Just One Day (Continued)


With a frustrated huff, Taehyung picked himself off the bed and walked to the closet, every step just a bit heavier than the last. He leaned against the door and banged his head, closing his eyes to try and find some kind of peace.

                It was hard to pick out what to wear if he had no idea where they were going. And yes, he had pondered about a few things.

                For example; where were they going? What were they going to do? Would Hoseok ask him out again? Taehyung blushed, biting his bottom lip to try and keep in a smile. The thought itself made Taehyung’s heart leap in joy, making his breath hitch momentarily.

                “I wonder if-if—“I wonder if he’ll kiss me.

                Taehyung could feel his cheeks boil. Before he knew what he was doing, his tongue flicked out his bottom lip, running against it to wet it. “Taehyung, what are you thinking?” It’s not like it was a terrible thing to think. On the contrary, the thought sent butterflies in Taehyung’s stomach, but maybe Hoseok wasn’t ready. And it wouldn’t be Taehyung’s first kiss—but it would be his first kiss with a guy. And there’s nothing wrong with that either. Actually, V was actually looking forward to kissing Hoseok—that is, if he gathered up the courage to do so…

                “I hope he makes the first move…” the orange haired boy mumbled to himself, rubbing his arm unconsciously.



                “!” Hoseok shouted, quickly shooting up from his bed to run around the room for no apparent reason. He still had no idea where to take that piece of national treasure he decided to take out and he still had no ing idea where he would take him. And worst of all… their date was in less than two hours. How the hell was he supposed to pull through this?

                “ing !” Hoseok shouted, quickly dashing into the bathroom to shower.

                By the time he got out, it was 6:20. He had to get his breathing together, he knew it, but it was impossible, or close to it anyway.

                The first thing he did was put on some underwear. He would hate to be interrupted in his thinking process just because his soaking wet… never mind. He dried off his hair as he paced the room, dew drops of water slipping down his damp torso as he did so.

                This shouldn’t be as complicated as I’m making it. Just think, where would you take anyone on a first date?

                He chuckled to himself.

                Anyone? No, this wasn’t just anyone. This was Kim Taehyung. As in the cutest guy in the world, possibly the whole damn universe. This was the guy with the cutest smile; the cutest laugh that was still ringing in Hoseok’s ears, drawing a smile on his face. This was the guy with the bright orange hair that smelled of strawberries and the softest touch anyone could imagine. The same guy that hugged him so sweetly that Hoseok could’ve got diabetes rom something so incredibly sweet.

                Since when are you so cheesy?

                He smiled, stopping for a second to give his mind a glance of Taehyung’s smile. This itself dented a grin on Hoseok’s lips and cheeks, something he seemed to be doing a lot today.


                Okay Jung Hoseok, I need you to pull yourself together and just think. Taehyung is a laid back person and incredibly cute and amazing and you want him to feel comfortable. But you still want it to be memorable enough because you want to see him again, right?

                It took him another five minutes before he could actually think of some place to take Taehyung. And then a smile dashed across his lips.

                He ran to the closet to pick out the perfect clothes for the occasion and then he grinned once more before checking the time.


                You got this.

                After a very, very long time of though, Taehyung finally decided on what to wear. His hair was tossed on one side, black piercings popping out from underneath. His shirt was a perfectly ironed white button-down that matched perfectly along with his black pants. Taehyung’s reflection was the very picture of perfection; but he still needed his shoes. With a shrug of shoulders, he picked out some black Nike high-tops, blending them perfectly with his skinny jeans. He ed the very top bottom of the shirt and the silver chain that slivered out from his pocket just gave him that casual look he was very fond of.

                It had taken him most of the day to finally pick out something to wear and actually feel satisfied. The thought itself made him blush; how would he spend so much time focused on impressing someone that was practically a stranger (except not really because they spent the whole morning and a bit of the afternoon talking about nothing in particular…), but in all sense, it made no sense to work so hard on impressing someone you’ve only known for a day.

                It was nearly 7:30 (the time they agreed to leave) and Taehyung’s nerves were all balled up in his tummy. Why was it so hard to control his breathing? Why was every step to the door so damn heavy? Why did his mind constantly contradict him every few seconds? He had been on dates before (like four but he had been on them) and he had known the guys longer but he had never felt so nervous. Maybe the fact that J-Hope’s smile was just so ing intriguing had something to do with it. Definitely…

Jung Hoseok slipped on his black blazer, fixing up the collar before smirking at his reflection. His breath was minty fresh, he smelt of expensive cologne and soap, his hair was perfectly styled, smooth and silky and just perfection. His button down shirt was black and so was his blazer and his shoes, but damn, he knew how to pull it off. He just hoped that Taehyung liked it.

That knot in his stomach just squeezed tighter and tighter every second that it felt as if it would rip his intestines in two.

