Never Letting Go...



He couldn’t just let this happen.

It had been a week after their break-up and Jungkook was halfway torn. He couldn’t just sit back and watch as Seokjin slowly broke down as he did. It just wasn’t … right. Jungkook knew that the fact that the other rejected him as soon as love was mentioned was just not normal. He knew the other had to be hurt in the past. But he also knew that the pain from the past wasn’t his fault. He knew he could do anything in his power now when he had him (figuratively). But he didn’t know what.

He knew he had ed up when he broke up with the other because even if he doesn’t believe in the term itself didn’t mean he didn’t feel it. And now when he wasn’t even sure that what he felt was love, and now that they were apart, the older male must be feeling mixed emotions.

Just because he lived longer it doesn’t mean that he was more experienced in love, or that he had a grip on it; all it meant was that he had went through more obstacles than Jungkook.

But the older male saw the few year gap as… as a reality—as a grip on life that Jungkook didn’t have.

But Jungkook knew better.

He may not be as experienced in relationships as Seokjin, but he knew that as soon as it came to the older, he was an expert. It didn’t matter that they were only together for a short time, or that there were a considerable amount of differences between the two of them, because Jungkook didn’t care. All that he cared about was that he loved Seokjin. And he knew that. It was something he had understood a long time ago without the need or necessity of books or facts and statics… all that he wanted to understand, all that MATTERED was that he knew what he felt for a fact.

But he was rejected.

And it all still hurt.


He couldn’t help it when he passed by the record shop… Jungkook looked at it hopefully, hoping that this time, Seokjin would be there, smiling, waving at him, waiting for him. He couldn’t help it when his hand reached over to the door’s knob, reality flooding his body as he did so. But then, sadly, when he blinked, reality washed over his body and, with the shake of his head, Jungkook let the handle go.

Jungkook shook his head, sighing—it came out cracked and a bit weak but he didn’t care. It’s not as if anybody was there to hear it anyway.


He had an idea.

Jungkook smiled softly for once, looking down at the pavement as he walked. His crescents turned up like before, like they did when Seokjin was there. His heart melted beautifully, like cookies crumpled beautifully in one’s mouth. This idea was perfect. Either he would come out really happy or just as depressed as before (he’s saying ‘just as’ because he was positive pain couldn’t get any worse than how it felt then); either way, he would have an answer.

And that was truly all he needed to either move on or stay; an answer.

He wanted to know if he should stick with he’s first love, the person lucky enough to steal his fragile heart or if he had to move on and trust someone else with his broken heart, someone that could heal his wounds.


Hoseok held Taehyung’s hand tighter as the other shivered. He knew it wasn’t anything much, but the proximity they were in now should be enough to rub some heat onto the younger male. Taehyung looked up at him, smiling softly.

They were planning on heading over to the café; the weather outside was rather cold that day, and school had ended not too long ago, so the boys had met together at the shop and then, from there, they headed over to get something hot to warm up.

Hoseok was tempted more than once to give the younger male his jacket, and oh, he tried. But Kim Taehyung was one stubborn kid and once he said no, it literally meant no. when any other person said ‘no’, it usually meant, ‘please, keep asking me, convince me with your charms’, or there was the occasional ‘no’ as in, ‘I just say no because I want to keep your attention for a while longer’. His beautiful Taehyung wasn’t like this. He was up-front with it. To the point. Everything Hoseok wanted.

But, in the end, Hoseok was just as stubborn.

He pulled his jacket off, pouting to himself because to do so, he realized he had to let go of Taehyung’s hand. When V realized what the rapper was doing, he shook his head. “Hoseok-ah, I thought I told you no. no means no.”

Hoseok didn’t listen.

He finished slipping his jacket off and pressed a kiss on V’s forehead, smiling softly at the other before he placed the material over his shoulders, smiling when Taehyung blushed, sighing, most likely giving in.

Taehyung pulled the material closer to himself, boldly (for him) reaching over to pick Hoseok’s hand up, lacing their fingers together. The rapper smiled at him, accepting the warm grasp of the other; it didn’t matter how cold it was, or how his body shivered softly as the wind blew, blowing freezing air onto his spine, causing his body to react, it didn’t matter that in his future, he was probably going to get sick or something because here he was, here was Taehyung, holding onto his hand—yes, the warmth he received physically from his small hand wasn’t much because he was cold too, but the way his insides warmed up quickly at the contact was enough to keep him warm from here until the end of the universe and all across the ing Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.


