Let's Talk About Love


They decided to go shopping. Well, more like Jungkook and Taehyung decided they wanted something new to wear and their aegyo lured Yoongi in and smirks and winks drew Jin and Hoseok in. being maknaes was awesome.

They took Hoseok’s Ford. Of course Taehyung called shotgun because of obvious reasons and Yoongi was stuck in the back with the mushy love/hate couple. He sat beside the window, reading a message he had received from his mother a few minutes ago, reminding him to study and all. Yoongi rolled his eyes fondly, texting back that today was ‘his day off from the books’. He loved how his mother cared so much about him, despite the fact that he was grown she still adored to remind him of little things like this. Even if he had moved away a while back, he still felt as if he had her there.

The boys arrived a few minutes later, Jungkook and Taehyung being the first to run out of the car, happily chatting amongst themselves, linking arms like gossiping girls, leaving the rest of the boys behind to snicker, shaking their heads.

Right before they entered the doors, the two youngest males looked back to hold their respectful boyfriend’s hands, smiling. Yoongi pouted. “Yah!” he exclaimed, catching the other boy’s attention. “I feel like the fifth wheel!”

They simply chuckled. “That’s because you are,” Jungkook reminded him slyly, grinning back at his beloved Jin.

Yoongi rolled his eyes before going before the couples, just reaching out to open the door for them.


“I should’ve seen this coming,” Hoseok mumbled under his breath. He spread his legs a bit, ducking down to rest his elbows on his thighs, chin falling on his palms.

Yoongi patted his back, trying to lift his spirits a bit. Jin, who was in the same position, expect that he only used one hand to rest his chin, nodded in agreement, huffing out a sigh.

They had been sitting there for almost an hour, waiting for Taehyung and Jungkook to exit the dressing rooms. Why didn’t they like anything? Everything looked good on them, yet, here they were, patiently losing their patience. That is, if that made any sense. Taehyung would come out to model a shirt or something and Hoseok would tell him he looked good but of course Taehyung would point out an invisible flaw and go pick out something else to wear. Jungkook would come out, looking as perfect as all hell but noooooo… apparently Seokjin seemed angry at him because he was taking too long or something like that and he would pout and complain as to why Jin wasn’t paying any attention to him, asking if he suddenly realized how ugly he was and found someone else he’d rather be with, to which Jin would simply shake his head and he had to hop into the dressing room on more than one occasion, mainly to eat his face off, and that would satisfy Jungkook for a while before he started again and Seokjin found this all to be very exhausting.

“I don’t know how you guys do this,” Yoongi murmured after a while. Finally there was some conversation going on that weren’t complaints or whines. Jin and Hoseok both looked relieved.

“What do you mean?” Hoseok asked, this time throwing both of his arms behind himself to lean back, tilting his head to the side in order to look at the older rapper.

Yoongi gestured with his hands, doing a spinning motion, biting his lips. “You know,” he said, still trying to look for the right words. “This whole…relationship thing.”

“Explain,” Jin said, sounding intrigued.

Yoongi sighed, leaning back. “I mean, I love these guys and all, but they can be a handful,” he stated. “Don’t get me wrong, though,” he quickly interjected when Hoseok and Seokjin both scowled at him. “They’re great and all, but it’s just that…well,” he stopped with this whole innocent boy thing before sighing and looking at them both seriously. “Taehyung can be a bit weird and he’s not bad looking so of course many people want to flirt. And he does really adore skin-ship…” he trailed off, looking at Hoseok. He looked at Seokjin before continuing. “And Jungkook’s awesome too, but he is the maknae which means that he’s a kid who’s still naïve to this and he’s blind to the whole relationship thing. Meaning that he tends to be very insecure and sometimes a bit sensitive and, well, doesn’t it get hard?”

Hoseok bit his bottom lip, looking down. He knew all of this the moment they met, but he adored Taehyung’s weirdness; he loved taking stupid pictures with him and he controlled his jealousy when Jungkook and Taehyung interacted in a way that was way too close because he understood that they were best friends. He learned to ignore the stares people gave his boyfriend and tried to focus on the fact that V didn’t seem to even acknowledge them.

