The Ex's Talk...


The new couple had decided to meet up at the café they had first met in. Hoseok decided to update Jennifer on what was going on meanwhile his new cute boyfriend showed up. She grinned. Hoseok was smiling like a love-sick teenager the whole time and Jennifer was happy for her friend. She couldn’t even remember when he was this happy.

                Jennifer giggled. “I remember when you two had come here and you didn’t even want to talk to him, remember?”

                The older male smiled, looking down. He breathed a sigh of relief then, content that he did get to talk to the most precious boy in the world. “Yeah; but I’m glad I got a chance to talk to him. The boy’s so charming and amazing and he’s beyond beautiful. You know, I don’t even think ‘beautiful’ is enough to describe him. He’s flawless, Jenny. I’m telling you, the boy looks amazing every day. His smile is always so gorgeous and—“

                Taehyung appeared behind him, smiling with a small blush on his cheeks. He briefly wondered if Hoseok spoke about him like this to everybody. The thought made his heart flutter. Jennifer smiled at him, winking behind Hoseok’s shoulder as the male kept describing Taehyung as if he were the pure definition of ‘perfection’.

                “--And Taehyung is so adorable. He’s so shy but sometimes he gets daring and he always knows how to—“

                Taehyung pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his jaw and, before Hoseok got angry and threw him to the side, Hoseok realized who it was. He smiled widely and turned to press a quick peck on his lips, making the younger male blush. Jennifer stood in the back, blankly staring.

                V giggled cutely, nuzzling his nose on Hoseok’s shoulder. “No, please, go on. As you were saying, I always know how to…” he moved his hand in a ‘go on’ motion and Hoseok smirked.

                “I was saying that you always know where and how to kiss me to get my heart to race.”

                The confession made butterflies race about in the very pit of Taehyung’s stomach. The feeling was different; it was a bit stronger than the last few times the older male had caused his heart to skip a few beats… it was different. But the feeling was a good one, nevertheless.

                He didn’t know what to do, so he smiled. Hoseok stepped back to gesture at Jennifer. “Well, I’m sure Jennifer knows you.” He smiled at his friend. “But Taehyung, this is Jennifer.”

                They shook hands and Jennifer smiled politely and Taehyung didn’t know why, but he didn’t like her. It was obviously jealousy; she did know Hoseok for a longer time than he had and she was very pretty. He smiled a tight-lipped smile that apparently fooled both of them.

                “Nice to meet you,” Taehyung said as politely as he could. She smiled, letting go of his hand.

                “Right back at you.”

                Hoseok smiled in the background. He was glad that his boyfriend and his close friend got along. It was the best feeling in the world. But he still felt something a bit off. He didn’t want to say anything because it was nothing more than a feeling, but he was almost positive.

                J-Hope wrapped his arms around Taehyung’s curvy little waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. He smiled when he saw V blush. “C’mon, babe, let’s go get a table.” Hoseok nodded towards an empty table.

 The café wasn’t very full; there were only a few people here and there and the atmosphere was pretty calm. An old lady was just leaving and a young teenage girl had just stepped in; Hoseok gently led Taehyung to the side while the girl stepped in and ordered. Taehyung held the boy’s hand and looked around the café, unsure of where to sit. Much to his delight, the table they had sat in when they were first together here was open, so that’s where Taehyung took the older male. When Hoseok remembered the significance this table held, a huge smile drew its way on his lips.

Just like he had done before, Hoseok pulled Taehyung’s chair out for him. Taehyung shot him a grateful smile, one that warmed J-Hope’s heart like a cup of coffee down his stomach. He hadn’t realized he had been staring into the boy’s brunette crescents until the younger boy blinked, waking him up from some kind of trance he had no idea he was in. he his lips, looking down for some unknown reason before clearing his throat awkwardly and stepping into his chair.

Meanwhile, the orange haired male was trying to calm his racing heart. He had no idea why, but every time he was around the older male, he just couldn’t control his body. It was as if he had this sixth instinct he never knew about; maybe that’s why every time he was around Hoseok he did things he wouldn’t normally do.

