Ghostbusters, Part 1

Home Sick
18 Ghostbusters, Part 1

"Why's the class so quiet?" I lean in my desk to whisper into Suzy's ear. She turns a bit to meet my gaze with a distressed look written on her face.

"Mark. He's back." Mark? I look over by the door to see a fire haired boy staring off into space. I don't really know Mark at all, but I do know he always smiled and laughed at Baekhyun's jokes. 

"What happened?" I nudge Suzy with my pointer finger, hoping I would get a better response. Suzy holds her breath for a second and exhales slowly.

"Do you believe in ghosts?"

"Um. Not really."

"Well." Suzy turns to look at the back corner of our class where Kai and his friends are seated. "If you want to know what happened, talk to Tao. He knows." She quickly turns back in her seat, her hair almost whipping across my face.

"Hey, hey cowgirl." Sehun.

"What did I tell you, Sehun? I'm not a cowgirl." I articulate my words with a rude tone, looking up to see Sehun smiling slyly at me. 

"Mmmmm, someone's feisty." After he articulates the last word, he begins chuckling to himself.

"You're being really creepy. What do you want?"

"I need a pencil."

"That's it?"

"Neh." Surprised with a simple task from Sehun, I quickly pull out a mechanical pencil for him to use. I raise out my hand not making eye contact with him. Suddenly, I feel my hairs on my body stand up as I find Sehun holding my hand with the pencil. He leans in and whispers into my ear.

"Did you hear about the kid?" I quickly turn to face him to see Sehun, literally, in my face. I lean backwards to get away from him to only find Sehun laughing at me even more. Why is that everything I do I make him laugh? It's pretty ridiculous.

"Wait. You know?"


"Will you tell me? I'm really curious. He's... different." I make sure my voice is low, but I'm pretty sure that the row next to me can hear what I'm saying.

"Argh!" Mark stands up at his desk, slamming his fists into the desk. He scans the room with fear written in his eyes, abruptly leaving the class. When he left, the class began to lift an uproar, shouting what's going on. Sehun sits on my desk, examining the status of the room.

"Ya!" The whole class stopped chattering when Bora interjected her voice above everyone elses. "What's going on? Why did he just up and left like that? Tao. You must know something. Your face is turning red." Tao tries to turn his face away from the whole class, but completely fails.

"Yeah! What is going on?" Baekhyun voiced. Tao sits in silence, debating whether or not to tell the class. I hear the heavy wind push against the walls of the school building as the class focused in on Tao. No one spoke; only waited. The branches of the tree taps on the windows, the aura in the room tense.

"Tao. Geez. Tell us. If the whole class is paying attention; just do it!" Kai rolls his eyes as he folds his arms. Tao looks startled, his eyes almost watering.

"Um." He 'ums' for a bit before going on. "Well. He and some friends, including me, thought it would be fun to go to that... uh."

"That?" Kai interjects, pushing Tao to continue.

"That haunted school that people in the hallway has been talking about."

"You've got to be kidding me." Kai scoffs and rolls his eyes again. "Tao, you know that you are the easiest person to scare in class. Hell, maybe even the whole school. Why in the hell would you go?" Tao turns his face away from Kai to hide his red face.

"It wasn't my choice!"

"Then why did you go?" Bora adds in, squinting her eyes at the almost crying, Tao. Does this normally happen? Has he always been this sensitive? ISehun covers his mouth with his large, masculine hand, trying to hold in his laugh. I poke Sehun with my own pencil, hoping he would behave. He winced at the poke and swiped the pencil out of my hand. Jerk. I turn around and looked at D.O, his face sullen. As if he saw something that scared the jitters outta him. I patted his head, hoping he would smile, but this only made him drop his head onto the desk, hiding his face in his arms.

"Well. We saw a ghost! Or. Mark did! And that's why he's not the same!" Tao blurts out and promptly hides his face in his arms.

"Ghost? Really? Scary. Oh my goodness." Sehun sarcastically says, swinging his legs. Chen lets out a hearty laugh, almost crying at Sehun. "You have something you wanna say, Chen?"

"Yeah. I do." I then hear an audible gasp from the class. "I bet you that if you went to the haunted house, you would be a girl!"

"Hey!" Suzy cuts in, giving a pout to Chen.

"No, no, no! That's not what I meant." He waves his hands at Suzy as he shakes his head 'no.' "But. I bet this whole persona of you, the 'oh ghosts? wow scary' persona is just a bluff!" And then, another audible gasp is heard. Sehun finally lets out a laugh, but this laugh was unnerving. 

"Ya, Chen!" The voice boomed from the back. The class turns around to see Kai smiling to himself. "Let's do a game. How about you and Sehun both go to this 'haunted school' and bring a witness with you. If you really aren't scared, you would go and actually make it through all the hallways not bothered whatsoever. If you are scared, then everyone will know how humuliating you are, and how much of a hypocrite you are, for saying that you're not frightened."