“Well…” Hoseok started, snapping Seokjin out of the same thinking process he was surely having. “I mean, it is hard at times, but I think I speak for the both of when I say that it’s worth it. It’s not like anyone’s perfect,” he smiled, “but Taehyung’s pretty damn close to it. He’s all I’ve ever wanted and it’s not like I didn’t know anything when I chose to date him. It’s not like as soon as we start dating, people are unattractive to us and it’s not like we’re unattractive to other people. I knew what I was getting myself into but, just because I really, really like him, I chose to look past those small flaws he has. I see his flaws more as… individualities… things that make him…him.”

Yoongi’s state of confusion turned melted into a grin at the speech. The way Hoseok spoke of his was like pure poetry, like he didn’t even have to think of the words. There was no doubt in Suga’s mind that those two went perfect together.

“And as for Kookie,” Jin began, smiling up at the ceiling. “I know he’s young and he might not know what he wants, but I know for a fact that I want him. He might change his mind and throw me away after a while, but I don’t care. All I ever wanted was to be with him, to get to teach him so many things and fall for him… I know that he’s insecure at times and that can get irritating but, if I’m honest, I like being there to cheer him up, to see him smile. I like letting him see how beautiful he is to me…”

Yoongi’s grin widened. Yup… his maknaes had truly found themselves great people. He had no doubt in his mind that there wasn’t anything they couldn’t do together. He was happy that they had found people as amazing as Jin and Hoseok. All four of them should be happy that they found amazing boyfriends and, on the way, even great friends.

Jungkook and Taehyung stepped out. Jungkook was sporting a HBA (Hood by Air) long sleeve white t-shirt along with black baggy pants that had a green star and a bull along with words in the pocket on one side with the other side had a blue lace painted. He had on Timberland’s and Seokjin smiled warmly at him, his heart melting at the sight of perfection before him.

“How does this l—“

“It looks perfect,” Seokjin quickly cut off with a smile; he didn’t do it because he wanted to leave, he did it because he was being honest, because he truly meant it.

Jungkook raised a brow. “Are you sure? Because I think it looks a bit b—“

“No,” Jin said, shaking his head. “It doesn’t.”

Taehyung had on some shorts—they were a light blue color and they went above his knees because he folded them a bit—they had a few holes in it that actually looked more like scratched instead and he too had on Timberland’s. He wore a black long sleeve shirt with patterns on the sleeves—but the patterns were only below the elbow in a small square. The colors really drew more attention to his orange hair and his beautiful face and Hoseok was left sitting there, stunned speechless.

Seokjin and Jungkook were at the cash register and Yoongi was standing in the corner, probably in his twitter or something. Taehyung was blushing, looking down at his feet because the way Hoseok was looking at him was just—wow. It actually looked like he would eat him up with one look. His lips were slightly parted, and his eyes were just a bit wide.

Hoseok continued to stare at his model-like boyfriend, the corners of his lips twitching up into a smile, lips still slightly parted—he had to admit he felt kind of stupid looking at Taehyung the way that he was but the boy didn’t comment.

“Um, H-hyung?” Taehyung stuttered out, voice drained in shyness. He had never been looked at this way; he didn’t really know how to react to it. The insides of his stomach were twisted into one big knot and his cheeks began to boil.

Hoseok his lips, trying desperately to catch his breath. “Yeah?” he breathed out, sounding somewhat like an idiot.

The younger boy bit his bottom lip, looking away. “Y-you’re staring…”

J-Hope simply nodded. “Yeah…” he finally managed to catch his breath, lips closing. He smirked as he walked closer to the orange-haired man, smirking even wider once the boy noticed and began to blush an even brighter shade of crimson. “I guess I am.” He was now right in front of him, looking the boy right into his chocolate colored crescents.

Taehyung’s heart began to race. Some girl employee was in the background, staring. She shot Hoseok’s back a knowing smirk before leaving, pretending that she didn’t see what she had.

“H-hyu-hyung?” V stuttered, trying to not get caught looking back into Hoseok’s lazy eyes. While J-Hope’s eyes read nothing but peace, his read something like horror mixed in with something that a few might call lust.

