The plan, potion and falling in love!

Drabble collection: TaoHun edition

***I'm so sorry if this ... but I tried? It's the Harry Potter AU that I promised... 5,273 words... Does that make up for me not updating for so long? My references may be a little messed up and I apologize for that... Please enjoy ^^***

“I have a plan to get your man.”


                Sehun glanced over at his friend who had seated himself in the empty space beside him at the Slytherin table. Kai was grinning ear to ear at the younger and it was starting to freak Sehun out. “What are you talking about?”


                “You remember how Luhan rejected your invitation to the Yule Ball?”


                Sehun groaned. “Why are you bringing this up?”


                “Just answer the question.”


                Sehun sighed. “Yes, I remember how he flat out rejected me. So what’s your point in bringing up this memory?”


                By now it’s easy to see that Kai was excited about whatever news he had to share. “A love potion is the answer to your troubles, my friend.”


                “A love potion? How do you expect us to get ahold of a love potion? Kai, it’s not like anyone here has it just lying around and no one here knows how to make it effectively. Seriously. This pan is stupid.” Sehun said with a roll of his eyes before turning back to the book he had been reading until Kai had rudely interrupted him.


                Kai slung an arm around his friend’s shoulders. “But that is where you are wrong, dear little Sehunnie. I know the perfect duo who happen to have a knack for creating effective love potions.”


                Curiosity won out when Sehun peeked over at his friend. “Who?”


                “The infamous duo of Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun.”


                “You’re kidding, right? There’s no way those two are going to give it to us. They only do things for themselves and their close friends. Even if we offer up a price that would be hard to refuse, they would still be the ones to say no.”


                It was Kai’s turn to roll his eyes. “That’s why we go after one of their friends to help involve yourself in the group before snatching your opportunity. And with that, I have one of their friends in mind already.”


                Kai tilted his head back toward one of the other tables where a lone Hufflepuff was seated, hunched over a huge book that looked at least twice his size. The boy was cute, Sehun had to admit, with his wild, dyed blonde hair and panda-like eyes that were scanning the page a mile per minute. The boy must have felt the eyes on him because he glanced up and when meeting eyes with Sehun, the Slytherin could practically see the boy’s blush spreading across the his cheeks from where he was sitting. “Who is he?”


                “Huang Zitao. Hufflepuff. Most people call him Tao or baby panda.” Kai replied.

                Sehun turned toward his friend again but occasionally glanced back at the blonde from the corner of his eye. The blonde had returned his attention to the book but Sehun could see him fiddling with the page corners absentmindedly and still just a bit red in the cheeks. “So… Why did you choose him?”


                “Because he has a crush on you.” Kai replied to the question like it was nothing out of the ordinary.


                “Oh, okay, that’s- wait. What?” Sehun could only imagine that his eyes were nearly bulging out of his head. “Did you just say what I thought you just said? That the kid has a crush on me?”


                “Yep and he’s going to be the gateway to you finally getting your dream guy. A little bit of flirting here and a bit of cuddling there. Then finish it with an ‘I love you’ plus a kiss to seal the deal and you’re good to go!” Kai explained while giving a push to Sehun’s shoulder. “Now all you have to do is strike up a conversation with him and your plan is in motion.”


                Sehun looked back at the blonde who was now starting to pack his things away. The panda-eyed male, Tao, once again made eye contact with Sehun, but instead of looking away with blushing cheeks, he gave a little wave before leaving the dining hall. Tao looked way to innocent to mess with and if what Kai said was true and the kid did have a crush on him then this whole plan was way to cruel. He may not know the guy, but that didn’t mean he was willing to break a heart.


                “I don’t think I should do something like that… The kid looks way to innocent to mess with.” Sehun shook his head when answering, a frown marring his features. “I can’t be responsible for that.”


                Kai just rolled his eyes. “But just think about it, Sehun. If you go through with the plan, than your own heart won’t be left feeling all lonely and Luhan might even fall in love with you! Is one heart really such a high price to pay if two hearts end up happy?”


                Sehun wanted to answer that yes, yes it was a high price because he didn’t want someone ending up with the short end of the deal but was interrupting when someone tapped him on the shoulder. Tilting his head back, Sehun was now peering into the face of a smiling Luhan. “Hey, Sehunnie. What’s up?”


                “L-Luhan?” Sehun managed to stutter out at the sight of the perfection standing behind him.


                “Yes?” Luhan asked with a confused tilt of his head.


                Kai nudged him sharply in the side. “It’s a sign!”


