If Love Isn't A Game...



It was almost one in the morning when Hoseok abruptly woke up. Noticing how dark it was outside, he cursed under his breath. He got up so fast his head began spinning, so fast he had to hold onto the couch’s arm rest to keep from falling because of how numb his legs felt. He looked down at his phone, hoping it wasn’t as late as it looked.

His heart stopped.

He put his jacket on, looking for Jenny to curse at her or something because she was supposed to wake her up. She was in the living room as well, right beside him on a different couch. Everything looked the same, so he guessed she had fallen asleep as quickly as he did.

He couldn’t blame it on her now.

He shook his head, opting to drive as fast as possible to at least kiss his lover goodnight, that is, if his sleepy head wasn’t asleep already.

He wouldn’t blame him if he was.


When the rapper arrived in Taehyung’s apartment, the younger male was asleep on the couch, both of his legs curled up against his chest, snoring softly. His heart swelled at how absolutely adorable Taehyung looked. The other must’ve tried to wait for him, but then fell asleep at the attempt. That was when his heart shrank. Taehyung would surely have his head in the morning for coming home so late, especially when he was already on alert with Jennifer as it was, especially when he didn’t trust her as it was. He sighed.

Hoseok bent down to pick his beautiful lover up bridal, being gentle so he didn’t wake him up. He placed him on his bed, throwing the covers over his small frame, bending over to kiss his cheek softly.

Taehyung stirred a bit before his eyes fluttered open. He pouted at the other, mumbling out a soft, “You’re late. Too late.”

Hoseok sighed softly before kissing his pouty lips. “Let’s talk about it in the morning, hmm? You seem tired.” The other yawned, only proving Hoseok’s point. J-Hope smiled adoringly at him before whispering into his ear a soft yet meaningful, “I love you, princess.”

V smiled, eyes closing. For a moment, he forgot that he was mad at the older. “Promise?”

J-Hope hummed, kissing his cheek. “I swear.”

The other yawned before snuggling into his pillow, muttering out a tired, “I love you too, hyung.”

J-Hope stared at his peaceful frame for a while longer before smiling adoringly. He was more than thankful for having him. He brought meaning to his life, he made him smile his famous heart shaped grin, and he made his heart flutter. He didn’t like that the younger was mad at him. All he wanted was to snuggle close to his perfect frame for the rest of his life, to wake up to that beautiful, amazing face of his that had the most beautiful smile, to kiss him softly every morning.

With that in mind, he stripped into his boxers, nuzzling close to Taehyung’s warmth. The younger didn’t even hesitate to wrap his skinny arms around Hoseok’s waist, to nuzzle his face into his chest. Hoseok played with his hair before kissing his head softly, promising him to always love him, forever and ever.

Something about V’s smile made Hoseok believe that he wasn’t smiling because of a dream.

…But it’s always peaceful before the storm.


Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, smiling when his lover’s handsome face greeted him. He stared at him for a while before smiling softly, hugging him tighter.

Hoseok smiled, waking up to see his cute lover snuggled so close to him. He hugged him tighter as well, smiling with his eyes closed when he heard the other gasp in surprise. When the younger male saw that sly smirk on Hoseok’s face, he frowned.

“I don’t know why I love you…” V mumbled, frankly crushing Hoseok’s heart in the process.

At his wounded puppy look, Taehyung rolled his eyes before kissing his lips. Hoseok treasure that kiss as if it were their very last, hooking his fingers behind Taehyung’s neck, deepening the kiss. V smiled softly before wrapping his arms around Hoseok’s neck, parting from the kiss to nuzzle his face into J-Hope chest.

“But…” V sighed softly. “I love you.”

Hoseok smiled. “Forever?”

Taehyung smiled. “Forever and Always.”


Hoseok was taking a shower while V used his phone, sighing when he remembered he should’ve scolded J-Hope for coming in so late last night without any warning. He saw a little icon on the side of his screen that said he had a message.

He made an ‘o’ with his mouth. “Guess hyung did tell me he was coming in late.”

