Baby, Don't Cry/ Wedding Dress



Jungkook pouted when he read the time; 7:21 a.m.

Jin was already awake, downstairs making them breakfast. But the younger male was alone on their bed, his body bare but shielded with the soft duvet. He wished Seokjin would’ve been there when he opened his eyes, but instead he was greeted with the scent of eggs and bacon along with something else he assumed were waffles. This was so like Jin, going out of his way to please his younger boyfriend.

Looking around for some sort of clothing article he could wear to not feel so , he came across Jin’s white T-shirt. He slipped his own boxers on and threw the shirt on, sighing to himself before tossing his legs onto the floor, getting ready to walk down stairs.

He was greeted with the coffee table in their living room piled high with breakfast and drinks. He smiled to himself at the scent. He then turned his head slightly to see Jin there, smirking softly at him. Without a second thought in his head, Jungkook walked over to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his shoulders loosely, giving them some distance.

“G’ morning,” Jin greeted softly, his voice deep. He encircled his hands around his waist, pulling him in closer to kiss his cheek.

Jungkook smiled wider, his heart fluttering. “Morning, hyung.”

Jin then took his hand and led him into the couch. They both sat and Jungkook smiled at the breakfast before them. “You really went out of your way, didn’t you?”

The oldest found himself smirking in amusement. “You’re worth it,” he assured softly.

That beam on his face was worth waking up before him, early in the morning with sleep still evident in his system. “Thanks, hyung.”

“No need. Let’s just eat, yeah?”


Once done with their delicious food, Jungkook laid back on the couch, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. Jin smiled to himself; he was glad his younger lover liked the food and he was glad he was smiling cutely.

“That was great!” he grinned. “Why can’t you be here every day and make me breakfast, hyung?” Jungkook questioned with a child-like curiosity on his features. He was still smiling, however.

Jin took this seriously, his smile fading somewhat. He leaned back on the couch, looking at the younger male directly in the eyes to show he was being serious about everything he said. “You know I would.” There was a pause and Jin rolled his head so that he wasn’t looking at Jungkook anymore but instead at the ceiling. He murmured the next part, “I just hope Taehyung says yes so they could move in together…”

Jungkook’s eyes narrowed. “What was that?”

Seokjin shook his head. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

“You shouldn’t have said it out loud if you didn’t want me to worry about it,” Jungkook snapped. “Now tell me.”

But he couldn’t because it was meant to be a surprise and he didn’t want to keep Jungkook’s hopes up; what if Taehyung said no? “Nothing. R—“

Jungkook was sitting on his lap in a second, placing both of his hands on either side of his face. “Tell me,” he repeated just as serious as before, but more commanding this time.

Seokjin sighed, tilting his head to look away from the younger male. He just hoped Hoseok wouldn’t be mad at him for this. “It’s just that… Hoseok is planning on proposing to Taehyung on their trip and if he says yes, Hoseok said they were going to live at his. Namjoon was moving out anyways to study music at LA for the summer, and then he was going to live with his old roommate because he’s a rapper and he’s gonna help him in his career. So I was going to leave Jimin and Yoongi that house that I shared with Jimin and I was gonna come here… if you would have me, that is,” he added quickly.

Jungkook stayed silent for a long period of time. He slowly pulled away, a series of emotions flashing over his face. There was a minute of confusion, and the realization, and then joy, and then shyness along with panic, but before long he was grinning widely.

“Oh my God, hyung! This is it! Our happy ending!” he cheered, smiling so widely his eyes turned into little slits. “Oh my God! Tae’s gonna get married! We HAVE to help them plan their wedding and we have to look amazing! And then we’re gonna live together! But…” he gasped. “What about the shop?!” he began to shrink. “Namjoon is the owner and if he’s leaving then where will Hobie-hyung work?”

Jin patted his shoulder, trying to get him to calm down, or at least give him some attention. Jungkook looked at him, eyes still wide. “Relax. Namjoon’s gifting the shop to Hoseok and he’s gonna debut in Big Hit, if they give him the chance. If not, Hoseok and Namjoon will continue to work at the shop. It’s no big deal.” He bit his bottom lip, happy that Jungkook seemed a lot more relaxed now but now he had to break in some news. “And as for their wedding… I don’t think we should jump to conclusions so fast, baby. Taehyung hasn’t even said ‘yes’ yet and we don’t even know if Hoseok has even asked him yet. Let’s be patient, okay?”

Jungkook looked away, sighing loudly. “Yeah…” he admitted softly, voice somewhat weak. “But they love each other…” he reminded himself more than Jin.

Jin smiled at the sudden child-like attitude of the younger. “Yes, they do. But Taehyung might not be ready or something or Hoseok might never get the chance to ask Taehyung.”

Jungkook pouted. “Well, if Hoseok hyung does ask Tae to marry him… I hope he says yes. They deserve their happy ending.”

Jin nodded, pushing Jungkook’s back so that he was lying against his chest. “Yes, they do. We do too.”


It was suddenly getting incredibly hotter around them. Taehyung was cupping his hands over his face, keeping in a gasp. Sentiment scrapped against his throat, making it burn. His eyes began stinging out of nowhere, and Taehyung knew what was coming. His heart was clenching and unclenching painfully in his chest and his knees felt as if they were shaking. His hands were slightly sweating and he felt tired for no reason.

People began gathering around them, some cooing and awing while others seemed somewhat disgusted while others simply pouted because those handsome men didn’t belong to any of them. Hoseok and Taehyung paid no attention to them.

Hoseok’s heart began hurting. He was on his knee still but no response came; did that mean Taehyung didn’t want this? A million questions that began with ‘what if’s’ began buzzing around in his mind, ringing in his ears. He tried not to look too down or anything, but his face was slowly and slowly falling.