                “Huh? What’s a sign?” Luhan still looked confused but was taking everything in stride. When he didn’t get an answer, he just shrugged his shoulders and continued on. “Anyway, I’m looking for my brother, have you seen him?”


                “You have a brother?” Kai asked when all Sehun could do was stare at the deer-like male in front of him as if he were in a trance.


                “Yeah, he’s my stepbrother but we’re still pretty close. His names Tao. Hufflepuff with wild blonde hair? He’s kind of hard to miss, usually towers over everyone with that lanky body of his.” Luhan laughed while describing his little brother. “He’s actually really sweet though.”


                “He’s your brother!?” Sehun finally snapped out of his trance after hearing that the Tao Kai had told him to mess with was the little brother of his crush. How much more messed up could things get? Break one brother’s heart for the other? What kind of guy was he if he went through with it? A horrible person to the nth degree was hardly enough for it.


                “Yeah…? Have you seen him?”


                “Ye-“ Kai started but Sehun cut him off with a sharp “No!”


                “You guys are acting really weird… I’m just going to go… He’s probably hanging out in the library or hiding out in his room… Anyway, see you guys later!” Luhan shouted as he waved goodbye, slipping through the dining room doors as more students entered.


                Kai was waving goodbye when a punch sent him sprawling to the ground. “What the-“


                “You didn’t tell me that he was Luhan’s brother!” Sehun growled down at his friend. He was on his feet in an instant, grabbing his notes and storming off. How could Kai even think of a plan so stupid? Sehun couldn’t possibly go through with it now…. Right?




                Sehun was sprawled across the couch in the Slytherin common room with his eyes shut, trying to catch some sleep when he felt a shift in the couch. “So. I heard you and Kai were planning on messing around with the innocent heart of Luhan’s little brother, Taozi.”


                Groaning, Sehun narrowed his eyes at the tall, dark-haired model-like male seated at his feet. “What are you talking about, Yi Fan?”


                The older Slytherin smacked at Sehun’s feet with a bit of a scowl. “It’s hyung to you, you brat. And don’t even try to play dumb, I’ve done my fair share and can tell when someone is lying to me.”


                “I told Kai that the plan was stupid.” Sehun replied before letting his eyes fall shut to try and get another nap in before his next class.


                “Uh huh. So are you going to go along with this plan of his?” Yi Fan pushed when Sehun avoided his question. “Come on Sehun, answer hyung’s question!”


                Sehun groaned, of course he wasn’t going to get his nap today. “Why does it matter to you? It’s not like you know the kid and you’ve never cared about anything like this before. So just leave me alone, okay? My business is my business, not yours, so out of it.”


                Standing up and grabbing his bag from beside the couch, Sehun made to storm out of the common room but Yi Fan had already grabbed his wrist hard enough to leave a bruise. “Sehun, look, I know it seems like I may not care much for others but messing with someone’s feelings like this isn’t cool. You should know that.”


                “I get it Yi Fan.”


                “Do you really?”




                Yi Fan didn’t seem to believe him but let go of his wrist with a deep sigh, almost like he was giving up on trying to get through to the younger male. “Whatever, just do what you want but please think about it carefully, okay?”


                Yi Fan got up to leave, throwing one last look at the young Slytherin before disappearing out of the common room.


                Sehun just watched him go before falling back onto the couch with a heavy sigh.




                “Hey there, cutie.” Sehun grinned as he practically threw himself onto the open chair next to boy with wild, blonde hair and striking brown eyes. Tao was seated alone in the library, hunched over another book that seemed to outsize him. The young Slytherin thought it was his chance to finally introduce himself properly to the Hufflepuff. And with a little nudge in the side from Kai, who was hiding a far enough distance away to not be seen but close enough to hear what was going on, Sehun gained some courage. “You’re Tao, right? I’ve heard a lot about you. Thought it was time to get to know you.”


                That was a lie. Sehun only learned of Tao when Kai had set up his little ‘Get Luhan and lover boy together’ plan a few days ago. And Sehun had finally gave in to the constant nagging of his best friend when Luhan had given him a little wink from across the dining hall earlier that morning. Not that that made him feel any better about breaking a poor kid’s heart.


                Tao blushed red. “R-really?”


                “Uh huh. So, what are you up too, cutie?”


                “S-studying?” Tao stuttered out and Sehun could see the blush spreading across his cheeks to his ears.