He shrugged before clicking on the icon, deciding it did no harm if he simply read the message.

It took all but two seconds for his heart to stop beating.

Taehyung dropped his phone on the floor, screen down, causing the screen to crack. Hot, regretful tears ran quickly down his cheeks and onto the side of his face before rolling down the bed. His heart clenched painfully in his chest before it stopped completely. There was a huge lump in his throat that burned and ached and it only seemed to get worse when he tried to bite the tears and whimpers back. His hands balled into tight fists, his nails digging into his palms, creating little red crescents there. He threw his head onto the pillow, trying desperately not to scream.

The pain was indescribable. All he could do was cry some more, clinging onto the sheets. The water he heard run in the shower hit the ground as fast as his did. Everything stopped. Suddenly, there was a giant boulder on his shoulders, crushing him under the weight. He clenched his eyes shut, trying to stop the tears but it was no use.

Finally, he let out a painful scream. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” he shouted at nothing in particular before he sobbed, whimpering because of the pain in his chest and throat. His head began thumping in pain but that didn’t hurt as much as his crushed heart did.

Hoseok ran out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist as soon as he heard the pained scream of his lover.

When he walked in and saw his beautiful boyfriend sobbing on the bed, his heart dropped down to the floor, shattering completely. He forgot how to breathe when he saw Taehyung’s beautiful Hershey colored crescents glared harsh daggers in his direction, red eyes filled with tears.

His face was red and his cheeks burned—he wasn’t sure why; either it was because of the humiliation he felt in his stomach or simply because he felt so angry right now. Taehyung felt, no, he heard his heart crack under the pressure as soon as he saw Hoseok’s face.

Hoseok knelt down besides V, trying to hold onto his hand. The younger was quick to slap it away, however, his heart clenching once more. He felt so dizzy. He turned away from Hoseok, trying to spare his poor heart anymore pain.

“B-baby?” Hoseok began softly, worry overflowing him.

Taehyung sniffled. “Don’t ing call me that!” he hissed coldly.

Hoseok didn’t know what he was feeling then—now he wanted to cry with his beautiful lover too. He wanted to hug and kiss but he couldn’t so much as touch. This was all messing with him and he wanted nothing more than to find out where this behavior had come from.

“W-what’s wrong, b—“he shook it away, “—Taehyung?”

Taehyung glared at him. “What’s wrong?” he mimicked, voice dripping with hate and anger and maybe something close to disappointment.  “Why didn’t you just tell me that you didn’t want me?!” he shouted, scowling at him. Hoseok’s eyes went wide. All he could do now was listen because everything went numb. “Why didn’t you just tell me that you just wanted to ?!” he sat up now, shoving Hoseok. “Why didn’t you just tell me that you wanted her instead of me?!” this time it was louder and his voice cracked; he tried to be a man but his voice betrayed him.

Hoseok’s heart stopped. He looked at him for a minute, trying to make sure his breath went back to normal before he spoke. “What are you talking about?”

V chuckled bitterly, picking his phone off of the ground, tossing it at Hoseok. The older male picked the device up from the side of the bed where it landed and unlocked the phone. As soon as his eyes landed on that deceiving picture, everything stopped.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO! His mind kept repeating. This wasn’t happening. She was supposed to be his friend. It was her idea that he hooked up with Taehyung. She was the one that gave him the courage to confront him and she…

She betrayed him.

“This isn’t what it looks like,” he managed.

V shook his head, chuckling bitterly, voice hoarse. “Oh, but it is.” He was a bit calmer now, but his heart still stung terribly. “But at least now I know… you know, before it got too serious and all…”

Hoseok studied his face once more. He leaned over and cupped his chin, but Taehyung moved his head before he could. “No,” V said almost softly now. “Don’t apologize… just go to her… you deserve to be happy…” he sniffled softly.

The remaining parts of J-Hope’s heart shattered. “But I want y—“



Hoseok got dressed silently, closing the still running water. Taehyung was in bed, facing the wall, the opposite direction where he was facing. Hoseok sighed before buttoning the last two buttons of his shirt. He had taken his time with everything because he knew fairly well that he was never going to be in this apartment again, that he was never going to be in Taehyung’s presence ever again.

