Double Date



Taehyung was in the living room the next day at around eight in the morning, eyes still a bit foggy from their previous daze. He yawned before searching for the remote, hand aimlessly roaming about until it eventually brushed up against the remote somewhere between the cushions. He yawned again, blinking a few times to adjust his eyes to the bright screen of the TV, taking his time while the commercials were on to stretch.

He yawned once more before the phone besides him began vibrating. He ignored it the first time, still too lazy to move after all his limbs were cracked to perfection, leaving him with the sensation of calmness and relaxation. But the second time it vibrated near his thigh, he found himself sighing loudly before picking up the device, typing in his password (which was still his and Hoseok’s date because it hurt too much to change it) before reading the message.

The tiredness in his body folded away and suddenly, he felt a surge of energy invade his body. He grinned widely, heart leaping and joy and stomach fluttering pleasantly when he saw who it was from. He didn’t even have to read it to know it was probably going to be something incredibly sweet.

Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well? Did you dream of me? ;*

He smiled fondly, rolling his eyes at his ex’s antics. He was just about to type back a reply when Hoseok sent yet another message.

Don’t break my heart by saying you were dreaming of someone else… 3

Taehyung rolled his eyes once more, this time replying back faster before the rapper on the other end beat him to it again.

You’re really something else, hyung. Why would I be dreaming of someone else when I still love you..? /.\... Anyway, are you taking me anywhere today?

He didn’t want to admit it, but he secretly wished that Hoseok would take him out again today. Yesterday had been so special to him, especially at night when he didn’t feel lonely anymore. And that wasn’t just because he was surrounded by all the stuffed animals Hoseok had bought him, and it also wasn’t because he was snuggling onto his beloved stuffed bear J-Hope all night. It was because he had faith that Hoseok would prove himself in the end and they would end up together. The feeling was so strong he didn’t even feel the need to worry about dying all single and with a bunch of stuffed animals to keep him company.

I’d love to take you to my place. ;)… Maybe I could prove it to you how beautiful you looked yesterday. Maybe you could even show me YOUR precious treasures;*

Taehyung blushed so bright he was more than thankful nobody was there to see it. He bit his bottom lip, unsure of what to reply. Geez. If he would’ve known Jung Hoseok was this freaky in the first place, he would’ve at least learned how to control his blushing.

I’m not amused, Jung Hoseok…

OK. I’m sorry, Tae… Got anything in mind?

No. I thought you did. If you’re gonna win me back, AT LEAST try harder! You never know… someone might find me ‘beautiful’ too and since you never showed that you wanted me back… I COULD go over to them…

The reply came quicker than Taehyung had expected it. He smirked.

I’M ON MY WAY! Wear something nice and… I love you <3. Never forget that. And never leave me.

Taehyung could feel his facial expression softened and he could practically feel his heart begin to melt into a puddle of warm goo into his stomach, creating a warm feeling. He smiled stupidly at his phone for a while before he received yet another message.

You still haven’t answered.

What do you mean?

I told you ‘I love you’. I’m waiting for my answer.

Taehyung bit his bottom lip, looking around as if the answer to that weren’t in his heart but on some wall or something. Well… it’s not as if he could deny it or anything because he had already admitted it to the older just yesterday that he still loved him. Ah, it.

Love you too <3. Now… give me a minute to change.


Taehyung searched his closet, biting his bottom lip when nothing seemed to please him very much. It was still early, not even eleven A.M. yet and Taehyung didn’t really feel like wearing scratchy jeans. But… there was no other choice. He picked out a black leather blazer along with some matching black skinny jeans, pairing it with a white V-neck that had a black V collar. He put on some black Nike’s, along with a black, leather snapback because he really didn’t feel like brushing his hair. He brushed his hair out on his forehead before heading downstairs, sighing when he was half-way down the stairs when there was another knock.

He his lips, taking a deep breath before he opened the door.

His jaw dropped, heart stopping, palms sweating and brain stopping.

Hoseok was wearing a black blazer, like his, except that his was bigger, and it had pockets and it was just different. He had on black slim pants, along with white Nike’s, and a white shirt that had words written across it in black. He had on a gold chain, and a golden bracelet and his light orange-brownish hair was pushed to the side and Taehyung could’ve sworn he was on Cloud 9.

In his hands was a bouquet of a dozen light pink roses, something that reminded J-Hope of the other’s face; maybe it was because their pedals were soft, or maybe it was because now, when the younger male was blushing, his cheeks turned the same gorgeous pink shade as the flowers (the same color that his lips always were, by the way). V smiled softly, blushing, a fuzzy feeling stirring in his stomach.

