Planning and a side of crush


School went by pretty slow for Hoseok; he really wanted to get the out so that he could text Taehyung, call him, and finally see him again. But the whole eight hours of school dragged by and he absolutely hated it.

                Namjoon and Hoseok were both in the same class; this was a talent school and they were both majoring in rap so they wound up together most of the time. Even if Namjoon was the boss of him in the shop, they were still close friends then and during school. And now it was lunch time so both boys went to roam the school garden, both talking about nothing, really.

                “Do you know where you’re going to take your little boyfriend?” Namjoon asked after a while. Hoseok blinked before sighing shaking his head.

                “No. I have no idea how to top that first date. But I want him to stay with me so I guess I’m going to have to ask him out next time…”

                Rap Monster chuckled. “I can help you out with that.”

                Since today was Friday, Namjoon made an exception and closed up the shop, just so that they could meet up at Hoseok’s house after school so that he younger male could help out the rapper win himself the cute boy.

                Hoseok had thought about texting Taehyung dozens of times, but he was always busy in school with work and he just couldn’t talk to him in front of Rap Monster because he would surely relentlessly. He could live without that.

                “What are we gonna do to get Taehyung to be my boyfriend?” Hoseok asked Namjoon, eyebrows scrunched up. Then he chuckled. “I mean, I’m the one with a date, while you haven’t hooked up with anyone in months.”

                Namjoon’s eye twitched. A soft and low growl escaped his lips as he glared at the older male, clearly unpleased by his words. “Do you want Taehyung or not?”

                “Okay, fine. Shoot.”

                “What? You mean like now?”

                J-Hope sighed loudly, frowning at him. “You mean you had no idea what to do?”

                “Of course I haven’t. Remember? I’m the one who hasn’t got laid in months.”

                Seeing this wasn’t going to go anywhere until J-Hope apologized, the rapper sighed in defeat. “Okay, Rap-Mon, you win. I’m sorry for saying that you haven’t dated anyone in a while. Now, will you please tell me what you had in mind?”

                “Okay, fine. I accept your apology. So what I was thinking was that I could help you write him a song and maybe Jin and Jimin could come over so that we could all come up with a simple yet effective dance routine by your date on Sunday. Then, at the very end of the dance number, Jin, Jimin and I could hold up a sign and you get down on one knee and give him a dozen roses and then ask him to date you. Now, tell me, how was it?” Namjoon asked with a satisfied and cocky voice.

                Hoseok’s mouth was agape, eyes a bit wide. “Wow,” he drawled out, tone of voice laced with disbelief. “That was… WOW.”

                Namjoon smiled. “I’m gonna go call dumb and dumber now. Meanwhile, go get some paper and a pen; we’re gonna write the best song for that boy that’s got you so love-strung. Okay?”

                J-Hope simply nodded, a smile on his face, a warm feeling in his stomach.

                “Why would you sing that song on your first date, dumb ?! That was one of the most romantic we’ve ever written!” Namjoon scolded. Hoseok, who was just sitting there on the bed, head down, simply shrugged his shoulders. To be honest, he really saw nothing wrong with singing a beautiful a person a beautiful song they deserved.

                “Because I thought he deserved to hear something touching like that; did you know he’s never been told he was beautiful? I seriously find it damned hard to believe. I mean—“and just as he was about to go into detail about how perfect Taehyung was, Rap-Mon cut him off.

                “Okay, okay, before you get all love-y dove-y on me, I get it; Taehyung is the most perfect human being you’ve ever seen. But now we have to start from scratch,” Rap Mon stated, rubbing his temples before grabbing a pad and pen from Hoseok’s dresser. “And well, it shouldn’t be too hard seeing as this boy has you going crazy…”

                Damn right.

                “So, has he ever mentioned his favorite song? We could take some notes from that.”

                Hoseok smiled as memories from the first time they sat down and talked popped into mind. He remembered as they sat there in the coffee shop, talking the hours away, every last minute blurring by into something less than a second. He could still remember the cutest smiles they shared, the small talk; everything was still fresh in his head. He remembered Taehyung’s lips moving, words sweet and soft, just perfect like honey. He remembered that his favorite colors were green, black and white. He remembered that his role model was his dad… he remembered that the boy said he had a habit of biting his nails, and he remembered that the boy’s favorite song of all time was Taeyang’s “Eyes, nose, lips.”