When he finished, he picked up his phone from the night stand and stared at Taehyung’s trembling form for a second.

He never wanted it to end…

It should’ve never ended…

He silently made his way over to Taehyung, and before V had enough time to shimmy away, Hoseok’s breath against his neck kept him frozen. “Goodbye, Taehyung. I’m not going to tell you that I love you because then that would make this harder… but I will tell you that I’ll never forget you, that I will never love someone the way I love you…”

Taehyung sniffled, hiding his face further into the pillow when a blush formed and his heart sank. “Just go…”

Hoseok nodded. He wanted to kiss him goodbye, goodbye forever, but he knew better than to add more salt to the wound.

“Goodbye, Taehyung…” and with that, Hoseok stepped away from him and closed the door.

As soon as he heard the door click closed, V whimpered, missing the warmth that once surrounded him.


He went to the shop after that.

Namjoon comforted him, and Jin did the same. Of course, Jungkook hit him and cursed at him and Seokjin ended up holding Jungkook back. The younger boy was obviously blinded by anger to see that he was obviously framed, but then Suga came in. once he saw the picture, he scoffed.

“Hoseok was obviously framed,” he said smoothly, sure of his own words.

Jungkook looked up at him. His hyung would never lie…ever. Only to a few girls perhaps but as long as Jungkook had known him, the older male didn’t dare tell a false sentence. The youngest male in the room simply blinked. “W-what?” he stuttered, as if he had just misheard his hyung.

Suga shrugged his shoulders. “Well, think about it.” He paused before he got all technical. “Why would Hoseok be the one to send Taehyung such a message? Why would he expose himself like that?” when Jungkook didn’t respond, Yoongi continued. “Even if he were cheating on Taehyung, which is totally not true and quite frankly stupid, he wouldn’t just send V a picture like that. He would want to keep it a secret.”

Jungkook glared. “Unless he were just toying with Taehyung.” Yoongi sighed. “They obviously had some going on and that’s why V never liked her.” He was still trying to defend himself, going against Hoseok. “He sensed something going on between the two. They probably just wanted to see hyung suffer.”

Hoseok was about to speak when Jimin, who had just walked in, spoke up. “What’d I miss?” he grinned. His smile faded when Jungkook began tearing up, Yoongi in front of him. “Min Yoongi,” he growled, “What did you do?”

Yoongi’s eyes went wide. “I-I didn’t do anything!” he was obviously afraid of his lover.

“Uh-huh.” He looked at Jungkook. “Kookie,” he began softly, “what happened?”

The younger responded quickly, glaring daggers at Hoseok, who was sitting beside Seokjin. “That bastard CHEATED on Taehyung-y!”

Jimin hummed. “Uh-huh.” He seemed too calm. He took his jacket off and handed it to Suga, who took it wordlessly, a bit awestruck at how easily he took the news. He then took his black piercing off and smiled almost warmly at Suga before he turned to look at J-Hope with a murderous glare. “Now, what was that, Kookie?” he asked too sweetly.

Jungkook blinked. “Uh… umm, Hoseok cheated on Taehyung….”

Jimin hummed. “That’s what I thought I heard.”

And then he dashed over to where Hoseok was. Yoongi dropped his things and ran over to catch up to Jimin before he hit the innocent male. Just as his hand went up, Yoongi held him back. He wrapped his arms around his midsection, making sure his hands were at his sides so now the only thing lose left for him to try and escape were with wiggling legs.


Hoseok simply sighed; he wouldn’t blame his own best friend if he hated his guts, even if he didn’t actually do anything wrong. But he never told the boys that Jennifer took the picture because they would surely all go off on her, regardless that she was a girl. He didn’t want them to hurt her.

“I SAID LET ME GOOOO!” Jimin barked.

Yoongi sighed. “He was framed, honey. I swear.”