Hoseok s his arms slowly around Taehyung’s waist, almost teasingly, his fingers slowly caressing the small of his waist before linking together behind his back. And then, in one swift movement, Hoseok pushed V’s skinnier body against his own, smirking deviously. V gulped, arms resting on J-Hope’s biceps, heart speeding.

“You look to gorgeous for words,” Hoseok muttered, eyes lost in the beauty that were V’s crescents.

V bit his bottom lip, trying to look away, but then he realized that Hoseok’s eyes had this magnetic hold over his and he couldn’t do anything besides wave goodbye to every last muscle in his body because he might as well have been a big puddle of goo right there with Hoseok’s strong body holding onto his.

All the younger man could do was blink.

The rapper scoffed, smirk still on his lips. “You know…” he drew out, “if words can’t describe how amazing you look right now, maybe my actions will.”

Well… Taehyung couldn’t even try and stop him because he didn’t want to.

Hoseok leaned in, hands unconsciously tightening their grasp on his lower back, smirk fading away from his lips as soon as he felt Taehyung’s heat closer to his own, when he felt his breath tickling his lips.

In one slow swoop, Hoseok captured V’s soft lips with his own, the touch shaking the rapper down to his core. He could explain how he always felt high when Taehyung’s lips touched his own, but all that he knew was that he loved it and he wouldn’t trade this feeling for the world.

Their lips moved slowly, in sync, and Hoseok hoped that the way he kissed him made Taehyung feel like a princess because that’s what he viewed him as. He didn’t even know that while they were kissing, there was a flash in the background.

Yet, there Suga stood, pleased with the picture of the cute couple he had taken.

“Gotta send this to Taehyung-y~” he chirped to himself, wearing a smug look on his face while the two boys continued kissing.


While they were walking to their next destination (Taehyung bought the clothes because man, Hoseok made a good point on why he should), the second youngest male felt his phone vibrate. Hoseok, who had his arm draped around his shoulder, scrunched his eyebrows, stopping once the younger male did. They both shared the same confused look while V pulled out his phone.

He put in the password, not even caring if Hoseok saw it because it was their (relationship) date, after all. J-Hope smiled to himself, taking a second to keep calm before his eyes went wide.

The couple glared at Yoongi, who was walking in-between both the couples, smirking slyly. “Cute pic, isn’t it?”

Taehyung blushed, biting his lip. It was a picture of Hoseok and him, kissing, his hands wrapped around the rapper’s shoulders while Hoseok’s hands were circling his waist, lips entangled. He wouldn’t admit that this picture was actually really cute…

Hoseok smirked at the picture, taking Taehyung’s phone for a second only to send it to himself. Taehyung pouted. “Hey, baby, I think I found my new screensaver.”

Taehyung blushed. “Please, don’t…”

J-Hope shrugged his shoulders, dipping his hand into his pocket to save the image and place it as his wallpaper. He then showed Taehyung; the vocalist blushed, smiling despite himself. “I think I’ll even put it as my new profile picture to Instagram and Twitter. It does look cute.” He looked at Yoongi. “Thanks a lot, photographer.”

Suga beamed, patting his back. “Anytime, v-hope.”

Okay, that nickname was obviously Jungkook’s doing…


“H-Y-U-N-G!” Jungkook groaned, lips forming into a pout. All the older boys looked at him, simply because they were all his hyungs. Jungkook scowled at the boys that weren’t Seokjin. “Not you.” He looked back at Jin. “Hyung~!”

Seokjin looked at him. It was cute how Jungkook hugged one of his biceps, eyes wide, lips pouting in a way that made it look as if he were trying to make a puppy dog face. He smiled fondly at his charm before answering, “Yeah?”

“I’m hungry,” Jungkook whined in a mixture of a whine and a whimper.

Seokjin nodded, biting his lip while he looked at the other boys. “Mind stopping to get a bite to eat?”

Hoseok shrugged, looking down at Taehyung. “You hungry?”

