Let Me Know



Jungkook walked into the room Taehyung stayed in. he had been hearing the same song playing for the past few hours and he hadn’t said anything before. But now he heard Taehyung singing along, sniffling a few times. It didn’t sound like he was into the song too much, only speaking the words more than anything numbly.

“Um, hyung?” Jungkook asked softly.

Taehyung only spared him a glance as he continued muttering out the song. “Then I’m a blame you for what they say about me…When I was by myself I was fast asleep. But since you came around I’ve been numb for weeks.”

Jungkook stared at him. “You okay?”

“Sshh,” Taehyung muttered. “The best part is coming.” Jungkook simply nodded, biting his bottom lip as long as the next few words.

Y-y-y-yikes, I’ve been with the wrong crowd… I could make you a believer if I turn the nonsense down…” a picture of Hoseok flashed through his mind and he felt tears slide down his cheeks. He pushed them aside for now. “I keep my secrets in a safe house. Better if I don’t speak. Devil’s trying to tempt me. They just outline my shape out. Place me at the crime scene… I can see from this high-up. You aint got a heart, babe.” Jungkook wanted to scoff when the older male changed the lyrics from ‘girl’ to ‘babe’.

He skipped the next two or so lines to wipe the tears from his face, sniffling a little. Jungkook wanted to go comfort him, but it didn’t seem that Taehyung wanted to be bothered very much.

I know, I know just who you are. You put my on lay-away. You’re just like a heart shock. Oh, I think that it’s over. I think that it’s over.” By now, instead of wording the lines, he began singing with so much meaning and Jungkook could feel tears welling up in his eyes. This was clearly the ‘best part’ he was talking about.

“I swear to GOD I’m moving on!” He chuckled bitterly, sniffling some more as the dub-step beat on the song pulsed through his phone’s speakers.

Jungkook stepped closer now. He hugged the younger male tightly, letting him cry in his neck once more. He had no problem with the older male spoiling his shirt and he had no problem with staying with Taehyung for the next half hour.


Hoseok was working the next day.

He had been stuck hearing really happy songs about love, even that really sappy song he had dedicated Taehyung: “Peter Pan”, by EXO. He had pushed his sobs back because he didn’t want to customers to stare at him. Then another really sappy song played and all he could do was imagine Taehyung singing happily to “Magnetic” by GOT7, giggling and dancing about.

Then the song “Rewind”, by Zhoumi and Chanyeol played and he found himself hiding away in the lounge, crying into Namjoon’s chest.

He hated everything now.

He wanted V now more than ever…


I don’t know what you’ve done to me, just like that. Forget it, I will never fall in love, I came back, yeah. Forget everything, I don’t need anything anymore. Now I can fall asleep without you. The spotlight shines your empty spot. The fact that you left me, because you didn’t believe in my dream. This reality drives me crazy. I’m hot stuff, I hurt feelings of people. Like you, who wanna hang out with me?”

“This is my own way of living a mean like, the only thing that remained. After continuous break-ups. There’s no such promise like forever. That helped me come all the way here. Since you let me go, don’t ever look at me again. I believe that you think the same way as I do. Never forget, yes I remember.”

Yoongi and Jimin decided to sing a few songs for Hoseok because the way he sounded himself was just pitiful he sounded like a heartbroken drunk and as friends, they were there to wallow in pity along with him.

They continued with the sad songs until Namjoon called Yoongi over for help; after the older male left, Jimin sat beside Hoseok and held his hand softly. “We’re here for you. And hey, guess what?” he asked softly, as if he were speaking to a child who had just lost his favorite toy.

Hoseok simply hummed.

“I have an idea on how you can win Tae back.”

Hoseok’s eyebrows shot up and a giant smile flew onto his lips, something that made him look almost childish. He would do anything, anything at all to get his princess back, he would even go along with whatever stupid idea Jimin had. He just wanted him back. Now. Right now.

“What is it?” Hoseok asked giddily around a smile.

Jimin chuckled softly at him. “Go serenate him. I know for a fact that he loves it when you sing and rap for him. Go and sing one of those really cheesy songs to him.” He smirked. “But I’m not saying it’s guaranteed…” he paused, Hoseok’s smile falling. “But he will believe that you love him. And it might loosen him up.”

Hoseok simply nodded. He didn’t have much to say. All he could do was nod and ask, “What song did you have in mind?”