A single tear escaped Taehyung’s eye and Hoseok almost cursed because that wasn’t supposed to happen.

“Did you seriously have to ask?” V questioned weakly, voice a bit broken, hoarse.

Hoseok felt his world caving in—was that a no then? “What--?”

Taehyung tossed himself onto the older male, getting on his knees. Hoseok quickly caught them both, bracing a hand behind them to keep them from hitting the floor completely. Taehyung’s arms were wrapped around Hoseok’s neck, sobbing quietly into his shoulder.

Hoseok was still lost.

“Baby…?” he began.

Taehyung cut him off, kissing his cheek sloppily. “YES! Of course I will!”

Regret washed away now, leaving room for joy and astonishment. Hoseok’s eyebrows shot up and then, in the blink of an eye, he picked Taehyung up, wrapping his arms around his waist and began spinning him, happiness overflowing inside of him.

V giggled cutely, tears of joy springing from his eyes.

The people began cheering, interrupting their personal moment. They clapped and cooed and smiled at them, and V smiled back, along with his fiancé.

“Thank you!” Hoseok spoke in Japanese, smiling as they understood and began walking away, leaving them with a comfortable silence.

The older male looked back at his fiancé, grinning from ear to ear. He wiped the next few tears from Taehyung’s cheeks with his thumb, before gently pressing his lips to his forehead. “This feels like a dream,” Hoseok whispered as he kept his lips a mere centimeter from Taehyung’s forehead.

V giggled a bit before smiling, his eyes looking up to see Hoseok’s chin, suddenly feeling smaller when he was actually taller. “Why is that?” he whispered back, fearing to speak any louder.

Hoseok smiled at him. “Because I ended up with you… Because you didn’t say ‘no’… because I’m gonna get married to the man of my dreams and because you’re going to be mine forever…”

Taehyung grinned. “I hope you’re ready to see me looking ugly every morning.”

Hoseok scoffed. “I’ve seen you in the mornings already. And you look anything but ugly, baby.” He promised gently before kissing his cheek.

His cheeks burned when Hoseok held one of his hands, and slipped the silver band onto his ring finger, smiling when he realized it fit perfectly. Taehyung smiled down at his left hand, the small diamond of the ring catching the light perfectly; it was beautiful.

Their eyes met and suddenly, Taehyung realized that nothing had changed. Sure, they were now fiancé’s and everything, but Hoseok still held a playful feel instead of a dominant one the husband usually held and he was happy for that.

Butterflies were racing in his chest now. “This is the best trip I’ve ever been on…” Taehyung smiled.

Hoseok smiled back. “Mine’s too.” There was a pause. “Ready for the stress of planning a wedding?”

Taehyung smiled back. “Yeah. I mean, I’m sure Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon are gonna help us out anyway.” his cheeks were now red when he looked at Hoseok. “Since I’m gonna be the ‘wife’, do I have to wear a dress?”

Hoseok smirked at the idea of his cute lover dressed in a white wedding dress; it would actually be very precious but he could see how uncomfortable the younger male seemed with the idea so he shook his head. “Nope. You can just wear a white suit. But for the honey moon…” he leaned in and playfully nipped at his ear. “I’d like to see you in a short, revealing dress. Just for me, hm?”

The younger male blushed. “I-if you want…”


Mr. Jung Taehyung.

Jung Taehyung.

Jung… wah, I’m gonna be a ‘Jung’ soon and I haven’t even met his parents yet. I just hope they’ll like and accept me when I meet them. I hope my parents accept Hoseok hyung, too. But he’s amazing and perfect for me… Surely, they’ll love him as much as I do.

Taehyung held Hoseok’s hand tighter now. Hoseok looked down at their joined hands and raised a brow, immediately telling something was wrong with the younger. His face was crowned with concern and it was all evident with a glimpse of his face. “You okay?”

Taehyung bit his bottom lip; he had no intentions on lying or keeping this from Hoseok—they were going to get married, after all, he deserved to know. He sighed. “When are you going to tell your parents about this?”

Hoseok smiled. “They know I’ve had a boyfriend and I did mention it to them that we were pretty serious…” he began, choosing his words carefully. “I don’t think this news will shock them at all.’ He lolled his head back to look at Taehyung. “What about you? Have you told your parents about me before?”

The younger male nodded. “They’ve called and I’ve told them about you. They know everything…” he sighed loudly. “Hyung, do you think your parents will like me?”

Hoseok chuckled softly at this, looking away for a brief second before smiling back at his cute boyfriend. “I’m positive they’ll love you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re irresistible. I can’t imagine anyone not liking you.”

Taehyung smirked. “Thanks for the feedback…” he threw his head back a bit. “Just so you know, ever since you’ve met my uncles, they haven’t stopped talking about you. I’m sure the family back home already knows you enough to adore you without you even being there.”

This was a great assurance Hoseok needed. Honestly, he wanted to make the best appearance with his family. Sure, he had met his uncles and stuff before and even had the honor of meeting his sassy best friend, but it was a whole different story when it came to his parents. They would be more over-protective with him and no doubt they’d want only the very best for him. He just didn’t know if he was the best for Taehyung; he was completely amazing and on a whole different scale of perfection and all he prayed was that they were able to get married as they had planned with both of their parent’s blessings.

Taehyung rested his head on Hoseok’s shoulders, effectively blanking his mind to the point where the only word on his brain was ‘Taehyung’, smiling softly at the distance and the sun that was drifting from the beautiful gardens, giving them an orange glow to their green majesty.

“Honestly, I think you should be more worried about getting Jungkook’s blessing than my parent’s,” Taehyung admitted around a chuckle, but Hoseok knew that wasn’t a joke at all.

Jungkook was like that little brother that would only give his hyung away to the very best. Only that he was way, way more strict that Taehyung’s parents, no doubt.

