School was a lot easier for Taehyung. He was a lot happier and even Jungkook noticed as the older male’s grades got higher. He was surprised to see how well the boy did, considering the fact that he was always daydreaming in class, a huge smile plastered on his face. Teachers did pull him aside a few times, congratulating him on his amazing grades, telling him to keep it up.

                Hoseok was doing pretty good too. His grades went up and his raps were much more powerful than before. His dancing was more energetic and he never slept in any class anymore. Girls tended to flirt with him more, but he would politely refuse. He felt pretty damn happy with his orange-haired boyfriend and he wouldn’t trade him for the world. Many people would ask him how he got better, and he’d simply reply, “I found inspiration.”

                They texted more often, calling each other early in the mornings. Sometimes Taehyung and Hoseok would walk to school together; Hoseok’s school was further and he went in thirty minutes after Taehyung so he pretty much had enough time to walk the boy to school and take a bus to school. (Even if he had a car, gasoline was expensive to take it all the way to his school and it was a good excuse to get more time with V).

                Hoseok was working with much more energy, every day happy, waiting for Taehyung to show up. And let’s just say that Seokjin was there a lot more often too; he and Jungkook were getting closer every day and he even had the boy’s number. However, he was still a bit too shy to approach the boy outside of work, so he made the most out of every visit.

                Right now, Taehyung was lying on his bed, phone in hand, smiling at the screen like a love-sick idiot. Jungkook was ransacking his kitchen, hungry.

                Good morning, Tae.  

                Taehyung rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips.

                Good morning, hyung. How’d you sleep?

                I slept just fine. Actually, I had the most amazing dream.

                What did u dream about? :/

                An angel. He had orange hair and he kissed me. You know, I forgot his name. I think it was V or something like that. No, but seriously, it was one of the most beautiful dreams I’ve ever had… ;)

                Taehyung rolled his eyes once again. It was kind of sweet, but it also made him blush, simply because of the fact that Hoseok had dreamt of him.

                So what are you doing now?

                Nothing. I’m bored a/f. When are you coming over?

                As soon as I can.

                That’s not fast enough.

                … As soon as I go get Jungkook out of my kitchen. This might take a while…

                XD I’ll see you later then, princess.

                Bye Hobie-hyung! <3

                Taehyung looked at the time, biting his lip in thought. It was Saturday, so there was no school, and he wasn’t exactly busy. But Hoseok would want to go to the café and Jennifer would surely be there and he just didn’t feel like putting up with jealousy today… Maybe it would be best if they hung out at the record shop and ordered take-out or something…

                He sighed.

                But being with his boyfriend did sound like a good idea…

                Damn your charming face, Hoseok!

                He quickly slipped on his shoes and ran his hand through his hair, checking himself in the mirror before calling Jungkook. “Kookie! Come one! We’re going to see Hoseok!”

                “Is there going to be food?!”

                Taehyung sighed, shaking his head. “Yes! And if you want, for desert, you’ll get to see Seokjin!”

                Jungkook pouted, blushing. He was so glad that hyung wasn’t there to see his face light up like a Christmas tree. “HYUNG! For the last time, I DON’T LIKE HIM! He’s my friend!”

                The older male rolled his eyes, fixing the collar of his jacket. “Whatever you say, Kookie! But let’s just go!”

                Hoseok was tapping his fingers on the table, letting out a heavy, irritated sigh. It was getting boring; the shop was full and everybody was wondering about, talking, but nobody was buying anything. It tended to get very boring, very fast. Namjoon wasn’t there because he had to take care of his sick mother and he left the shop completely to Hoseok. Jimin was in his vocal classes and Jin wasn’t there yet. Taehyung was taking way too long to come over and it made Hoseok feel like a child; he pouted too much, something that a child would do.

                “Excuse me,” said a blushing teenage girl. She looked at him bashfully. When Hoseok looked up at her, she quickly looked down. She was shifting from foot to foot, helplessly playing with her hands because she probably didn’t know what else to do. “But, uh,” she looked up at him, “I was kind of wondering if you could—“ she then looked back down, shaking her head, “help me out with something,” she added in quickly.