J-Hope handed the gift over to the other, smiling softly when V looked at the flowers in awe when he held them; even the way he held them was cute; it was as if he were carrying a new born baby. It was precious, to say the least.

“H-hey,” Taehyung began after a while, voice coming out soft and shy.

Hoseok smiled back. “Good morning.” He studied his small frame, the smirk on his face speaking volumes. “I’m not even gonna dare to ask if you’re ready because damn,” he breathed the final word, eyes still trained on his beautiful body.

Taehyung swallowed, cheeks burning his face suddenly. He looked away, not sure of what to say. But then he heard Hoseok smile and the way he did so erased all shyness and doubt in his body.

“So, ready to leave?” Hoseok asked after a minute of looking into those deep, wonderful chestnut colored eyes, afraid that if he didn’t say something now he’d end up lost in those deep pools of beauty.

Taehyung nodded. “Yeah. Where are you taking me?”

Hoseok chuckled. “Why do you always ask the same question?”

Taehyung snorted. “Why don’t you ever answer my question?” he retorted.

Hoseok had opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it once he realized he had no answer to this. Taehyung grinned triumphantly—with that amazing smile, Hoseok was actually happy that he lost. “Fine, you win, Tae.” He hummed. “Well, I was planning on taking you out to breakfast, and then to the carnival, which Jungkook and Jin will be attending as well, and then to a drive-in theater I just learned about yesterday.”

The fact that he already had this whole amazing day planned out made V grin widely. But he played it off cool, simply humming as if seeming unimpressed before asking, “What movie is going to be playing?”

Hoseok smirked softly before answering, “The Man From Nowhere.”

Taehyung squealed happily. “The one that stars Won Bin?!”

The way he said his name made Hoseok almost regret saying it at all. “Yeah…” he drawled out slowly, unpleased with the fact that the beautiful smile on V’s face wasn’t because of him but because of some other man.

There was another excited squeal and Hoseok almost growled this time. “You’re amazing!”

Well… he couldn’t really stay mad at such beauty especially when he said such statements… could he?

He looked down at his flawless smile and then realized—

Nope. Can’t do it.


Yoongi smiled softly at Jimin, peaking at him from above his phone. He was spying on his lover because he was currently mad at him because of something neither of them really remembered. Yoongi just liked the sight of him mad because he pouted cutely, and he puffed his cheeks a bit, arms crossed, a small frown forming on his flawless face.

It was all too adorable to resist.

“Why were you even mad at me?” Yoongi asked out of nowhere, putting his phone down.

Jimin was about to speak, but then he closed his mouth, biting on his bottom lip. He looked down at his lap, at loss for words, hiding his shame and embarrassment because he just couldn’t remember why he was mad at Yoongi. He didn’t want to give Yoongi the reason, much less prove whatever point he was trying to make right.

Suga grinned. “What was that, baby?”

He hadn’t even spoken but the simple fact he looked down in shame was enough of an answer for Suga.

Jimin looked up and frowned. “I said come and apologize so that I can forgive you for whatever you did so that I can pretend I’m still mad and then you can continue kissing and worshiping me.” He was lying because he hadn’t even had an answer for what he had said until just then when he somehow made something up.

Yoongi grinned. He was so beyond whipped and he knew it, but he loved it and he wouldn’t have it any other way. If you would’ve told him around three weeks ago that he would’ve been up to a male younger than him, he would’ve laughed because he was not one to be controlled. But when it came to Park Jimin… he just didn’t care—he didn’t mind pleasing the other.

The older male got up, kissed the other’s cheek sweetly before pulling away. “I’m sorry, baby.”

And just like Jimin had said, he pulled away stubbornly, pretending that he was still mad when in reality he wanted nothing more than to smile and giggle at the kisses that were pressed all over his face with so much adoration he found himself turning into a pile of goo, giggling, smiling.

“Ok!” Jimin managed between giggles. “You’re forgiven!”

Yoongi pulled away with a triumphant grin. “Great. Now let me continue kissing you.”

He was about to lean in to kiss hic cheek when Jimin rolled his eyes, cupping his face with both hands before crashing their lips together.


“She likes you,” Taehyung all but whispered when the waitress left.

Hoseok had decided to take the younger out to a classic, old-fashioned dinner, a place that was adorable because it still held a jukebox in the corner with hits from the late 20th century. The waitress even wore skates along with skirts that went up to their stomachs and ended a bit above their knees, along with aprons and high pony-tails. They looked cute, but not as cute as Taehyung did.

