With A Little Love


“I’m not saying where he’s taking you, but all I’m going to tell you is to dress casually. Also, he told me to tell you that he loves your smile so you should smile more often. And he said to stop by the shop today because he wanted to see you.” Jungkook informed. Taehyung, who was sitting on his bed, simply scowled at the younger male.

                “That’s what took you so long? You’ve been gone for almost three hours.”

                And of course Taehyung wasn’t jealous that Jungkook got to spend three hours with Hoseok, he just really didn’t see why Jungkook needed to take so long to simply speak to him. That was it.

                “Well, I was also talking to his friends…” Jungkook began, even if somewhere at the end of his sentence his mind did drift elsewhere. Taehyung narrowed his eyes when the smallest portion of a smile displayed itself across his face.

                Taehyung crossed his arms, smirk and all. “Oh, really?” he asked, voice sounding casual. The black-haired male nodded. “Did you talk to Namjoon?”

                Jungkook blinked. “Who?”

                V rolled his eyes. “The one with bleached hair.”

                Jungkook just shrugged. “He was there.”

                Taehyung thought for a second. “Did you talk to Jimin?”

                Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, he was there too. Didn’t say much though.”

                V continued interrogating him, eyes narrowed, inspecting his younger friend. “Was Jin there?”

                When Jungkook’s lips turned upward again, Taehyung knew he had hit the spot. “Yeah, he was there,” he said. But the way he said it, almost bashfully, head down, smirk playing on his lips.

                Taehyung then stood, grin on his face. Oh, he thought, this is going to be so much fun. “So,” he continued, patting his friend on the shoulder. “What did Jin say? I mean, you two must have surely talked since you did say you talked to Hoseok’s friends and it couldn’t have been Namjoon because you don’t even know who he is and you clearly didn’t talk to Jimin because as you put it, the guy was silent.”

                Jungkook’s blush only glowed brighter now, the very tips of his ears burning a bright pink. “Well, I heard him sing and he heard me sing and… well, that was it. Not very much to tell…”

                “Then why are you smiling?”

                The younger boy placed a hand over his lips, cursing himself for letting his damned lips stretch into a smile. He looked back up at Taehyung with a frown. “Oh? So now I can’t even smile?”

                Taehyung chuckled, finding it amusing how the boy tried so hard to hide the fact that he might actually be developing a crush. “Okay, Kookie, you can stop the act now. You’re 17, it’s perfectly normal to like someone.”

                Jungkook frowned. “I do NOT like Jin, okay? I mean, what’s there to like? I mean, sure he’s got the voice of an angel and his hair does fall perfectly down his forehead and his smile is damned amazing and—“

                He was cut off by his hyung’s laughter. “AWW!” he cooed, rushing over to hug Jungkook. “My little Kookie has a crush!”

                Said boy’s cheeks burned and just then did he realize what he had said and… just then did he realize he sounded like Taehyung when he came home talking about Hoseok…

                “I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH!” he declared, shoving the still smiling older male away. “I just like his face. And what’s the big deal anyway? It’s not as if I’m in love or anything. I just have a crush on h—“he slammed his hands over his mouth, just in time for Taehyung to laugh.

                “You just admitted that you—“

                “SHUT UP!”

                “Okay, seriously Hoseok, this song sounds completely cheesy,” Jimin accused as he skimmed through the lyrics. J-Hope frowned.

                “Doesn’t matter what you say, the song isn’t for you anyway,” J-Hope pointed out, scowl and all. Jimin shrugged, putting his hands up in defeat.

                “Okay, okay, you win. I was simply saying it as a good thing. I’m sure Taehyung will jump your bones after we perform this for him.”

                Namjoon walked in, a sentence already at the tip of his tongue as he patted the blushing male’s back. “You should’ve seen them the other day. They were right there,” he said, pointing to a spot beside a shelf, “and they were eating each other’s faces off. It was kind of cute but damn, that poor kid that had walked in here earlier had his eyes covered. In just a matter of seconds, those two stripped the kid of his innocence.”

