24/7= Heaven




Jungkook nuzzled his face further into the crook of Jin’s neck, cheeks on fire as he did so. There was a burning lump in his throat, but it wasn’t nearly as painful as before. He felt more at peace now that Taehyung didn’t feel so guilty, and now that Hoseok-hyung had woken up, calling for V. The doctors said it was a miracle he had survived. And now, more than ever, Jungkook loved miracles.

It had been a miracle when he met the handsome brunette by his side and it had been a miracle that they loved one another. It was a miracle when he chose Jungkook over that girl and it was a miracle that Jin didn’t mind their .

“What are you thinking about, baby?” Seokjin purred softly, the arm that was around Jungkook’s shoulder began moving, massaging his shoulder gently.

Jungkook hummed, kissing his neck chastely because it was the only spot he could reach quickly from where his head was. “I’m thinking about you.”

Jin smiled, kissing his forehead. “Is it anything good?” he questioned with a smile.

Jungkook bit back a small smile. “Of course it is… it always is,” he stated, mumbling out the last part as if it were something embarrassing he couldn’t say loud enough.

But Jin caught it, and he ended up grinning like a love-struck fool. “I love you.” He paused, looking around their surroundings. “They’re going to be okay.” Jungkook nuzzled his face into his shoulder, something that had become a habit when he was feeling tears coming. “They’ve been through so much. They always end up okay…”

Jungkook bit his lip, for once looking up at Seokjin. His eyes were glassy, something Jin didn’t like to see, despite the fact it was still a sight to behold. “Just like us?” he asked almost hopefully.

Seokjin gently pushed his head back to his shoulder, rubbing circles onto Jungkook’s shoulder. “Yes, baby,” he whispered, “just like us.”


Eventually, the dam that wasn’t strong enough to hold all of Yoongi’s tears together broke. When it did, he wiped the tears away, not wanting his friends to see him anywhere near ‘weak’. But his cheeks were staining red, tears marking their way as they slid down his cheeks in the color of a white shade, tracking. He sniffled, silently, making sure Jimin didn’t wake up. He would not want his lover to see him in this state; he didn’t want it because he didn’t want Jimin to cry—he didn’t want him to shed his beautiful tears like he had seen him a while ago.

He rested his head on Jimin’s head, sniffling, screwing his eyes closed so that, hopefully, the tears would stop. But they didn’t. It was futile. Yoongi kissed Jimin’s forehead, hugging him tightly. “I love you. I won’t dare say it to you because you might leave me but… I love you. I don’t like seeing you sad, okay? You ruin my bad-boy image by crying, turning me into some sobbing idiot but, when it comes to you, I-I don’t mind.” He confessed silently, thanking God that all of his friends were now soundly asleep.

Jimin fluttered his eyes open. “I won’t leave you.” He said softly, making Yoongi bounce back a bit. “I would never leave you.” He looked up at him, kissing a tear away, wiping the other one with a gentle touch. “I love you too.”

It was all a dream. He felt as if he were floating on a billion clouds. “D-did you just--?”

Jimin smiled softly. “Yes, I love you. And it. You’re not a bad-boy in my eyes, not a player, not a Casanova. You’re just you. Okay? And you can cry. I’m here.” He patted his shoulder. “You can cry here. I know you love Taehyung-y and Hoseok-hyung, and I know it hurts. But I’m here to make the pain go away, okay?” he waited for an answer, but when he received none, he repeated, “Okay?” this time stretching the word.

Yoongi nodded. “Okay.”


Taehyung felt his knees buck beneath his weight. It was bad enough he had a slight limp, but with his heart as heavy as a rock, it felt as if he were carrying a boulder in his stomach. He bit his bottom lip, his heart racing at a rate that should be Olympic medal worthy. He never wanted to see this; he never wanted to walk down this narrow halfway that was lined with bleach-colored tiles, all as cold as his heart felt. He never wanted to pass by nurses dressed in white, or doctors with previously white suits, now stained a maroon color from the dry blood on their aprons. He never wanted to pass by those metal machines that made eerie noises and he never wanted to them attached into a human body. He never wanted to see a life-less body barely hanging on, and he never, ever imagined it would he the love of his life, his boyfriend, Hoseok, the reason why he was there.