Jimin stopped struggling. They handed the male Hoseok’s phone so that they could see the picture and Jimin glared, his breath hitching. He let out a soft sigh before looking over at Yoongi. “If you’re not right about this, Min Yoongi,” he began almost sternly. “I will dump your .”

Yoongi gulped. He was sure of himself, and of Hoseok; there was no doubt in his mind that Hoseok loved Taehyung very much. He wouldn’t cheat. But what bothered him and Hoseok was the simple fact that Jimin had known Hoseok for way, way longer than he had and yet, he didn’t believe him. Suga may not have known Hoseok as long, but he was more than positive that Hoseok wouldn’t do that. He wasn’t the type to.

Suga shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly. Jimin gasped. “Deal.” He grinned at the slightly shocked Hoseok.

“I trust you, Hobie,” he smiled at him. Hoseok managed a soft smirk.

Jimin was silent for a while, seeming deep in thought. “Lemme see your phone again,” Jimin mumbled. Jin passed him the phone and then settled beside Namjoon and Jungkook, holding the younger male’s hand. Jimin studied the picture for a while, his eyebrows slowly furring. He then gasped. “W-wait….”

Yoongi smiled at him.

“Y-you didn’t …” Jimin gulped, looking at Hoseok with innocent eyes. “You didn’t cheat, did you?” Hoseok nodded, sighing. Maybe the other two didn’t figure out the whole thing, but Jimin did. “She-she set you up, didn’t she?” all eyes were on Hoseok, who bowed his head. He bit his bottom lip—he couldn’t lie to them, he just couldn’t.

“I—”he sighed. “Yeah, she did.”

There was a brief second where everyone began to yell, but Hoseok stopped them mid-word. “I was asleep and, well, she must’ve posed to make it look as if we were having …” he sighed. “I knew I should’ve never left to go with her… I miss him…” he mumbled softly.

He felt tired now, of everything.

Jungkook sighed softly. “Are you ever going to confront her? Or, at least, are you going to tell Taehyung the truth?” he paused. “You can’t just have hyung thinking of you as some sort of cheater, because you’re not. You love him.” He smiled at the blushing male. “And you can’t have her seeming like some sort of saint because she’s not.” he pouted, making Jin smile at him.

“Hey, Yoongi,” Jimin called after a second. Yoongi hummed. “I think I wanna go get some coffee now…”

Yoongi simply blinked. He didn’t understand Jimin’s strange request… and he didn’t understand where it came from… His eyes went wide and his brows shot up. “U-um… Jimin?”

Jimin answered smoothly. “Yeah?”

“A-are you p-p-pregnant?”

Jimin scoffed. “No, you idiot. I just want coffee.”


All six of the boys ended up going to the nearest coffee shop, which Hoseok hadn’t even realized was the one in which Jennifer worked in. he kept his head down, mainly letting Namjoon’s hand, which was on his shoulder, lead him down the rest of the way. Jimin sort of stomped the rest of the way and Yoongi couldn’t decide whether it was incredibly cute or… amazingly weird.

Jimin opened the door, not even bothering to leave it open for the rest to get in. Yoongi ended up doing the honors.

Jimin frantically searched until his head snapped up at the cash register, where the person who he was looking for met his eyes. He snapped.

He ran over to the female behind the desk and glared at her, making her gasp. He skipped everyone until he was in front of her and he began growling. At this, Hoseok looked up. His yes went wide.

Jimin slammed both of his hands down on the table, making a loud noise that caused everyone to look at him, all stunned silent. Jimin ignored the stinging in his palms because the range he felt numbed his body of everything else, including Jin’s words.

“Listen here, you ,” Jimin growled between his teeth, face beginning to turn red in rage. Jennifer gasped. “If you think for a damned second that you have the ing right to destroy a relationship, think again you ing home-wrecker!” she gasped. “If you think for a ing second that I will let you destroy something beautiful, think again you little !” he scoffed when tears slid from her face. “And you better thank the damned GODS that you’re a ing girl, because if you weren’t, I wouldn’t be talking to you!”