“I could eat,” V admitted with a soft smile. He looked at Yoongi. “Hungry, hyung?”

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, sure.” He smirked. “Let’s go!”


They ended up in a McDonald’s. First of all, it was closest. Secondly, the boys didn’t want any Chinese food or salads and everything else in the food court seemed to be all about deserts.

Seokjin and Jungkook were happily sharing a strawberry milkshake; they both had cheeseburgers and French fries but since Jin was being romantic, he stuck two straws in their drink and smirked at Kookie. Taehyung and J-Hope both ate French fries and hot n’ spicy burgers. Taehyung drank a Frappuccino (caramel) and Hoseok had a mango/pineapple smoothie. Actually, this way they could share and drink from each other’s cups. Yoongi was being a little fat and he ordered chicken nuggets and a Big Mac because he craved them both. He had a medium drink that was already half-way empty and he stole fries from the maknae constantly, which caused the boy to glare cruelly.

“You should’ve got your own fries, Yoongi-hyung!” Jungkook pointed out. Said male shrugged his shoulders, smiling sweetly before snatching out yet another fry from his tray. Jungkook narrowed his eyes before his expression completely changed as he looked at Jin; he pouted adorably and his eyes comically grew and sparkled. “Hyung, tell him to stop…”

Seokjin rolled his eyes. He cursed himself before looking at the older rapper, who seemed to look as if he were waiting for something. “Stop, Yoongi,” he demanded. Suga pouted, putting his hands up in defeat.

“Fine,” Suga breathed out. While V was talking to Hoseok, the rapper snatched a fry from his plate. Hoseok and Seokjin rolled their eyes fondly.

“Hyung!” Taehyung quickly exclaimed, eyes going wide, finger accusingly pointing at Suga. Hoseok stared. “Did you see that?! Hyung stole fries from my plate!”

Hoseok nodded in acknowledgment before looking at his superior. “Why didn’t you just buy your own fries?” he question, voice even.

Suga shrugged. “Because I thought that my dongsaengs would share,” he pouted as he looked at the two youngest boys. “But apparently they don’t care enough about me to share.” He pouted, pretending to be wounded.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. “I do care.” He admitted. “But I don’t love you enough to give you some of my food.”

Suga smirked. “But yet, you love Seokjin-hyung enough, don’t cha?”

Jungkook’s eyes went wide, cheeks boiling. “N-no! I-it’s not th-that!”

Suga’s eyes narrowed. “Then what is it?”

Jungkook bit his bottom lip. He was still blushing but when he looked at Seokjin, the male didn’t seem even a bit fazed. How could he just sit there? Suga was falsely accusing him of having these feelings that he clearly didn’t but… could it be that Seokjin loved Jungkook? Was that why he remained silent?

Jungkook’s eyes went wide. He looked at Jin before leaning in to whisper into his ear, “H-hyung? D-do you l-l-love me?”

Just then did Jin’s eyes go wide. His heart was beating unnaturally fast and his palms went sweaty. The boys all stared at him in awe, all wondering what Kookie had said. They probably thought it was something inappropriate judging by their faces, but his body was still numb, so it wasn’t as if he could deny their erted minds.

“I-I…” Seokjin swallowed the lump in his throat before leaning in to whisper into his boyfriend’s ear, “Not yet.”

That promised so many things; Jungkook smiled.


They were just about to leave when Taehyung grinned from ear to ear. “Hey, Kookie?”

Jungkook looked past Jin’s shoulder and asked, “What?”

The boys had stopped walking to let the young vocalist speak. “Maybe we should take our boyfriends shopping.”

Jungkook’s eyes went wide at the idea. The biggest grin flashed on his face and the other boys had to admit that it was blinding. “That’s an amazing idea!” Taehyung smiled. He looked at the oldest vocalist. “We could pick out clothes for both of you and you guys could wear them on future dates and I promise that your new clothes will look fashionable—“he continued ranting on and Seokjin smirked adoringly.

Seokjin and Hoseok both looked at each other. “Well…” Hoseok began. He truly was tired, and his feet were aching and he wanted nothing more than to lay in bed with V and hug him as he drifted off to sleep but the kid just seemed so happy with the idea he couldn’t exactly say no. “Okay.”