He gulped, everything blurring for a moment. He released a breath he didn’t even know he was holding, telling himself that he was okay, he wasn’t going to hear that loud beep anytime soon. He just hoped he was right.

He opened the door with a shaky breath, closing his eyes, giving himself a minute of peace before hell came.

Taehyung gasped when he saw Hoseok lifeless on the metal bed, his body dull on the bed. He was dressed in the light-blue wardrobe the hospital provided, his hair tousled, lips slightly parted as he breathed, thank God, he breathed. Hoseok closed his eyes, probably resting while it took Taehyung an eternity and a half to gather up the courage to so much as get up. There were plastic tubes arranged about his body as if they were ornaments on a Christmas tree, all attached to various machines around his body. There was no God, praise the lord, and all the utensils the doctors had used weren’t anywhere in sight, sparing Taehyung anymore pain of seeing the metal items decorated with Hoseok’s blood. His heart monitor was still beeping, something that kept V sane, and lines were still zigzagging in a green, neon track. The room itself was somewhat small, with only a small couch and a chair pushed to the side, a cross hanging near the window where the couch was.

Hoseok’s hands and his face were pale, his lips chapped, but his chest was heaving. That was all Taehyung needed to know.

Taehyung, not really knowing what to do, went up to the bed, head as light as a feather. He pulled the chair near the bed, sitting on it silently. With shivering hands, he reached for Hoseok’s, biting his lip when he saw thin tubes taped to his hands. He sniffled softly, but maybe it was a bit loud too because J-Hope slowly opened his eyes.

Even his eyes weren’t glowing like they used to, and all Taehyung could think was that yes, it was all his fault. “H-hyung,” V whimpered, wet, regretful, salty water dashing down his cheeks.

Hoseok smiled when he saw him. He was still so beautiful, even when his shirt was torn on one side, blood drenching a small part of his shirt, hair tousled and lips cracked. His voice came out hoarse, but he was talking to him, reassuring. “Why are you crying?” he asked softly, frowning a bit. “I’m here, aren’t I?” he said half-heartedly, a small smile on his lips. It was so like him to try and cheer V up.

Taehyung smiled at his smile, something that Hoseok always managed. “Yes. You are. And it’s all my fault…” His smile drifted away, his gaze dropping, reflecting the guilt he felt.

Hoseok frowned at him. “Oh, for God’s sake, stop blaming yourself,” he scolded sternly. “You didn’t tell me to defend you, okay? You warned me to stay away, but I wouldn’t listen. I wouldn’t have listened either way because you were being hurt I…” his hand gripped Taehyung’s tighter. “I love you. And I would end up here again if I have to. You know I would.”

V leaned in and kissed his forehead. “I love you too.” He kissed his cheeks. “Thank you for not leaving me,” he whispered before pressing a gentle peck on Hoseok’s lips, making the other blush.

Hoseok smiled at him, reaching over to brush some hair away from his forehead. “I wouldn’t leave you. I’d do anything to stay by your side.” And now that he was in the hospital, he had proven that sentence down to the punctuation. “How are you, baby? How’s your leg? What happened to them?”

Taehyung kissed his cheek. “I’m fine, my leg is just sprained is all.” Hoseok pouted, only to have V kiss his lips again. “And the cops found them three hours ago. They’re not going anywhere for the next fifty or so years…” he kissed his lips again, this time letting it linger for a minute.

Hoseok gently held the back of his head, leaving him there, kissing him deeper. Taehyung had never felt so many sparks float about; everything about that kiss was perfect and V actually felt a small smile on his lips.

When they pulled away, neither of their lips were chapped and it seemed as though Hoseok’s eyes were regaining their normal, beautiful color. “Hey, baby?” Hoseok said softly, sitting up a bit. It took him some strength to do it, and when he did, there was a blistering pain in his lower abdomen, but he didn’t even show he was in pain.

