Chapter 14

Silence of Love (Part 2)


 More months slowly starts to pass by as Junhyung and Cho Hee were getting closer. As for Hyun Seung and Ji Yul, they started to date each other not too long after Junhyung's birthday. Lastly, it was just Kikwang who was alone by himself as those days slowly went by.

  His mom peeked into the room and saw Kikwang sitting on the couch with a gloomy face. "Your Highness" the servant said, behind her. She turn to look at her. "Bring something for him to eat" she said. "Neh" the servant said, bows and then left. His mom looks back into the room. Kikwang hung his head back as he look up at the ceiling. "I can't sit back and watch this anymore. I have to find Yun-Soon sshi back. I don't want to see my only son like this any further" his mom said in her head. "Bark" Songki barks as he ran over to him. Kikwang sat up straight as Songki climbs into his lap. "You miss Yun-Soon, right?" Kikwang asked, as he pat his head. Songki winced sadly. "I miss her too" Kikwang smiled weakly. Songki barks at him and then scratch his collar. "Is something bothering you?" Kikwang asked. Songki barks. "Is your collar on too tight?" Kikwang asked, and then he took it off. [something fell off and land on the couch] He was shock when he saw the necklace. "This..." Kikwang said, as he grabs it. He looks at Songki. "How did you get this? Did Yun-Soon gave it to you?" Kikwang asked. He barks with the "yes" look in it eyes. Kikwang was blank as he can't think of anything. He quickly put Songki's collar back on and ran out the room.


  In Yun-Soon's room

      Kikwang step in as eveything inside was still the same. Songki came in too, while Kikwang search around. Songki barks at him, while he was looking through the closet. "There has to be something she's hiding. Otherwise, she wouldn't had gave you her necklace to hold on to" Kikwang said. Songki soon sniffed around and then climbs onto the chair. He stand on his two feet as his paws were on the drawer. Kikwang turn to look at him. Songki sniffed around, trying to pick up a scent. Kikwang walks over as Songki got back down and looks at him. Kikwang stared at the drawer as he grabs for the handle. Then, he slowly pulled as it open. There he saw, a stack of papers with an envelope on top that had his name written on it: 이기광. He took them out and was shock to see the papers.

 Birth Certificate:

Name: Park Yun-Soon                               Name: Park Che Hee

Birthdate: July 18, 1991                            Birthdate: May 6, 1992

Birthplace: Gongju, Chungnam, SK              Birthplace: Gongju, Chungnam, SK

Genre: Female                                         Genre: Female

Bloodtype: O                                           Bloodtype: O


    "What is this?" Kikwang said, confused and couldn't believe his eyes. He looks at the envelope as he put the papers on top of the drawer. He then opens it and unfold the paper. [listen to this song while reading this part of the letter n so now:]

   Kikwang ah,

       This is Yun-Soon. I know once you find these, you wouldn't believe them too, just like me. I...I'm sorry for not telling you this in the first place. You...must really hate me since I left without a goodbye. But right now, I'm trying to keep the happy memories of us together from the beginning until now. I...I always have told myself...not to look at you, but I couldn't do it. Without made me know love and gave me a wonderful life. You...even also letted me hold your hand when you took me along. But what could I say? My closed lips couldn't tell you at those times..."thank you for eveything". The fact that I'm leaving so quietly, is because it was so hard to tell everyone goodbye...especially you, Kikwang. So for now, please don't wait for a person like me anymore. Just think that I'm dead...forever. If we ever meet by chance in the far future...I want you to turn away and pretend that we had never met before in this life of ours. Let's leave everything that way, Kikwang ah. The both of us are heading towards different futures. But there is one thing I want to tell matter what kind of future awaits us or how far apart we are...while I am still breathing, I will always remember you, Kikwang.


   His tears flow as it drip to the letter. "Yun-Soon" Kikwang said. Songki looks at him with a sad look as he winced softly. Kikwang's hand was in a fist as he covered his mouth.


 ~Kikwang's POV~

 From that day on...I slowly started to think that Yun-Soon has really left me behind in this world.



 please leave comments! n sorry for the late updates too!

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Hyejung #1
ahhh !! i got it now thanks ! i know im soo jung from im sorry i love you , amazing, have u seen it ? and lee yeon hee, i know her very well too ! shes pretty ! abt yeo min joo , i don't know her ! <br />
Anyway ur fic is really amazing, and i enjoyed it a lot ! please continue updating another times ^_^
baoxyooj #2
yup, the girl who played yun-soon is im soo jung, but the girl who played cho hee is yeo min joo n jung ji yul is lee yeon hee
Hyejung #3
Ah and i wanted to ask you , the girl that plays Yoon Sun is Im Soo Jung , and the girl that plays Cho Hee is Lee Dae Hee , right ? <br />
What abt the girl that's called Jung ji yul ? =D
Hyejung #4
I just finished reading your fanfic ! I really really loved it =D<br />
In the past chapters, i cried and it's one of my favourite fanfics ever ! i totally congratulate you girl , ur amazing <3<br />
I hope u write something like that again ! DAEBAAKK ! Thank you !
MissKiki #5
Nice ending~<3 xD
MissKiki #6
Thx for the update~<3 xD
Yes!:)<br />
You finally update:)<br />
You don't have to be sorry because it's not you fault.<br />
I feel more sorry because I'm new and I haven't write chapter 1 in my first fanfics(school, test and I have new rating A B C D E F).<br />
MissKiki #8
Cho hee 0.0 .... Omo Junnie has to save her..... Or Yun soon
MissKiki #9
Update~~~I already spammed u with comments >:D