After a few seconds, Taehyung decided to break the even silence. He didn’t know what to say. What should he say? “So… how many people have you dated before me?” What the was that?

Hoseok raised a brow at him, looking at him weird before chuckling. “Oh. I see. It’s time for the ‘ex’s’ talk.” He should’ve seen this coming; the first thing couples do when they date someone is talk about their past relationships. “Okay.” He cleared his throat, resting his cheek on his fist as he hummed, deep in thought. “Well… three. One was a boy and the other two were girls. How about you?”

Taehyung chewed on his bottom lip. “Um…” it didn’t take him as long to answer. “There was only one. But I have been on dates before, it’s just that I eliminated them from the equation on the first date because, well, let’s just say we didn’t want the same things.” He shook his head. He noticed the frown of displeasure on Hoseok’s face and he simply smiled. “So, why’d you break up with them?”

Hoseok chuckled. “Well, I mean, I only broke up with two of them. But she broke up with me because she wanted to get back together with her ex. And I broke up with one of them because in the end, she only liked me because of what I could do, because of my talents. And I broke up with him because he was way too clingy and he was always accusing me of cheating just because I went to a party without him.” He shook his head, an irritated sigh escaping his lips as he thought back. “But you gotta understand, baby, that guy was just so annoying. I just needed a ing drink without him clinging onto me.”

V stared for a second, looking down. Was he--? No, wait he couldn’t be. Or was he?

“No, baby, you’re not clingy. In fact,” he frowned, “I wish you were clingy. It would be cute if you were sitting right beside me right now with your head resting on my shoulder, stands of your orange-hair nestling against my neck, the sweet scent of strawberries suffocating my nose as my heart began to beat unnaturally fast and—“

Taehyung’s cheeks were burning when he interrupted his boyfriend. “Okay, okay.” He shook his head, putting his hand up in a stopping motion. “You’re very talented by the way, hyung,” Taehyung purred sweetly, smiling at him, the blush wearing of his cheeks in the shade of a baby pink.

After shooting the cute boy a small smirk, Hoseok continued. “And why did you break up with him?”

Taehyung bit his lip nervously, looking away from Hoseok for a moment. “Let’s just say we wanted different things.”

Hoseok hummed. “And what about those dates that you’ve been on? How many of them have you been in and why did you eliminate them from the equation?” he asked, voice laced with curiosity. He was feeling a bit jealous that Taehyung had been on ‘a few’ dates before, but he tried to shrug it off. He means, it was before they dated anyway.

Taehyung rolled his eyes; the flashbacks flooded his mind and he hated it. “Because they just wanted me. Not me, but, you know,” he bit his lip, “me.”

Hoseok then shook his head. How the could people be so insensitive? Taehyung was such an amazing, wonderful boy and those sick people just wanted to him? What the hell was that? Why would people only want Taehyung for his body? There were so many amazing things inside that beautiful body that nobody bothered to understand. Why? They’ve been dating for such a short period of time and throughout all of that, Hoseok’s only wanted to understand more of him. He had never once even thought about using him. Those were sick people. V was no . He was a beautiful young man who just deserved to be… loved.

The older male’s hands were now fists and he was scowling at the table, displeased with his own thoughts. He felt anger surge through him so fast it gave him a headache, making everything else just as bitter.

“Before you get angry, babe,” Taehyung knew that the use of the endearment would calm the older male down, “let me just say that I’ve never slept with any of them and no, I’ve never seen them again. All I need right now is you. So please, hyung, don’t get mad.” He looked down. “It gets me sad to think that I’m the one that caused you to get angry…”

He always knew how to get to Hoseok. In just a matter of seconds, Hoseok’s shoulders dropped; he had been tense before and now all of his features relaxed. He let out a heavy sigh. It came out ragged and a bit relieved. He his lips before looking up at V through lashes. Once he saw the pout on his cute lips, he closed his eyes and shook his head, shaking out the next sentence from his tongue that wasn’t exactly going to help the situation.