                Hoseok raised a brow. “Yeah, sure. What do you need?”

                She hummed for a second, deep in thought. “Well, do you happen to have any new Born to Beat CD’s?”

                “Yeah. They’re in the very front of the store.”

                “B-but, uh—“

                The little bell above the door rang, signaling the arrival of a new customer. Just like he had been doing for the past few minutes, Hoseok looked over, hoping it was his cute boyfriend. As soon as he saw that perfect shy smile of Taehyung’s, his heart did flips, he beamed, and totally forgot about the stuttering girl before him. Taehyung was like the only person in the room.

                Taehyung stepped through the crowd, making sure not to bump into those two idiot teenagers that were staring at him as if he were a piece of meat. Once he got near Hoseok, his smile grew even wider. “Good morning,” Taehyung chirped with a charming smile on his face. Jungkook, who was lagging behind him, had a bag of chips in his hand, frowning when some twenty year old idiot almost knocked him out.

                “Morning!” Jungkook called from his spot; he was just about to go into the employee lounge when Hoseok shook his head

                “Sorry, maknae, but Jin’s not here yet.”

                Jungkook pouted, his smile fading off of his lips. “What? Why?” he scowled bitterly at him. He quickly went towards Hoseok, stabbing an accusing finger into his chest as he said every word. “You tell that little er to hurry u—“

                “Calm down, Kookie. Jin’s gonna be here in a few minutes. He’s just running a bit late because—never mind. He’ll be here soon,” Hoseok assured. He grabbed the boy’s shoulders and gently pushed him back.

                Jungkook’s eyes narrowed. “No, no, finish your sentence.”

                “Seriously, n—“

                “FINISH YOUR SENTENECE.”

                Hoseok sighed. “He’s running late because he’s trying to pick up some girl and—“the bell rang, and Jin walked in with some girl. He had his arm wrapped around the beautiful girl’s shoulder. Immediately, Hoseok and Taehyung looked over at Jungkook. The younger male had his lip in-between his teeth, his cheeks turning a light shade of red. Hoseok and Taehyung both shared a look.

                Seokjin was laughing with the female when they walked in, but something about the fire in Jungkook’s eyes made his entire facial expression drop. Now it was on; Jin and Jungkook were staring at each other; Jungkook looked like a pissed off girlfriend and Seokjin looked like a dear caught in headlight.

                Taehyung held Hoseok’s hand and they both took a step back.

                The girl that Hoseok had been attending had her eyes wide and she was almost against the wall. The girl that was under Jin’s arm was staring up at him and then at the pissed off kid. It was like a showdown… one that Seokjin was losing miserably…

                He bit his lip as he approached the group. “Hey,” he said in an even voice, making sure he didn’t crack under the pressure. Taehyung waved and Hoseok smiled politely. Jungkook crossed his arms, unimpressed, a bit hurt. “This is Mei.”

                Mei waved, her long caramel colored hair swinging a bit when she did so. She wasn’t ugly; she had porcelain white skin and caramel hair that went down her back and it was curled to perfection. She had on a stripped skirt that fit her above her knees and she had on a loose blouse that completed the look and it made it look as if she were wearing a dress. She looked beautiful. She didn’t even need make-up; even if she did have on a light peach shadow and light pink lip gloss.

                She shined like a star while Jungkook…

                Jungkook had on a white t-shirt with a picture of Mickey Mouse covering his mouth. He had on a pair of light blue skinny jeans and black Nike’s high-tops. He wore his black piercing on his left ear and his hair was messy.

                Compared to her, he looked like . (A/N: No, he doesn’t. the kid’s just being dramatic. Jungkook always looks like an angel. Okay, I’m sorry. Author’s notes are for the end. Please, continue.)

                “Hey, everyone.” Did her voice have to sound so melodious?

                “Hello,” Jungkook said blandly. He nodded to Seokjin before heading off into the employee’s lounge, shutting the door behind him.

                Seokjin stared at the door, hands falling to his sides.