                The smile was clean off his lips now.

                I just hope he enjoys our date…

There was a knock on his door at exactly 7:30, something that disturbed the butterflies he didn’t know were living in his stomach. After making sure he still looked flawless, Taehyung nodded to himself before heading over to the door, every step reminding Taehyung of bricks. Since when were the souls of his shoes rocks? Well, of course that was the explanation as to why it took him nearly three minutes to simply get to the door.

He was greeted with the handsomest sight he had ever seen; something that drew the biggest smile on his face and the deepest blush on his cheeks. There he was, Jung Hoseok, handsome smile, perfect outfit, and a beautiful red rose in one hand, gestured toward him.

“Wow,” Hoseok breathed out, breath catching in his throat when he caught sight of the rose colored cheeks and smile. “You look… extraordinary…” he managed, eyes probably wide in awe. Before his body gave out on him, Hoseok handed the pretty boy the flower, admiring the beautiful picture in front of him.

“Th-thank you,” Taehyung mumbled, looking down at the rose with the shyest, cutest look Hoseok had ever seen.

“It’s no problem,” Hoseok assured with a smile, something that seemed to relax Taehyung.

After a moment of silence (actually, after a moment of admiration), Hoseok finally put his hand out, gesturing for Taehyung to take it as he said, “So, you ready?”

Taehyung smiled at his request, gladly giving Hoseok his hand, the touch almost magnetic, something he had no idea existed. “Of course I am.”

After Hoseok opened the door for Taehyung to get in, (and after a blush), Taehyung got in and they were off. It was no secret both the boys were nervous, but something about each other’s company seemed to calm them down.

The road trip itself wasn’t very long, but they did pass by a lot of different stores and houses and…trees. Why were there so many trees passing by? Taehyung began to panic; where the hell was Hoseok taking him? He trusted him enough, but this was--- this was giving Taehyung an uneasy feeling.

Noticing this, Hoseok turned around for a second and smiled warmly at the younger boy, a simple yet sweet gesture that pretty much saved Taehyung from an almost certain heart attack.

They arrived in this… this gigantic park… an empty gigantic park… an empty beautiful gigantic park.


With an eyebrow raised, Taehyung stared at the blank setting in front of him. There was a huge tree and somewhere in the back one could see the glitter that was the moon and the pond. There was nothing for grass for miles and Taehyung was a bit confused to say the least.

Hoseok chuckled at this expression, looking down to find Taehyung’s hands at his sides. Then their eyes met, something that momentarily stopped Hoseok’s heart and something that burned Taehyung’s cheeks. And then, when Taehyung looked down, he noticed Hoseok’s fingers twitching, as if he wanted to do something but he wasn’t sure. Gathering up every last grain of courage he had, the younger male bit his lip, looking into the older boy’s eyes as he laced their fingers together, the touch just as electrifying as the first.

“C’mon, there’s something I have to show you.” Hoseok then waited for a response, one that was a simple nod.

They only walked a few feet before J-Hope decided to stop. Once again, the orange-haired boy was left completely confused. “But first, you have to do something for me. You see, one can’t see without some kind of light, right?”

After a second, Taehyung drawled out, “Right,” still a bit confused.

For no apparent reason, Hoseok smiled; this smile was different… this was… something cute. It wasn’t one of his genuine smiles, but it was just as real. This smile was a bit timid, a bit shy, and it made Taehyung smile back.

Just as his lips were curved up into a smile, there was suddenly a golden glow in the background. This drew the younger male’s attention; when he turned around, his mouth feel agape. That huge majestic tree was lit with golden sparkles, the light shining down on a table with two chairs set on each end, unlit candles and a vase filled with red roses, all as perfect as the one Hoseok had given him.

Taehyung’s heart swelled in happiness. This was…

“This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me,” Taehyung mumbled, barely audible as he was still in awe. Grinning, Hoseok stood in the back, watching as the boy’s eyes glittered as they stared at the tree and the table, something so warm sparking in his stomach as he traced out the boy’s smile and bright red cheeks.

After the older male gave the orange-haired man some time to study his surroundings, he placed a hand on his shoulder, earning his attention. Hoseok then held the boy’s hand, leading him closer to the table.

Once there, J-Hope pulled out V’s chair, pushing it in once the boy was seated. A quick image of their first meeting at the café flashed through the brown-haired male’s mind, making him smirk. He then sat at his side of the table.

“You know, Taehyung, I think something’s missing,” Hoseok said.

“How? Everything’s perfect.” Taehyung assured, smile on his pretty lips and all.

With the snap of a finger, rustling was heard in the background. Not long after, two young men (around J-Hope’s age) appeared, both wearing black slacks and white button-downs, red bowties laced around their collars. Both men were carrying each a silver tray with a silver cap, something one would only see in movies.

