Looking.....For The Real Thing

The Long Way Home {Complete}

The sun was already up when Hebe's eyes open.She was lost for a seconds.But judging how the bright the sun light that seems to intrude her sleep,it must be almost mid day.She quickly got up and went to see Jeremy but his room was empty.The Nanny must have gotten him out of bed already and fed him,knowing that is almost midday.She wondered how come nobody woke her up.She must be very tired from yesterday,that she became oblivious to her sorroundings.

She went our of her room as soon as she washed up and got dressed.She found Jeremy with Jiro in the dining room sharing a bowl of ice cream.She gave jiro an apologetic smile for having to wake up so late.

"So you are up already?You must be tired from last night so I didn't wake you up." Jiro said,as soon as he saw her.

"I am sorry." Hebe said."Where is Gina?" as she asked for the nanny.

"Today is Sunday and she ask for a day off.She won't be back until late at night." Jiro said."Why will it be a problem?"

"No,of course not." Hebe said."I will be here anyway."

"Why no follow up from your date last night?" he asked.

"Ah ,Arron has to do something today and I miss the little boy,right Jeremy?" Hebe said as she turned to Jeremy"You should have not feed him an ice cream at this time." she added.

"He feels like eating ice cream,I don't see any problem with it." Jiro said.

Hebe does not like Jiro's mood of sarcasm and and anger.She felt uncomfortable having to deal with him..She knows she have to divert his anger some where.

"How about the park day that you are talking about yesterday,why don't we do it today?" Hebe asked.

"Are you sure you are up for it? "Jiro asked.

"Of course a little sunshine will sure help the air around here." Hebe said."Let me take Jeremy and have him ready then." as she took Jeremy from Jiro's hold and the boy shriek into laughter.

"Come on Jeremy we are going out today." Hebe said.The little boy smiled back at her...and then there was doorbell as Hebe who was near the door went to get it.Then there was this tall beautiful girl standing by the door.Looking at her she recognized her as Rui Sha,the girl that Jiro has been dating.So much for a park day for them today .It seems like only and Jeremy will be going she thought.

"Is Jiro home?" Rui Sha asked with no smile on her face.

Hebe just nodded her head knowing that Jiro is just at her backRui Sha looked at Hebe and then to Jeremy.She smiled at the sight of the boy.

"This must be Jiro's boy ,right? And you are the baby sitter?" Rui Sha said.She nodded her head"Then that is good that the two of you are getting along,I won't have problem with baby sitting."

Hebe did not say a word but just look at her.And then Jiro emerged from the dining room and saw Rui Sha.he was quite surprised to see her in his house.he does not remember inviting her over  to his house.

"Rui Sha ,what are you doing here?" Jiroasked as he looked at her.Rui Sha came to his side and gave him a peck on the lips in Hebe's view.

"I was in the neighborhood and you have not been answering my calls since Friday." she said."I was so bored this weekend."

"I don't feel like going out this weekend.I want to spend some time with my boy." Jiro said.

"But you have the baby sitter to worry about him. Or I could have stayed with you here." as she looked at Hebe."She looked quite a capable baby sitter."

"Hebe is not a baby sitter.She is my friend,a very good friend." Jiro said.

"Oh I am so sorry ,I did not know." Rui Sha said in quick apology."I thought...cause Jeremy seems to be so familiar with him."

"I am sorry,we have to go somewhere today and I don't think,i can see you today." Jiro said.He does not like the idea of her coming over without much of an invitation and unannounced.

"Awww can't I go with you?" she asked.

"I am sorry,I am afraid no.Hebe ,why don't you dress up jeremy and get him ready." Jiro said.Hebe came to her senses and took Jeremy with her in the room.She never heard what Jiro have to say to Rui Sha. By the time Hebe stepped out of the room,Rui Sha was gone and Jiro is all dressed in jeans and tee shirt ready to go....She wondered if there was a make up after ....Jiro was clearly irritated that Rui Sha appeared at their doorstep unannounced.

"In case you're wondering,I don't think i will be seeing Rui Sha again." Jiro said.

"Why is that? She just wants to spend some time with you." Hebe said.

"I don't know,I thought I saw something today in her that turned me off.I never really liked her in the first place.As i have said she is a far cry from Selina.....and...you." Jiro said.

Hebe smiled when she heard those...somehow Jiro still thinks of her as something special and at the same rank as Selina....knowing it gave her a certain sense of happiness.....

"Come on let us go before the sun goes down." Jiro said,as he took Jeremy's hand on the other and Hebe on the other side.....They are like a picture perfect of a happy family....if it is only for real and not only an imagery.....

They went to the nearby park and played with Jeremy,he ran and went to the playfround ...sat on the swing,played in the slide and ran all over.They did have enough sunshine and have lots of fun.....Jeremy was quite sleepy on their way home,as Jiro carried him .Hebe stared at both of them,the most important people in her life right now,and wonder what will happen if she ever lose both or either one of them......for sure,her life will be so empty without them...as tears misted her eyes.She wondered if she is living in a borrowed time and how long will it take.....she hoped in her heart that she can stay right here with Jiro and Jeremy forever.....




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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #4
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
hihipear #5
striped-cat #7
oh god i love wang jiro
sea0horse #8
Taiwanese fanfic!!! \o/ congratulations and ... love S.H.E + Fahrenheit. <3