                Sehun leaned to the side slightly, inching his arm across the back of Tao’s chair, his fingers brushing against the Hufflepuff’s back lightly. He could feel Tao go rigid in his seat which caused Sehun to pull away, fighting a grin and chasing to fleeting thought of ‘cute’ out of his brain. He was here for one thing and one thing only. “The book is a bit big, don’t you think?”


                “N-no? It’s really good at giving tricks for some spells. D-do you want to look at it…?” Tao ducked his head and pushed the book lightly toward Sehun. “I was almost done with it…”


                Laughing, Sehun flipped the book closed. “Nah. I’m not one to find tricks for the spells but if you’re free, do want to go up to the tower with me? I need to send a letter home and would enjoy the company.”


                The offer wasn’t a lie. He did have a letter to send home though, but if he were to be honest he had just jotted it down before hunting the panda boy down.  




                “Yes you, cutie.”


                “I-I think you are confusing me with someone else.” Tao replied with already standing up to leave.


                Sehun frowned. “Why would you think that?”


                “Most people just get to know me so they can get closer to my brother…” The panda boy admitted sadly. “A-and you are really handsome so you’re obviously after something… Right?”


                So Tao had been through something like this before… It almost made Sehun give up on the plan but with a quick glance over his shoulder, he saw Kai waving him on. With a steeled resolve, Sehun pushed on with the plan. “You have a brother? I would have thought I would noticed another person as beautiful as you.”


                The Slytherin gave the Hufflepuff a little wink when the blonde turned to him with those wide, brown eyes.


                “He’s my stepbrother so we don’t look alike… He’s really pretty and he seems like he would be your type… Not me.” Tao insisted while grabbing his back and hauling the book off the table to return it. “S-so if you’ll excuse me.”


                Sehun stood to follow the Hufflepuff who he could see had about an inch or two on him when it came to height when standing side by side.


                “Hey.” Sehun called out and grabbed Tao by the crook of his elbow to stop him from running away. “I’m being serious here. I want to get to know you. Think about accompanying me to the Owl Tower as a trial date, yeah?”


                Tao turned to look at him. “Really?”




                “So you’re not in this to get to my brother, right? I’ve already had this problem in the past and I don’t want to go through it again…”




                Technically he wasn’t lying, Sehun insisted to himself, he was in it to get the love potion. Though the love potion was for Luhan but Sehun wouldn’t admit that to Tao, even after the plan was over. That would just be another blow to the kid’s broken heart.


                “… Fine.”




                “Yeah but I’ll be watching you.” Tao said playfully with a shy little grin on his lips as he turned back around. “Just let me put this book away and we can go.”






                Sehun couldn’t help but grin as Tao successfully reached out to the midnight black owl to pet his head. The owl didn’t seem to mind the attention and the Slytherin was surprised by his bird’s actions. If anyone else other than Sehun had attempted the same action they would have been suffering from a severe bite to their hand. He remembered a time when Kai had attempted to gain the owl’s affection only to have to avoid the claws aimed at his face.


                Sehun knelt down next to Tao while still smiling. “It seems he likes you.”


                “Really?” Tao was smiling and Sehun would admit that it was almost blinding.


                “Yeah, if anyone else had tried to pet him they would be treating some serious wounds to their hands or face later on.”


                Tao turned his attention back to the bird who was perched on the window sill in front of him, his smile turning shy. “I’ve always really liked owls. I think they are pretty amazing.”


                “Do you have one?” Sehun asked, though none of the owls surrounding them had given any hint of being familiar with Tao.


                “No… I have a cat.”


                “Mm, I can see that, you kind of remind me of a cat.” Sehun was thoughtful with his answer. Yes Tao had his panda-like eyes but they also held a familiarity to that of a cat’s eyes.




                “Sorry panda.”


                “Why do you keep calling me different names of animals? First a cat and now a panda? What is wrong with you?” Tao frowned still not giving his full attention to Sehun.


                “Sorry kitten, you just do things to me.” Sehun joked playfully.


                “You are a weirdo.”


                “But I can be your weirdo?” Sehun had to hold himself back from cringing at the cheesy line that he had uttered out.


                “Whatever… Anyway, I never asked, what’s the name of your owl?”


                “Her name is Star.”




                “Yep. When she opens her wings there is this little patch of white just underneath in the shape of a star.” Sehun told him while taking hold of the owl’s wing and pulling on it gently. The owl seemed to understand what her owner wanted when she stretched out her wings to show off the little mark that Sehun had mentioned.




                “Yeah, but not as cute as you.” Sehun winked.


                “You really are shameless.”