Taehyung’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Really?” Hoseok managed a soft smirk. “Ah! This will be great, hyung! You’re gonna look amazing!” he winked at his boyfriend, “well, more than you already are, that is.”


So, there they were. Yoongi watched as Jungkook and Taehyung ran back and forth, a different shirt in their hands each time. They told each other whether something would look good or not, commenting on how Jin had broad shoulders but Hoseok had a developed chest and how brown wouldn’t work very much to his favor. They would throw a few shirts for Suga to try on every now and then, and they would comment on how they would get something better but then they found something good for either of their boyfriends and Yoongi was left there to wait.

Eventually, Taehyung got too excited to wait for J-Hope to wear a shirt he picked out for him that he thought would look amazing, so he called out, “Hyung? Can I come in?”

He wanted to make sure he had on a shirt because, well…

“Yeah,” Hoseok assured.

…That liar…

Taehyung was mid-sentence, shutting the door behind him before his jaw dropped. His eyes were the size of gulf-balls and his palms were sweaty and the room was spinning and—was it suddenly hot in here? Why the was it so hot? His heart was thumping so hard against his chest it made him feel weak.

J-Hope was shirtless.

The light in the dressing rooms illuminated his figure perfectly, making his porcelain skin appear to glow, giving him this God-like appearance. He had a broad chest and… mouth-watering biceps. He had chiseled abs that made Taehyung’s tongue unconsciously dip out to run against his bottom lip. Hoseok seemed nonchalant, raising a brow at him. Meanwhile Taehyung was having a mini panic attack, cheeks burning red.

Taehyung looked away, hand reaching out in front of him to hand Hoseok the shirt he had chosen out for him. “H-here you g-go.”

Hoseok chuckled. It came out soft yet, in a way, seductive. Taehyung swallowed hard. “You can look, you know.” He stated a matter-of-factly. He didn’t get it. He was shirtless, not .

Ever so shyly, V looked at him, his heart leaping up to his throat. Hoseok smirked at him before taking the shirt. “It’s a nice shirt,” he hummed, “but…”

Why was he getting so close to Taehyung? Did he want to kill him or something? And why was he smirking so deviously?

Taehyung began taking a few steps back before his back hit the wall. He looked at J-Hope, eyes wide. He couldn’t even lie because he knew that whatever was about to come, he knew he wouldn’t even try and push his hyung away.

Hoseok placed both of his hands on either side of his head, biting his lip ily. Such a tease.

“…but I think you like to see me shirtless better, don’t you?” Hoseok purred into V’s ear. Taehyung swallowed, tilting his head the opposite direction, trying to hide from J-Hope’s face. As a result, J-Hope’s hot breath ended up tickling his neck, sending shivers up his spine.

“Ngh,” V ended up softly.

The sound went straight to Hoseok’s crotch.

“Look at me, gorgeous,” Hoseok demanded softly. With one hand, he cupped V’s burning face, moving it softly so that they were now looking face to face, noses nearly touching. The air was suddenly so hot.

His eyes were a shade darker, but Hoseok didn’t comment. From here, the light shone perfectly off of V’s eyes, reflecting a dark caramel color. It looked beautiful.

“Don’t act so shy around me, baby, when all you see is yours.” He whispered, looking him directly in the eyes. V bit his bottom lip, the sight causing a soft smirk to draw itself onto Hoseok’s lips.

The sentence whispered caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand.

“I-I’m all yours too, H-Hoseok.”

He was so tempted right now to just lean his hand forward and touch because Hoseok was so close and his hormones were all out of whack right now. All because of J-Hope…

Without his consent, before he even think about doing it, V’s hand reach out and his fingers began to trace Hoseok’s abs. Hoseok looked down, his eyes following every movement Taehyung’s fingers made. It was a pretty… ing y sight and Hoseok smirked, eyes hooded.

V only realized what he was doing when the flesh under his finger began to vibrate. The next thing he knew was that Hoseok was groaning softly and V found himself biting his lip, the sound so attractive and perfect he continued moving his fingers around.

