The Night Before

The Long Way Home {Complete}

It was still bright outside,as Hebe checked her wristwatch.It is already six o clock and it feels like it is just way past noon.The weather is warm as a perspiration became visible in her forehead,once she stepped out of the air conditioned room that she have been working.She wiped the perspiration that trickled on her face.

Today is Friday and usually ,she is in a jolly mood on Friday afternoon,knowing that she have done her job for the week and she can rest and enjoy herself for the weekend.But today,her heart have a sinking feeling.She said she is happy for him,but deep inside her heart is hurting.Tomorrow,Jiro is getting married,her very best friend and the love of her life.The thought brought a sad frown on her face.She is going to be the maid of honor as Selina have asked her.She said yes but she does not know if she can hide the pain that she is feeling right now.She have to tell herself over again that she can do it.She have done it before,be happy for Jiro for he is marrying the woman that he loves.

She took a walk ,on tha way home.This time ,she took the long way home.She have to think and somehow walking seems to ward off some of the pain that she is feeling.She passed by stores and so many faces,but somehow,her mind can't seem to notice and pay attention to any of it.She took a deep breathe when she finally reached her apartment building.There is nothing in store for her there tonight but bed and heartbreak.

By the time she reached her door,she was tired from the walk and the flight upstairs.It seems she have been punishing herself for feeling so lousy,as she for her keys in her handbag.She was startled to hear a voice from behind.

"There you are,I am starting to get worried ,where have you been?" Jiro's voice came in.

Hebe didn't expect him to be here.She thought that he was with his friends for his bachelor's party."I never thought you are gonna be here." Hebe said."I would have come home sooner.I took a walk,that's why."

Jiro shook his head."We had it last night.It was fun.Arron hosted it for me." he said.

They went inside,as he plump himself to the sofa."So what brought you here?The night before the big day." Hebe said."Are you not suppose to be preparing for the big day?"

"Everything is all set already.I have just to put on my tuxedo and go to the church tomorrow.You don't have to worry." Jiro said."I just want to see my best friend before I get married.I just want to hang out with you like we used to do before.We have been too busy lately with the wedding preparation,that i never have time with you.How about a dinner with your best friend?" as he tap her head.

"I really not up to go out tonight.I just want to stay home." Hebe said.

"Then we will just have a take out and then let us watch an old movie,like we used to do before." Jiro said.

Hebe nodded her head and smile.Last night with Jiro before he get married.Yeah something to remember and tucked in her heart forever."You want me to cook?" as she offered.

"No,you are tired already.In as much as I love your cooking.We will just order." as he smiled at her.

They have dinner together ,they used to have fun and are always noisy while they eat,but today they eat in muted silence.Both are afraid to say something that will change the course of their future.Some words are better left unsaid,as those words hang in the air.

After doing the dishes,Hebe made some popcorn as Jiro put the DVD on the player.He looked around and found their old picture together when they in their teens,in their senior year of high school.That was the time when they were happy,her parents are still around and so is his Father.Hebe was smiling so bright and so innocent,like she doesn't have any care in the world,and him with a big smile looking at her.That was the time when he almost confess to her his feelings only to be thwarted with a bad news about her parents.Their faces spoke volumes of love and affection to each other.

"i didn't know you still have this picture of us." Jiro said."You look so cute there with your smiles.How come you never smiled and laughed like that way anymore?"

"I am not that silly girl anymore.I grew up." Hebe said.

"I would like to see that smile again and hear your crazy giggles like before,eventhough it is annoying sometimes." he said

Hebe smiled,but the loneliness stayed in her eyes."I don't have any rerason to smile nowadays,unlike you."as she put down the bowl of popcorn on the table

"What happened to your boyfriend? I have not seen him and heard of him?I thought I am going to meet him." Jiro asked.

"We broke up already.It did not worked out.We decided to part ways while it is still early." she said.

" you know that somebody is interested in you?" Jiro said."He has been asking me about you.But I told him you already have a boyfriend."

"Who could it be?But I am, not interested." Hebe said."I am happy where I am right now." Hebe said.

"You are not even curious ,who is the guy is?" Jiro said as he eyed her reaction.

"Nope.Not interested at all,sorry." she said as she sat next to him.Jiro smiled, satisfaction filled his heart.

"Good,then I'll still have your hundred percent attention,and a hundred percent of you." he said as he pulled her in a hug.Then his cell phone rang,and it is Selina.

"Honey,just want to say Good Night.I will have an early night tonight.I want to look good on my wedding." Selina said on the other line.

Jiro laughed."You always looked good no matter what,that is why I am marrying you." he said.

"You are such a liar.But I still love you.Where are you now? I called Mama and you are not home.You are not making you're last hurrah before we get married are you?" she said laughing

"No,far from it.I am here at Hebe's apartment,just hanging out." he said."I will be going home soon,so I can have an early night myself.I'll see you in the church.Don't keep me waiting ." he said.

"If you waited,I'll make sure that I'm worth it.I love you Jiro.See you tomorrow." Selina said.

"I love you too."as she hung up.Hebe have heard all the words that were spoken as she took each one of them.Each word slicing her heart to pieces.Hebe smiled at Jiro as he looked at her.The look that he gave her spoke volumes of love that he have for her,and Hebe was confused for a moment.And just as the feelings,it floats and flew away.It is too late to change the course of fate right now....A lot of innocent  people will be hurt .... as he shook his head of the thought.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #4
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
hihipear #5
striped-cat #7
oh god i love wang jiro
sea0horse #8
Taiwanese fanfic!!! \o/ congratulations and ... love S.H.E + Fahrenheit. <3