                The next couple of weeks past by so fast that Sehun didn’t even realize that the Yule ball was in less than a week and he still hadn’t made his move to get the love potion from the duo of Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun. Tao had even introduced Sehun to his friends within a day of their visit to the tower. If Sehun was being honest, he may have grown some feelings for the panda-eyed boy who had started clinging to him like a life line. Not that Sehun minded, Tao was cute after all and the feeling of being relied on was nice. Tao was no longer shy around him and that made Sehun grin like crazy when the thought of the quick kisses to his cheek and fleeting hugs. The Hufflepuff had even admitted offhandedly that he may or may not have a crush on Sehun which caused Sehun to lean forward and press a kiss to Tao’s soft, so soft, lips before the boy could run away.


                He knew he shouldn’t have done it and later that night when Kai had told him that he should finally ask one of the duo for the potion he felt immensely guilty. How could he play with the heart of a boy who was only going with what he was given? Tao thought Sehun liked him and Sehun could admit that he too may have started developing feelings for the blonde but the beginning of their relationship was built off a lie and Sehun couldn’t think of a way to make it better without breaking both their hearts in the process.


                And it was only by some miracle too that Sehun had never come across Luhan on his little outings with Tao.


                “So when are you going to make your move?” Kai asked casually as the two were stretched out underneath one of the trees just outside the school. Tao had something to attend to so Sehun had agreed to spend some time with his best friend. “You have less than a week.”


                “About that…” Sehun drawled out. “I think I’m going to give up on that stupid plan. I’m starting too really like Tao now that I’ve gotten to know him.”


                Kai shot up in an instant to a sitting position so he could stare down at his friend. “Really? Lover boy is giving up on his long time crush?”


                “I guess? Honestly I started to feel something for Tao not to many days after talking to him. The kid is really sweet and I don’t want to hurt him… I may even tell him my feelings, do you think he’ll accept my invitation if I invite him to the Yule ball?”


                “Maybe? But shouldn’t you tell him the truth behind how you just walked up to him and started chatting him up? If you really like him then you should clear things up before something messes everything up.” Kai replied easily, not all that surprised that his friend had fallen for the panda-like male. The younger Slytherin had been spending more time with the Hufflepuff lately and never shut up about him when they were apart. “You should really get to that.”


                “You’re right… I need to go talk to Tao.”


                “What do you need to talk to me about?”


                Both Sehun and Kai jumped at the voice that came from behind them. “Taozi!” Sehun exclaimed when he hurriedly got to his feet to greet the older male. “You scared us. I thought you had something to do today?”


                “I did but it ended early… What did you need to talk to me about?” Tao asked again, his eyes moving from Kai to Sehun as he waited for an answer.


                “Ah, yeah. I have something I need say-“


                But before Sehun could get anything out a fist connected to his face, his head snapping to the side from the impact.






                The two names were shouted out at the same time and Sehun couldn’t place who was yelling for who. And Luhan? When did he get there?


                “Luhan ge! What are you doing!? You can’t just go around hitting people you don’t know!” Sehun could hear Tao cry out. Rubbing the side of his face that received the impact, Sehun turned his head slowly to see a panting and angry looking Luhan who was being held back by Tao, Kris and another male that Sehun recognized as a Gryffindor named Xiumin. Luhan was still struggling in his brother’s grip when Sehun felt a hand on his face and Kai was turning his head to look at the red mark that was most likely to leave a bruise.


                “You! You dare mess with my little brother!? Kris told me all about your stupid plan and Xiumin overheard you and Kai discussing it! How dare you mess with his heart for your selfish needs!” Luhan hissed, his head whipping around so he could look his brother in the eye. “Let me go, Taozi. I need to teach this brat a lesson!”


                “I can’t do that until you calm down, Ge.” Tao said while tightening his grip on his older brother so he couldn’t break free and attack Sehun again.


                “Do you even know what he was planning, Taozi? Don’t you think it was suspicious that he just randomly started talking to you out of the blue? Your from separate houses and don’t share any classes! Get it through your thick skull! No matter what he says, he’s lying to you!” Luhan yelled at his clueless brother that was still protecting the brat he really wanted to kill.


                “Luhan-“ Sehun said quietly, slowing approaching the seething male after brushing off Kai’s worry.  “Let me explain-“


                “Shut up! I don’t want to hear anything out of your mouth, you little liar!”


                “Ge, seriously your overreacting-“ Tao tried to reason that Sehun hadn’t done anything wrong but Luhan wasn’t having any of it.