"I'm up." Chen smiles in his seat. Sehun holds back for a moment in exhaled slowly.

"I'm in, too." Sehun gives a snarky grin.

"But! When you bring a witness, they can't be your friends because they would probably take your back and cover for you. So, I nominate myself to be with Chen, and you, Sehun, will be with Sunny."

"Excuse me! I don't think I said I would be taking part of this silly bet." I finally voiced in my opinion, feeling rather hurt that Kai just nominated me without my consent.

"Why? Are you scared?" Kai says with an intimidating voice.

"No." I feel a sudden rush of heat take over, but only for a second.

"Do you believe in ghosts?"


"Then why should this be a big deal for you? All you have to do is follow Sehun around. I bet you would like that." Kai winks at me.

"Um, noooooo." I wave my hands in front of me, disapproving that last thought.

"Then you're going."

"No, I am not."

"Scared? Hypocrite." I frown at Kai, feeling the fury rise up in my body. Kai, dear God, can't you just let me not go.

"Fine. I'll go."

"Okay. Tonight. We meet in front of the school at 10pm."

"Okay then." At this point, I felt as if this "game" is more of a Kai vs. me than the Sehun vs. Chen deal.

"Pssst." Baekhyun catches my attention as Sehun gets off my desk to return to his seat.

"What do you want, Baekhyun?"

"Don't be scared."

"I won't."

"Well, if you do. Just know that, Suzy here," Suzy widens her eyes with her name being said, "and myself will be joining you guys! Isn't that right Suzy?" Baekhyun grins at her with Suzy's face lost as can be.

"Ah, sure?" Suzy wears a fake smile, still obviously confused on what she said yes to. I giggle at Suzy's reaction causing her to blush fervently out of embarassment. She tucks her hair behind her ear and turns around in her seat.

"D.O. Are you going to go? And Channie, too?" D.O finally raises his head, his hair tousled around. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Aniyo." He rubs his eyes and stretches afterwards. "But to answer your question, I don't think so." I feel a bit morose that he wasn't going to go, including Chanyeol, but gave him a smile hoping it would lift the mood. Sungsaengnim, and Mark, finally walks through the door, missing out on this huge discussion a bet our class just made. Mark still looks frightened, but some sort of ease is shown on his face. He smiles for a second at Baekhyun's joke of the day, making me know that Mark that used to be there, is still in there behind the boy we don't know anymore.

                                                                                                                                                                                         eg *  
 author's note 
I saw all the comments you guys posted for chapter 17 and 16, and I got so excited to update the story!
I was going to read Frankenstein first--for class--but I couldn't pay attention!
had to update! I had to write more! You guys keep me wanting to write. Thank you guys all so much :)
Next Update: Ghostbusters, Part 2: Sunny and Sehun 
Please tell your friends about this story, subscribe, upvote, and all those fun things!
Thank you for sticking with me this far!
for funsies... for all those kai loverssss:



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Celestialsoul #1
Chapter 25: Woot! IU is cute as Sunny, so glad you're back! Some nice Sunny and D.O. moments here, wondering if he'll ever make a move... Lol, I really can't imagine him as anything but awkward though...
Thanks for the update :D
Chapter 25: Wow good job you did changing things, the chatroom part is still funny second time around, nothing beats Sehun's Derp faces :D It is really sweet for D.O. to sing for Sunny, I think he's really trying with her, it's out of his confort zone an everything but he it seems like he's giving it his best :D
Chapter 25: Cute~ D.O. Really Likes Sunny, I hope he has more courage soon before she gets taken away by Sehun~! O_O The way he sang to her~ ^_^
Chapter 25: It's IUzy!!! I think the change is nice as these two really are besties but Soyul was a cutie too :)
So many possible couples lol, I'm still shipping Layzy, haha yeah so random, ever since last chapter. For Sunny, of course Sunhun is my choice but Sunsoo is cute too :3
MiniMiya #5
Chapter 25: Ooh! A beach scenario :) Baekhyun and his nosebleeds, D.O and his food! ^_^
Love these friends, different atmosphere from when they are around Sehun and Lay. Both are good though ^_^
Chapter 25: I love how everyone keeps emphasising how "it's always the quiet ones...", makes me crack up every time I see D.O.'s face because I can imagine it being so serious.
I notice I kinda change my ship every chapter, seriously this week it's Sunsoo again (sowwy Sunhun from last week!). Next time it'll change again I'm sure...
Anyhow~ you deserve a huge *pat*, you worked hard chingu :)
Exo_Fighting #7
Chapter 25: If only D.O sand with them though Sunny would've had her heart beating fast hearing him sing hehehhehehe