“Yeah?” Taehyung hummed.

“Is it true? I’ve heard doctors say that I couldn’t have survived…” he paused, looking away from Taehyung. “They said it was some sort of miracle…”

Taehyung nodded, averting his gaze.

Hoseok cupped his chin, making V look at him directly in the eyes. There was a flutter in his heart when their eyes met, something that always happened. “You do know that it was you, right? You know that you were the ‘miracle’ they were referring to, right?”

V blushed, biting his bottom lip, but he didn’t dare look away.

“Because you’re my angel.” He kissed him softly on the lips, slowly pulling away. V kept his eyes closed for a bit longer, his cheeks stained in a light pink color. All Hoseok could do was smile softly. “Thank you for being here, with me.”

“Thank you for loving me.”


Taehyung lay down besides Hoseok now, but only because the older male had coaxed him into it, kissing him deeply until his body was numb with desire and then, out of nowhere, Hoseok’s (somehow) strong arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him down. So now, J-Hope was absentmindedly running his fingers through V’s hair, kissing it every now and then.

“Hyung?” Taehyung called softly, his body relaxed as he placed his head on the rapper’s shoulder.

Hoseok stopped toying with his hair, giving him his full attention. “Yes, Taehyung-y?”

Taehyung looked up at him, his brown eyes filled with curiosity. “You remember that you said you saw a light?”

Hoseok nodded.

“What was it like?”

Hoseok sighed, thinking for a minute or so before answering. “I-it was…gorgeous.” The way he said it made it sound as if that were the most captivating image he had ever seen, saying it so breathlessly. “I’ve never seen anything like it, Tae.” His fingers began massaging Taehyung’s scalp again. “And there, when I got closer, I saw my great grandmother. She told me to go to her…” he stopped, V’s eyes going wide. “But then, somewhere in the distance, I heard your voice. I-I love my family, I do. But I…” he looked down at him. “I mean, I love you more.” Taehyung blushed, tempted to look away now but he didn’t. “And yes, that light was beautiful and there, behind it, I saw my whole family, the ones that have passed. And the light itself was white, and it was so bright and… and then there was you. There was your voice and it was so amazing to me how your voice drove me away from my whole family. I mean, you weren’t even there, but I still wanted you, anything that belonged to you. So I left. And when I saw you, I realized you were crying. I felt so guilty, Tae.” He paused again, kissing V on the cheek sweetly. “I couldn’t leave you. You were crying, I-I had to stay there to comfort you. Because I love you, Tae. I really do. And I-I… I’m sorry for making you cry. Not just today, or yesterday, but every other day.” He kissed his cheek again. “I hope you can forgive me.”

Everything he said was so overwhelming it took V a good five minutes before he looked up at J-Hope and grinned from ear to ear, hugging him tightly after Hoseok saw that glorious feature. “I-I can’t say I’m still not hurt, and I can’t say I’ve suddenly forgot about what you did but… I forgive you. And I don’t forgive you because you’re hurt. I forgive you because you protected me. You didn’t care if you were getting hurt because you were blinded by the love you felt for me to even care. You love me so much you didn’t care about yourself. And still, when we’re here, all you care about is me, how I feel. I-I don’t know how you were even capable of cheating with all the love you feel for me… but you do love me.”

Hoseok couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t take the fact that Taehyung still saw him as a cheating bastard when he wasn’t that. He loved him. He loved him, his body, his attitude, his personality. He didn’t love anybody else. Only Taehyung. Every minute of every day, Taehyung was the only one on his mind. It was always just: what is Taehyung doing now? I wonder if he’s thinking about me. Would Taehyung like this shirt? Does he even realize how beautiful his smile is? I love V so much. Tae looks really cute when he blushes. What else can I say to make him blush? Does he like red or white roses better? What if I got him both?  All he could think about was Taehyung because he loved him and him only, not some low-down who claimed to be his ‘friend’.

“Taehyung,” Hoseok called after a minute, sighing. He didn’t care how he made Jennifer look and he didn’t care if V believed him or not. All he wanted was to get this off of his chest because I was suffocating him. “I didn’t cheat on you.”