After both males neatly placed the trays on the table, making sure not to spill a thing, they removed the lids, the heavy scent of food quickly drowning out the smell of grass and fresh air.

“Dukboki, kimchi, ramen and rice,” one stated, fixing the rag on his shoulder. “And I will be back with your refreshments,” he assured, voice as polite and as silky as silk. The other, meanwhile, was busy lighting the candles, making little to no noise.

“Thanks a lot Jin-y and Jimin-y,” Hoseok said with a grin. The one with the light brown hair simply rolled his eyes while the raven haired male simply smiled. Once they left, Hoseok smiled at his date.

“Those are friends of mine. They work with me at the shop,” Hoseok stated, getting the boy caught up with his life. Taehyung simply nodded; just friends? Really? Both of those guys were so fine and they spent a lot of time with Hoseok and yet, somehow, they were just friends? He wasn’t jealous—just curious.


“So… they work with you? Both of them?”

“Yeah,” Hoseok nodded, “they’re both pretty cool, actually. Especially Jin-hyung.” He smiled, feeling something a bit off but not commenting.

“Oh…” Damn, how many other good-looking people work with him? Hoseok was one charming guy, no doubt, and there was no way he hadn’t done anything with those cute guys. With his sweet, sweet words, no doubt he’d at least tasted one of them.

With his eyebrows knit together, J-Hope simply stared as the younger male looked down, something he couldn’t put his finger on bothering him. What was it? Had he said something wrong? Had he been too serious on their date? Was he boring the kid to death? What the hell was it? Hoseok had been biting his nails before this, afraid he’d up, but now he feared he really had. But he was determined to fix this.

The older male his lips before opening his mouth to speak. “So, um, yeah, they’re pretty polite too, aren’t they?” He waited for the slow nod that came soon after. “It’s just a shame, though, that I spent around six hours with both of them…”

The rest of his sentence was blurred out. Six hours? That’s about as long as they spent talking that morning on the café. And then, as he recalled, with his charms and handsome face, Hoseok had captured him into such a romantic and perfect night. He probably shouldn’t think much into this, though, because maybe J-Hope didn’t even like them. Sure he said they were cool, but maybe he just liked them as friends, right?

“…and pretty cute too.”

Cute? Who the hell was cute?


Narrowing his eyes a bit, Hoseok paused before slowly drawing out, “I said it was such a shame that I spent so much time with both of them when I could be spending it with someone fairly cute such as yourself.”

Feeling a mixture of relief and embarrassment, Taehyung nodded. “So, um, Jin—is that his name?”

Hoseok nodded.

“Right—would you think he was cute or handsome?”

J-Hope frowned. Cute? Is that what he was thinking about—that Jin was cute? “I’d say he was handsome. Cute is something I call really pretty people such as yourself with mesmerizing eyes and perfect lips.”

Why does he have to make my heart melt with such sweet things like that?

Taehyung blushed, biting his bottom lip.

With a smirk, J-Hope thought to himself. There is no way I’m letting this piece of perfection like Jin-hyung. He’s leaving here with me, not him.

“And what would you rate him? Cute or handsome?” Hoseok asked.

After giving it a second of thought, Taehyung continued, “I’d say…handsome. He’s not really my type. But he’s not ugly either. And cute doesn’t suit him very well.”

“And what about me?”

As soon as Taehyung’s breath hitched, Hoseok smirked. “I-I would have to say you’re… charming. Many men are handsome and good-looking, but not many are gentlemen and not many can make me smile as much as you without trying. I don’t know—you’re just charming.”

It was now the older male’s turn to blush. “So you’re saying basically that I’m a gentleman?”

“No—I said you’re a charming gentleman. But you’re really, really good-looking too.”

This kid is just so…

Not long after, Hoseok finally composed himself and gathered up enough courage to push his chair next to Taehyung, nodding at the food. “We should eat before it gets cold.”

After a few minutes, Taehyung got comfortable enough once more around Hoseok to feed him, something that had the older male’s breath hitching every few seconds. He tried to play it off cool, though, leaning forward to make it easier on the cute male.

“Say ah,” Hoseok mumbled, chopsticks embracing a piece of (Korean) steak. Taehyung opened his mouth, pink lips stretching as he did so. Ignoring the y picture in front of him, J-Hope fed the younger boy the food, smiling as Taehyung chewed.

V took a sip of his Coke, later leaning onto J-Hope’s shoulder, something that made the elder smirk. He then leaned his head onto the younger boy’s head, putting an arm around him.

“You know, this is the best date I’ve ever been on,” Taehyung mumbled after a moment, looking up at the charming young man. “Thanks a lot.”

Hoseok smiled, pressing a daring kiss onto Taehyung’s forehead, making the boy’s eyes flutter close. Then J-Hope saw his ears turn red, the beautiful color spreading down to his cheeks. “You’re welcome, Taehyung. But you know, the main reason I did this was to impress you and to… well… I wanted to see you again.”