                “He was using you!”






                The quiet that took over the group was deafening.


                Sehun couldn’t let this go on, he turned his attention to Tao who was staring at his brother with wide eyes before glancing up at Sehun. “Tao-“


                “What’s he talking about, Sehun?”


                The coldness in Tao’s voice was something that sent shivers down his spine.


                “Tao, its not-“


                “Don’t you dare say it’s not what it seems like, what’s Lu Ge talking about?”


                “If you don’t answer him than I will.” Luhan interrupted, still glaring daggers at the Slytherin like it would cause bodily harm if he stared long enough.


                “Okay. Tao… When I first went up to talk to you it was so that I could get help from Baekhyun and Chanyeol…”


                “Why did you need their help? And why did you need me?”


                Sehun could feel the guilt building into a tidal wave getting ready to crash at the look of betrayal on Tao’s face. “I- I needed them to make me a love potion and I knew they only help out their own friends. I didn’t mean to hurt you though Taozi! That’s what I was going to talk to you about. At first it was only to get to Chanyeol and Baekhyun but through these past few weeks I can admit that I’ve fallen for you-“


                “Who was it for?”




                “Who were you going to give the love potion too?”


                “Tao- Why does it matter? I already told you-“


                Tao bit his lip. Sehun could see the tears building up in those eyes he had fell in love with. He didn’t want him to cry but there was nothing he could do when faced with a question that he needed to answer truthfully.


                “Sehun. Just please answer the question. Please?”


                “Yeah Sehun, answer the question then I will.” Sehun had almost forgotten Luhan until the older male had followed up to his little brother’s question with a threat.


                Sehun looked down at ground like the shame was weighing him down. “I was going to use it on Luhan after he rejected my invitation to the Yule ball.”


                “W-what?” The voice broke and Sehun knew if he were to look up he would be looking into the tear filled eyes of the boy he had fallen for in such a short time, all on his own fault. It was his fault the boy was crying. The reason he was now heartbroken.


                There was a loud sniff before Sehun heard a loud rustling and Luhan screaming out Tao’s name, the worry in his voice beating out against the anger. When Sehun finally did look up a minute or two later, Luhan, Xiumin and Tao were gone. The only ones that remained behind was Kai and Yi Fan. Kai walked up behind him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder while Yi Fan just looked at him with a judging look.


                “I told you not to do it Sehun. But do you ever listen?” Yi Fan said before spinning around and heading off in the direction that the others, Sehun assumed, had gone.


                “Sehun-“ Kai tried to comfort his friend with his words but Sehun just shrugged the hand off his shoulder.


                “I think I need to be alone Kai.”


                “But Sehun-“


                “Please? Just. I need to have some time to myself.”


                “… Okay but if you need anything just come find me…” Kai offered before leaving, not without throwing one more worried glance over his shoulder. Sehun just gave a small nod and muttered ‘thanks’ before leaning against the tree and sliding to the ground, burrowing his face in his hands. He had really messed up this time.


                “What have I done?”


                And for the first time in his life that he could remember, Sehun cried his heart out.




                Sehun was lifeless. He had tried his best to hunt down Tao but nowhere he looked was promising. He didn’t even see him at meals for that matter. Sehun had made the assumption that either Tao was avoiding him or Luhan was keeping his brother under lock and key. All Sehun wanted to do was apologize and hope they could at least be friends again. The thought of Tao accepting his feeling leaving after he had messed everything up.


                By chance, Sehun had walked into the library to the farthest table he could find (he didn’t really enjoy the company of others since THAT day, even Kai had to fight to accompany him places). And there sitting, more like sleeping was a boy with wild blonde hair. Sehun could feel his heart speed up as he took in Tao’s sleeping face. The boy’s eyes looked puffier than the last time and Sehun could only guess that the boy had been crying.


                Debating with himself if he should leave or continue on his way, Sehun decided to pull out the chair right across from the sleeping panda. After taking a seat, he relaxed back and decided to wait until the boy woke up. Maybe then he could talk to him. Sehun sat in the seat for a good thirty minutes before Tao finally stirred from his dreams.


                Tao stretched much like a cat and blinked sleepily, trying to get a good look at the blurry figure seated in front of him. When everything became clear and he noticed it was Sehun, Tao made to shoot out of his seat to leave but Sehun weak voice kept him in place.


                “Please, just listen to me? I need to explain myself.” Sehun pleaded weakly.


                Looking at him judgingly, Tao stayed seated. “Okay.”