Hoseok raised a brow. “What?” he seriously had no idea what the other was talking about.

Taehyung snorted. “Come on, hyung,” he almost whined, “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice.”

Hoseok simply blinked. “Didn’t notice what?”

Taehyung groaned. He frowned, crossing his arms, pouting cutely. “She was hitting on you!” it sounded like an accusation and it shouldn’t have been because as far as Taehyung knew… they weren’t really going out anyways so he had no right to at him about this.

 Hoseok smiled an amused smile as Taehyung continued. “She was staring at you, practically ignoring me, and she practically shoved her ing s in your nose and did you see the way she grinned at you? It was disgusting! Seriously, she even drew a ing heart on her notepad when she saw you! Like are you ing kidding me?! And did you see the way giggled? I mean, who the giggles when nothing is funny? Who the does this think she is?” Taehyung finished rambling with a hiss, slouching back in his seat with an even bigger pout than he had started off with.

The older male was smirking fondly, finding the other’s jealous fit quite cute to say the least. It was adorable how Taehyung got jealous because of him even when he was mad at him. It was precious and Hoseok actually liked the idea that she was flirting with him because it made Taehyung feel more jealous and it was just extraordinary.

V met Hoseok’s love-filled gaze and immediately, he felt his cheeks heat up. He bit his bottom lip before mumbling out, “What?”

J-Hope smiled. “My baby’s jealous.”

Taehyung blinked at him, frowning later as if he were saying the most ridiculous thing in the entire world. But then, upon realizing just how true his statement was, he slouched again, pouting once more. “No I’m not.” he couldn’t even believe himself.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry, baby.” He reached over and took Taehyung’s hand in his, rubbing his thumb gently over his knuckles. Taehyung looked up at him in a strange mixture of surprised along with something that could’ve also been relief. Hoseok smiled softly at him. “You’re the only one I see. I wouldn’t exchange you for anybody in the world.”

Taehyung smiled, his gaze falling to the table when he noticed the intensity and honesty shining in Hoseok’s eyes.

The older male simply continued smiling. “I love you.”

Taehyung felt a stir in his stomach when he responded. “I love you, too.”

There was comfortable silence for a while before the same waitress walked over, handing them both their drinks. Before her eyes even landed on the table (that stupid was just gawking at Hoseok), Taehyung pulled his hand away, glaring over at the girl. Hoseok smiled to himself.

The girl, Jessica, as it read on her nametag, grinned over at Hoseok, ignoring Taehyung as the younger male had stated. “Ready to order?”


Taehyung had been pouting the whole time that Hoseok even found it necessary to sit next to the other, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. And then when that ing waitress stepped over to their table to probably flirt some more, Hoseok rested his head on the other’s head, smirking deviously.

Jessica’s eyes went wide and in a flash, he went off, blushing fiercely.

V chuckled softly. “You just broke her heart.”

Hoseok simply smiled. “As long as your heart is intact, I’ll be fine.”


It was now 2:09 in the afternoon and Seokjin was sitting lazily on the couch while Jungkook finished some homework off. Yes, it was really weird for him to have to wait for his lover to finish up homework because he had never dated anyone young enough to STILL have homework. But Jungkook was worth the wait. Jin flipped through the channels, Jungkook busily counting on his fingers while he sat on the floor leaning against the coffee table, in which he was doing homework.

“Hyung!” Jungkook called, or rather whined, behind his shoulder, looking over at the older with a pout. He didn’t even wait for the older male to answer before speaking himself. “What’s the square root of 81?”

Jin smiled at his cute face, trying to ignore his plush pink lips because he knew what would happen if he self like that for too long. “It’s 9, baby.”

Jungkook grinned at him. “Thanks hyung!”

He then continued doing his homework, finishing up a few minutes later. Seokjin had finally settled on watching Criminal Minds, totally unaware that the younger male was done with his tasks. Jungkook got on his knees, crawling the few inches closer to Jin until his chin was rested on the other’s knee, something that completely caught Jin off guard.

“Hey, hyung?” Jungkook purred. Recognizing that innocent voice all too well, Seokjin gulped, suddenly feeling so hot under the damned collar.

“Y-Yes, Jungkook?” , he was stuttering. Jungkook smiled at the reaction he had caused before letting the pad of his finger glide along Jin’s inner thigh, pleased with the small moan Jin let out.

“I wanna make it up to you for, you know, waiting for me to finish my homework.” While he was purring the words, his finger traced up and down the other’s inner thigh, sometimes going high enough to barely brush up against his already semi-erect .

