A New Love?

The Long Way Home {Complete}

Hebe woke up with a heavy feeling in her heart.Seeing Jiro with anew girl really hurt her this time.Not only that the girl is beautiful but her resemblance to Selina alarmed her.She does not know if Jiro can see Selina in her that is why he likes her or it is because she is basically her type of girl.Jiro likes the all girl girls,unlike her who is just a girl.....She has told herself a thousand times that she is not the type of girl that Jiro will like and still through all this time.....she still hopes deep within her....that someday Jiro will realize that she is all the girl he will ever need in his life.

She got up and get ready for the day,as she took a shower,and there she cried her hearts out for an unreciprocated love.She is getting tired from it all but what can she do when her heart dictates differently from your brain.Is staying here added more to the burden that she is carrying?Having to live with Jiro and loving him more and more everyday and becoming hopeful only to die down.She wondered if it is almost time to leave the house but thought of Jeremy as her heart aches just the thought of it.

Jiro was all smiles when he woke up today,as he greeted Hebe and Jeremy.

"So Hebe what is your schedule this weekend?" Jiro asked.

"Why? I really don't have anything planned this weekend.Although Arron said something but nothing is definite yet." Hebe answered.

"Nothing,I am just thinking.I want you to ...never mind..I'll call you if ever." he said."So you are still seeing Arron?"

"Yes,he is fun." Hebe said."We always have a good time together."

"I see.That is good.I want my bestfriend to be happy too." Jiro said with not much enthusiasm in his voice as he force a smile in his face."I have to go." as he bid his son goodbye and left.

Hebe looked on...They don't really have any plan this weekend with Arron but she just told him that/Somehow now she is feeling sorry for herself.Jiro got himself anew girl again and she still hang up on him with nobody to turn to.Arron is a good excuse but Arron love somebody else.It will not be fair for him to use him against Jiro.Somehow she knew that she have to find someone too and not hope anymore for a hopeless love that can never come true.....

That afternoon,Hebe decided to go out.Jeremy was taking a nap and hebe has nothing to do at home.The baby sitter is there to watch Jeremy,basically she has less and less to do now....since Jeremy is growing up,he is almost two now....She doesn't know what to do and decided to visit her old apartment.She still have it and have kept it.She has not visited it for a while.

As she was getting on the building,she bumped to a muscular guy on the way,as he smiled at her.

"I am sorry Miss,I didn't see you." he said.

"It  is alright for I was not looking also." Hebe said as she smiled at him.There was something about him,he was not all together handsome as Jiro but he was very attractive with certain charm.

"I am Jay and you are?" he said as he extends his hand to her.

"I am Hebe." she said.

"You don't live her by chance cause I have never seen you before." he said.

"I used to live here but i still keep my place here." Hebe said.

"Ahhh what of those things,I understand." he said as he nodded his head.

Hebe frown "What do you mean you understand?" she asked.

"I mean,sometimes when you moved in with someone like your boyfriend and nothing is permanent yet so you keep your safe net." he said with a smile.

"No it is nothing like that." as Hebe laughed at the thought."I am just helping a friend so I am staying there for now."

"That's a relief to know." he said."So you are not living in with your boyfriend?"

"Goodness,I don't even have a boyfriend." Hebe said as she laughed.

Jay just looked at her and smiled....and he likes what he heard so far.....

After their onversation, Jay was able to get her cell phone number and he gave her his number too.He has a very good sense of humor as hene laughed at his jokes and made her smile and forget her present heatache.....


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #4
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
hihipear #5
striped-cat #7
oh god i love wang jiro
sea0horse #8
Taiwanese fanfic!!! \o/ congratulations and ... love S.H.E + Fahrenheit. <3