He reached across the table to hold one of Taehyung’s small, soft hands in two of his own. He sighed once more. “Look, baby, I’m sorry for getting angry. But you gotta understand me, it pisses me off that someone would—that someone would…” before he exploded once more, he shut his eyes and shook his head. “You know. And please, please, please, please,” every please sounded a bit more pleading, “baby, for the love of God, don’t be sad.” He reached his hand a bit further across the table to place a thumb under Taehyung’s chin, smiling softly at him. “You look pretty damn beautiful with that pretty little pout,” he brushed his thumb under his bottom lip, “but you look ing gorgeous when you smile.”

At this, a small shy smile appeared on V’s lips as if by magic. All Hoseok could do was drink in the most amazing sight; a blushing and smiling beautiful boy. And that was HIS beautiful amazing boy.

“Okay, that’s much better. So, is there anything else you’d like to know?”

“Yeah…” he looked down. “Were any of your exes prettier than me?”

Hoseok didn’t even chuckle; if he did, he would embarrass the boy even more. He settled with a small smile before rubbing this thumb against his hand. “Were they pretty? Yeah, sure. But no, from what I can recall, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever dated. And I’m not just saying that because you’re here, I’m saying it because it’s true. Like I said before, baby, I would never lie to you.”

V grinned. It was so cute and it lit up Hoseok’s day like a ray of sun. It knotted up Hoseok’s intestines, just like his smile did every day. Hoseok forgot all about his previous anger to focus on something much more important: Taehyung. As always, he looked perfect in a simple white shirt and light blue denim jacket that he had matched with darker blue skinny jeans. He had a black beanie on, covering up a good portion of his brightly colored hair, but a few strands were popping out from under his beanie, falling onto his forehead. He didn’t have his piercings on today, which was fine, because he hardly wore them in the mornings.

The rapper had on a baseball long-sleeve shirt with black stripes and navy colored skinny jeans with black and white Jordan’s. He even had on a snapback to match his shirt, the same pattern and everything with the letters NY written in Old English. He looked amazing, even Taehyung had to admit it.

“Can I ask you something?”

Taehyung hummed, a confused look on his pretty little porcelain face.

“How do you always look so amazing? And before you answer, I’m sorry for being so cheesy all the time. But you just have some kind of charm that just… causes me to say corny little things all the time.” He sounded a little embarrassed, a little shy, but it was okay. Taehyung smiled sweetly at him, a warm thing that made a light shade of pink draw itself onto Hoseok’s cheeks.

The younger male ended up giggling softly. He hummed in amusement for a second before tapping his finger on the table. “Well, let’s see. I always try to look cute for my amazing boyfriend and my charming boyfriend makes me smile a lot so… I get it’s your fault I always look so amazing.”

Hoseok smirked, shaking his head. “Really? And what’s your excuse for before we were going out? Who were you looking so beautiful for then?”

Taehyung pouted.

“See, baby? You’re just born beautiful. Trust me, I bet you would look gorgeous even in a trash-suit.”

Taehyung rolled his eyes. “No, I wouldn’t. I would look like a hobo and I would wreak like one too and I bet you’d even feel sorry for me.”

“I don’t take pity on anyone. Besides, I think I would fall for you however I could get you.” Hoseok always answered so simply, as if everything he said came from the heart and he never had to even think about it because he already knew what to say.

The younger male was completely silent now, trying to fight off the blush that was always on his face thanks to Hoseok. How did he manage to do that anyway? Was he some sort of wizard? Because if he wasn’t, it sure as hell felt like it. Nobody else had him so smitten like Hoseok had him. But seriously, he was so charming in so many ways. How could anyone resist those romantic words of his?

Before Hoseok could open his mouth again, Jennifer came in, a tray in her hand with two cups of coffee. She set one on Taehyung’s side of the table and another one on Hoseok’s side, smiling politely before she left. Hoseok smiled at her retreating back and Taehyung scowled.

