Not Worth It.



A/N: I know these are usually at the end but can I just clarify something?

Okay, so I do not think that the guy who tops is on top because he is older. I make Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi top because of their dominant personality over the other. Not because they’re hyungs. Now that I’ve cleared this up, you may proceed reading.

Jin got out of the shower; it had been around two hours since he went in and he felt happy that Jimin was out with Yoongi because there was nobody there to kick him out of the bath or scold him because he used up all the warm water. Well, actually, he didn’t even use any of the warm water. If he didn’t have Jungkook’s warmth around, he didn’t any warmth at all.

He wrapped a towel around his waist, drying his hair with another towel. He sighed as he entered his room, taking a second to sulk because there was no Kookie there. He shook his head, his wet hair dripping like a sprinkler as he did so. He sat on his bed, keeping his head down.

How long had it been since he wasn’t with Jungkook? Like… three days. Already, he was falling apart completely.

He didn’t eat that much, he worked out a lot more because if he wasn’t strong mentally, he might as well be strong physically. This was not a good combination. He would spend hours at the gym, trying to take his mind off of Jungkook, off of this whole thing about love and pain. Then, when he went home, he would exercise once more. It was better than drinking and smoking like a crack-head.

There was a ring.

With a grumble of annoyance, Seokjin picked his phone up, fingers shaking as he unlocked the device; his password was the date he and Jungkook first met, otherwise known as the day his life completely changed. 04-10-2015.

His wallpaper was one of Jungkook and him kissing. It was a fond memory; it was a Saturday when Jungkook had come over and the two were still dating. They were bored and, while the TV displayed commercials, Jin pulled out his phone and began taking shots of his boyfriend. The other giggled cutely and they he pulled out his phone, taking shots of the other. This went on for a while before Jin tackled the other and they kissed. While this was happening, Seokjin was the sly bastard that took pictures. It was cute; when they parted, and Jungkook saw the pictures as long as a two minute video, he blushed, smiling despite himself.

Before he even knew what he was doing, he was going through his gallery, hurting himself as he scanned the images of the happiness he didn’t have anymore. He passed by a picture of Jungkook smiling. Then another of the younger boy winking at him. He passed by one of the boy wearing a beanie, an earphone plugged into his ear as he smiled. Yoongi was in the background, completely oblivious to the picture taken. There was another one of Kookie wrinkling his nose slightly, teeth pulled together but his top lip was pulled upwards, the bottom one going the opposite direction.

Then there was one of both of them; they had their heads pressed together; they smiled softly at the camera while Jin reached past Jungkook’s ear to take a picture. Taehyung had taken the next picture; Jungkook wore a black hoodie that fit him too big (probably because it was Jin’s) and his eyes wandered downwards, lips slightly parted like a model. His hands were stuffed into the hoodie’s pockets… and damn, he looked amazing. His head was tilt a bit, just enough so that most of his face was captured. Seokjin was wearing a white t-shirt, his hands loosely to his sides. His head was turned towards the camera, and he was back to back with the younger male.

This was his Instagram profile picture.

The rest of the images were of Jungkook; one when they went to the grocery store together, one where he was carrying the baby Hoseok and Taehyung took care of. All the pictures of them together hurt him deeply; the one when they fell asleep together, Jungkook’s head rested on the older male’s shoulder, the one when Jin wrapped an arm around his shoulder while the younger held up a ‘V’ sign. There was even one when they both had on matching snapbacks and they brushed up against one another while Seokjin held his shoulders, leaning in for a kiss.

And then there was that video of them kissing…

Seokjin shook his head, trying to stop the next few tears from falling. This wasn’t love, but it sure hurt like it.


“Eww. You look ugly in that beanie.” Jimin remarked, crossing his arms in disapproval. He and Yoongi were in Suga’s apartment; they were trying to get ready for the movie theater but everything Yoongi tried on only pissed Jimin off even more because it didn’t look ‘good’ on him.

Yoongi pouted. “Aw! This is like the eight outfit I’ve tried on! When is this going to end?!” he whined, pouting even more. Jimin scoffed, raising a brow.

“Oh. So you want this to end. You want to break up.” Jimin accused, raising his brow even further sassily.