Hoseok sighed. “I think we should call and tell him right now. I don’t think he’s willing to forgive us if we put it off until we actually get back to Korea.”

Taehyung simply nodded. “I’ll tell him. Just brace yourself, baby.”


“Now, since you are going to be living with my hyung forever now, there must be some things you MUST follow, got it?” Jungkook hissed.

Hoseok nodded weakly, but once he remembered the younger couldn’t see him, he sighed out a ‘fine’, trying to sound as polite as possible. This was all for Taehyung, he reminded himself. Taehyung held his hand tighter in support, biting back a chuckle during most of the conversation.

“FIRST OF ALL,” he began loudly, as if ready to list a long, never ending list of obligations. “You can’t hurt him. If he ever sheds a tear that isn’t of joy, I will hunt you down. I won’t be so easy on you as I was when the whole ‘Jennifer’ situation happened.” He hissed, making even Taehyung feel a bit uneasy.

“SECONDLY,” he continued loudly once more. “Go easy on him. When he comes back from the honey moon, he MUST be able to walk. It doesn’t matter if it’s with a slight limp as long as you’re a gentleman and get him to me safely.”

Both of their faces flushed; how the was Jungkook saying this so easy, voice still full of dominance and command?

“THIRDLY, you can’t EVER leave him. You can’t run off on him and you cannot make him worry. You have to attend to him and treat him like a princess. If you treat him as anything less than a princess, I will cut your balls off. No hesitations.”

Hoseok felt Taehyung’s eyes on his mid-section now.

“FOURTH OF ALL, and you better be keeping count, Mister, no touchy-feely on anyone that isn’t Taehyung. Basically, no cheating even with the mind. And don’t touch him inappropriately if he doesn’t want it or/and if it is not in the privacy of your bedroom.”

They both shared a flustered look.

“FIVTH OF ALL, just be good to him. Live to make him happy. This is the final and most important one, okay?” his voice began to soften. “Just… never let him go…” There was dead silence on the other end of the phone. “Oh, and when you hear that song ‘X’ by Chris Brown, remind him how much you love him. When you left him, he had a hard time with that song.”

Taehyung diverted his gaze onto his lap and Hoseok looked at him intently, his insides knotting up with guilt and regret. He gently cupped his chin, gently, slowly pressing his warm, damp lips on his forehead, smiling gently as he pulled away. V shared a reassuring smile before they both continued to listen to Jungkook.

“Okay, I think I’m done…” Jungkook sighed. “Don’t worry about planning anything on the trip, by the way. Jin-hyung and the rest of the boys will help me come up with a few things so when you guys come back, all we’ll have to work on is telling the in-laws and picking out the few things you guys would like.” There was a loud squeal and the couple jumped. “OH MY GOD! MY BABY IS GETTING MARRIED!”

They both chuckled.

Jungkook sighed, trying to contain his feels. “Okay, okay… just… bye, hyungs! Enjoy the trip and everything okay?”


He was fed up.

Everything, EVERYTHING he did was wrong. He strived, he strived so hard to please but in the end, when the other frowned that pissed off thing, it was always in vain. ALWAYS. And it because Yoongi loved him but he would always (somehow) fail miserably.

And he loved him.

But he was done.

No matter how much it pained him.

They were at the store. Jimin, of course, looking beautiful as all hell, his clothes snug on his body and his hair expertly styled. Yoongi was close, close enough that their hands were brushing together; it was a nice day, but there was a knot in the pit of Yoongi’s stomach. It really bothered him—Jimin looked amazing but the fact that they weren’t interacting in some sort basically gave everybody the ‘go ahead’ to flirt with Jimin. Yoongi hated this little realization. He wasn’t going to let anyone so much as look at Jimin the wrong way.

Jimin smiled that angelic smile, his pink lips twisting cutely. It wasn’t directed towards anyone, just a genuine smile of happiness but Yoongi could see the impact the action had on the customers around them. It made him cringe.

“So did you remember what we were gonna buy?” Jimin asked innocently, oblivious to all the eyes on him. He looked up at Suga.

Suga looked at him with a small smirk on his face; he couldn’t keep a straight face with Jimin because he was simply so precious. He then thought to the question asked. “Well, we have to buy milk and Coke for sure. And bubble tea and… ham, I think…” he hummed in the end, doing an invert of Jimin’s kitchen in his head.

Jimin thought, too. “I really can’t remember, either.” He whipped his head to the side, looking at the shopping carts. “Maybe we should just look around and then we’ll remember what we need.

Yoongi simply nodded.

So it started off pretty well. They were doing as Jimin suggested, their eyes roaming around each isle until they landed on something that made their minds click and suddenly, that item was placed in the shopping cart. A few isles down, and they soon found themselves looking at the sweets. It might have looked childish the way Jimin grinned at some of the items, like a child on Christmas morning, but Yoongi loved it.

“Look, they have that Chinese melon candy I love!” Jimin stated enthusiastically, eyes sparkling as he pointed to the bagged candy.

Yoongi smirked and nodded, watching with a mixture of amusement and adoration as Jimin wandered about.

And then bumped into a handsome man.

Jimin’s face flushed lightly and he grinned, somewhat apologetically, somewhat embarrassed. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” he quickly apologized, not even realizing the man held his waist gently from their previous crash.

Yoongi did; his eyes narrowed.

The handsome man smiled back. “Oh, no, it’s quite alright, really.” He then realized his hands were on his waist and he quickly pulled them back, his hands still tingling slightly from the warmth from the other’s body. “I guess I should also apologize for touching you in such a way.” He smirked warmly. “I am truly sorry; a beauty of your level should never have to experience such misfortunes.”

The way he spoke made it sound as if he were trying to impress Jimin. Why the hell would he be trying to impress Jimin? Yoongi’s blood began boiling.