“So, what do you think about this…” Namjoon cleared his throat before he rapped the first three lines he had. “We’re all fools, idiots, in hopes of a chance, we hold onto a love that’s ended already. I don’t still have feelings. I know that I can’t go on to. But sometimes like I can’t digest why…”

Hoseok smiled, looking up from his own sheet of lyrics. “That was amazing.” He then looked over at Yoongi and Jimin, who also held a sheet of notebook paper each, both helping each other out. “Thank you guys… for helping me out…” He really didn’t know how to thank them.

Jimin looked up at him and smiled. “Really, it’s no problem. I just hope Tae likes it… and I hope we get it finished today…”

Jin and Jungkook both looked up from their sheets. “There’s six people working on one song.” He stated the obvious. “I think we’ll finish today and even present it to hyung.” He added with a small smile that had Jin smiling like a drunken idiot.

Hoseok sighed as he looked at his yet to be finished piece of paper. “I just hope I can get close enough to him to let him give me one more chance…”


It hadn’t hit him until Jimin began singing.

Taehyung and he never broke up.

They were still together, just far away.

When Taehyung kicked him out of the apartment, he never said “it’s over”. All he did was kick him out and yell at him for a bit. He never really said anything, meaning they were still a couple. He wanted to smile at the realization. He felt as if he had some sort of hope now, something that he felt as if he had lost completely the minute he heard Taehyung shout at him. Now he felt sort of happy. That rock on his shoulders got a bit lighter, light enough for him to get dressed and drive all the way to Taehyung’s house at nearly midnight.

Namjoon noticed that slight tug on Hoseok’s lips and he simply smiled, content for his friend. He was getting the chance he deserved. J-Hope was always such a great person, always looking out for other people. That’s why V fell for him. And now they had their chance to be happy together again.

Jimin was warming up a bit, singing a few lines. Yoongi grinned at him almost stupidly for the next few minutes, catching the other’s eyes on more than one occasion. All Jimin could do was blush and try to steady his voice as he continued singing.

“I just wanna know, know, know~” Jimin hummed yet again.

Hoseok looked at them for a second. “We’re still together,” he said proudly.

Yoongi raised a brow. But Jin was the first one to speak. “What do you mean?”

J-Hope smiled softly. “Taehyung never broke up with me.”

Everyone cooed. They all seemed to be happy, apparently all catching onto the same hope in the rapper’s chest. “YOU STILL GOT HIM!!!” Jungkook exclaimed happily, smiling brightly. He was so excited, very much so that he leaned over and kissed Jin quickly before pulling back, smiling widely.

Jin sported a bright blush for the rest of the way.


Jungkook got out of Yoongi’s truck first. “I’ll go see if he’s asleep,” he whispered softly to Seokjin. The older male simply nodded before going over to help the rest set up the equipment.

Jungkook ran up the stairs, trying to be quiet despite his excitement bubbling up in his chest. His best friend deserved all the happiness in the world and he had never seen him smile as wide as he did when he was around Hoseok. They were perfect for each other but a certain out there that didn’t let them smile. Luckily, their friends were there to help them out.

He peaked his raven black haired head into Taehyung’s room, smiling softly when he saw his eyes were still open. He just didn’t understand why he kept staring at the ceiling as if it were some sort of amazing movie.

“Why so late, Kookie?” Taehyung mumbled.

Jungkook fully stepped into the room, frowning when his eyes landed on V’s hair. “W-what did--?”

Taehyung cut him off. “I dyed it dark brown. They didn’t have black so…” He shrugged his shoulders.

“B-but”, by now, the younger male’s eyes were wide, mouth slightly agape. “Your hair was bright b-because—“

“Because I was happy.” His voice was nonchalant. “Now I’m not.”

That’s about to change.

Taehyung looked up at the male, who was biting his bottom lip, looking down in deep thought. With the same blasé tone as before, Taehyung spoke: “You still didn’t answer my question.”

Jungkook looked up at him, instantly remembering his words before his eyes landed on his hair. “O-oh, right.” He stuttered. He swallowed before continuing. “I was in the shop—“

“So you were with Hoseok,” he said bluntly. He had to admit that he felt a little jealous because Jungkook got to spend literally the whole day with Hoseok. Jungkook simply hummed. Noticing his change of clothes, he raised a brow. “When did you even change?”

When Jungkook had left the house in the morning, he had on a pair of light blue jeans and a light brown shirt along with some white Nike’s. Now he had on black Nike’s with black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees, along with a gray Pigtale shirt with a black collar. He also had on a black long sleeved shirt and his hair was fixed with some hairspray to give it a, what V referred it as, a ‘just ed’ look.