Seokjin gulped at the words, his mind racing. He bit his bottom lip, trying to control his shaking hands that itched to touch the younger male. “H-how are you gonna d-do that, b-baby?” Jin asked around a smirk, his eyes closed because of lust.

Jungkook beamed deviously. “You’ll see,” he hummed, fingers already at the other’s zipper. Seokjin gasped, his twitching in interest. He ached to have the other touch him but he didn’t dare say it, far too enticed by the way he controlled everything on his own without even thinking about it.

The younger male ed the button, smiling when he felt Jin’s eyes still on him. He then dipped his naughty hands into his boxers, his own twitching when his soft hands felt the warm, thick bulge inside of the other’s pants. He moaned softly to himself, goose-bumps littering his body at the mere thought of Jin’s out before him.

Jungkook pulled the leathery, hard flesh out, his twitching once more in his pants at the sight, at the feel of the muscle. He his lips, taking a glance at Seokjin’s face; the older male spread his les a bit more, gaze fixed in a hooded-lust at the sight before him.

Before his lips were even around , Jin could already feel those soft, warm, wet lips. He could already taste them on his mouth and he could already feel the other’s silky soft hair in his fingers. He could already feel his heart race and he could already feel his body vibrate under the other’s innocent, inexperienced touch. It was pure adrenaline coursing through his veins now, already high off of the feel of Jungkook’ tongue around the base of .

The younger singer closed his eyes, cheeks burning a soft pink shade and he leaned in, tongue darting out of his perfect rosy lips to tentatively lean forward, a slow stripe on the other’s . The feel sent tingles up Seokjin’s spine, but he kept his hands to himself. He wanted to feel the other do his own thing, explore for a while before he began doing anything himself.

Jungkook then continued random stripes of saliva against the other’s muscle, loving the feeling himself. He heard Jin moan softly and that encouraged him to do something else; Jungkook circled his tongue around the other’s head, something that caused the coil inside of Jin to tighten a bit, butterflies fluttering around his stomach. Pleased with the reaction, Jungkook continued doing this, only the very tip of his tongue tasting him.

He hadn’t done this before. Seokjin was his first and the older was always the one to control everything on any other day. Jungkook was always the tease, the little teenager that only purred a few things into his ear that were said coyly and Jin was the one who pleased him, pleasing himself in the process. Jungkook had never actually done this before—it was like a total shot in the darkness. But he didn’t mind. Seokjin always did new and different things to his body in the way that Jungkook wasn’t even aware that he liked in that way so Jungkook thought he’d say thanks for it all. He knew his hyung was always damned tired after doing all the work and Jungkook didn’t mind complying with his needs.

Seokjin let the other continue his ministrations, not even minding the way he went achingly slow. Instead, he tried to control himself before he ruined the other’s actions. He gripped onto the couch’s armrest, his other hand gripping onto the pillow beside him. His breath hitched when Jungkook wrapped his mouth around his , engulfing it in a warm, wet gulp.

Jungkook took his time getting Jin’s inside of his mouth, gagging a bit in the beginning before relaxing his throat, letting sink in completely, even if it did take a while, until it hit the back of his throat.

Jin felt as if he would destroy the damned couch in an attempt to control himself. The sight before him, of Jungkook’s lips stretched against his , of his lips a swollen red, of his hair tousled and everything was just too much. It was a y sight; he never thought Jungkook would look any hotter than when he was beneath him, panting and twisting around, but this was… woah. The feeling itself has hot, so hot it caused the air around them to burn in the same lust they were burning in.

“That’s it, baby,” Seokjin whispered softly, fingers reaching out to brush some hair out of Jungkook’s forehead. He saw a small tear forming on the side of his eye and he wiped it away immediately. He knew exactly what it was, so he whispered softly, “Relax your throat, baby.”

Jungkook did as he was told, relaxing his muscles in the process. Jin smiled as adoringly as he could with the lust burning inside of him. Jin sighed heavily, tossing his head back for a second while he tried to gather himself up before looking back at Jungkook’s beautifully flushed face. “Move your head slowly, baby. Just b-be careful.”

Jungkook slowly, as Jin advised him, bobbed his head up and down slowly, a delicious friction Jungkook himself felt proud of because Jin was softly the whole time. He only pulled out a bit of the other’s member before bobbing his head back down, doing this over and over until he felt brave enough to go faster, to pull in more of his .

Jin moaned. “J-just like that, b-baby.” He couldn’t take the precious sight before him anymore so he tossed his head back, in bliss, feeling the coil in his stomach tighten. “I love you.” Jin managed. Sure, this was the iest thing he had ever been a part of (one of them, anyway), but that didn’t mean he would suddenly see him as a . He was still his innocent lover with naughty sentences and he still loved him.

