Chapter 26

Silence of Love (Part 2)




   Later that night....



           Yun-Soon enters the room. "Yun-Soon sshi" Kikwang's mom said, turn to look at her. She bow and looked at her. " he asleep?" Yun-Soon asked. His mom nodded. "He fell asleep right after taking his pill" his mom said. Yun-Soon nodded. "That's good" Yun-Soon said. His mom study the look on her face. "Did something happen?" his mom asked. "Neh. I found out not too long ago, that Cho Hee was my dong-saeng" Yun-Soon said. "Mwo?" his mom said, shocked. "My omma...gave Cho Hee away to the Queen, whose now Cho Hee's mom. My omma wrote on a letter, telling me that someone was coming after us. That's why she gave Cho Hee away right after birth" Yun-Soon said. "Then...then, do they both know about this?" his mom asked. "Yeah. I went to their house today and gave them the information" Yun-Soon said. There was a long silent. "Cho Hee...she must hate me now. But that doesn't matter. What really matters now is that I have to be careful and watch over Cho Hee. That person must only want Cho Hee because she's a princess" Yun-Soon said. "What about you? Aren't you one?" his mom asked. "I am one, but that person who I saw killed my omma, he's the only one who doesn't know that I'm a princess myself" Yun-Soon said. 





             The door slowly opens and Yun-Soon steps inside, quietly. She saw that Kikwang was sound asleep and close the door behind, as she then walks over to him. Before reaching him, she saw a picture frame on the night table beside the bed. She turn to look and was surprised to see the picture of them; the picture they took before going to Cho Hee and Junhyung's wedding. 




    (flash back)



      "How about a picture?" Tae Yu asked. They both turned to look at her. [5 minutes later] "Okay. Get closer now" Tae Yu said, using Kikwang's cell-phone to take the pictures. Kikwang and Yun-Soon looked at each other, shyly. "Ready?" Tae Yu said, as they both moved closer together. [they both looked straight at the phone] "Alright. 1...2...3!" Tae Yu said, and then she took the picture. Kikwang looked at her while Tae Yu came over to show them the pictures. "You two look so cute together" Tae Yu said, hand the phone to Kikwang. "Thank you, Noona" Kikwang smiled.


      "Anytime" Tae Yu said, and then she left. Kikwang touched the screeen on his phone and the pictures show up. Yun-Soon looked at him and then moved closer to see the pictures. "Heh. We look so tired in this one" Kikwang laughed. Yun-Soon was laughing softly when she noticed the same thing. Kikwang looks at her as she was looking through the pictures. Yun-Soon blink and then she looks at him. "Ah? We should probably go grab something to eat. Don't you feel hungry?" Kikwang asked, blushing a little. Yun-Soon smiled sweetly and laughed a little. "What? Did I say something funny?" Kikwang asked, confused. Yun-Soon shook her head and tried to stop smiling, but she couldn't because of his adorable expressions and the cute way he talked.




           Yun-Soon touched his face. "If only I could go back into those times, then maybe I could have been still with you" Yun-Soon said. Then, she took her hand away and turned around. "Yun-Soon" She stopped, when she heard her name. She didn't dare to look back and continued to walk off. "Yun-Soon! Ann-dwae!" Kikwang said, forced himself out of the bed. When she was about to reach the door, she heard a big thump behind her. "Kikwang ah!" Yun-Soon said, turned back. He was on the floor, trying to get up. She went back to him and grab him on the arms. "Gwen-chae-na? Are you hurt? Let me see" Yun-Soon said, looked at his hands. Kikwang looked at her. Yun-Soon then looks at him. "Your voice..." Kikwang said, amazed. She looked away and was about to leave. "Don't go" Kikwang said, grabs her hand. She stopped, her back turn to him. "Why are you running away from me? Did I do something wrong? Is that why you're always avoiding me?" Kikwang asked, looked at her. "An-ni. Its not that" Yun-Soon said, couldn't dare to look back at him. "What is it, then? What is it that I don't know about?" Kikwang asked. 




          She stayed there, speechless. Kikwang turned her around, so that her eyes meet his. "Tell me. What is it?" Kikwang asked, looked at her. Tears were forming her eyes, so she looked away. "I...I thought I was going to die...that's why I left without a trail behind me" Yun-Soon said, tears flowing. He looked at her, who could only look down at the floor. "I thought...I wasn't going to see you anymore. I was scared...I was scared to say anything to you when I found out that I could speak. I...I thought my voice would only last a period of time, so I didn't dare to speak up to anyone" Yun-Soon said, crying quietly. Kikwang lean in and embraced her into his arms. She was taken by surprise when he held her. "Araso. Araso. It must be hard for you. If I had only knew what was going on, then I wouldn't have let you suffered by yourself" Kikwang said, patting her head gently. Yun-Soon cried, cling onto him. His arms were warm as always. His scent of smell and confort, makes me feel safe from anything. He's like home to me and will always be my home that I can return to because I know...I know someone will be waiting for me. And that someone would be only him; Lee Kikwang.






another chapter updated! ^-^



here's a preview for the next chapter!


"Yun-Soon sshi, if I told you to stay with Kikwang, will you?" She was quiet, but looks at his mom. "I'll stay"

Kikwang and Yun-Soon was chasing one another, while Songki (his dog) played with them.

ring-ring-ring. Junhyung picks up.

"Mwo? Cho Hee is missing?!" Ji Yul said, shocked.

Cho Hee cross the streets. BEEP! BEEP!



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Hyejung #1
ahhh !! i got it now thanks ! i know im soo jung from im sorry i love you , amazing, have u seen it ? and lee yeon hee, i know her very well too ! shes pretty ! abt yeo min joo , i don't know her ! <br />
Anyway ur fic is really amazing, and i enjoyed it a lot ! please continue updating another times ^_^
baoxyooj #2
yup, the girl who played yun-soon is im soo jung, but the girl who played cho hee is yeo min joo n jung ji yul is lee yeon hee
Hyejung #3
Ah and i wanted to ask you , the girl that plays Yoon Sun is Im Soo Jung , and the girl that plays Cho Hee is Lee Dae Hee , right ? <br />
What abt the girl that's called Jung ji yul ? =D
Hyejung #4
I just finished reading your fanfic ! I really really loved it =D<br />
In the past chapters, i cried and it's one of my favourite fanfics ever ! i totally congratulate you girl , ur amazing <3<br />
I hope u write something like that again ! DAEBAAKK ! Thank you !
MissKiki #5
Nice ending~<3 xD
MissKiki #6
Thx for the update~<3 xD
Yes!:)<br />
You finally update:)<br />
You don't have to be sorry because it's not you fault.<br />
I feel more sorry because I'm new and I haven't write chapter 1 in my first fanfics(school, test and I have new rating A B C D E F).<br />
MissKiki #8
Cho hee 0.0 .... Omo Junnie has to save her..... Or Yun soon
MissKiki #9
Update~~~I already spammed u with comments >:D