                “Really? You’re going to listen to me?”


                “Yeah, even though you don’t really deserve it.”


                “I guess I deserved that…” Sehun replied, trying not to flinch at the harsh tone coming from the panda-like male.


                “Yeah you did.”


                “I haven’t seen you around for a while?” It sounded more like a question than a statement. “How have you been?”


                “Good, I guess.”


                “Tao… I really want to apologize for what happened. I didn’t mean for it to go that far after I got to know you. You may not believe me but I did fall for you those weeks we spent together. You’re the most beautiful and kindest person I’ve ever met. I know you probably hate me but I needed you to know that the feelings I have for you are real. So please take that into consideration.” Sehun let out in one breath but Tao just continuing staring at him. The Slytherin could only look at him with sad eyes. “It’s okay if you don’t believe me… I just needed to let you know. I’ll just leave. See you.”


                “Sehun, wait.”


                Sehun turned around. Tao was already on his feet and walking toward him. “Yeah?”


                Tao didn’t say anything but raised his hand and smacked him across the face. Before Sehun could say anything against the hit, a hand was pressing against his other cheek and turning his head back around so that they were looking at each other. There was a smile on Tao’s lips before he leaned forward and pressed their lips together gently. Sehun’s eyes widened but soon fell shut as he let his hands fall to Tao’s waist to pull him closer. A hand ran through his hair before tangling in the strands at the base of his neck. They were pressed together so tightly that when they finally pulled away from each other, they were still breathing the same air. With their foreheads pressed together and with Tao’s eyes still closed, Sehun could see the panda-like boy’s long lashes and nearly flawless skin. The Slytherin brushed his lips lightly against Tao’s before the Hufflepuff’s eyes fluttered open.


                “What was that for?” Sehun breathed.


                “The slap or the kiss?” Tao asked with a smirk on his lips that Sehun kissed away.




                “The slap was for messing with me, you jerk. And the kiss? The kiss was for everything after that left my heart racing.” Tao answered.


                “So you believe me?” Sehun asked while brushing a piece of stray hair behind Tao’s ear. “That was fast.”


                Tao looked at him seriously. “I trust you enough after getting to know you that you wouldn’t lie to me a second time, right?”




                “Then you better not do anything like this again. Okay? If you do, I’m releasing the demon known as Luhan on you. Got it?”


                “Got it.”


                “So… Any other questions you need to ask me?”


                Sehun was thoughtful for a moment before grinning like crazy, his hand pressing against the small of Tao’s back. “Do you want to go to the Yule ball with me, kitten?”


                “Mm… Okay.” Tao answered with a smile, pressing a quick kiss to Sehun’s lips.


                “I’m happy we worked this out.”


                “Me too…. But there is one thing you need to be on the looking out for…” Tao said quietly while looking around him as if someone were going to pop out of anywhere. “Luhan is still super angry.”


                “I can handle him, no worries.” Sehun reassured.


                “Okay, but he is out to kill you.”


                “I can handle him, babe.”


                Tao smiled at him before pressing their lips together once again and Sehun couldn’t help but press Tao against the desk and have his way.


Author's Note: Did you enjoy the chapter? :) haha. Anyway my birthday is on Sunday and Taozi's is on Saturday :D My friend gave me a talk about how I am turning 19 and still don't wear make up or even apply it properly... I admit that yes I'm 19 and still don't understand the concept of makeup... But whatever... I get my license tomorrow! Yay! :D I'll update again soon.

p.s. Thank you to the subscribers and those who commented. Please continue to support me! <3


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Chapter 37: omg u're back!!! im so excited for u to continue writing taohun >< im so waiting for the updates on master sehun? n others hehe
Chapter 35: Ok so where's part 3 for the latest update??
molangsdiary #3
Chapter 34: YES YES YES YES PLEASE IT WOULD BE AWESOME ;u; I liked the first part a lot!
Chapter 34: woah, it would be really nice!
colorful_pandas #5
Chapter 34: Omg yes yes yes!!! Please write a sequel for master sehun!! :)))
Chapter 32: You're back!!! Yay!! Looking forward for your updates:)
Chapter 32: finally! u updated hahaha u're one of the taohun ff writer tht i look forward to n im glad u still continue shipping them >< anyway, cant wait for more!
Chapter 30: Thank you! People shouldn't be angry for what the idols decide and I'm glad you agree!^^
Chapter 27: This was very good! And super cute! I love it!
Chapter 17: I loved it! Tao is so adorable!!!!