His touch was electrifying, something that J-Hope found addictive. He would’ve never guessed his innocent baby would be touching him the way he was right now but damn, he was happy it was happening. Taehyung’s fingers were so soft, the touch feather light and Hoseok found his breath hitching in his throat. It was as if V’s fingers burned his flesh in a ing amazing way.

Hoseok had enough of his touch, well, actually, he wanted more, so he leaned in, quickly stealing V’s lips into a hungry kiss. V groaned, the kiss catching him of guard, but he quickly responded back, his gasp, the sound causing Hoseok to take this as an opportunity to dip his tongue into V’s mouth. Before he knew it, their tongues began to fight for dominance. To be honest, V practically melted when their tongues met, so it wasn’t much of a fight because Hoseok was effortlessly winning.

V’s hands began to trace Hoseok’s abs, even if they were so close he briefly wondered how he was doing this. Hoseok leaned his body in, wanting more of that addicting drug that was Taehyung’s touch.

V’s body began reacting after a while, his lower body desperately wanting some kind of contact as well. Hoseok was quick to react to the touch, grinding against V’s lower body. The younger male began to blush once he realized how hard Hoseok was and how hard he probably was too.

This was like a shot in the dark, to be honest. Taehyung had never been this close to anyone. He’s never even touched anyone in this way before. But, to be doing this with Hoseok felt right. It felt perfect.

Hoseok grabbed one of Taehyung’s thick thighs, into V’s mouth once he felt how thick and y he was. He was one luck bastard. He picked V up and the younger male wrapped his legs around his waist, not taking very long before he began to grind once more.

“Keep going, Taehyung-y. God—“Hoseok breathed out, panting, “you’re so ing beautiful.” He never meant for it to get this far but he couldn’t exactly complain either.

Every time V ground against J-Hope, he could feel a rather thick, long bulge in J-Hope’s pants and his cheeks burned every time because damn… Hoseok was big.

J-Hope began to trail soft kisses down Taehyung’s neck causing the younger male to whimper softly, his fingers digging into his shoulders and his neck to tilt to the side, giving him more room to explore. Hoseok was enjoying himself, smirking at the response he got from the vocalist, his low voice causing his to throb in his jeans.

“Touch me,” Hoseok whispered into V’s ear.

Taehyung did as he was told, hands gripping the back of his head to get him to continue kissing him.

“Sh-shut up and keep g-going~”

Hoseok smirked, a mark on V’s shoulder, hands gripping his shirt sleeve to pull it down enough to expose some of the soft, porcelain skin.

It didn’t take very long before Hoseok came into his pants, V’s silent whimpers pushing him to the edge. V came before long too, the feel of Hoseok’s bare skin against his clothed chest was so hot his did all the talking for him.

Hoseok’s legs were weak, still high off the feeling of V to even do anything, but he held onto V’s thighs, making sure he didn’t drop his princess. Hoseok pulled Taehyung’s sleeve back in place, taking a second to smirk at the mark he had left there.

Taehyung panted, hands gripping into Hoseok’s shoulders, trying to keep his balance. His legs felt numb so he couldn’t even grip onto J-Hope’s waist anymore. He was trying not to rest all of his weight on J-Hope because he was surely heavy, even if Hoseok was too much of a gentleman to even complain.

After a long while of silence, mainly the boys riding out their s, V managed a soft, “that was… different,” he chuckled tiredly.

Hoseok smirked, nodding in agreement. “Yeah.”

V smirked. “I liked it.”

J-Hope smiled, pressing a kiss on V’s slightly damp forehead, panting out a, “Me too. We’ll see when we can do the real thing…”

V blushed, biting his bottom lip. “Maybe after we’ve been dating long enough I’ll let you…”


                A/N: Hmm… hope you liked the ‘’. I know it wasn’t great but guys, it’s like… five in the morning and I’m about to go to school but I wanted to have something done because I know I haven’t posted anything new in like… forever! And if you guys love Himup and Daejae and Banglo, I suggest you read fanfictions but Yoodle. COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! J



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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10