                Jin, who was sitting on the counter rolled his eyes. “That kid couldn’t have possibly had any innocence with the way he acted.”

                Jimin chuckled, shaking his head while the other guys (beside Jin) began laughing. “You’re just mad because the boy called you out.”

                “I am not.”

                Hoseok quickly injected himself into the conversation. “Besides, don’t pretend as if we didn’t see you practically drooling when that kid began to sing.”

                There was a ring at the door, signaling someone had just entered the shop before Jin could even defend himself. “Speak of the devil,” Jimin mumbled, winking at Jin. The older male simply rolled his eyes.

                There he was, Jeon Jungkook, wearing a simple black T-shirt along with some red Jordan’s and black pants, but still looking as amazing as Jin remembered him. And the boy was not alone; Taehyung was by his side wearing a faded caramel brown shirt with black words on it and a camouflage snap-back (wearing it backwards), dark colored jeans and black Nike’s. Jimin and Namjoon watched as Jin’s and Hoseok’s eyes widened.

                Hoseok watched as Taehyung walked up to the counter, a small smile on his lips that had Hoseok’s insides knotting up, his heart melting when he saw the cutest smile on Taehyung’s lips. He tried to smile back but all that crawled up his face was an awkward smirk.

                “Hey,” Hoseok greeted. He stepped out from behind the counter to press a quick kiss on Taehyung’s cheek.

                V his lips, amazed at how he always seemed to be blushing around Hoseok. “Hey.” He smiled, hands itching to do something. He looked down to see both of Hoseok’s hands at his sides and instinctively, he held both of them, looking him face to face, everyone blurring as they both smiled. “Jungkook told me you wanted to see me.”

                You have no idea how happy it makes me that you’ve gotten this comfortable around me, Hoseok thought as he smiled at both their joined hands.

                “Yeah. To be honest, I just wanted to have you here in front of me, just like this,” J-Hope admitted shyly, not being able to lift his gaze.

                Taehyung’s stomach did flips. “Really?”

                “I would never lie to you.”

                Meanwhile, Jungkook rolled his eyes, the scene before him being way too cute and sweet for his liking. Jin was standing next to Jimin, his arm wrapped around his shoulder. Jungkook’s nose wrinkled in displeasure. He didn’t know why, but he walked up to the duo, scowl on his face.

                “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Jin,” Jungkook smirked, “Hello, hyung.” That was just an accident. He had no intentions of calling him hyung whatsoever, but his tongue just pronounced every syllable and well, it was out there so it’s not as if he could take it back.

                However, Jin only thought that his little slip was just a way to throw him off, an accident, nothing more, even if his stomach did suddenly tickle. “I would call you by your name, kid, but you never told me what it was.” This was actually more of his own way of asking what his name was, a way of placing a name on that pretty little face of his.

                “I’m Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook—“

                Jimin smirked when a naughty little thought popped up in his head, one that would surely make Jin’s day. He rested his head on Jin’s shoulder, sighing as if he was leaning on Taeyang’s shoulder or something. Jungkook just stared.

                “Nice to meet you, Jungkook. I’m Kim Seokjin. But my friends call me Jin. That means that you can call me Seokjin.”

                Jungkook rolled his eyes. “Whatever you say, Jin-hyung.”

Okay, so I didn’t want to add another couple but… I might be? Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that I’m not going to be posting anything new for this chapter for a while. If I do, it might just be short. And as promised, I am writing the Christmas-one shots. I’ve already begun writing the Bang-lo one and I will be working on the rest. I’m going to be getting out of school early due to finally and I’ve decided to dedicate a little time to the one shots. The reason I will now continue this one for a while is because I want it to be well written and I don’t want to rush it but since the other ones are one-shots, it’s okay. :) AS ALWAYS, DON’T FORGET TO COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10