Jungkook tried to keep calm, looking for some excuse or something. However, when it dawned on him that Taehyung was his very best friend, he realized he couldn’t lie to him. “I bought it today. We all went to the mall after work.”

So I see he’s pretty ing happy now…without me…Taehyung bit his bottom lip, feeling tears beginning to drip form his eyes. He hid it well though, turning to his side for a second to clean them as fast as possible.

“Hey, um, Jin and I have a date so…” he lied smoothly. “I’m gonna go. I just wanted to check up on you.”

Taehyung simply hummed before dismissing the other.


“He’s awake.” Jungkook informed once Hoseok’s eyes landed on him.

Everyone was dressed pretty damned amazing, if Hoseok could say so himself.

Seokjin wore a white Pigtale shirt, along with some black shorts and a matching black long sleeve blazer (something Jungkook picked out because he liked that they had matching blazers). He had on some leather bracelets on his right hand, along with a golden chain necklace. He also wore black Nike shoes, like Jungkook’s, and stripped black and white socks that went a bit below his knees. Jungkook thought he looked a mixture of hot and cute.

Yoongi wore a black shirt, along with a long sleeved black leather drench coat, black leather skinny jeans and black Nike’s. He even wore a golden bracelet on his right hand, along with a bronze ring.

Hoseok wore a black blazer; the cuffs and the pockets were made of black leather and his skinny jeans were also black. He had on a white Pigtale shirt, but only with the ‘P’ symbol in a black triangle. He had on a black leather bracelet on his right hand and a rosary around his neck, hidden under his shirt because he just needed God with him at that moment. He also had on black Nike’s and a black piercing. He dyed his hair a sort of reddish orange because he wanted to look different, because then that would represent a new start.

Namjoon wore a white shirt that had black designs on it, with s leather blazer, a golden necklace, leather, black skinny jeans and black Nike’s. His blonde hair was put to the side and he felt pretty damned handsome.

Jimin wore a black shirt with golden printings and black skinny jeans. He had on a leathery button down shirt that had short sleeves. He had even taken away Yoongi’s black, leather snapback because he didn’t like the way it looked on Yoongi (with that outfit), but he loved the way it looked on himself. Yoongi agreed.

All in all, they really did end up looking like that boy band they wanted to be together.

Hoseok, with unsteady hands, began playing the melody in his phone, of course, after Jimin had hooked it up to the stereo system. People around began staring, all getting their phones out to record the performance they were sure was about to come. A few people even began popping their heads out as well.

‘Ready’, Jimin mouthed to the other. Hoseok nodded.

Each had a mic in hand when Jungkook began. “On this melody that’s already finished, I’m struggling to hold on by myself. Tell it to me now. Let me know that it’s over…”

Yoongi stepped in, making Jimin smile unknowingly. “In an instant, raindrops form near my eyes.” From the back, Jimin retorted back ‘raindrops form.’ “You form. Even when I breathe, I see you. Seems like it’s true that love blooms like a cherry blossom and then easily folds away. It was like I dreamed. We burned like fireworks, but only ashes remained. This is a conclusion you made on your own. Your hands, your body, your heart that was hotter than the equator is all gone. Since I’m constantly in the same spot of this melody, I’m on the repeat sign, at the period mark, I’m repeating by myself on this written music sheet.”

Jimin felt a little jealous that his boyfriend was actually singing the song to Taehyung, but he pushed it aside. Yoongi wasn’t stupid, however, because he knew his lover all too well, well enough to notice he was actually mad. Thus, he went over and kissed his forehead as he stepped back, giving Jungkook space to step in front of him.

Jungkook held the mic close to his lips before he let his angelic voice do the rest. “On this melody that’s already finished, I’m struggling to hold on by myself. Tell it to me now. Let me know that it’s over.”

He continued with a smile. “Babe, let me know. Babe, let me know. Although I know it’s all over now, that you probably have no feelings left. Babe, let me know. Babe, let me know. Babe, let me know, just say anything.”

Yoongi nearly fainted when he heard Jimin’s breath-taking voice. “I just wanna know, know, know. I just wanna know, know, know.”

Jungkook stepped next to him, smiling around his words as he continued singing. “My lingering feelings are holding on in front of the period mark. So just tell me anything. Babe. Let me know.”