When they arrived at the shop, Jennifer quickly dashed over, no, no, no… it was too fast—Taehyung would say she ing flew over to HIS boyfriend and hugged him tightly. The impact was so great that V was forced to drop J-Hope’s hand; the younger male scowled. Jennifer, meanwhile, was giggling happily. Hoseok smiled at nothing in particular while he rubbed her back soothingly, momentarily forgetting Taehyung was there.


And then…


Taehyung gasped; oh hell no. did she just--?

That little pulled away from Hoseok and then she frowned at him and in one swift movement, she slapped Hoseok. The older male’s mouth dropped, hand flying over to his wounded cheek to try and soothe the pulsing pain in the side of his face.

Jennifer didn’t seem fazed at all.

“How could you?! I’m your BEST FRIEND and you ing leave me for almost a whole month?! Are you serious, Jung Hoseok?! And all for what? Hmm?” he crossed her arms before Hoseok opened his mouth to answer. She shook her head before accusingly pointing a finger at Taehyung, making the younger male’s blood boil. “For him!” the way she said it made it sound as if he were trash that didn’t deserve Hoseok’s attention, his time.

Taehyung opened his lips to say something, but a pissed off Hoseok pulled him behind his arm, holding him back from exploding on the female. V was about to yell at him too because WAS HE DEFENDING HER?! But he found himself grinning at his feet when Hoseok spoke.

“What are you trying to say?” Hoseok spat, frowning at her, voice as cold as the weather outside. “Are you trying to say that Taehyung isn’t worth my time?” he was almost shouting at this point. “Because I’ll have you know that he’s worth every last second, every last breath I take. And if it were up to me,” he calmed down some now, smirking bitterly at her. “I would chose him over you any time.” She gasped and Taehyung had to fight back a chuckle. Hoseok looked back at his smiling boyfriend, his bitterness fading from that smirk, evaporating into something sweeter. “I think we’re done here,” Hoseok stated as he looked back at the now sad girl.

Jennifer bowed her head; people that were once staring began looking away now as Hoseok uttered the last few syllables of his sentence, all fairly aware that the handsome man and his cute boyfriend were surely walking out and never coming back again.

She scoffed at their retreating backs, her heart breaking in the process.


It was a silent walk for a while. They gave each other the silence they deserved to let everything sink in properly. But in this silence, all V could do was smile at the pavement; he couldn’t believe how strong J-Hope felt towards him. Sure, they loved each other and everything but he would’ve never imagined that Hoseok would love him way more than any ‘best friend’ he had been with for years, compared to how long they’ve known each other which had only been around two months.

The feeling sent of a million butterflies in his stomach.

Noticing the slight curve on his lips, Hoseok couldn’t help but smile too. He wondered what was on V’s mind that made him smile as beautifully as he was now; but, to be honest, he wished that whatever V was thinking, it was about him. To be even more honest, he wished that Kim Taehyung was smiling because of him.

“What are you thinking about, Taehyung-y?” Hoseok spoke after a moment.

V’s response was a smile before he pressed a well-deserved kiss onto his forehead. Hoseok blushed softly, palms suddenly sweaty. “You didn’t have to do that, you know?”

Hoseok nodded, smirking down at his feet and then looking up at the other. “I know. But I couldn’t just let her talk down on my princess like that.” He grinned. “Besides, if I had let you talk, I think you would’ve beaten the out of her in a flash.”

Taehyung blushed, biting his lip in order to hold back a smile. “Well she did slap my baby…”

Hoseok smiled for the billionth time that hour. “That wasn’t really important, though…” he winked at the younger. “I think you were just jealous because she hugged me.”

That slick and all-knowing bastard.

But he did know V too well.

The younger male felt heat rise to his cheeks. “Yeah, well… you’re mine,” he mumbled as he looked down at the floor.

He was just about to look up but a warm, soothing feeling on his forehead made his eyes flutter shut. Hoseok kissed his forehead softly before whispering, mouth still close to the flesh he had just kissed, “And I wouldn’t have it any other way, baby. I love you.”

V smiled, eyes fixed on Hoseok’s soft lips that were but a breath away from his forehead. “I love you too, hyung.”