“Yeah, that’s it…” Jin groaned, this time letting his hands grip onto Jungkook’s hair, pushing him down. Jungkook didn’t even wince, already used to the muscle inside of his mouth.

All it took was a few more and a few more to have Jin coming. Jungkook winced a bit when the salty fluid hit his tongue and washed up in his mouth, but without hesitating, he drank it up. Jin watched in awe as he did so; the younger male was even brave enough to lean over and finish up the rest of the substance from Jin’s , his cheeks burning.

Jin lifted the younger male up on his lap, seating him there to press a dozen kisses onto his sweaty forehead. He then pressed a chaste, slow kiss onto his lips, feeling his heart rate race when he tasted himself on the younger male’s lips.

“I love you,” Jungkook whispered.

“I love you too,” Jin promised. He looked down, catching sight of Jungkook’s still .

Without even hesitating, Jin slowly pushed Jungkook down onto the couch, causing the younger male to gasp. Jin kissed his cheek, whispering against it, “Let hyung take care of you now.” Jungkook nodded, cheeks burning a bright shade of crimson.

Seokjin pulled the younger male’s pants off, tossing the boxers over to some random corner of the room. Now half-way , Jungkook blushed, closing his eyes because he didn’t want to see that hungry look in Jin’s eyes.

The older male on two of his fingers, his other hand gently spreading the other’s thighs open as far as he could considering the couch was rather thin. Very slowly, and ever so gently, Seokjin inserted one finger in, something that only caused the younger male to push his hips forwards, already accustomed to the sensation of being stretched. Seokjin smiled at the younger male’s antics, pleased with what he had taught the kid. He then inserted the other finger in, something that only caused the younger male to groan loudly in pleasure. He rocked his hips forwards, pouting slightly when Jin didn’t get the gist. Seokjin smiled a bit wider, this time complying with Jungkook’s needs. He slammed his fingers in and out at the pace that Jungkook liked, and he scissored his fingers the way Jungkook liked, and he whispered sweet little nothings into Jungkook’s ear because he knew he loved that too. He kissed his lip slowly, just because Jungkook deserved to be treated like a piece of treasure. The only sounds that were heard for the next few minutes was the wet smack of lips and the wet slurping sound Jungkook’s tight pink hole made with Jin’s fingers pumping in and out of him. It didn’t take very long for the younger male to come as well, panting softly before kissing Jin’s lips once more.

Seokjin kissed his lips gently once more before picking up the younger male, but not before he zipped himself up. He carried the younger male bridal style up to their bedroom, laying him down, causing the younger male to blush.

“We should rest, baby. We have that double-date with V and Hoseok in a while and we need to be rested.” Jungkook nodded tiredly, pouting and nodding over at his shirt. Seokjin go the gist fast and threw Jungkook’s shirt out to the side, removing his own clothes until he was inly in his boxers. He threw a sheet over Jungkook’s body, leaning over to kiss his forehead before whispering softly, “I love you.”

Jungkook smiled in his half-awake state, making grabby hands at him. Jin rolled his eyes fondly before leaning in, only to have the younger male hug him tightly. With the small amount of strength he could muster, Jungkook pulled the older male above him, kissing his forehead tiredly for a while before scooting over to let Jin rest beside him.

It didn’t take very long for both males to fall asleep.


Hoseok sighed as he took out his phone, smiling when Taehyung’s head landed on his shoulder. He slipped his fingers through the thin, silky hair, smiling to himself because V simply sank into his touch. “Where is Kookie and hyung?” Taehyung questioned quietly.

Hoseok shrugged.

They had been waiting for the males for about thirty minutes now in the car; they would’ve gotten out, but Taehyung refused to start walking around without Jungkook and Seokjin. They were best friends, so Hoseok simply complied.

V pouted. “It’s getting hot in here, though!” he whined. Hoseok smirked.

“Then why don’t you take it off?” Hoseok purred teasingly into his ear, his finger mockingly running across the hem of Taehyung’s shirt.

V smacked his lips, slapping his hand away. Hoseok chuckled. “No, but seriously, baby, if you’re hot.” V glared at him, causing Hoseok to grin widely. “Not like that.” V hummed. “Why don’t you just open the windows?”

Taehyung was about to speak, but then closed his mouth. He grumbled something under his breath before going over to the window, pressing the button until the window was halfway down. He sighed contently when the relaxing, cool air hit his warm body, smiling.