                “Eyes, nose, lips,” Hoseok mumbled after a while, mind still a buzz from his reminiscing. “That’s his favorite song…”

                “Dude! Snap out of it!”

                Hoseok blinked rapidly, turning to face Namjoon, completely unaware of when his face had drifted to look at the wall right behind Namjoon. “Huh?”

                “What were you thinking about? I’ve never seen you so out of it.” Rap Monster stated, eyebrows turned upward, genuine concern in his voice.

                A blush made its way up the older male’s cheeks. “The first time I met Taehyung.”

                Namjoon smiled his all-knowing smile that only a brother could pull off. Hoseok was like his brother, like his own flesh and blood. They’ve been friends ever since Namjoon could pick up a pencil and even if he was his boss, he didn’t behave like it. Working in the store with J-Hope was just like an after school activity—fun, meaningless, and most of the time one couldn’t tell the difference between working and having fun. Rap Monster remembered when Hoseok had his very first crush; it was this beautiful girl with chocolate brown, shoulder length hair. She was a year older, and just because of that she didn’t want to date him. He remembered how crushed Hoseok was that day, especially since the boy spent nights up, just thinking about writing her a poem and presenting it to her. But he never had the chance to. It was the worse day of his life. The poor boy was only twelve. The rest of the times the boy had liked someone it was just a crush he got over only weeks later. Nobody was genuine, as Hoseok put it, everyone was just with him because they liked the idea of being with a handsome rapper. And then Taehyung came into the picture. Namjoon has never seen Hoseok smile nearly as much as he does today, he’s never seen his mind drift off into wonderland as much as it has been recently because of a beyond beautiful boy. He truly felt happy for his friend. Hoseok has went out of his way to please the boy and not only has he succeeded, but he’s made this amazing boy, who once felt like just an average nobody, feel like if he were someone’s whole world. Hoseok made Taehyung feel like a prince and Namjoon was so proud of him for it. And here he was yet again, mind drifting off into Taehyung-Land, smile on his face while his eyes were fixed up on the same wall as before.

                Namjoon’s lips twisted up into a smile.

                “Okay, lover boy, let’s write the best damn song for your soon-to-be-boyfriend.”

                At this, the biggest grin flashed on Hoseok’s lips. “Thanks a lot, Rap Mon.”

                “I guess he must really like this Taehyung guy then, don’t you think Jin-hyung?” Jimin asked right after hanging up with Namjoon. Jin smiled widely, shaking his head.

                “Of course he does, you babo!” Jin claimed, hitting Jimin up-side the head. “Why else would he practically beg us to wait on them on their first date?! Why else would we be on our way to help him out?!”

                Jimin’s eyes widened. “Y-you mean we’re actually going to dance a long choreography and we’re going to s-sing too?”

                Jin simply smiled and handed Jimin his coat. “Yup.” Then he pushed Jimin closer to the door. “So we’d better get a move on! Their date is on Sunday and we don’t want to mess up.”

                Jungkook watched as Taehyung tried on a fifth shirt that day. He had his cheek on his fist, lips formed into a pout as he watched the rewind of the last few minutes flash before him yet again. Taehyung would try on a new shirt and then wrinkle his nose in disapproval right before running back to his bed to pick up another one. He used to ask Jungkook if it looked alright, but when the boy said ‘yes’, Taehyung would roll his eyes and complain about it and switch shirts, never even listening to the younger male. Thus, the boy stayed shut, simply shrugging whenever the same question was thrown his way.

                Now, he has wearing a grey button down and he made that disgusted face again. “Ugh,” he mumbled under his breath, “Grey is definitely not my color.”

                He then turned to look at the exhausted teen. “How does this look?”

                Jungkook shrugged. But before Taehyung could even open his mouth to scold him for not being any help, Jungkook’s irritated voice echoed through the room. “Tae, if this boy is so amazing like you say, would he stop seeing you if wore the wrong thing?!” Taehyung opened his mouth to respond but Jungkook just would let him talk. “No! The other day when we met at the record shop and you just wore whatever, he didn’t say you were ugly, did he? No~! The only thing he did was eat your face off right in front of me and that other guy!” Taehyung now looked down, cheeks burning. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go see him to find out where he’s taking you.”