Yoongi shook his head frantically, quickly running to the other. He wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder a few times. “No, no, no…” he whispered. “Don’t say that. I’m not ready to let you go. I’m won’t be ready now and I won’t be ready in a million years.”

Jimin smiled. Red ran up to his cheeks, heart melting at the warmth that emitted from the other’s body, from the sweetness that evaporated from his words. He hugged the other tightly, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. He nuzzled his face into Suga’s neck, smiling contently. “You’re so cheesy.” But the way he said it didn’t sound like one of his smart remarks. It sounded more like a compliment. “But I like it.”

Yoongi chuckled. “This scene should be in one of those cheesy movies girls love to go watch.”

Jimin scoffed softly. “Or in soap-operas.”

“It could even be in one of those action movies right before the two characters .”

The younger male smacked his shoulder, destroying the moment. “You’re so erted… God…” he muttered.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders. “But you knew that when we kissed. What’s the difference?”

Jimin was about to speak, but seeing as he had nothing else to say now, he pouted. “Okay, fine, you’re right. Now let’s change this shirt,” he stated as he tugged on Yoongi’s black V-neck. “And take that hat off. It still looks ugly.”

Yoongi sighed. “Okay…” he was about to turn his heel to change in the bathroom but before he left… “Pass me that maroon shirt you liked.”

Jimin smiled.


Seokjin sighed when Namjoon hung up. The younger male needed him to come into work that day and since it was Hoseok’s day off and Jimin had already finished his shift, he had to go. Otherwise Namjoon would be left alone and he couldn’t exactly let him do all the work.

He dragged himself into the shop, feeling the temperature a lot colder that day; Jungkook would usually be draped around his shoulder but now that he was gone, he didn’t have this. The younger would usually spend the day at the shop with him, helping him selflessly, making him smile every few seconds. Now it would be boring and sine everybody else had their boyfriends, the shop would be lonely and boring.

He entered the shop, half expecting Jungkook to be there, waiting for him, half expecting for Hoseok to be there like he usually was. Neither of them were there. Seokjin sighed. He walked over to the counter, forcing a small smile as he greeted Rap Monster.

“I’m sorry,” Namjoon sighed, breaking the silence. Jin looked blankly at him. “I wouldn’t be asking you to come in if I didn’t need your help. I know you’re still upset about your break-up and I get it. And if you every need anything, any help or advice, anything at all, I’m here for you.” Rap Monster smiled softly, leaning in for a hug.

Seokjin smirked softly, still not happy enough to smile fully. He accepted the hug, patting his back in the process. He was trying to be a man about this; he didn’t want to cry, not even when there was this all too familiar warmth when the younger hugged him. He tried not to cry, despite the fact that he could still see Jungkook’s face there, outside, staring at him from outside the window. He tried now to… wait…what?

His heart dropped.

He had to be seeing things. The tears clouding his vision and his desperate mind must’ve collaborated to make up this mirage of Jungkook. Because there was absolutely no way that Jungkook was outside of this shop, staring at him, disappointed, tearing up as Jin’s hands encircled Namjoon’s waist.

Then it all snapped together.

Jungkook must be thinking something that… just no. he’s probably thinking the worse and he isn’t making anything better by holding the other so close. He had to do something. But as usual, he couldn’t move, couldn’t even try.

When the first tear dropped from Jungkook’s eye, Jin moved. He let Namjoon o and he ran out of the shop, almost tripping in the process. The younger male’s eyes went wide and then, his legs stopped feeling like jelly and felt like bricks instead. But he had to run. He couldn’t let Seokjin come close to him. So he ran too.

Seokjin, however, was faster.

He caught up to the other, pulling his wrist. Jungkook spun around fast, nearly falling because he felt so light, and now Jin was pulling him—the other might as well have been throwing a feather because that’s how Jungkook felt.

So, there he was. Jungkook was sobbing, head down, too close to Jin’s chest to not be considered contact. The older singer’s hands held onto Jungkook’s, keeping him there. He looked down at the other, trying to make him look at him, but the other shook his head frantically. Jungkook closed his eyes because he knew that Jin’s strength was powerful enough to keep him still. As soon as Jin held his chin between his fingers, Jungkook’s eyes screwed shut. Tears rolled down his cheeks quicker this way, but he didn’t care. He shook his head, trying to shake Jin’s grasp but it was no use.