Jimin blushed a light crimson color and he shuffled a bit. “Oh…” was all he could say by now because he was certain the man was hitting no him but he knew Yoongi was present. “Well, sorry to waste your time.” He smiled sweetly before turning on his heal, ready to leave.

But the man called him back.

“Ah, wait!” he tried as softly as he could, only aiming to catch Jimin’s attention. When the shorter turned to look at him, he continued. “I know it’s a long-shot, considering you’re such a beautiful man,” again, Jimin blushed, “But um… would you happen to be single?”

Oh, that was it!

Yoongi marched over there and stood in the middle of the two, taking an intimidating step before the guy that was brave enough to flirt with HIS man. He glared something so sharp he was surprised the man didn’t drop dead on the spot before him, his stomach coiling in a bitter feeling, something he rarely felt but knew all too well.

 “No, he’s not,” Yoongi spoke up, voice deeper than usual, a warning scowl on his face. Jimin’s eyes went wide. The man completely shrank under such intensity, almost instantly becoming a puddle of dirt on the floor compared to the other. “So I suggest you ing leave.” It wasn’t a request—it was an order. All three of them knew it.

So the man nodded frantically, his bottom lip quivering, before dashing into some other part of the store, leaving the couple alone.

Yoongi was fuming, his shoulders tense, face red from anger and heart hammering in his chest. He knew he had to calm down. He knew he couldn’t hurt Jimin. He knew it would be better for there to be silence for now, while his nerves were getting settled—unfortunately, Jimin did not get this and instead settled for ing at the other.

“What was that?” he hissed, glaring at the back of the other. He noticed how, as soon as those words escaped his mouth, Yoongi flinched, and he knew right then and there it would’ve been better if he would have just kept his mouth shut instead.

He took a step back when Yoongi turned to face him, a sudden feeling of uneasiness overflowing him; this wasn’t fear—Yoongi wouldn’t hurt him.

He knew it. Trusted in it. Trusted in him.

But Yoongi glared so… cruelly and Jimin just shrank. “What the ?! You let that ed hit on you, you let him touch you, and then you have the ing balls to ask ME WHAT THE IS WRONG?!” he sounded loud, and angry, and suddenly, people poked their heads to see their argument.

Jimin gulped, but still tried to look unfazed. “It was innocent!” he fought back, refusing to give Yoongi the reasoning; he knew he was wrong, everything about that was wrong, even asking him not to be mad was wrong but his ego would never let him admit that.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes, almost growling. “Innocent?” he hissed, taking a step forward, trying to intimidate the other more than he already was. With every word, every punctuation, he stepped forward, becoming more and more bold, not even minding the terrified look on the small male’s face.


Jimin looked down, close to tears now because he knew everything he said was right, unbearably right but… but he felt weak. Yoongi should be the one protecting him from monsters that shout at him like this, but he was the monster and Jimin was getting no protection now, left to feel weak…

“HOW COME YOU CAN AT ME?! HOW COME YOU CAN TREAT ME HOWEVER THE YOU PLEASE BUT WHEN I MAKE ONE BOLD STEP, SUDDENLY I’M THE BAD GUY?! HOW COME IT’S FINE IF YOU YELL AT ME BUT IT’S WRONG WHEN I DO IT TO YOU?! HOW COME YOU’RE SUPERIOR TO ME?! I’M YOUR HYUNG, RESPECT ME!” he was still fuming, but at least now he was smiling bitterly, something that struck Jimin’s heart painfully. “Or don’t.” he continued, smirking bitterly, almost chuckling. “Because we’re OVER!”

Jimin’s eyes widened. His heart began sinking and his stomach began knotting up until he felt as if he wanted to throw up and his mind racing so fast it only left a blur.

“W-what?” he tried weakly, not even caring if his eyes were glassy and everyone was looking and gasping and whispering to each other.

Yoongi smirked again. “It’s over.” He repeated, throwing the same dagger into Jimin’s heart. “No more worrying about me, and no more worrying about you. You can let people touch all over you and now people can touch all over me. I love you, but I can’t strive to make you happy anymore. I’m no good at it…” he sighed, his smile off of his face because his own words hurt him but he knew it had to be done. “I…” another heavy sigh pushed past his lips and now he seemed more relaxed, yet deflated all at once. “Good-bye.”

And he his heal and left.

Just like that.


Of course, Jungkook spent the rest of the boy’s vacation online, searching up good deals on spectacular bouquets and ornaments and tables and such without spending an arm and a leg. His eyes stung a little, but there was always Jin there, kissing him softly, erasing everything in that one instant and he didn’t feel stressed anymore. It felt right.

“I can’t believe they’re getting married,” Jungkook sighed, closing his laptop gently before turning to face Jin, who had an arm rested behind the chair he was sitting on.

Jin smiled softly as a response. “It seems as if only yesterday we were fighting and they were all lovey-dovey, still dating without a care in the world…” he looked up as he reminisced and Jungkook couldn’t help but smile at the sight.

“Yeah…” he agreed with a small smile on his lips. “But I’m happy for them.” He his lips. “Maybe we could get married someday too, hyung.” Both of their faces flushed at this but at least Seokjin smirked down softly at him.

“We will….” He confirmed. “One of these days…”

Jungkook smiled up at him. “And I’ll even wear a dress for you.”

Jin blushed a bright red, the image of Jungkook in a short, red dress on his mind rather than a long, white dress. Tempting. “I think a white suit will be just fine.”

“But lingerie for the honey moon, right?”

He almost choked.


It was a start when he was able to make it out of bed.

He groaned at the light, but tossed his feet over the side of the bed quickly before he could change his mind and lay back down, ignoring the slight dizziness he received for it. He rubbed his eyes once, getting rid of some of his tired state before sighing and getting up completely.

