

When you beat someone up, it doesn’t exactly have to require any violence. Sometimes words kill a person, sometimes a look, or maybe even a memory. J-Hope knew, being he was knocked out by one or the other during his lifetime. But never, ever in his life-time would he ever have guessed that someone’s natural beauty could be enough to knock him out for the count.

                It was around ten in the morning when the teen had went out for a walk. School was tiring. Hell, he was thankful for every damned holiday that sprung out of the calendar as long as there was no school. Like today, on Columbus Day, when the schools decided to overlook Columbus’ dictator-like qualities to give everybody their much deserved day off. Hoseok gripped his hoodie tighter around himself as the cold wind blew past the soft material to tickle his skin, something Hoseok didn’t appreciate.

                He walked into a small café he and his friend Jimin had walked into dozens of times before. The nice lady behind the counter knew him pretty well, enough to know he was always there after school when he had a chance or on simple strolls. When he walked in, Jennifer, who was busy at the cash register, looked up at him. He smirked softly at her right before she smiled so widely her eyes crinkled up and she waved. J-Hope ignored when the customer scowled in his direction to wave back politely at his friend.

                Jennifer was a pretty girl with shoulder-length caramel colored hair that looked orange due to the setting sun outside. Her eyes were a burned hazelnut color that were even warmer when she smiled. She had pale skin that went fairly well with her navy blue and white striped shirt and her light colored skinny jeans. Yes, she was quite a sight. Hoseok was surprised she didn’t have a boyfriend.

                When it was his turn to order, Jennifer had already billed him and handed him a hot cup of hot chocolate. She knew him so well. When it was freezing cold, it was a cup of hot cocoa he ordered. When it was warm, a Frappuccino.  And when it was spring, he mixed it up.

                He smiled widely at her. “Thanks, Jenny. You’re the best.”

                She winked back at him, giggling softly. “Don’t you forget it.”

                Hoseok had just sat down when the café’s little bell rung. He turned around only to have his heart react by jumping up his throat. Luckily, he had already put his coffee down because his arms felt like jelly. His body gave out for only a millisecond, but even after his brain had decided to function again his breathing was still a bit off.

                A boy about his age had walked in. His bright orange colored hair and his soft features were the first few things to draw Hoseok’s attention. The boy had milky-white skin and a somewhat pointy nose. His eyes were the cutest little crescents J-Hope had ever seen and right now they were a coffee colored delight, even if they were blank. His lips were the lightest shade of pink-the most amazing thing J-Hope had ever seen. He had a piercing on his pointy ears that were framed by strands of brown hair that layered beneath the orange. He was average height, but he seemed just a centimeter taller than Hoseok. He looked like a kid, a very tall, very precious kid.

                The orange-haired teen walked up to the cash register, right past Hoseok.

                J-Hope picked up his cup and blew, almost choking when the sweet scent of chocolate was disrupted by the even sweeter scent of honeysuckle and something else. Hoseok looked up only to be greeted by the retreating back of the cute stranger.

                His eyes followed him to the register, locking onto him as he ordered. Jennifer felt a stare, a very heavy one at that, on her direction. While the boy in front of her looked down to fetch the money, she shook her head at a blushing Hoseok. ‘Talk to him’, she mouthed. With his eyebrows scrunched, he shook his head. ‘No way’, he mouthed back.

                He could talk to just about anyone, but when it came to really, really, really pretty people like that guy, nope, he became a babbling weirdo. He just knew that no matter how hard he tried, his tongue would get twisted and somehow, in the first few minutes, he would had struck out. J-Hope would really hate to chase that kid away just because he was a dork in front of beauty.

                Taehyung had handed the girl the money with a smile, something that Hoseok had missed because Jennifer was still mouthing all kinds of motivations. No matter, J-Hope had ignored each of them. 

                The taller teen then stepped to the side, pulling out his phone while he waited. The café wasn’t exactly crowded, but it wasn’t empty either. A few people stood by Taehyung, all waiting.

                J-Hope cursed. What the hell was he supposed to do now? He had at least five minutes to get some words in, he knew it, but a bigger part of him reminded him that he would embarrass himself and that little taunt kept him planted to that chair. But what the was he doing there? Why was he still seated when he knew he had a chance? Why didn’t he take it? What’s the worst that could happen?

                And before he knew it, his legs were moving towards the very picture of perfection.


                Taehyung looked up at him a bit confused, a bit embarrassed. “Um… hi?” he said, although it came out more like a question, but his voice was as smooth as silk. This almost knocked Hoseok off his feet. Was he talking to him? Was this seriously happening?

                “Hi,” Hoseok all but mumbled. Stupid, he whispered to himself, very stupid move. After he composed himself, he looked up at the taller male. “Sorry, but I gotta be honest with you. I at talking to cute people like you and when you walked in, I had to gather up so much courage to simply walk up to you. I know it sounds very cheesy, but it’s the truth. So, now I’m gonna walk away because you look fairly confused and because I’m sure I’ve already made a fool out of myself. Sorry for bothering you.” Hoseok mumbled, smiling softly before turning on his heel to leave.

                Taehyung was blushing, blinking in confusion. That guy was pretty handsome, he had to admit. But he kept fiddling and looking down so much, Taehyung could barely look at him. The words he said stuck with him throughout the waiting process, and they continued ringing in his ears even when he picked up his cup of coffee. He wished he could’ve gotten a few words in himself, tell him that this was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to him. But the male seemed a bit pissed off. He was mumbling things to himself, looking out the window, never sparing Taehyung another glance.

                It was only right after the orange haired male had picked up his coffee that he decided he would try to say something to the handsome chocolate-colored haired male.

                “So ing stupid… you should’ve stayed seated…” Hoseok mumbled to himself, scowling bitterly at the window. Taehyung giggled, startling the cursing teen. J-Hope jumped in his chair, cheeks burning a cherry red. His heart leaped up to his throat, ears buzzing with a melodious sound.  He could hardly believe that piece of beauty was standing right before him.

                “Actually, I’m glad you walked up to me.” Taehyung admitted shyly, blood rushing to his face. “That was pretty sweet, all that you said. I’m sorry for not saying anything. But since you were so honest, I guess I should be honest too…” he paused, looking down. “Nobody’s ever told me I was pretty before.”

                A gasp escaped Hoseok’s lips. “What the hell?” he said, voice drowning in disbelief, eyebrows knitted together. “Are you serious?” Taehyung chuckled, hand crawling up his neck to scratch it awkwardly. He shifted from foot to foot, an embarrassed smile drawn on his lips.

                “Yeah… I just don’t know why you find it so hard to believe…”

                I feel like I’m forgetting something…

                “Take a seat, uh, please,” Hoseok suggested, hand gesturing to the chair across from him. Taehyung nodded shyly, cheeks burning for no apparent reason. Hoseok then, like a perfect gentlemen, quickly stood and pulled Taehyung’s chair for him, drawing out a darker shade from the younger male. V then sat down, his lips, ignoring the slightest tingle in the very pit of his stomach. J-Hope pushed in his chair and then sat down on his own chair, smiling at the cute boy from across his chair.

                “Thank you…” Taehyung mumbled, looking down at his coffee, trying oh so desperately to hide the dark pink on his cheeks.

                So cute… Hoseok thought to himself as he studied the rose-colored cheeks. 

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10