                He couldn’t explain it. There was an aching in his insides. It felt as if his heart swelled up to the size of his entire stomach; that would explain the reason as to why he felt like he couldn’t breathe, why he felt like his stomach was bottomless, why it felt as if his heart was beating in his throat.

                Jungkook lay on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. His eyes burned for some reason he still couldn’t figure out. He sighed; it came out ragged and his throat burned. When he saw them together, he felt his heart drop and then everything stopped; but now everything he hadn’t felt then came over him just now like a pile of bricks and it hurt.

                He didn’t know what to do now.

                What could he do?

                He was rude to that girl that hadn’t done anything to him and Hoseok and Taehyung were probably confused. And Seokjin…

                God, Jungkook didn’t even want to think about it.

                Seokjin was probably so mad at him. He caused a scene in front of so many people and in front of his… girlfriend. Jungkook probably embarrassed him and he’s probably so pissed off at him.

                But, wait a second. Jungkook shouldn’t give a if Jin was mad at him. Jin pissed and hurt Jungkook off before anything and—

                I shouldn’t care. If he didn’t care about how I would feel about some , why should I give a ? I don’t even know why I’m mad anyways... Jungkook thought as he hugged a pillow, turning to his side. We’re just friends. That’s it. I mean, sure, I like him. What the hell am I saying? I’ve had a crush on that man since I first saw him… But he obviously doesn’t like me back. He sees me as a kid and wait—stop thinking. You’re only making things worse. Just, don’t think, don’t think…

                As he was deep in thoughts, he hadn’t even realized that his best friend had just walked in. Taehyung silently shut the door behind him, smiling halfheartedly. “Hey,” he called softly.

                Jungkook didn’t even flinch. “Hey,” he mumbled. It came out weak, much like his feelings.

                Taehyung moved cautiously, making sure that he didn’t burst the calm state Jungkook was in. he slipped into the other couch, moving his legs up to fold near his thighs on the couch. He tilted his head to the side, his lips. “Are you okay?”

                It was only then that Jungkook looked at him. It was a blank look but after a while he managed a small, weak smile. “I guess so…”

                The older male sighed. “No, you’re not. You like Jin and you’re mad at him because he found himself some girl. I know how you feel, Kookie.”

                Jungkook narrowed his eyes, scowling. “No, you don’t. The boy you like asked you out. You wouldn’t understand, hyung.” He sighed, looking back up at the ceiling.

                Taehyung’s soft voice drew his attention back. “I know exactly how you feel. Hoseok wasn’t always my boyfriend, you know. Before we were actually a thing, we were nothing. He wasn’t exactly my friend but he wasn’t my boyfriend neither. I was so jealous when he was around Jennifer. And I’m not going to lie, I still do. But, in the end, Hoseok proved to me that I was the only one for him…”

                “Will you please stop rubbing in your happy ending?” Jungkook scowled. “Besides, Hoseok clearly likes you. Seokjin just sees me as a kid. A stupid, naïve kid.”

                “No, I don’t.”

                Jungkook’s head immediately shot up. His heart went racing and his cheeks boiled just as fast. Taehyung’s eyes went wide and he slowly scooted out of the room, not wanting to get caught in the cross fire.

                Seokjin shut the door behind him, cautiously getting closer to Jungkook.

                “H-how long were y-you here f-for?” Jungkook managed after a while.

                Jin crouched down, hand sneaking to rest on Jungkook’s thigh like he had done before. Jungkook’s gaze dropped. “Long enough.” His voice was so soft, even. “I didn’t know that you liked me, baby boy.”

                Deciding not to mention the nickname for now, Jungkook bit his lip, looking away. The hand on his thigh felt as if it were burning his skin but he never wanted it to leave. “I-I—“he shook his head, hair bouncing a bit. “It doesn’t matter. You have her and we’re just friends…”

                “I don’t have anybody,” Jin whispered. He kept looking up, hoping to catch Jungkook’s attention but he never did. “And I know things are moving way to fast, but it’s almost been a month since I met you and I have to get something off of my chest. Don’t speak, just listen to me, okay?”