Everything hurt.

But he was okay with that because he knew he deserved it.

Yoongi sighed as he climbed downstairs, half-expecting Jimin to be there, in one of his shirts, smiling at him, waiting for him, and half-expecting to be completely wrong and roam around to a lonely house. 

And when his second theory was proven correct, he growled to himself before running a hand through his bed-hair, his chapped lips before shaking any thoughts that had to do with the other out of his head, before heading over to the kitchen.

He couldn’t find anything good to eat. Well, he had a full pantry and there were enough plates for him to serve up whatever he wanted, but he had no appetite. Deciding not to blame this on the loss of Jimin, he dragged himself over to the living room, plopping himself down on the couch before he let his hands roam around to search for the remote.

And he found it. Down under the couch cushions, along with one of Jimin’s rings.

He picked up the small band and let it roll between his fingers, the metal so warm to the touch, as if he was just there, in his house. He sighed, wondering why this accessory was making his heart flutter and his stomach coil painfully. He couldn’t recall when he wore this, but he just knew that it was Jimin’s.

He his lips, sighing before dropping his hand with the ring still clutched tightly onto one hand, looking out into the distance.

How he missed the other.

But he knew that after what he had put him through, it would be a miracle if he ever saw him again.

Yoongi was never one to really feel bad about dumping someone. He’d done it countless times before, and he’s done it was more painfully than the way he had let Jimin go, but he loved that kid, he loved him so much and he never wanted to let him go. But it was now done. He had finished it all. He couldn’t put up with any of it anymore, no matter how much he adored Jimin, no matter how much the aftermath hurt him, no matter if he had watched the other cry one too many times before.

A soft buzz beside him snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked at the device that the noise emitted from.

He sighed, clearing his throat and shaking his head out of painful thoughts (as in Jimin) before swiping his thumb over the screen and clutching it to his ear. “Hello?” he answered, pleased with the way his voice didn’t crack under pain.

There was silence on the other end, nothing but soft breathing and he was just about to ask if there was anyone on the other end when a familiar, heart-breaking voice was heard on the other end and he suddenly wanted to throw the device away and hide under his duvet and cry all day. “Hi,” was all Jimin had said, slowly, as if cautious of his words.

Yoongi swallowed the lump in his throat before clearing his throat, which now suddenly burned, before answering, his voice more shaken this time. “W-what is it?” compared to yesterday, he sounded softer, kinder.

Silence, again. And then there was a small noise heard that Yoongi couldn’t identify (but he guessed it was a whimper) before his same distraught voice was heard. “I left some stuff at your place,” he explained, “I need them.”

Yoongi nodded more to himself, glad that neither of them broke down before answering once more. “Yeah, yeah…” he didn’t want to admit that he took longer to continue simply because he wanted to know the other was still there in some way. “Um, do you want me to take them over or…?”

Jimin sighed. “Depends if you…” again, another soft broken noise was heard and Yoongi felt his heart clench. “If you… d-don’t want me… a-at your p-place anymore…”

Yoongi stayed silent, knowing what to say but deciding against it.

For some reason, this really romantic EXO song came to mind and he wanted nothing more than to dedicate it to him, tell him, “Baby, Don’t Cry,” and hope his ears would stop being filled with the painful noise.

“You know that’s not it,” he answered back softly, “You can come of you want to, okay?” he wasn’t expecting an answer. “What time?”

Jimin went silent as he thought. “M-maybe around four. If you’re okay with that.”

He didn’t like how he said it. He sounded so weak and powerless, all that confidence and dominance he held over Yoongi now gone, leaving him whimpering.

Yoongi missed how he would just say, ‘I’m coming over. Okay? No excuses. I love you.’ and be done with it.

“Yeah, of course I am.” Yoongi was desperate to say anything to hear the melodious voice for a bit longer. “Do you want me to already have it packed?”

“If you know exactly everything I left over, then yeah, that would be nice.”

He had a feeling he was only saying that because he didn’t want to stay over with him longer than necessary.

Yoongi then looked at the ring in the palm of his hand and he sighed heavily.

“Yeah…” was all he said before the other hung up.

Yoongi tossed the device besides him and sighed again as he looked at the metallic ring in the palm of his hand.

He decided to keep a small piece of Jimin with him.

Seeing as he could no longer have the real thing.


“Where would we like to be married, hyung?” Taehyung asked as he glanced at Hoseok.

Hoseok sighed, tossing an arm around his fiancé’s shoulder before his lips. “I don’t know. Maybe in Korea? That way all of our family could be there.” Taehyung smiled. “But… Maybe in Busan… or Seoul… Maybe in Jeju… or Incheon, because I figured it’d be nice there in the spring. But, I figured I’d let my princess decide and I’d just make it so.”

Speaking of which, they had already told their families about… everything. And, luckily, Taehyung’s family jumped and grinned and giggled and cooed on the phone, screaming their excitement and squealing requests for the wedding and expressing their blessings and such. Meanwhile, Hoseok’s parents were mad because they didn’t consult them about it and everything else but in the end, they congratulated them and requested to meet Taehyung at once. The lithe boy accepted and now, two weeks from now, he was to meet his fiancé’s parents.

Taehyung hummed, thinking for a full minute before looking back at the older male beside him. “Well… maybe in Seoul. Then we can have our honey moon wherever we want. I just really want as many of our family members there, present when we actually get married.”

Hoseok smirked down at his cute face. “Like I said, anything you want, I’ll make it happen.” Taehyung blushed and bit his bottom lip, looking away. Then Hoseok gently cupped his chin with his thumb and forefinger, chastely forcing him to look up, their eyes meeting almost instantly. “I love you, princess,” he whispered softly.