Taehyung frowned at him. “Yes, you did. I saw the picture, Hoseok, y—“

Hoseok shook his head. “I was framed.”

V narrowed his eyes. He turned his body so that he and Hoseok were completely face to face. “What are you talking about, Jung Hoseok?”

The fact that he had called him by his full name made Hoseok gulp; he was obviously mad. “Don’t interrupt me, okay? I’m going to tell you everything from the start and I don’t want you to run away.” He said quickly when V made an attempt to move away, to which Hoseok answered by holding him closely, but far enough so that the other could see his eyes. “Okay?”

V simply huffed, not really wanting to hear how Hoseok ended up ing some other girl.

Hoseok opened his mouth, ready to explain everything when—

“HOSEOK I HAVE SOMETHING YOU HAVE TO SEE!” Yoongi exclaimed as he barged in, the other boys following him. Without even greeting the wounded male, the boys all sat beside Hoseok’s bed, their eyes fixed on the TV. Yoongi was hooking his phone up to the television, frantically swiping at it until the TV showed some strange footage.

Taehyung looked at them all. “Hyung, what is this?” he questioned as he sat up, looking around. Jin patted Hoseok’s hand, nodding over to the TV.

Yoongi looked back at him. “Pay attention, V. you’re about to get the shock of a life-time.”

Taehyung, still overwhelmed by everything that happened so quickly, simply blinked, having no other choice but to nod. Suga grinned before taking a seat next to Jimin.

The screen played a video of what appeared to be some unorganized apartment. There were boxes all about and there appeared to be nobody in the place. A few seconds of silence later, a female walked in. the boys could only see her back, so they all remained expressionless. Not five seconds later passed and there was a male voice heard. The voice was unmistakable, causing V to glare at Hoseok.

“What is this?” he hissed close to Hoseok’s ear, while the male just grinned. He hadn’t planned this, but this was obviously the proof he needed. He shot a smile to Suga’s head before he looked back at the angry male.

“If it’s some sort of tape,” he began with a growl, “I’m leaving.” He tossed a leg over the bed, signaling he was going to leave.

“Yoongi!” Hoseok called, knowing all too well he couldn’t stop Taehyung now. “Show him the part he needs to see!”

Jungkook held Taehyung back, standing at an angle so that Taehyung could see the TV. He felt betrayed by his friends; why the would they want him to see his boyfriend cheating on him? Did they want to see him cry? Because if they did, wish granted.

He sniffled, seeing no other choice as to look at the TV. A few seconds ticked by and Hoseok was asleep. Taehyung’s eyes went wide when he saw the woman go up to him and, for some strange reason, she stripped. V’s heart broke into a billion pieces, and then, he saw her take out Hoseok’s phone. As the scene played out before him, his eyes got wider. This… this…

“Y-You didn’t cheat on me,” Taehyung whispered, finally looking over at Hoseok. The older male smiled softly. He felt stupid. He felt so stupid. Why? Hoseok was faithful. He always was. But he was blinded by his jealousy to even realize that he would never do anything like that. All he focused on were the facts, what was before him. And it’s not as if Hoseok told him anything before. He was always the bad guy in Taehyung’s eyes because of that, but he wasn’t. He was the hero who tried to protect a female. He loved him. He only loved Taehyung.

Hoseok got up, detaching all the stupid tubes from his body because he felt invincible. He didn’t feel pain. All he felt was love, the love that Taehyung’s eyes glowed with. He walked up to the younger male, holding his hands. “I love you.”

They were such simple words, and Taehyung had hear him say them to him before, but now they made him tear up even more. He hugged Hoseok tightly, careful not to hurt him where he was wounded. He cried into his shoulder, kissing his neck frantically. He sniffled softly, hugging him tighter when he did.

The boys watched with a smile; they saw how strong Hoseok looked, as if Taehyung had all the life back into him. Hoseok didn’t even need to be in the hospital much because he had Taehyung as medicine, as everything he ever needed to survive. They all wanted to hug Hoseok and comfort him, but V seemed to have everything under control. None of they did anything but smile, happy for their friends.