Hoseok pouted because V was just sitting there, away from him, enjoying himself, leaving Hoseok all alone. Taehyung, not even noticing this, went with his instincts as he rested his head back on his shoulder. J-Hope grinned to himself.

Not even five minutes had passed before Seokjin appeared at their window, knocking abruptly, causing them both to look. The oldest male grinned, but Hoseok and Taehyung shared the same scowl. Jungkook appeared at the other window, grinning widely. Taehyung stuck his tongue out at him almost childishly and Hoseok found himself smiling.

“Yah!” Taehyung shouted, frowning at Jungkook. “What took you so long?!”

Jungkook grinned sheepishly, his cheeks burning. “Ah…” he began, not really knowing what to say. He couldn’t tell the truth, or at least not the complete truth because it was not exactly rated PG. he bit his bottom lip, glancing over at the smiling Jin. “We over-slept.” It was not the complete truth, but it wasn’t a lie either.

Taehyung made a ‘pft’ noise, rolling his eyes. “Okay, fine.” He mumbled, cheeks puffing a bit. “Whatever. You two are here so let’s go.”


“Yah! This dukboki is delicious!” Taehyung grinned as he stuffed his chopsticks into his mouth again. Hoseok smiled, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. V shot him a quick small smirk before continuing with his food. After eating a second piece, he fed one to Hoseok, who took it without hesitation.

Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook held Jin’s hand, swinging it back and forth. Seokjin didn’t mind—all he did was smile sweetly at him before looking forward once more.

They walked around for a bit, playing some games that Hoseok didn’t really care much for. Seokjin loved winning little stuffed animals and Jungkook loved receiving them, grinning widely the whole way, a different stuffed animal added to his collection every five minutes or so. V that with all the bears they were getting (because even if J-Hope didn’t care much for many of the games, he still liked to win things for V) they would end up owning a mini toy store that would be fully stocked for the next three years or so. Many of the games they played were to test one’s strength, or simply their accuracy. Hoseok was good at those games because he was a dancer, meaning he worked out a lot and he did every move precisely. Seokjin was just good at them because he did is best to impress his boyfriend.

They ate many different kinds of foods that were either really good or really gross. But in the end, V ended up getting some more dukboki and cotton candy. Jungkook had a bag of popcorn, Hoseok had a Coke and Seokjin also had some popcorn. Hoseok and Jin found themselves carrying the toys they won because the best friends went forwards to go try and win something for both Jin and Hoseok.

It was really cute and really sweet.

V pouted when he couldn’t squirt the water to the damned target. Jungkook got mad because he at fishing, apparently, and both Jin and Hoseok fought back their laughter.

“Yah! Don’t laugh!” Taehyung exclaimed unhappily, pouting, crossing his arms and frowning slightly. Hoseok smiled at him, leaning over to kiss his cheek, but he caught his mistake. He pulled away and for once, V actually hated himself because if it weren’t for his stupid rules, Hoseok would’ve been able to kiss him. But to avoid hurting himself, V reminded himself that he was still mad at the older male.

“Okay,” Hoseok pulled away, trying to pretend as if that didn’t just happen. “I’ll try not to.”

Taehyung stuck his tongue out. Hoseok smiled. “At least I’m trying,” V defended, clearly wounded. He crossed his arms.

J-Hope smiled softly at him. “Yes, and the effort is appreciated, baby,” Hoseok assured with his warm, heart-melting smile.

V grinned. But then, very slowly, a pout formed. “But… I didn’t get you anything…”

Hoseok hummed. “Wanna know something that you can get me, baby?”

Taehyung looked at him innocently, humming as a response. “You could give me a kiss,” Hoseok whispered.

V’s face flushed a bright red, and he bit his bottom lip, unsure of what to do. He knew he wanted one, especially if it came from Hoseok, but it was one of his rules. Then again… he did break one of his rules by letting Hoseok touch him. But , if he broke one of the rules, then Hoseok might think that he could break all of the rules. And there was no way in hell Taehyung was giving him any after what he did.

The older male was just leaning in when Taehyung reacted quickly, pushing his finger against Hoseok’s plump lips, stopping him from kissing him when he was less than an inch away. Hoseok frowned a bit, clearly not expecting this, but Taehyung simply smirked. He gently pushed Hoseok’s lips away with one finger, smiling a bit wider.

“Have you forgotten my rule?” Taehyung asked, smirking mischievously.

Well, if he wanted to be sassy… Hoseok smirked back. “No, I haven’t. But by what you just did, I’m guessing you forgot your own rules.” He was referring to the whole ‘touching’ thing and Taehyung knew it.

The younger male scoffed. “As if you didn’t like it,” he retorted.