“I love you too, hyung,” Taehyung whispered back, his eyes lidded as Hoseok was so close to him. And then, in one swift movement, Taehyung closed the gap between them.


There was a knock heard at the door.

Yoongi dropped the small ring into his pocket as he glanced at the clock, realizing it was almost four thirty, when Jimin said he’d be over.

He then looked at the small cardboard box that held his ex’s belongings, sighing to himself as his heart tightened. He didn’t want this anymore. Suddenly he hated himself for thinking he had to get away from the other and his voice but something at the back of his mind told him that he couldn’t win the other back no matter what so he forced his feet to the door, dragging them as he was weighed down by his suddenly forty- pound heart.

But he didn’t pick the box up because he’d figure that Jimin would then have to go in and that would buy him some more time with the younger.

But Jimin wasn’t at the door.

Instead, there was a young woman there, in her early twenties with a somewhat distraught look, biting her thumb nail with the other arm crossed. Yoongi simply stared.

She then looked up, her eyes glassy. “U-um, is it o-okay if I were t-to borrow your phone t-to make a quick c-call?”

He quickly nodded, running over to his living room to pick up the device from the couch before handing it to her. “Anything wrong?” he asked nervously, suddenly just as worried as her.

Her bottom lip now trembled. “I-I… I have nowhere to go. M-my mother left the house l-locked and I have nobody else. I can’t stay a-at a hotel because I-I have no m-money a-and my mother w-won’t be back u-until tomorrow… I was h-hoping I could call a f-friend of mine t-to see if she’d l-let me stay o-over.”

Yoongi nodded in understanding before allowing her to continue dialing. He crossed his arms, praying this young piece of beauty didn’t have to stay out. But something told him to let her stay over until her mother came back. It was raining, so it’s not as if he could just leave her out there. He did have a heart.

And right now it was breaking because the girl began crying and Jimin wasn’t there.

She sniffled and handed him back his phone, bowing gracefully whilst trying to hide her tears. “Th-thank you, oppa.”

And she was about to turn on her heal and leave but Yoongi was quicker and he pulled her back, grabbing onto her hand as gently as he could. She gasped and looked back, her hair getting soaked in the porch. He quickly pulled her in a little more, just so that the rain couldn’t get to her anymore.

“Did she say no?” he asked softly.

She nodded gently. “Sh-she won’t be home today…” she confirmed with a weak, shaky voice.

He sighed, but nodded. “Stay with me then. Just for tonight.”

She blushed, her eyes wide. “R-really?”

He smiled at her petite form, his smile making her feel a bit less uneasy around him. “Of course. I can’t just leave you out here.” He stepped aside, gesturing to the open door. “C’mon in.”


Since her clothes were drenched, Yoongi offered to let her borrow one of his shirts. It went down to her knees, and since she had small capris on, one could not even see the bottoms. If anything, it looked as if the shirt was a dress. And her hair was put up into a messy bun, something that made her look younger.

But she was still sobbing every now and then.

So he went up to her and, very cautiously, hugged her.

She seemed so sad and broken and lonely so he felt his heart prickle and twist at this; he had already made the love of his life cry, he couldn’t handle seeing another person cry before him without doing something.

And she hugged Yoongi back, wrapping her thin arms around his shoulders and sniffling softly into his side, letting his warmth comfort her.

“Hey, Yoongi you left your door!” the shouting ceased.  “O….pen…” Jimin’s voice faded when he saw Yoongi holding onto some pretty girl, his eyes going wide and his heart stopping. His hands began shaking and he felt weighed down, unable to move suddenly.

She had messy hair and Yoongi’s shirt and she was holding him so closely and he was holding her so closely and she was in his house…

With him.


Glad to know he forgets about the love we had for each other so easily… Jimin thought as his lips quivered, his hands shook, his legs bucked, and his heart clenched, his stomach knotted and twisted painfully, and his eyes were clouded, the tears blinding the disgusting scene before him.

But they were over.

He… he was no longer allowed to erupt all over her and claim him because… it was over.

So the best Jimin could do was sob to himself, keep his head down while he went to pick up the box on Yoongi’s counter. He quickly picked it up and then left, a soft sniffle leaving his body when he walked past Yoongi, who stayed frozen to the spot, still holding onto her.

Yoongi’s heart ached because he had failed Jimin yet again.

He had made him cry and while the girl was no longer crying, she was still softly sobbing. He could never do anything right. Yoongi couldn’t even make the perfect, amazing man before him smile.


It seemed as if it was only yesterday that Taehyung met Hoseok’s parents. It seemed as if it were only yesterday when he sat beside his mother at the dinner table, shyly, at first, before later becoming engrossed about listening to Hoseok’s baby and kid stories, along with the rest of his family (even his sister) of course. He seemed quite shy about it, too. Blushing madly when they told Taehyung about the time he tried to compose his first rap, chuckling along when they told Taehyung about the time when little baby Hoseok was curious as to know why SpongeBob was nowhere to be found that time they went to the beach. Luckily, his parents were pretty laid-back, only slightly mad at Hoseok for not introducing them to Taehyung earlier, claiming, and I quote, “Why would you keep such a cute and well-behaved man away from us?” But Hoseok had just chuckled.

It seemed as if it was only yesterday when Hoseok met Taehyung’s parents. When he bonded with his father over sports, over their favorite and least favorite players, over who they thought would even make it to the play-offs and who would win them. Taehyung, never really being too much for sports, engaged in a conversation with his mother, having her cooing over the stories he told about Hoseok, the older male listening in and blushing. But his father patted him on the back; “Now, that’s how you’re supposed to treat the one for you, son!” he congratulated. Mission accomplished, for in the end, Taehyung’s mother and father waved them good-bye with a hearty chuckle and a, “Goodbye, sons!”