V smiled shyly, resting his head back on the older male’s shoulder. “You have my number, you know.”

Hoseok nodded yet again, something Taehyung couldn’t see but he could certainly feel it. “Yeah, I know, but it’s not the same.”

There was a few minutes of silence before the brown haired male spoke yet again. “I know this sounds pretty damn cheesy, but do you want to dance?”

Taehyung smiled. “There’s no music.”

The same snap of fingers drew the same two males back, the same smiles on their faces. Hoseok stood, hand gestured out for Taehyung to take. When the slightly taller male took his hand, lips pursed up into a shy grin, he stood too, following the rapper a few feet away from the table, still beneath the huge lit up tree. Jin and Jimin both leaned against the tree, both smirking at each other before they pressed play on a song.

J-Hope smirked down at Taehyung, hands coming down to rest on the boy’s back, like a gentleman, and he watched as Taehyung placed his hands on either of his shoulder. “I forgot to tell you, I’m a rapper.”

And before Taehyung could even open his mouth, Jin’s voice cut him off.

“Yeah, yeah…”

J-Hope smirked before he whispered into the boy’s ear. “Yeah, just one day, one night.” And then he continued.

If only I had just one day; I want to peacefully fall asleep intoxicated with your sweet scent. If there’s a chance in my busy schedule. I want to put my body in your warm and deep eyes. I like that, you long, straight hair. Your breathtaking neck when you put it up and the strands that fall out. Wherever we go, my handbag is your waist. Yo ma honey, whenever I see you, I run out of breath. Like the streets of Myungdong, our BMG is the sound of breathing. Your voice when you say my name; I wanna be locked in you and swim in you, I want to know you more. An explorer venturing through your deep forest of mystery. I appreciate the masterpiece that is you, because your existence alone is art. I imagine this all night every day, because it’s a meaningless dream anyway…”

Still blushing at Hoseok’s words, Taehyung rested his head on his shoulder, making sure his blush was hidden away. In the background, the beautiful voice of Jin was heard.

Just one day, if I can be with you. Just one day, if I can hold your hands. Just one day, if I can be with you. Just on day (just one day), if only we can be together.”

Jimin echoed out the following. “Do it, do it, do it.”

Jin then sang. “I hope I can be with you for just one day.”

Jin then echoed out the rest before Jimin could continue. “Do it, do it, do it.”

“Having a party, party with only you.”

Jin continued his echoing. “Do it, do it, do it.”

Jimin closed his eyes as his voice continued the rest. “I hope I can be with you for just one day.”

“Do it, do it, do it.”

“A party, party, with only you.” Taehyung sang, surprising Hoseok. As soon as Hoseok’s eyes widened, Taehyung smirked. “I forgot to tell you, I’m a singer.”

Hoseok smiled. “If only I could do that, how nice would it be? If only we could do anywhere to eat and watch a movie comfortably. I would do anything babe. I’m sorry, maybe I’m too rational. But still, if you see me some day, smile. Maybe you resent me a little or no, a lot. I know, I couldn’t look at you more because of my dream. Then just give me one day, even if it’s in my dream, just one day. Out of all those words I had to swallow because of the excuse of reality; I’ll pick one and tell it to you for sure. Let’s meet when the lilies bloom, and say goodbye when they wither. I didn’t think I’d get over you easily but, is it selfish of me to hope you are the same? I’m still lying, saying it’s all for you. You are standing in the center of my life…”

The rap was kind of sad, Taehyung had to admit, and he didn’t want to leave Hoseok even when the flowers withered away.

Jin sang,” Just one day.”

Taehyung continued. “If I can be with you.” and it was the cutest thing when he sang it looking at Hoseok.

Jin continued, rolling his eyes at the all too cute display before him. “Just one day.”

“If I can hold your hands.”

“Just one day.”

“If I can be with you,” Taehyung sang, eyes fluttering shut as his sweet, sweet, beautiful voice filled Hoseok’s ears.

Just one day.”

“Just one day,” V sang, smiling before Hoseok continued rapping.

If you and I are together, it’s go time. 24 hours, if I could only be with you. I’d kiss you starting from the morning.” J-Hope stated, pausing to take a breath and smirk at the singer. “Can’t forget to grab some brunch; I’d hold your hand and soak up the sun. It’s not over yet, in the middle of a beautiful night. I’ll confess to you, with the moon as our light,” he said, pointing up at the night sky, smiling. “All of these things tell me, “If I have just one day, it’s possible.”

They continued dancing as Jin and Jimin sang the rest, voice perfectly fueling the two dancing boys. And then, at the very end of the song, just before the beat stopped, Hoseok looked into the orange-haired boy’s eyes and said, “Can you please stay with me?” 

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10