Yoongi went up to keep him from exploding because he could even see the nerve on the side of his face pop out. He backed the younger male up, holding him behind his arm. He glared at her. “You know, Jennifer,” Yoongi told her, “just because you have a damned doesn’t mean you’re a lady.”

Namjoon scoffed at her. “Learn to be a lady, you f—“

Hoseok shook his head. He went up to her, pushing past Jimin. He glared. “You’re pathetic, Jennifer. I hope you know that.”

With that, he turned his back and left, the boys going behind him. But not before Jungkook called her a ‘’. People stared, some thinking the boys were some sort of threat, but then they thought back on Jimin’s words. They realized that he had called her a home wrecker, which could only mean the worst. In less than five minutes, everyone left the establishment, all glaring at her.

At least I know that idiot broke up with Hoseok, she thought to herself with a smirk.


Jungkook ran up to his best friend. He hugged him tightly, wrapping his arms around his back and let him cry into his shoulder. He hiccupped and sniffled and he shivered, telling him everything that had happened. Jungkook didn’t have the heart to tell Taehyung that it wasn’t what he thought, because he was still too shaken up, and he knew that V wouldn’t believe him now, he would only push him away for taking the other’s side.

Instead he nodded and hummed softly to his friend’s words, letting him pour his heart out to him. That was what he was there for, after all.

“It’s okay, Tae…” Jungkook purred.

V sniffled. “H-he’s probably with h-her now. H-he probably-y doesn’t e-even remember me n-now. He do-doesn’t even l-love me. He p-probably never d-did!”

Jungkook patted his head softly. “I’m sure that’s not true…”

V sniffled yet again, frowning. “Then w-why did h-he ing cheat! He p-promised me that morning and that day that h-he loved me t-too!” tears slid down his face faster. “B-but now I know I-it’s not true!” his voice failed him now. He was weak, too weak. Now all he could do was whisper out the next sentence with his broken voice. “It was never t-true…”


Hoseok stared at his ceiling for a while, not even blinking. He felt numb…and tired. He was more than ready to simply fall asleep next to Taehyung tonight but he knew it was too late. He couldn’t even see him now. He sighed softly, tilting his head to the side. His phone was vibrating, but he pushed it aside for now. He wasn’t in the mood for anything.

The continuous ringing of the damned device made him growl lowly. Why couldn’t anyone realize that he just wanted to be alone?!

“What?” he hissed between teeth. He didn’t mean to sound bitter because the person on the other end of the phone surely didn’t have anything to do with his heartbreak, but it just seeped out; he couldn’t help it.

“I just wanted to check on you, chill out,” Yoongi retorted back softly.

Hoseok sighed softly. “Sorry about that, hyung,” he muttered. “Was that it?”

Yoongi sighed on the other end. “Yeah. And hey, it’s all going to end well. Taehyung is just blinded by disappointment to see that it wasn’t your doing. Don’t worry. Love always triumphs in the end.” He smiled, regardless of the fact that Hoseok couldn’t see him.

Something about his tone of voice and his words calmed Hoseok down, if only for a little while. “Thanks, Yoongi. Don’t worry, it will turn out. I don’t know how I’m gonna do it… but Taehyung will be mine again…” he then grinned. “And you won’t lose Jimin because of me. We’ll all be fine… in the end.”

Yoongi smirked softly. “No doubt. We’re here for you, okay?”

Hoseok nodded. “Thanks.”


A/N: NOOO MY V-HOPE! It hurts writing angst… You think it’s easy writing this? I’ve been pulling this off for the past few days because I don’t want to hurt my alien or my horse…

But on a brighter note, I’ve been getting into Taoris lately (ZiTao/ Tao x Kris/ Wu Yi Fan) so pandas and dragons forever! (I don’t know why, but when I say that, it makes it sound as if I’m shipping the other panda, Seungri, and the other Dragon, G-Dragon, together.(from Big Bang). But, for the record, I ship GD with Taeyang and Seungri with… myself?

Nope, sorry. Long A/N… Look forward to a new chapter! (Which I’ve already began writing, probably as you read). J


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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10