When they pulled away, Hoseok looked at Yoongi, still holding onto Taehyung’s waist. “How?”

Yoongi simply chuckled. “Well, I live in the same apartments and I remembered that, for safety purposes, the manager of the place keeps cameras in the living room of their apartments because there was a robber claimed to live in one of the houses, so not to point fingers, he attached cameras to every house. I just got Jimin over here to distract the lady behind the counter at the front office with his charm and then I went to copy a file of her apartment footage on my phone. I just cut a few of the scenes I knew Jimin would get if I saw.” He whispered the next part. “Like her walking around .” But it was still loud enough for Jimin to hear, because he smacked the other on the head. He winced. “Anyways, then, when I finished, I brought it here. I was going to wait for the right time, but when the doctor said we could see you now, I heard you mention it to V, so I ran back for my phone and BAM! Evidence Tae needed to be happy.” He grinned cockily, all too pleased with himself.

“But I feel so stupid…” V mumbled.

Angry by his words, Hoseok gripped onto V’s shoulders, making him look at him face-to-face. “Don’t feel like that. I love you, but if I would’ve seen a picture of you like that, I would’ve thought the same way. All that’s important now is that we love each other and that now you know I didn’t cheat.” The very last thing he wanted with this evidence was to make Taehyung feel pathetic because he wasn’t. All that he wanted to accomplish was to make him believe in him; now his record was squeaky clean and Taehyung knew everything.

V’s eyes softened. He kissed Hoseok’s shoulder, nuzzling is face into it shortly after, hugging him tightly. Everything was okay now. She wasn’t in their lives anymore, she couldn’t hurt Taehyung anymore, she couldn’t even get close to Hoseok anymore because the older from then on vowed to never so much as glance at her. As he smelled Taehyung’s slightly sweaty hair, and as he held onto his thin body, he realized how much more he loved Taehyung than he had expected at first. The boy captivated him from the start, but he never imagined he’d wound up loving him the way he did. He was pure magic. He loved him, he loved him enough to risk his own live, even give it away.

“I love you,” Taehyung promised in a timid whisper, still far too overwhelmed by everything that went on today. It was all exhausting, but it all gave him peace of mind in the end and that’s really all that he cared about in the end of the day.

“I do too.”


“Got any… eights?” Jimin asked, looking over at Yoongi.

“Nope. Go fish.” He smirked.

“God damn it! You don’t have any ing numbers! Are you even sure you can read those numbers?” Jimin accused, pointing at Yoongi and his deck of cards. Everyone chuckled around them, clearly pleased with the scene.

Yoongi pouted when he caught onto what Jimin was trying to say. “Yah! I’ll have you know I can read to at least a fifth grade level.” He stated rather proudly, grinning. Jimin scoffed. Clearly Yoongi didn’t realize how stupid he sounded, but he decided to brush it aside for now.

Yoongi looked over at Hoseok, the boy still resting on his bed with Taehyung. “Got any sevens?” he asked hopefully.

Hoseok sighed, giving him his card. Yoongi grinned triumphantly. “You see, baby? Learn how to be a good guesser like your hyung,” he said, patting Jimin’s shoulder softly. The younger male huffed.

Taehyung looked at Seokjin, smiling widely. “Hyung, do you have any twos?”

Jin shook his head. “Nope,” he stated almost cheerfully, popping the ‘p’. “Go fish.”

With a pout, V picked up a card from the deck. “Yoongi, are you sure you don’t look at everyone’s cards when we’re busy laughing at you?” Taehyung huffed, still not understanding how his hyung managed to guess correctly almost every time when he could barely even guess a right number less than half of the time.

Yoongi pouted at the accusation. “Whatever.” He looked down, mumbling. When the boys’ laughter died down, Yoongi looked up at Hoseok and said, “Hey, Hobie, ask Jungkook if he has any fours.”

Jungkook glared.