It seemed as if it were only yesterday when Jungkook dashed around half of Seoul with Taehyung in tow, trying on different white suits that hugged Taehyung’s body differently, trying mountains and mountains of deliciously sweet or overly cloy cakes, either wincing of grinning at the taste. It seemed as if it were only yesterday when Jimin finally managed to pick himself out of bed to be happy for his friend, to help him pick out a suit, get one tailored for both him and Jungkook, to try and forget about Min Yoongi, even if his smile was literally everywhere he went, for so were Hoseok, Jin, and that bastard, while Namjoon tended to his shop, attending when he could.

It seemed as if it were only yesterday when Hoseok and Taehyung went ballroom past ballroom, trying to pick out the very perfect one for them. Although, in Hoseok’s opinion, the one they ended up picking still wasn’t good enough for Taehyung, but it was better than the other rooms. It seemed as if it were only yesterday when they went picking out flowers, and settled on light purple daisies and white roses, but Hoseok bought Taehyung a light pink bouquet of flowers for himself, claiming they reminded him of him, pink, beautiful, and soft to the touch.

But that was then, and this is today.

And now they’ve been together for a year.

And now it was spring.

And today was their wedding.

Hoseok was in a small room in the chapel, his lips and swallowing down the lump in his unbearably dry throat. His hands were trembling, knees bucking under his weight and his heart felt as if it were trying to hammer its way out of his chest. His mind felt as if it were a blurring mess of what ifs and he knew far too well that this wasn’t good for his health one bit. He felt that in any minute now, he’d start sweating buckets.

His reflection showed him one of himself, wearing a black Armani suit and a white button-down shirt, along with some Gucci shoes that cost him an eye, and a white flower on his chest, pinned down by Yoongi himself, of course. His hair was styled into a quiff, and it was now a dark, Hershey brown, almost a black color, something Jimin had helped him out with.

On the outside, he looked like an idol, calm, good-looking and collected, but on the inside he was a total wreck that only a ‘yes’ would cure.

Yoongi appeared in the reflection, making Hoseok jump a little. He scowled at the older, dusting imaginary lint from his perfect suit. Yoongi’s grin widened, pleased with himself. “No need to be nervous,” he stated joyfully, obviously catching the nervous and uneasy vibe the other radiated.

Hoseok sighed, trying to compose himself, although his legs still felt like jelly. “What if he changes his mind?” he asked silently, more to himself than his hyung.

Yoongi scoffed, rolling his head to the side as he stuffed his hands into his own black suit. “P-uh-lease!” he nearly shouted, making Hoseok narrow his eyes. “If he wanted to leave you, he would’ve backed out months ago.”

What a in nice assurance—thanks a lot Yoongi, Hoseok thought to himself, biting down a rude scoff.

“I guess so…” he mumbled out instead, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

He had a few more minutes to calm his breathing and compose himself before he saw Taehyung. He bit his bottom lip, trying to look for something that would keep his mind out of the bad thoughts just rolling around in his mind.

Yoongi heard a knock at the door and immediately he opened it, his heart sinking and his smile fading when he was met face to face with those wonderful Hershey colored eyes that knotted his chest and were no longer his. He felt breathless almost instantly.

Jimin gasped softly when he was met with Yoongi’s face abruptly, the oxygen completely leaving his lungs. The air he back in was only there, held in his throat as he continued to stare at Yoongi’s deep brown eyes, telling himself that this was no time to be crying.

He swallowed the forming lump in his throat, looking past the older male to give the smallest, most sincere smile he could muster after his heart was demolished to Hoseok. “Hey, they’re ready for you.”

Hoseok gulped.


The pianist was softly playing the song that would forever be ringing in Hoseok’s ears, making his veins pump in adrenaline. Everything went by in such a blur it was honestly making him feel dizzy, but he it in like a man as he walked down the aisle, alone, reaching the pastor in a matter of seconds, sighing loudly when he was on the other side, his hands clasping together.

Jin, who was sitting in the front row, gave him a quick thumbs up, smiling widely, something that deeply comforted the younger male. He gave a small smirk in return, not feeling brave enough to smile back.

Namjoon, his best man, was settled a few steps beside him, but the fact that he was there made Hoseok feel more comfortable. At least if Taehyung said no, he’d be there to make him feel a little bit better.

But he shook those negative thoughts aside quickly, just recalling the past few days in which Taehyung would be smiling widely at him every morning, glowing beautifully with the promise ring on his precious finger. These thoughts were the things that kept Hoseok sane… for now.

In any minute now, he’d be married to the most beautiful man alive. They’d be sharing the same house, sleeping in the same bed every day and every night, and Taehyung would have his last name. These were the most beautiful thoughts Hoseok had ever had; he just wondered if they were too beautiful to be considered a reality.

He looked around, seeing all their hard work being put together. On the left side, his family sat, all smiling and quietly talking amongst themselves, smiling when they caught Hoseok’s eye. The room was mainly filled with light purple and white, colors so pure and simple but with so much thought put into them at the time, every last flower put together the way Hoseok and Taehyung had dreamt of and maybe even better. But being this was simply the reception, it wasn’t as beautifully put together as the party, but it was still thought out as thoroughly.

This steadied his breath slightly, something he was beyond grateful for. He his chapped lips and waited patiently, feeling slightly out of place being the only one up there.

And then it happened.

Just as he had caught his breath, he was about to lose it all over again.

Dressed in an elegant white suit, there came his beautiful fiancé. His hair was now dyed a metallic purple color that sometimes looked pinkish in bright light. Everything he wore was white, everything except for the light purple flower on his chest. His hair was parted, but more than half was on one side, and it was slightly ruffled, and he just looked completely gorgeous. Hoseok’s mouth went slightly agape at this, but he never felt any breath leave his lips.