                A slow nod of the head was all he needed to continue.

                “Ever since I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful person in the world. Words couldn’t describe how I felt when I saw you. I couldn’t even think around you. And then you were sassy and I thought it was pretty cute. Besides, the little fights we had were kind of enjoyable; it was an excuse to get closer to you. And then I called you beautiful and we became friends and, well, I was disappointed. I wanted you to be mine… and then this…” he couldn’t stand it. He wanted Jungkook’s eyes on him; he didn’t only want him to hear how weak he sounded, he wanted him to see it too. He cupped the boy’s chin and looked him deep in the eyes, making sure he didn’t look down as he spoke. “I don’t like her. Yes, she’s very pretty, but she’s not you.” He smiled softly at the boy’s blush. “I don’t want to settle with pretty, I want to stick with perfect…”

                He gently brushed aside the hair that was falling on Jungkook’s eyes and leaned in. “In case you haven’t realized this yet, Kookie, you’re perfect.”

                Seokjin was going to say more but Jungkook’s sweet, warm lips cut him off. His soft, delicate arms wrapped around his neck and his natural aroma drowned Jin’s nose. It took Seokjin a minute to respond, still in awe. But once his body began working again, Jin’s hands began to small circles on the younger male’s thighs, making them slow and soothing. Meanwhile his lips were moving in sync with Jungkook’s, making sure the boy was comfortable with every move he made. Their lips were like pieces of a puzzle; they fit in perfectly.

                Jungkook was the one who slowly pulled away, cheeks a bright red.

                Jin was completely silent, eyes a bit wide, lips a slightly darker shade.

                It was completely quiet for a while and Jungkook was so scared; he thought that maybe he had ed up. “It’s okay if you didn’t like it, hyung. I mean,” he sounded ashamed as he said the next part, “that was my first kiss.”

                Seokjin chuckled softly, running his thumb pad across his cheek. “You really are naïve. Baby, that was amazing. That certainly didn’t feel like a first kiss.”

                Jungkook’s blush deepened. “Sh-shut up.”

                “I’m worried,” Taehyung mumbled. He was sitting on the counter, all the customers long gone after Hoseok had helped them out. Taehyung helped him out with the cash register; he had worked as a cashier before part-time to help pay for the apartment but now Jungkook mainly paid the rent. Man, he needed a job.

                Hoseok stepped up and slotted himself in-between the boy’s thighs, resting his head on his shoulder. “Don’t be. Focus on me, baby. I’m sure they’re fine,” he cooed, hands wrapping around Taehyung’s waist.

                That warm feeling in Taehyung’s stomach began to stir, making his heart race. He sighed. It was hard to focus with his body on fire; it felt as if Hoseok was touching him everywhere and it made his cheeks burn. He seriously couldn’t even concentrate when Hoseok was treating him with so much adoration.

                “I-I guess you’re right,” Taehyung managed after a while. Hoseok smiled warmly from his spot, nuzzling his face further into his shoulder, warmth breath tickling Taehyung’s neck. His breathing hitched.

                “You know, you haven’t kissed me all day today,” Hoseok complained more than stated. He looked up at V with a pout, hands gripping his waist a bit tighter now.

                The younger male chuckled cutely, wrapping his arms around his shoulders before leaning in to place a gentle, chaste kiss onto his lips. It wasn’t very long but it was well deserved and sweet, much like they all were.

                Hoseok pulled away with a charming grin and V simply giggled softly. “You look so cute when you laugh.”

                “You spoil me, really,” Taehyung mumbled after a minute, “you’re always so sweet to me.”

                Hoseok laced their fingers together and smirked warmly at V. “You deserve it, V. I mean, your whole life nobody’s even taken the time to study how perfect you are, they just studied your body. And I’m not them. I’m here to make you feel what you really are—beautiful.”

                Taehyung’s eyes began to swell up in tears and before one spilled, Hoseok pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, drowning out the feeling of sadness bubbling up in the boy’s chest to replace it with bashfulness. V wrapped his arms around Hoseok’s neck and embraced him tightly, erasing the tear on his eye.