The nurse, a really pretty one, at that, walked in a while later. All the boys were gone already, all except for Taehyung because he refused (and Hoseok refused to let him leave) to leave. The young boy sat beside Hoseok on the small hospital bed, not even minding how close they had to be to squish together in order to fit. Taehyung rested his head on Hoseok’s arm, the older male’s other arm reaching over to play with Taehyung’s Hershey colored hair. He sighed contently, barely even noticing his surroundings, far too distracted by Taehyung’s beauty.

There was a soft knock on the door, followed by a female voice. Taehyung glared at the door and then back at Hoseok. “Mr. Jung?” she called.

Hoseok kissed Taehyung’s head before responding. “Come on in.”

She all but took Hoseok’s breath away when she walked in. She had long, black, curly hair. Her skin tone was slightly tanner than his own, and she had long legs. She wore the uniform, which happened to be a small dress and her hat was pinned in her hair so that it didn’t fall. She wore natural make-up, but her lip gloss was a light shade of crimson. She grinned, showing her teeth in a charming way.

When Taehyung looked at Hoseok to see his reaction the pretty woman that had walked in, he frowned. Hoseok’s mouth was slightly agape and his eyes didn’t show any signs of closing. He pouted, looking away. Men.

“Well, since you have a wound, I’m here to take you to the showers and help you out.” She said softly, getting straight to the point. That would explain the towel on his arm.

Hoseok looked down at Taehyung, as if asking for permission. When he saw how unpleased Taehyung looked, he bit his lip. “Is it mandatory that you help me?” he asked.

She was about to laugh, but when she saw the smaller boy in his arms, she bit her lip. “I’m afraid so.”

Taehyung sighed, getting off of the bed. He didn’t like the idea of some women seeing what was his, especially since what was his was going to be . He also didn’t like how pretty she was and how Hoseok reacted to her; had it been some ugly nurse, he would’ve just waved him off, feeling bad for him. But this wasn’t the case so he stayed put with a pout.

Hoseok got up from the bed, and at his wince in pain came the nurse, gently helping him up. He nodded gratefully before gently pulling away from her grasp. “Uh, can you wait outside for a minute?” he asked politely.

She looked at him; he was looking at Taehyung with a gaze of adoration and something more she didn’t have the time to read before she answered without hesitation. “Of course.” She smiled.

When he heard the door click shut, Hoseok sighed. He went over to V and wrapped his arms around his body. “It’s nothing, babe. I know she’s attractive and all—“

“And you were drooling over her,” Taehyung mumbled in-between his sentence.

“—but I don’t like her.” Once he realized what V had said, he bit his lip, his hands holding onto him slightly tighter. “Don’t get jealous, okay?” he kissed his cheek tenderly. “I thought we’ve established I was incapable of cheating.”

Taehyung sighed. He knew Hoseok was right, but that didn’t make him anymore comfortable. It wasn’t that he was very worried of him cheating but rather of her seeing and liking what she saw. He swallowed, still not meeting Hoseok’s gaze. “I know you are… Just go. I’ll be fine, okay?”

Hoseok didn’t believe him. “Do you think you can come to make sure she isn’t doing anything you don’t like?”

Taehyung looked over his shoulder to see Hoseok with a look unreadable. “I don’t think—“

“Mr. Jung, are you ready?”

V sighed, biting his bottom lip.

Hoseok opened the door. “Hey, can I ask for a favor?” he asked the woman softly, smiling just to seem nicer.

She simply nodded, having this strange feeling when she did so, as if she already knew where he was going with this.

“Can Taehyung go with us? I mean, he’s my boyfriend and—“

The woman’s face flushed at the term ‘boyfriend’. She looked back at Taehyung, who kept his head down. “I-uh…” she’s never been asked this before, so she really didn’t have an answer for it. She was nervous as to what to respond, afraid that if she said the wrong thing, or in the wrong way, they both might be angry. That was the last thing she wanted. “I guess?” it came out more like a question.

Taehyung grinned, feeling this invisible pressure lift from his shoulders. Both the nurse and Hoseok caught sight of his happiness, so they both ended up smiling themselves.