“What’d you get?”

Taehyung was still scowling at the woman when Hoseok’s deep voice cut him out of his trance. “Americano. What’d you get?”

“Caramel macchiato.” He then frowned a little, almost seeming confused. “What is an Americano anyway?”

The vocalist chuckled cutely. He scooted his chair so that he was sitting right beside the older male, holding up his cup of coffee. “Here, try it.” Hoseok placed his hand over Taehyung’s smaller one, pulling the cup closer to his face. Before he drank it, he looked at Taehyung skeptically, but the boy was simply smiling. That smile was going to be the death of him, he swears. Just because of that smile, he drank the hot cup of coffee, pulling away with a wince.

V chuckled at the sight of his boyfriend’s face.

Hoseok frowned at him. “It’s so bitter!” he accused, “how can you drink something like that?”

Taehyung pouted. “How can you drink a caramel macchiato? Those things are super sweet.”

“So are you. You taste just like one.”

V looked away. “I do not.”

“Yeah you do,” Hoseok assured with a small smirk playing on his lips. He always loved to make his adorable boyfriend blush, just because the younger male was so easy to tease and, let’s face it, Taehyung looks so gorgeous when he does.

The younger male pouted, crossing his arms. “There’s no way that I could taste that sweet. And even if I did, wouldn’t you get tired of it?”

“Tired? Get tired of what?” Hoseok asked, eyebrow raised.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Of the sweet taste. Wouldn’t it be cloy?”

Hoseok scoffed. “Cloy? No. I don’t think so. I’d actually prefer your sweet taste rather than some other taste that doesn’t satisfy me.”

Not knowing how to react, Taehyung bit his bottom lip. He looked around the small shop, making sure that Jennifer was looking (that little . Why does she keep staring over here anyway? Does she like MY Hoseok or something?)before leaning in a pressing a soft, warm kiss onto Hoseok’s lips. He made sure to kiss him slowly, smiling briefly when he realized that even after the older male had a taste of the strong beverage, he still tasted as sweet as he remembered.

 Hoseok his lips after they pulled away, keeping Taehyung in a close proximity, smirking at him. “I don’t think I’ll even need to drink anything, baby, because you just quenched my thirst.”

A paintbrush of red the singer’s face, making it a crimson color, something that brought a small smile on the rapper’s lips. He loved it, he seriously did. It was really rather cute, actually. “Have I ever told you that I love it when you’re so romantic like this?” Taehyung purred, shocking the older male.

Hoseok smirked, this time it came out rather handsome instead of playful, and it caused the younger boy to smile softly. “No. but you really should say sweet things like this more often, beautiful. The way your lips move when you say it is just so pretty.”

Taehyung chuckled softly, kissing his forehead before pulling away. Hoseok pouted once the warmth that emitted from Taehyung’s body was gone. Noticing the childish behavior, V smiled, resting his head on the male’s shoulder, just like Hoseok’s little poem from earlier stated.

Hoseok smiled, hand reaching up to brush some of Taehyung’s hair behind his ear. “I’m so happy I have you.” The rapper promised, pressing a kiss on the strawberry scented hair. Taehyung nearly purred at the contact, smirking to himself because everything Hoseok did, he did it with so much adoration it was heartwarming.

“Good,” Taehyung whispered, “Because I never want to leave.”


A/N: I have writer’s block you guys! I know, it , and I’m sure we’ve all been there. I’m sort of just winging it for now… Oh, but, if you guys want, I’ll be sure to try and add some more Jinkook. By the way, to those who didn’t like the little extra couple added, I’m sorry. But most recently I’ve seen this pic on Google+ and OMFG I died… it was of Jinkook and I was like, okay, maybe I should incorporate them. But JUNGKOOK LOOKS AMAZING WITH EVERYONE! I ship him with Namjoon and sometimes Suga and the people on Google+ have added these pics of Jimin being attracted by the maknae and OMO…. I swear… (I just don’t ship him with either J-Hope or V because both of them already look perfect together) COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10