Taehyung recognized that voice all too well. He wanted to peek out of his window, but something told him not to. He still felt too weak. But then… the rapper that took his breath away was rapping…to him. He should’ve seen this coming. Hoseok was the type to compose him a song. But he wondered why he would do this. He believed that J-Hope didn’t love him anymore. This was all too confusing because if he was with Jennifer…then why would he be trying to win him back?

Hoseok stepped up, voice filled with hope and passion. His eyes glowed with hope and it took his everything not to pass out. “The promise we made together disappeared somewhere with time. Dominoes that fell due to the strength of a break-up; it’s like Juliet and Romeo. If I liked you too much, protecting it between the heart from you and I. I look back onto it now, the film between you and I. oh I gotta need a thought of you and you took away the stars of my night and the sun in my day.” A tear sprung from his cheek when he saw Taehyung there, standing on the balcony of his apartment, crying. “In the end, there are only clouds left in darkness. That’s right, the rule that there are break-ups if there are meetings. Never ever. Whatever rule that it, I want to break it. Look away from it, hypnotized by you….

He was hypnotized by V’s eyes, the way they glistened in the moonlight with love and disappointment and hate. But he still held hope. His heart swelled when he could see Taehyung’s lips curl up, if only a little, because that was the thread he held onto, that was what kept him from fainting when he felt so light-headed and when his heart thumped loudly against his chest.

This felt as if he were falling in love all over again.

Jungkook stepped up once more, smiling cutely because now Seokjin held his hand. “On this melody that’s already finished, I’m struggling to hold on by myself. Tell it to me now. Let me know that it’s over.”

When it was Jin’s turn to sing, he got down on his knees and decided to sing it to Jungkook instead. Jungkook’s breath hitched and his heart was thumping abnormally fast because this was just too sweet. Seokjin smiled warmly. “Babe, let me know. Babe, let me know. Although I know it’s all over now, that you probably have no feelings left. Babe, let me know. Babe, let me know. Babe, let me know, just say anything.

Jimin stepped up again. “I just wanna know, know, know. I just wanna know, know, know.

My lingering feelings are holding on in front of the period mark. So just tell me anything. Babe, let me know.” He could barely even sing now because Jin was still looking at him with so much love wrapped up in his eyes and it touched his heart. He felt so lucky that he had Jin and he really wished that this song would never be one that they had to live through because… it was a really sad song.

Namjoon stepped up now. Hoseok admired the way he seemed so passionate in his words, the way he did everything as if it were just for himself when it really wasn’t. “We’re all fools, idiots, in hopes of a chance, we hold onto a love that’s ended already. I don’t still have feelings. I know that I can’t go on too. But sometimes I can’t digest why—like I can’t digest, my insides feel like they’re going to explode and it comes up and makes me throw up. In my imagination, we fight, make-up, and I understand you. Your hand movements, your stares have become faint, but why won’t they disappear?

Hoseok stepped up and looked Taehyung in the eye (as best as he could from their distance), and Namjoon stepped back, letting him say the part that was actually meant for him because he thought it fit him more.

Hoseok felt weak, taking a step closer to the building every time he finished a word, slowly inching closer to where V was (on the ground). “Why won’t they disappear? Why won’t they disappear? Won’t they disappear?”

Jungkook sang with much more sentiment this time. “Babe, let me know. Babe, let me know. Although I know it’s all over now, that you probably have no feelings left. Babe, let me know. Babe, let me know, babe let me know.” Jin had gotten up now, settling with linking their fingers together. In the background, Jimin kept singing, ‘let me know’ as an echo. “Just say ANYTHING.”

Jimin sang with as much sentiment, almost crying when a fight he and Yoongi had sprung to life in his mind. “I just wanna know, know, know. I just wanna know, know, know.

Jungkook was singing as well. “I just wanna know, know, know!” he took a breath before continuing. “My lingering feelings are holding on in front of the period mark. So just tell me anything. BABE LET ME KNOW. LET ME KNOW!

Jimin was singing back in the background in a high pitch, sweat glistening on his forehead as he poured his heart and guts out in the line. “KNNNOOOOOWWWW~AHHHHH~”

Hoseok stepped up, now that the song had stopped, and looked at Taehyung. “Please,” he whispered into the microphone.

People began chanting for him to forgive him for whatever he had done, shouting at him to run down and kiss him or do something, but all Taehyung could do was cry. With the sentiment and value he put into the song, there was no way the older male didn’t love him. His heart fluttered.