 The nurse left the room while Hoseok undressed, but Taehyung stayed. He smirked to himself when Hoseok blushed, noticing that Taehyung’s eyes would not leave his body. But when his eyes landed on the bandaged wrapped around the lower part of Hoseok’s torso, his heart stopped. An overwhelming sense of guilt hit his body and almost knocked him out like waves but he didn’t let Hoseok see any of his sadness. Instead, he pretended to be embarrassed all of a sudden because he was getting undressed, something that Hoseok caught onto.

“I know you’re not embarrassed. You’re not blushing,” Hoseok stated with a small sly smirk on his lips. He got down on his knees, biting his lip to hold back the whimper in pain, but winced in the process.

Taehyung gasped. “H-hyung, are you o-okay?” he stuttered, immediately helping him stand. But Hoseok shook his head, deciding to stay on his knees before him. This time, the younger male did blush.

“Yeah, it’s just, baby…” he paused until V looked down at him in the eyes. “Don’t feel bad, okay? It’s just bandages. The wound isn’t that big without them.” He promised with the smallest smile Taehyung had to question whether it was a smile of a smirk.

Taehyung managed a smile. “Okay. But… hyung?”

Hoseok, with V’s help, got up, humming once he was standing perfectly.

“Your body is y and it’s mine, okay?” he reminded him, looking down at his glorious body with a bright, crimson blush. He may have sounded a bit childish, but at this point, it’s not as if he gave a damn anyway.

Hoseok chuckled, taking Taehyung into a tight hug. He kissed his lips softly, letting them go with a gentle peck, the feeling of his sweet lips, his half- body against his body all made him stomach knot and twist and his heart flutter. “Of course it is, baby. Only yours. I promise. I’m all yours.” He whispered gently into his hair, reassuring the other.


Hoseok chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung’s body, holding him close on the bed. He let his damp hair rest on the pillow, Taehyung’s head on his arm, like last time. They were turned to face one another, admiring each other, Taehyung’s hands on Hoseok’s chest.

“See? She didn’t even touch me in the wrong way, did she?” he teased. Taehyung blushed, biting his bottom lip, mumbling out ‘no’. Hoseok smiled. “And she didn’t try to flirt with me, did she?” Taehyung looked at him.

“Only because I was there,” he corrected him.

Hoseok huffed. “But she didn’t anyway, did she?”

Taehyung sighed, resting his head back on Hoseok’s arm. “No, she didn’t.”

There was a few minutes of silence before Taehyung nuzzled his face further into Hoseok’s arm, his nose digging into his chest, breath tickling his pecks. Hoseok missed this warmth feeling in his stomach at the feel of Taehyung close to him, but he didn’t say anything. Taehyung was the one to break the silence with his precious voice.

“I missed you, hyung,” he admitted shyly, digging his face further into Hoseok’s chest until his sentence came out muffled. Hoseok smiled.

“I did too, baby,” he stated easily.

But the way he said it made Taehyung know that they weren’t heading in the same direction. He bit his lip, looking up at hm. When their eyes met, his breath hitched and he suddenly didn’t feel like saying anything anymore. “No, I-I mean…” his voice changed now, into something a bit more daring. “I mean, I missed you.”

At his tone of voice, Hoseok knew where he was going. He leaned in to gently press his lips against Taehyung’s, his heart fluttering. He pulled away slowly, his lips afterwards to taste the remains of the other. “I missed you too,” he whispered back just as daringly, his hand already slowly lowering until it was resting on his hip’s bone, his finger slipping down until it gently scrapped against the other’s .

Taehyung’s breath hitched when he answered. “H-hyung…” he whispered softly, kissing his neck, on it gently before letting the skin go. “I… make love to me.”


A/N: I know… I needed in my life too. I know these chapters aren’t my best and they’re not the best written either, but I haven’t been feeling well lately so… I’ve had allergies and I can’t really sit up long without falling on my because of how hard I’ve been sneezing.

In other words…



Can anybody recommend a good story?:









ETC... (My profile says the couples I’m in to. U might love them too!)

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10