Oh Baby

The Long Way Home {Complete}

Selina made an appointment with her doctor the next day.She wants to make sure if she is pregnant.She did not tell her Mom yet since nothing is confirmed yet.She have not told Jiro still her heart condition.She wants to wait first until she spoke to her doctor and everything is confirm before she'll think of steps to take.She was so nervous on her appointment ,that she wants somebody to be with her to go to the Doctor.She needs somebody's support at this time,somebody who will understand what is her feelings.She does not want her Mom with her,knowing that she will be more anxious and she will definitely hear from her for not telling Jiro about her condition.And then she remembered Hebe,she is a friend now and she will be a perfect companion for her.She called her that day and she was going to pick her up on from her work on the way to the doctors's office.

Hebe was surprised to see Selina,of how pale she become.She must not be feeling well.She just called her to accompany her somewhere,and she doesn't have any idea where they are going right now.Selina pullled her to one side before procceding to the  place where they are suppose to be going.

"Hebe I have something to tell you first,but please promise me that you are not going to tell Jiro until i am ready to tell him." Selina said.

Hebe stared at her and nodded her head.She could not understand the worry and the seriousness in Selina's face.She wondered what is Selina's secret from her husband.And knowing Jiro,she knows he is not going to like this.

They went to a cafe across the street and settled on the table at the corner.Selina have hot chocolate milk and Hebe have a coffee.

"Hebe,I think I am pregnant." Selina blurted it out.

Hebe smiled."Then you should be happy,Jiro will be so happy,he has been looking forward in being a Daddy someday." she said.But she could not understand the sad look on her eyes.

"I know,I should be happy but...and I am very happy.A baby with Jiro is one thing i have been dreaming of.But there is one thing,that he doesn't know and I have not told him yet." Selina said."I have a heart problem,and the doctor have warned me not to get pregnant for they don't think my heart can handle any pregnancy for that matter." as a tear came.

Hebe does not know what to do but to put her hands on Selina's shoulder."Is it really that impossible for you to have a baby?" Hebe asked."Are they really that certain?"

"I have been under their care since I was young,I have a Rheumatic Fever and that weakens and affected my heart a lot.I can't put much of an effort to do anything in whatever I do.Jiro doesn't know this.I never told him,because I am afraid....to lose him." Selina said."And we never took any precautions when we got married because Jiro wants to have a baby right away.And now I think I am pregnant and Jiro is starting to suspect also.He wants this baby more than anything else in the world."

"But what you are going to do?" Hebe said."You cannot go through the pregnancy you said."

"If I am pregnant I am going through the pregnancy.I decided to give Jiro the baby that he wants." Selina said.

"But it can cost you your health much less your life,and I don't think Jiro will alllow that." Hebe said."He loves you more than any baby Selina."

"But will he stay married to me,if he knows i cannot give him any baby that he wants so much?" Selina asked."He will hate me later on for not telling him sooner,earlier on when he can have  his choice in life.He will hate me for forever if he finds out and I can 't give him a child that he wants."

"But...you are not sure yet, if you are pregnant or not ,and maybe you heart  will get better in time." Hebe said."Maybe you can still give him the baby that he wants."

Selina shook her head."No my heart have been damaged already." Selina said in resignations"I will give Jiro the baby that he wants even if it will cost me my life ,at least I have something that i can give him,something of me that I can give him,than nothing." as she wiped her tears.

"Selina,I don't know what to tell you.Why don't you tell Jiro and let him decide about this?" Hebe asked.

"No I won't put him in that position.I love him too much to put him in  a dilemna.He is not gonna know about this.Promised me Hebe you are not going to tell him." Selina say,her eyes are pleading."I will tell him in my own time."

Hebe can only nod her head.Her heart is torn and full of pity  to Selina.But she knew in her heart Jiro will never agree in all of this.

They went to Doctor's office after that and the doctor have confirmed what Selina knew.She smiled and was happy to learn that she was pregnant,but you can see the anxiety on her eyes.hebe can only looked at her with a heavy feeling.

That night Selina prepared a very special dinner for her husband.Jiro was surprised when he came home.Selina was all dressed up and all dolled up for him.He noticed that she looked a little bit pale but maybe because she have been feeling off the weather lately.She almost ran to him when he came home that night as she gave him a kiss,and whispered in his ears the news that he has been waiting for.....

"Honey...we did it.I am pregnant,you are going to be a Daddy soon." Selina said in his ear.Jiro broke into laughter and glee as he lifted her up from her feet and holdi her in his arms....Finally a baby....He is going to be a Daddy soon and Selina is going to be a Mommy...they are going to be a family soon.Wang Mama will be so happy...a line to their family.The grandchild that she have been waiting for.....

"Oh my God,a baby.I am so happy.you never know how much you made me happy tonight and I am sure Mama too.I have been dreaming for this moment.I love you Selina.i love you." Jiro said as he took her again in his arms and kiss her on the lips....Being married to Selina is such a bliss......All his dreams has been unfolding little by little.....

Selina smiled as her own eyes teared at the sight of her husband's happines.She said to herself that she did the right thing.There is nothing in this world that she will do to make her husband happy....even if it will mean gambling her own life....




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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #4
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
hihipear #5
striped-cat #7
oh god i love wang jiro
sea0horse #8
Taiwanese fanfic!!! \o/ congratulations and ... love S.H.E + Fahrenheit. <3