Hoseok made a weird noise that sounded like a ‘pft’, making V roll his eyes. “You can’t say you didn’t like it either.”

Taehyung gasped. “Why you little--!”

Hoseok smiled. “Come on, baby. Don’t be mad at me.” His tone and his small pout, along with the fact that he was resting his chin on V’s shoulder, made V want to melt. Even if he wasn’t even really mad in the first place, he still felt every last inch of this emotion melt away. “Please?”

V sighed, but he felt his breath hitch in his throat, making the sigh come out rather hoarse. “O-okay.” it was more like the proximity Hoseok was in that made Taehyung stutter so much.

Hoseok grinned. “Good.”


A few games later, along with slight teasing and soft touches later, and the boys were exhausted. They sat in the small food court, which was mainly made up of a few taco trucks and kimchi shops, enjoying each other’s company for a while.

Hoseok ran a hand through Taehyung’s hair, humming a soft tune that V didn’t know the name of. “I’m bored,” Jungkook stated bluntly.

Seokjin, suddenly feeling bad that his boyfriend was bored on one of their dates, kissed him on the cheek. “We could play some games.” He shrugged.

Jungkook pouted. “But I’m tired, hyung,” he whined.

Seokjin sighed. “We don’t have to leave, Kookie.” They both shared a smile. “No, what I’m saying is that we can play games like twenty-one questions or truth or dare.” He paused to look at the other two, who seemed to like the idea, obviously trying to get rid of the same boredom Jungkook was fighting.

“I go for twenty-one questions,” Hoseok stated. But then he remembered last time he had played twenty-one questions, which happened to be with Taehyung; he remembered the slight pain in the game so he quickly added, “But no really serious questions.”

While Taehyung heard Hoseok’s first sentence, he seemed almost horrified, also recalling their first time playing the game together. However, when the older male added the last part, he felt himself relax. He smiled now, his shoulder less tense.

“I was also going to pick that game since, you know,” Jungkook shrugged, “We would probably end up fighting or something in truth or dare.” After Seokjin agreed with the males, they all made up rules on how they weren’t allowed to ask completely serious, dramatic questions that would lead to chaos. They all agreed, obviously sharing the same thought-process as Hoseok was having when he said this.

“Okay,” Jin began, sighing loudly. He hummed, trying to think of what to do or say next. “We should go counter-clock wise.” He looked at V, because that’s where he would then start. The younger male simply nodded. “Okay then, V, you may ask any question to anybody or all of us at once if you want. Go.”

Taehyung grinned. He looked over at Jin, Jungkook, and then Hoseok. His smile seemed fairly innocent, Hoseok decided, so none of them had nothing to worry about. “If you had the chance to date either Luhan from EXO or Kris from EXO, who would you date?”

Everyone sighed loudly, either because they were relieved he didn’t say anything too devious or because it was a hard question they had no answer to. Taehyung seemed rather pleased with everybody’s reactions, so he sat back and smiled to himself.

“Well,” Seokjin began, “I think I would go for Luhan.” Jungkook gawked. “Because he’s cute and everything and he just seems more like my type than Kris.” He hummed, trying to think of something else to say. “Besides,” he chuckled sheepishly, “If I went for Kris, I think the maknae Tao would use wushu on me or something for touching his man.”

Jungkook giggled cutely, as did everybody else. “A big Tao-Kris shipper, I see,” Jungkook teased, smiling adorably. Jin shrugged his shoulders.

“I would go for…” all eyes were now on the male speaking, which was Jungkook. “Kris.” Hoseok ‘ah-ed’ and Taehyung seemed rather intrigued with his answer. “Because while an angry panda attacking me with kung-fu moves is rather scary, I think that another jealous maknae, as in Sehun, is way scarier.” He grinned.

There was yet another out-break of laughter before Taehyung took it upon himself to answer. “You guys make this so complicated. I’d go for Kris just because he seems to be better in bed than Luhan.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Simple as that.”

Hoseok wanted to glare, but all eyes were on him now, waiting for him to answer Taehyung’s question. He sighed. “I’d also go for Luhan. He’s cute and he has this sassy attitude at times and I think it’d be adorable if he clung to me the way he always clings to Sehun.”

V nodded, as if agreeing with the answer.

“Hoseok-ah, you go next. Ask away,” Jungkook grinned.

Hoseok nodded, humming a while, trying to think of a good question. “Hmm… Out of these four people, who would you call, who would you text, who would you date, and who would you ignore?” he paused to let everyone remember his words. “Okay: Daehyun from B.A.P, Xiumin from EXO, Key from SHINee, and Junhyung from Beast.”

