Chapter 11

Silence of Love (Part 2)




        " you too, Kikwang ah" her voice echos. "Yun-Soon!" Kikwang said, woke up from the nightmare. [flashes of Yun-Soon getting hit by a car and her bleeding everywhere] Kikwang's eyes were teary as he close them. He sigh and open his eyes. Kikwang turned and saw the photo of them both wearing their outfit from Cho Hee and Junhyung's wedding. He grabs it and touch her face.

~Kikwang's POV~

    It's been 7 months now that Yun-Soon had been gone. After she left, the dreams of me finding her repeats again. It feels like she will return one day, as if I can touch her when I reach my hands out...


 At Ji Yul's house

   She was sitting on the couch, thinking. [flash back 3 months ago] "Ji Yul ah" Hyun Seung said. "Neh?" Ji Yul said, turn to look at him. "I...I think I like you. Can you go out with me?" Hyun Seung asked. She was speechless and blank. [flash back ends] "What are you thinking of?" Shi Yoon, her brother asked, as he sat next to her. "Oppa, can I ask you a question?" Ji Yul asked, looked at him. "What?" Shi Yoon said. "If someone tole you they like you and wants to go out with you, what would you reply back?" Ji Yul asked, curiously. " depends on the situation and whether if you like that person or not" Shi Yoon said. She still looked confused. "What? Did someone say that to you? Is that why you've been so quiet lately?" Shi Yoon asked, pointed at her. "Neh. Wait! An-ni! Why would someone ever say that to me?" Ji Yul said, blushing. "Tsk tsk tsk. Don't lie to me. It's all written all over your face, ya know" Shi Yoon said. "Forget it. I'm not talking to you anymore. Talking to Oppa only makes things feel more awkward" Ji Yul said, and then she stood up. Shi Yoon looked at her leave the room. 


 At Junhyung's house

   [everyone was eating lunch at the table] "Oh? Cho Hee ah, you're eating your vegetables" her mother said, surprised. "Eh?" Cho Hee said, and then she looks down at her plate. Junhyung looks at her. "Seems like you've been eating your vegetables very often these days" her father said. Cho Hee face a smile. They continued to eat as Junhyung looks at her worried.


 After lunch

   Cho Hee was outside, playing with their new dog named Lily, who they bought 2 months ago. Junhyung came out and saw her lonely face. Lily was playing with her hands, while her mind was some where else. He walks over to her and takes out the gold key necklace. "Here" Junhyung said, hand it to her. She looks at him, then the necklace. "I've been keeping it for so long, which makes me feel weird. I think it should make you feel a little better, since you liked it so much" Junhyung said, looked at her. Cho Hee reached out and took it. "Please don't be sad anymore. It hurts to see you like this" Junhyung said. She looks at him. "Why are you being so nice to me these passed few months?" Cho Hee asked. He was quiet for a while. "Because....because our time together are getting shorter. There's only a year and a half left for us until we seperate. So why can't we get along better while we still have the chance to?" Junhyung said, with a sad look on him.


 Cho Hee looks at him, unable to say anything back. "I'm going back inside first. Don't stay out here too long or else you'll catch a cold" Junhyung said. "Neh" Cho Hee said, nodded. He turned and slowly walk back inside the house. She watched his back as she held onto the ket necklace.


 2 weeks later

   Junhyung was in his room, sitting at his desk. Knock. Knock. "Come in" Junhyung said in a sad tone. Cho Hee opens the door and steps in. "Cho Hee?" Junhyung said, as he stand up. "I've been noticing that you've been frustrated these days, so I brought you some warm milk to drink" Cho Hee said, as she set it on the table. "Ah? Ko-ma-wa-yo" Junhyung said. She looks at him and smiled. "I should be the one saying 'thank you" Cho Hee said. He looked confused. "Thank you for the necklace and everything. I promise to keep it safe with me where ever I go" Cho Hee smiled softly. Junhyung was blank and couldn't find words to say back. She then walks over to him. "Close your eyes. I want to give you something" Cho Hee said, looked at him. Junhyung study her for a bit, then he close his eyes. She reached over to him and put the necklace on him. [his eyes open as she backs away] He touch the necklace on him as he looks at it.

  "Your birthday is tomorrow, right?" Cho Hee smiled. Junhyung looks at her, surprised. "This is my early birthday gift. I didn't know what to get, so I bought that necklace since its the new brand" Cho Hee smiled, softly. He looks at her. "I'll go back to my room now. Sleep well" Cho Hee said, and then she turned around. He walks towards her and wrap his arms around the front of her neck. She stop and glance back at him. "Thank you" Junhyung smiled weakly, close to her ear. She smiled and then pulled his arms away. Junhyung looks at her as she turn to look at him. Cho Hee leans up to him and kiss him on the left cheek, like a touch. He was speechless when she backs away and smiled at him. He felt a smile, forming his lips while looking at her. She wraps her arms around the back of his waist as Junhyung embrace her in his arms. Cho Hee listened to his heartbeat as she closed her eyes. 




okay, i won't be updating anymore chapters because i'm busy today. i promise to update more chapters tomorrow.

   please leave comments though! n look forward to the story! 



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Hyejung #1
ahhh !! i got it now thanks ! i know im soo jung from im sorry i love you , amazing, have u seen it ? and lee yeon hee, i know her very well too ! shes pretty ! abt yeo min joo , i don't know her ! <br />
Anyway ur fic is really amazing, and i enjoyed it a lot ! please continue updating another times ^_^
baoxyooj #2
yup, the girl who played yun-soon is im soo jung, but the girl who played cho hee is yeo min joo n jung ji yul is lee yeon hee
Hyejung #3
Ah and i wanted to ask you , the girl that plays Yoon Sun is Im Soo Jung , and the girl that plays Cho Hee is Lee Dae Hee , right ? <br />
What abt the girl that's called Jung ji yul ? =D
Hyejung #4
I just finished reading your fanfic ! I really really loved it =D<br />
In the past chapters, i cried and it's one of my favourite fanfics ever ! i totally congratulate you girl , ur amazing <3<br />
I hope u write something like that again ! DAEBAAKK ! Thank you !
MissKiki #5
Nice ending~<3 xD
MissKiki #6
Thx for the update~<3 xD
Yes!:)<br />
You finally update:)<br />
You don't have to be sorry because it's not you fault.<br />
I feel more sorry because I'm new and I haven't write chapter 1 in my first fanfics(school, test and I have new rating A B C D E F).<br />
MissKiki #8
Cho hee 0.0 .... Omo Junnie has to save her..... Or Yun soon
MissKiki #9
Update~~~I already spammed u with comments >:D