Seokjin sighed as he put his backpack down, preparing himself for yet another lonely day, another lonely night.

He missed Jungkook. And that bastard Jimin was barely home anymore. Really? Why wouldn’t he come now, now when he needed him the most? Any of those other days when he had an unbearable headache, when he couldn’t take a cold or something, Park Jimin would be glued to him, annoying the living out of him. But now that he needed company the most, he was gone. Probably with Min Yoongi, he mused.

He turned the light on to his bedroom, dropping his keys above his backpack, letting them fall with a metallic clink. He looked down at his feet, brushing some hair out of his face, scowling at nothing in particular.

Well, actually, what he was scowling at was the sudden red color on his bed because from what he recalled, his sheets were white. Then his mind snapped.

Nothing on his bed was red.

Nothing besides…

“Jungkook?” Seokjin chocked out, almost tripping over his own words. He couldn’t even believe what he was saying. No, no, no. he shook his head, pulling at his hair. He must be insane. He must be losing his mind. His desperate brain must’ve projected this picture of that beautiful male because he was feeling lonely now, abandoned.

He blinked.

Jungkook was smirking.

Okay, that smirk was just too life-like. His brain was not that brilliant. He couldn’t create such a beautiful creation even if he tried.

His heart was speeding in his chest, thumping harshly against his ribcage, the impact so strong that his mind was dizzy, his legs felt weak, his hands went sweaty. He his suddenly dry lips, throat scratchy.

Jungkook was there, laying down on his bed in an angle that allowed Jin to see everything, every last detail, every last curve of his beautiful face, beautiful body, and beautiful thighs. The light from the room made his milky white skin glow. He looked beautiful. He was so achingly beautiful it took everything within Seokjin’ being to stay put—and he guessed that the fact that he still couldn’t process anything yet helped a lot.

He didn’t even notice that Jungkook’s clothing revealed too much clothing because right now, he was still in awe that Jeon Jungkook was sitting on his bed, his presence once more in Jin’s.

This was too perfect to be real.

When he managed to do something as simple as blink, Seokjin let his eyes wander.

He became hot under the collar when he saw the state Jungkook was in.

The younger male had one of his red shirts on; naturally, it fit him too big. One of the sleeves was slipping off, exposing the soft skin that was his shoulder. Seokjin found himself his lips. His milky-white collarbones were exposed too, and the color crimson really made them pop. He had a soft smirk playing on his lips that was far too childish and mischievous for the occasion. His lips were a slightly brighter shade that day; either that or Seokjin must’ve been seeing things. His hair was tousled beautifully, an almost ‘just-ed’ look that the older recalled he told the other he loved.  One of his legs was arched up, letting the shirt ride down, dangerously too low. From where he was standing, Jin couldn’t even see if he was wearing any underwear. Oh god… Jungkook’s legs seemed so smooth, and they were completely hairless and- and—

He was walking towards him.

Seokjin gulped.

The last thing he expected was for that young, innocent kid to hold him so close. He grasped Jin’s shoulder, letting his hand caress his shoulder soothingly, teasingly.

Seokjin swallowed. “J-Jungkook, what a-are you doing-g?”

The younger male simply cocked his head to the side, smirking. “Well, you’re the older one, hyung.” He stated a matter-of-fact-ly. “You should know what I’m doing…”

“Well, I mean I-I know what y-you’re doing but I d-don’t know why…” Jin barely managed.

Jungkook hummed in amusement. “I think you know.”

Jin blinked. No, it couldn’t have been that. He was too young. They weren’t even dating. And Jungkook knew that Jin didn’t love him back. And there’s just no… there’s simply no way that Jungkook wanted what he thought he did.

“J-Jungkook,” Seokjin stated more firmly this time, “we’re not doing what I think—“

Jungkook leaned in daringly, hot breath seductively blowing air into Seokjin’s ear as he whispered, “ me.”


A/N: WOAHHHHHHH! KOOKIE! Wonder what Jin’s gonna do next. Sorry this is kind of short but I had this whole scene already envisioned in my mind because yes, as a V-Hope shipper, I am a ertJ. So I will update very soon. If not tomorrow. COMMENT what you think Jin will do—will he say ‘sure’ or will he just deny his love yet again.

Find out on the next episode of Coffee.

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10