“I don’t want this to end. I just want to know… just tell me that it’s over, or tell me that you don’t want me anymore, or tell me that you don’t love me anymore… but, please, Tae, tell me anything,” Hoseok stated softly with an almost broken voice. He was just about to get on his knees as well…

Taehyung bit his bottom lip, searching for a response. He couldn’t tell him that it was over, because he didn’t want to say it, didn’t want the damned sentence to poison his tongue and slowly kill him. He couldn’t tell him that he didn’t want him anymore because even if it’s only been two days, he still desired him as if it were the first time meeting. He couldn’t even tell him that he didn’t love him anymore because he did, he loved him as much as he did when they first hooked up and he loved him now… he loved him a lot.

With heavy legs, and a heavy heart, Taehyung slowly exited his apartment, still trying to figure out what to say. Just as he shut the door, an idea made its way into his mind, making him smile.

He ran up to the balcony again, something that sort of disappointed Hoseok because now he was confused to whether or not he was going to take him back or not.

“WAIT THERE!” Taehyung shouted. Hoseok smiled and while he was gone, everyone high-fived him and hugged him tightly and they all cheered. The younger male up on the balcony took advantage that everyone was huddled up together to dump a bucket of cold water on their forms. Everyone gasped and they all looked at Taehyung.

Hoseok wanted to cry because he had just gotten rejected by the love of his life…

“YOU HAVE THREE DAYS TO CONVINCE ME THAT YOU REALLY LOVE ME!” Taehyung shouted, smirking when everyone else was combing their hair, removing their expensive coats. They were all pissed because the boy had just ruined their suits and it was really cold outside. “BUT THERE’S ONE RULE!”

Ignoring his shivering body and the cold air, Hoseok looked up. “WHAT IS IT?!” he shouted, because he didn’t have the microphone anymore.

Taehyung smirked softly. “YOU CAN’T KISS, TOUCH, OR HAVE WITH ME!”

People cooed at the word ‘’ and Hoseok simply blushed. “I LOVE YOU, TAEHYUNG!”

V smirked softly, his heart fluttering. He was still mad, and he felt betrayed, but Hoseok’s persistence and effort proved to him that he had some fort of feelings for him. It amused him. “GREAT! NOW YOU HAVE THREE DAYS TO PROVE IT TO ME!”

Hoseok smiled. He may have just gotten humiliated in front of dozens, but it didn’t matter. All he could focus on was that his lover was giving him another chance, something that he felt as if he didn’t deserve even if he hadn’t actually done anything. He grinned. “PICK YOU UP TOMORROW AT 9 AM THEN! GOODNIGHT, PRINCESS! I LOVE YOU!”

Taehyung fondly rolled his eyes. “GOODNIGHT!” once the older male turned his back to smile at his friends, V muttered softly under his breath, “I love you too, hyung…”


Yoongi was complaining the whole trip home because frankly, drenched leather wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world. The couples snuggled together for warmth because of their problem, except for Jin, because he had left Jungkook at his apartment after a goodnight kiss. Everyone was pouting and they were all complaining, but Hoseok felt the happiest that he had ever in his life.


“So… what are you wearing for your date tomorrow, hyung?” Jungkook asked with a smile. He was mad, but he was mainly happy for his friend. Besides, the clothes would dry.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. “Depends we’re he’s taking me.”

Jungkook smiled before snuggling closer to his sheets. “Goodnight, hyung.”

V smiled before muttering out a ‘night.’ Once the lights were out and Jungkook was soundly asleep, V smiled at the ceiling, a boulder lifting from his shoulders. His heart didn’t feel as if it were being squashed by a rock anymore, and he didn’t feel as if he were chocking with every breath he took. He felt happy.


In the morning, when V woke up, he texted Hoseok. He had changed his name from ‘Babe <3’ to ‘Hoseok’, because it seemed rather fitting for now. He smiled when he texted him, knowing that Hoseok would probably squeal for joy when he received his message. He, himself, was having a hard time not squealing happily when he sent him a message.

Where you taking me today?

The reply came almost instantly.

Morning, princess. <3

Taehyung fondly rolled his eyes. Morning. Now, where you taking me?

It’s a surprise.

But what do I wear?

Something casual.

OK. Bye.

I love you <3. See you in a while, princess.

His heart swelled. See ya.


A/N: I had fun writing this chapter. I hope you liked it too, because it’s honestly one of my favorite chapters. YESS V-HOPE! And my adorable, unattainable Taehyung…

I WILL DEDICATE THIS CHAPTER TO: BTS, jellyzelo96, and blackmelody.



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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10