“I got it !” Jungkook chirped up happily. Once all eyes were on him, smiling softly in return for his grin. “I’d date Xiumin, no reason why, really. I’d call Daehyun… I’d text Junhyung and I’d ignore Key. I think I’d waste too much money on him and his clothes.” He winced.

Seokjin smiled, patting his back.

Up next was Taehyung. “Well, I’d date Junhyung, because I have a thing for rappers.” He grinned and Hoseok rolled his eyes. “So then that means I’d call Key. And I’d text Xiumin and I’d ignore Daehyun because people tell me I look like him.” Everyone stared at his face for a while, gasping when they realized it was true. He smiled. “I think I’d be creepy if I dated my famous twin.”

Hoseok grinned as he continued. “Since Tae is beautiful,” V blushed. “I’d date Daehyun because they do look alike.” Jin and Jungkook glanced at Taehyung. “I’d call Xiumin, because if Dae decides to leave me for somebody else, I’d have a back-up pretty face.” Jungkook cooed out a ‘smart’ before Hoseok continued. “I’d text Key, because he’s kind of feminine and adorable at times. But I’d ignore Junhyung because he’s a more dominant type and I’d hate to bottom at any time.”

Seokjin still hadn’t made up his mind. “Can’t I just call two of them?” Jungkook shook his head. “Okay, fine…” there was another minute of silence before Seokjin figured it all out. “I’d date Xiumin, I’d call Key, I’d text Daehyun and I’d ignore Junhyung.” He stated bluntly.

Jungkook hummed. “Okay…. so, and don’t laugh,” he glared at the whole table. The boys nodded, briefly questioning why he’d even say that, worrying a bit. “Who’s the dirtiest in bed in here? And be honest.”

Taehyung almost choked on air, and Hoseok chuckled uncontrollably, while Jin blushed fiercely. Jungkook pouted. “Yah! I told you not to laugh!” he glared at Hoseok. The older male tried to control it, but then he caught sight of V’s flustered face and he found himself chuckling again.

V smacked him on the shoulder before taking it upon himself to answer. “Well, I think we’d all have to say Hoseok.”

All eyes were on Hoseok now. Shocked, Hoseok stayed frozen. He really had no words for it, but he tried his best to compose a sentence without sounding like a babbling idiot. “W-well… I mean, I don’t think i-I’m terrible or anything b-but… Jin is older. He probably has more experience.”

Well thanks for throwing me under the ing bus like that, kid, Jin thought as he glared at the other, who simply grinned a -eating grin. “I dunno if I’m good or not. Or if I’m better than any of you here. But dirtier, probably not. When I sleep with someone, I treat them with respect. I don’t care much for dirty things like riding or anything like that.”

“Okay, grandpa,” Taehyung yawned. “Since you’re trying to play Saint here, I’ll be honest and say that I can be dirty. But Hoseok-hyung is dirtier, in my opinion. Next question!”

Seokjin continued. “If you had to choose between kissing a monkey’s or watching two old people , which would you pick?”

Taehyung winced. “How old are the old people?” he asked weakly.

“Lady’s seventy three and the old man is eighty one.”

V made a disgusted face, eyes squinting a bit as he did so. “Ughh! That’s so…” he shivered. “But if I had to pick, I think I’d go for kissing the monkey’s . I’d eventually get the taste out of my mouth but the image of two oldies ing would scar me for the rest of my life, way after both those people pass.”

Hoseok chucked, patting his head. “I’d go for watching them. Besides, at their age, I doubt they’d do anything. They’d probably just kiss and then fall asleep.”

“I actually agree with Tae,” Jin began. “I’m sure a monkey’s is cleaner.”

“I’m going with Hoseok hyung.” Jungkook declared, smiling. “I doubt they’d make any noise too. I’d eventually fall asleep.”

Seokjin simply grinned.


A/N: 我爱你!我们是你!谢谢!再见!。。。我爱金。IDK。。。um…我是快乐!:)下星期我上学。。。 :(。。。 BUT WHATEVER

So that’s my poor excuse of writing Chinese. But I’m learning for the babe (TAO!)… So yeah. I know this isn’t my best chapter but my sister has me writing her a full story (more like a ing novel) and I’m finishing up my Bang-Zelo story (“Another Cinderella Story”). Also, it’s spring break! I’ve been sitting on my everyday so far so….

(Translate: I love you! I love you all! Thank you! Good-bye!... I love Jin. IDK… um… I am happy! J Next week I go to school… L… BUT WHATEVER!)

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10