Now he felt as if he were spinning. Everything felt as if it were spinning beneath his feet but Taehyung seemed to be completely in balance while he walked down the aisle, a small smile on his face and the faintest blush on his cheeks, his hands softly holding onto the white roses with purple grazed petals. But beyond that smile, Hoseok could read that the younger male was just as nervous as himself, something that gave him some assurance.

Now that he was getting closer to him, his father gently holding onto his arm, he could see Taehyung wore make-up. He seemed slightly paler, and those imaginary imperfections were covered in the substance. There was a dab of eyeliner on his eyes, which made their beauty stand out and of course he looked beautiful in it, but Hoseok didn’t see it necessary. Taehyung looked gorgeous without that stuff; but he wasn’t going to say anything.

He didn’t even feel a smile capture his lips. But really, it’s not as if he could help himself. His baby looked so beautiful and he felt so damned lucky that was going to be his and only his forever and ever. All he had to do was say ‘yes’.

Taehyung’s father let him go graciously, nodding to Hoseok as if to say, “take care of him”, and Hoseok nodded back because he knew he would.

Taehyung was now there, with him, smiling cutely, taking Hoseok’s breath away.

He couldn’t even breathe, but he had to say something now. “Y-you look…” he tried to speak but as he looked at Taehyung’s gorgeous face he realized he was completely tongue-tied. But he had to tell his princess how amazing he looked. “Breath-taking.” Was all he could stutter, more like breathe out as he was still in complete astonishment.

Taehyung blushed brightly, looking down with a small smile on his face. Hoseok had told him a countless amount of times how beautiful he thought he was, but today it felt different in a way he couldn’t explain.

But he replied back with a cute and barely audible, “You look handsome, too, Hoseok.”

The pastor smiled at the adorable couple before proceeding.


“You may now say your vows.”

Hoseok took a deep breath, closing his eyes before looking at the beauty God gave him. He didn’t even write anything, because whenever Taehyung was around, the truth always came out, from the very bottom of his heart into Taehyung’s ears. And he knew that now was the time to confess everything.

“I know I tell you this every day, but I feel that you’re still in titled to hear it from me, because you deserve it,” he began, looking at Taehyung in the eyes. Silence feel upon them and he swallowed. “I love you, Kim Taehyung.” Everyone cooed and Taehyung blushed.

“And I always will.” He paused. “And to be honest, I don’t even know how I got lucky enough to get to stand here, with you.” his eyes softened as he smiled softly at the younger. “But I consider myself lucky for managing to get you. And now that I have you, I promise that I will do everything and anything that I can to never, ever let you go.” Hoseok’s voice spoke volumes of sincerity that Taehyung found his eyes welling up. “You’re truly one of a kind, Kim Taehyung; you’re amazing and loyal and beautiful and talented and you’re so loving. I don’t know if I deserve your kisses, but I know that I can’t live without them. I know that I can’t live without your oh so magical touch and I know that I can’t live without you. so yes, Kim Taehyung, I vow that I will never let you walk away. You’re my everything, and without you, I’m nothing. Not only do you complete me, but you make me. You’re my very reason of being what I am, why I wake up in the mornings with a smile and why I say such sappy things like this.” The crowd chuckled softly and the males cracked open a smile. “So yes, in case you haven’t noticed I’m deeply, madly and truly head over heels in love with you and that is never going to change.”

Taehyung was blushing so fiercely and grinning so widely Hoseok thought his heart was about to burst from cuteness. He felt the sudden urge to jump onto the younger male and claim those luscious lips but he knew better.

So he settled with a heart-warming smile; it made Taehyung swoon.

V his lips. “Y-you know that you’re worthy of me,” he almost whispered. “Everything that you’ve done, though, makes me wonder if I’m good enough for you. But because of you, it’s not as if I ever had to doubt myself on the way here.” He smirked. “You helped me discover so many different and wonderful things; and you made me feel like… like some sort of God when I’m just… me,” he expressed at a lack of words to say. “So, in short terms, you’re basically why I’m not so self-conscious anymore and why I feel so much love every day. You make me not doubt myself, you make me someone stronger and… you just make me feel amazing beyond words, Hoseok.” They both shared a wide smile, the crowd almost drowning in tears. “You make me feel beyond words and… and I hope I do the same for you. I hope your heart beats just as fine as mine when we see each other, I hope your legs feel as weak as mine do when we kiss and I hope you’re having a hard time breathing right now like I am.” A few soft chuckles were heard, making V feel a bit easier. “I guess we just bring the best in one another and… we’re just a good couple. And God, I hope you go through with that promise and stay with me until we’re covered in wrinkles and we can barely stand.”

“As it should be,” Hoseok assured with a smile.

The pastor gave them a few seconds to share a loving gaze and a hearty smile before he pulled them out of their trance with a smile of his own. “And now for the rings.”

Jungkook stepped by, smiling cutely with the slightest portion of a blush dusting his cheeks. He bowed politely to the pastor before smirking at the two males.

“Do you, Kim Taehyung, take him, Jung Hoseok, to be your lawfully wed? To love and to hold, for better of worst?”

Taehyung smiled and Hoseok felt his heart race, his palms suddenly clammy. “I do.”

And by went that rock that hovered over Hoseok’s shoulders and weighed his heart down, giving him room to finally breathe.

The pastor turned to Hoseok. “And do you, Jung Hoseok, take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wed? To love and to hold, for better or worst?”

“I do,” he answered simply, never more sure of something in his entire life.

Taehyung grinned widely.

“If anybody—“



A/N: (runs into AFF tardy with a blush on her face) OMO I am SOO sorry for not up-dating any sooner! I swear! It’s just…. Tao is leaving and I can’t handle the rumors and then I just thought they were rumors until today when I found out it was true… and I can’t…

But my next chapter will be up sooner…


This chapter will be dedicated to:





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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10