Jin’s eyebrows furrowed, head tilted down to look at the younger male. His cheeks were red, stained with disappointed tears, melting Seokjin’s heart. “Look at me, Jeon Jungkook,” he commanded sternly, hoping that this would make the younger drop his act.

Jungkook shook his head; he didn’t struggle this time, but he kept his eyes closed. “No.”

Seokjin narrowed his eyes. “Look at me.”

Another shake of the head.

“Jeon Jungkook, I said look at me. Listen to your hyung,” Seokjin tried again.

This time, the younger singer looked at him. But the look was cold, stabbing Jin in the heart, sinking him. Jungkook’s eyes were like the glaciers that sank the Titanic, which in this case, was Jin’s heart. Tears still fell from his eyes, but Jin paid no attention to those anymore. He was hurt. It all hurt. This angel just… murdered him.

“Why can’t we be mature about this?” Jin began. “You say you’re not a kid, but yet, you act like one. If you want to be treated like an adult, start acting like one. When you’re grown, not everybody that you love will love you back, its life. But that doesn’t mean that you should just break up with someone. Stop being so ing childish!”

The tone caused Jungkook to stop struggling. His features were soft for a second before tears streamed down his face faster than before; the tone killed him, wounded him. He didn’t like it. Jin didn’t usually talk to him this way—he never even yelled at him like that. So this was like a stab to the heart. Damn… he felt like a kid being scolded by his dad.

Then he remembered…

“No,” Jungkook stated softly, shaking his head. “Love is life. Look, hyung, I’m sorry if someone in your past hurt you… if someone rejected you. But I would never reject you. I want you. And I’m sorry if you feel the need to tune love out because you’ve been hurt before. But, the truth is that by not believing in love… you’re only hurting others.” He paused for a second to point at himself. “You’re hurting me.” Jin swallowed. “And yes, I broke up with you because… I’m hurt. I trusted you. I thought that you would teach me things. But… all you taught me was that I’ll never be loved by you. Never. All you taught me was that love was worthless and a pathetic feeling and all you taught me was that relationships only worked if the two people were the same age, compatible…” tears slid down his face. “But we’re not. I rap, you sing. I dance, you don’t. I’m a kid and…”he looked up at him. “You’re not.”

Seokjin tried to follow his gaze as he looked down, but he couldn’t. If he did, if he moved, tears would spill. He couldn’t allow that.

“And, to be honest, I—“he paused to swallow because his throat felt unbearably dry. “I don’t even know why you chased after me…”

Stupid question because it had no answer.

It was more like an instinct than anything. He wanted to be there like his tissue to cry on, to soak up the tears that, if he was honest, should’ve never fallen.

But they were falling as fast as Jungkook had fallen for him.

Seokjin cautiously placed his hand closer to Jungkook’s face, praying to God he didn’t startle the boy. When all Jungkook did was sniffle softly, Jin tilt his own head to the side, trying to get a better view of the beautiful boy he had let go. The older then wiped the tears off his face, gently, softly, before letting his hand caress his cheek. Jungkook looked up at him with a bit of a confused scowl, but Jin didn’t comment.

“Don’t cry.” He whispered softly. He leaned in to place a soft, chaste kiss onto his cheek, letting it linger before he pulled back just as slow. As soon as his lips made contact with the other’s flesh, the younger blushed, eyes going wide. His heart melted. “I’m not worth it.”

And just like that, Jin pressed a quick kiss onto his forehead before turning his heel, stuffing his hands in his pockets and walked away. Jungkook had a billion questions floating in his mind like little bubbles, not leaving enough room to ask the most important question:

“Why would he think he’s not worth my love?”


A/N: Sorry for these short pieces of (chapters). I’ll try my best to make them make up. But Kookie’s hurt and so is Jin-oppa. You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process. Angst… my number one expert-y, right? COMMENT, UPVOTE & SUBSCRIBE!


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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10