                “You mean the world to me, Hoseok,” Taehyung whispered softly into his ear. “Please, never leave me.”

                Hoseok kissed his neck softly. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

                “So now you two are—“ Jimin was cut off by Jungkook, who was sitting on Jin’s lap because the rest of the seats were taken and Seokjin refused to let him sit on the floor.

                “Dating, yes.” Jungkook announced with a happy smile.

                Namjoon raised a brow. “So what happened to that girl you walked in with?”

Seokjin saw as Jungkook scowled, mumbling a slew of insults about Mei, resting his elbow on the couch’s arm rest, chin coming to rest on his palm, lips pulled into a pout. Jin simply chuckled, pulling the kid in, hugging him from behind harder, pulling him in so close that the only way they could get any closer was if they molded together. The other boys just stared, some confused, some smiling.

“Well,” Jin hummed, smiling when Jungkook rolled his eyes and tried to pull away in a fit of jealousy, “let’s just say that she had her happy ending with someone else and so did I.”

“Ah,” Hoseok said after a while, capturing everyone’s attention. “So basically, while you and Jungkook were eating each other’s faces off, Mei was flirting with someone else.”

Taehyung giggled, resting his head on Hoseok’s shoulder.

Jin narrowed his eyes. “You’re making it sound like she was only with me because she was easy.”

Jungkook scoffed, moving away from Jin’s grasp to rest his chin on his palm once more, a very irritated, a very jealous feeling bubbling in his chest; this was dangerous. “That’s because she was,” he mumbled quite easily, sounding sassy.

“Hey!” Seokjin exclaimed; he was offended. “Are you saying that I couldn’t have gotten someone unless they were easy?”

Jungkook glared at him. “First of all, I’m not easy. Second of all, why the hell would you need anyone when you have me?”

“You’re right. I’m sorry, baby.” Seokjin gave in; he was no match to those beautiful eyes of Jungkook. They looked like a caramel color now when they were caught in the light and the adorable pout on his face only made him all the more irresistible.

Jungkook grinned, snuggling closer to Jin.

“Anyway~” Jimin almost sang after a while, trying to get rid of the cutesy picture of couples all over the place, cuddling. Everyone looked at him, finally snapping themselves out of the trance they were in as they stared at “V-Hope” and “Jinkook”. “How’s Seungri, Hoseok-hyung?”

Hoseok shrugged his shoulders. “On tour.” Taehyung grinned, looking at Hoseok like a pleading puppy, wanting to hear more. J-Hope sighed. “Baby,” he looked at V, “how would you like to go to a concert for our one month anniversary?”

Taehyung’s eyes went wide, heart beating quickly. “A-re you serious?” Hoseok nodded. “Y-you’d do that f-for me?”

“Of course.” He smiled. “That is, unless you don’t want to.”

 V shook his head. “No! Of course I’d love to go!”

Hoseok nodded, smirking at the cute excited boy before him. He looked so perfect sitting there, smile on his face, just because J-Hope always knew how to make him happy. That was his job, his mission—it was Hoseok’s duty to please the boy, to make up for all the disappointments in his life.

“It’s settled then. I’ll call Seungri tomorrow and we’ll get something figured out. Meanwhile,” he looked over at Namjoon, “we should do something together.”

Jimin nodded excitedly. “I heard there’s a fair coming! We should go, Hobie hyung!”

Hoseok chuckled. “As soon as it comes, we’ll go. But what do you guys want to do now?”

Namjoon shrugged. “We could go to the movies. The Woman In Back 2 just came out.”

Everyone nodded, happily. “A horror movie, huh?” Seokjin chirped, a smug look plastered on his pretty face. “That’s great. It’d be an amazing excuse for Kookie over here to snuggle up with me when he gets scared.”

Jungkook pouted.

Jimin made barfing noises, looking down, grasping himself onto the couch. It was dramatic, to say the least. “Please, stop,” he pleaded, holding onto his stomach, the other hand going up in a stopping motion. “You’re so cute it’s sickening.”