                Taehyung frowned. “Why?”

                Jungkook rolled his eyes as if the answer were the most obvious thing in the world. “Because I have to know whether you have to wear casual or professional.”

                And just like that, the younger male was gone.

                “Baby, baby you’re a caramel macchiato. Your scent is still sweet on my lips. Baby, baby, tonight…” Jin sang, hand on his chest, eyes closed as he poured his heart and soul into one line. However, Hoseok still shook his head.

                “But sing it like you mean it. Sing it as if that’s what he actually tasted like, sing it as if you were kissing him and moments later, you still missed his lips,” Hoseok complained, giving rather accurate instructions. Jin blinked.


                “Take it from the top.”

                Jin cleared his throat, eyes fluttering closed yet again. “Baby, baby, you’re a caramel macchiato. Your scent is still sweet on my lips—“

                But before he could finish singing, Jungkook walked into the shop, face dead serious.

                “So, now you’re writing a song for someone else?”

                Hoseok frowned. “What the hell are you talking about?”

                “You said Macchiato. Taehyung’s name isn’t macchiato.”

                Hoseok chuckled. He shook his head, smile on his face. “Jin said caramel macchiato. And just so you know, this is the song I’m going to play just before I ask Taehyung to be my boyfriend.” Just as he finished his sentence, the blood on his cheeks began to boil, making the youngest male in the room smile.

                “And by the way, Jin, you gotta sing it from the heart. Sing it like you mean. Sing it like the person who tasted as sweet as caramel was right in front of your face.”

                Still mesmerized by the male’s beauty, Jin simply stayed there, frozen, lips slightly parted, eyes not blinking. “Uh-okay.”

                He cleared his throat, eyes fixed on the cute boy before trying the same part over and over again. “Baby, baby, you’re a caramel macchiato. Your scent is still sweet on my lips—“

                Jungkook shook his head, something that disappointed the elder. “No, no. Here, listen to me and then you try,” Jungkook suggested before taking a seat on top of the piano Rap Monster had been playing. He nodded his head to the bleached-haired rapper so that he could began. “Baby, baby, you’re a caramel macchiato. Your scent is still sweet on my lips. Baby, baby, tonight~ Yeah, yeah~”

                If Jin hadn’t melted there on the floor right then, what was the warm feeling in his chest? Why did he feel as if his legs were made of gelatin and why was it suddenly so hard to keep his posture? He gulped, throat suddenly so dry.

                Hoseok chuckled as he saw his friend’s reaction. “Well, Jungkook, I must say, you do have an amazing voice. And since Jin wasn’t so great at singing the chorus, mind helping me?”

                Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, sure. As long as it makes hyung happy.”

                J-Hope simply nodded, patting Jin on the back to wake him up from his trance. “Oh, and by the way, Jin, I’m not saying that you can’t sing, I’m just saying that I can sing better,” Jungkook said rather sassily, lips turned up into a smirk.

                Jin still didn’t react, only his lips did mock what Jungkook had done, ears drowning out all the childish “Ooh’s” he received from his friends.

                “Whatever you say, Kid”.

                Jungkook’s smile was clean off his face. “Watch it, hyung, cuz this kid has an amazing voice that would run you out of business.”

Well, I love my sassy Jungkook-y! <3 Sorry for the late update. But, you know, I have to study for finals and what-not. But I will write long chapters to satisfy you guys for the holidays since I will most likely not have any time with the whole Christmas shopping and all. Excuse any grammar errors, please. Also, I am going to make a few one-shots for the holidays (which will most likely include Jin & Jungkook, V-Hope, Iljae, Chen & Baekhyun, Bang & Zelo, MAYBE Himchan & Jongup, Daehyun & Youngjae, and you know, any other couple I absolutely ADORE.) As always, please comment and subscribe. (By the way, to whoever is reading my A/N, thanks a lot. I know many of you guys just skip along and it’s whatever, but I have things to say… so…) THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! AND I LOVE YOU MY LOVELY SUBSCRIBERS!

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10