Just because of that, Hoseok leaned over, cupped Taehyung’s chin and kissed him slowly, chastely. When he pulled away just as slowly, V was blushing, still a bit dumbstruck. He blinked, confused, and Hoseok smiled sweetly.

Everyone laughed when Jimin dropped down to his knees, pretending to puke.


Jimin was getting the tickets for the movie while Jungkook and Seokjin went to buy the snacks. Hoseok and Taehyung were carrying around the popcorn and Namjoon was checking the time for the next viewing, trying to see how long they had to play some games and chill.

They all met up at the lobby after a while, Namjoon having saved them a small couch to sit on. Somehow, they all fit in (well, by somehow I mean that Jungkook was sitting on Jin’s lap and Taehyung was sitting on Hoseok, ignoring the blush spreading on his cheeks; Hoseok was quite pleased, actually).

Taehyung had both of the popcorn tubs on his lap, hands wrapped around them so that they wouldn’t fall. Jungkook gave the snacks to Namjoon to carry around because he was too lazy to do it and because he would much rather use his hands to hold Jin’s. Jimin had the drinks; they only had four so he was able to carry them in a case; he had given the tickets to everyone so now it was their responsibility (even if everyone ended up giving them to Seokjin because he was the responsible one).

“So when’s the movie starting, hyung?” Jimin asked, looking at Namjoon.

The rapper checked his phone and then looked back at Jimin. “In like five minutes. We should start heading over before all the good seats are taken; it should be quite full now considering today’s the first viewing of the movie.”

Taehyung nodded. “Let’s go, hyung.” He said, looking at Hoseok. The older rapper nodded, gently squeezing his waist to get him to get up. Everybody else stood; the couple took a while longer to compose themselves because they had to get up and make sure the things they were carrying didn’t fall off.

They sat in the back of the theater, but not the very back because they would hate to have everybody else’s heads in the way of the screen. Of course the couples sat together, leaving Jimin and Namjoon to the sides. The males were thankful for it; this way they wouldn’t be interrupted while the movie was playing by the cute cuddling.

A few minutes had passed and, just like any movie, the beginning was kind of boring. Jimin and Namjoon shared a bucket of popcorn and the couples shared one tub. Taehyung had a small packet of jelly beans and Hoseok ended up being fed by his cute boyfriend. Jimin had some skittles and Namjoon had Crunch balls and Jin had M & M’s. It was all fine.

Minutes turned into almost an hour and Jungkook’s eyes went wide; he had clung to a smiling Seokjin throughout the scary moments. Hoseok was enjoying himself too; Taehyung would tend to hide his face in the crook of his neck when slow, horrifying music came on, breathing hot air onto his neck the whole time. And the best part was that V rarely went back to his seat.

“It’s alright, Taehyung-y,” Hoseok cooed into the male’s ear, relaxing his muscles, “I’m here. I’ll protect you.”

V nodded, biting his bottom lip. Slowly, he released his grip. He was still holding onto J-Hope’s side, however, but he seemed a lot less tense. He his lips, glancing at Hoseok before back at the screen, trying to calm his sprinting heart.

His breath was still hitching about five minutes later, but he felt Hoseok’s hand grip him tightly and just like that, he felt safe. Hoseok shot him an assuring look and he immediately felt better, safe. He rested his head on Hoseok’s shoulder, smiling, blushing when Hoseok kissed his hair. They could hear a few girls behind them cooing, all blushing and gathering together, whispering to each other when Hoseok and Taehyung looked back. They smiled at each other, laughing softly. They were shocked they weren’t hushed by anyone.

Maybe they too were enjoying the show.

A/N: So, thanks so much for sticking with me this long! Don’t worry, this isn’t the end…yet. Love you my wonderful subscribers! SHOUTS OUT TO: Lindylinn and Zess16 for the cute comments! But I’m a bit disappointed that Dontyoudare won’t be updating anytime soon… but she goes before anything else. COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!


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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10