Chapter 23

Silence of Love (Part 2)


  At Cho Hee's house

     [people on t.v. were screaming and shouting after the show was over] She touched her necklace and smiled, sleeply. Knock. Knock. "Princess" a maid said. "Neh?" Cho Hee said, looked over to her. "Its time to go" the maid said. She nodded, then the maid left. Cho Hee looks back at the t.v.


   "That was a good show you three put on today" the MC guy said, looked at them. "Neh, kam-sah-am-nida" they all said, bows. "Now, Kikwang sshi" MC guy said, looks at him. "Neh?" Kikwang said, looks at him. "You said you sang this song for someone, right? Do you know if that person is here with us?" MC guy asked. "Uh...." Kikwang said, looked out into the crowd. "I...I don't think she'll come out to meet me personally, but If she is out there, then I'm satisfied with that" Kikwang said. [fans screamed] "So, how long have you planned to come up with this song?" MC guy asked. Junhyung and Kikwang looks at each other, including Doojun. "Ah...about a year ago" Junhyung said. "Wah...that's amazing" MC guy said, surprised.  "Yah, Yun-Soon?" Choi Byul said, looked at her. Yun-Soon was so distracted by him on t.v. and standing on the stage.  


   "Is there anything you two want to say before going?" MC guy asked, looked at them. "Uh..." They both looked at each other. Junhyung then turns to the crowd, making them scream. "Uh..neh. There's actually something that I wanted to tell to that person a year ago" Junhyung said, as Doojun and Kikwang looked at him.  Cho Hee stopped when she was heading out the room. She turned back and looked at the t.v. "I want to tell her...that I love her, not for whom she is....but for I am when I'm with her" Junhyung said, looking out into the crowd. Then he put the mic down and fans screamed. Kikwang moved aside and looked into the dark crowd, as everyone started to become quiet. He lift the mic up to his mouth and his mouth opens. "Yun-Soon ah" Kikwang spoke. Fans screamed when he said her name. Choi Byul was shocked of what he said. Yun-Soon looks at him, not blinking. "'ve you been lately?" Kikwang smiled softly, tears already forming his eyes. He looks down, biting onto his lips. Doojun patted his back. "Aw...don't cry" fans said. Yun-Soon's eyes were beginning to become teary. 


   Kikwang looks up and smiled like he always was when she was still with him, though tears were rolling down his eyes. "I...I miss you. These passed few years without you really hurts. But I somewhat made it til today without you by my side" Kikwang said, looking into the crowd. Choi Byul looks at Yun-Soon. "That day when I saw hurted a lot. But I don't blame you or anyone" Kikwang said. People in the crowd were crying and tears falling off their eyes. "But if there is a chance, I hope to meet you again. No matter how long that takes, I'll always wait. I'll wait until that day when you can come out to see me personally" Kikwang said. Yun-Soon looked away, as Choi Byul looks at her, confused. "Yun-Soon. Nan...nan sa-rang-hae" Kikwang said, and then broke into tears, covering his mouth. "Don't cry! Don't cry!" people in the crowd said. Doojun patted his shoulder as Yoseob hugged him. Yun-Soon watched him, crying painfully. Cho Hee's tears were falling off her eyes, just watching them. "Unnie...where are you? Don't you know how painful Kikwang is right now?" Cho Hee said, in her head. 


 Later that night....

    Yun-Soon was in her apartment, sitting on the floor,  her back lean onto the couch, crying. She covered , tears coming non-stop. Suddenly, her phone rangs. She grabs it and flips its open. "Shi Yoon sshi, please help me" Yun-Soon said, her voice shaked. [15 mintues later] "Here. Drink some water" Shi Yoon said, hand her a cup of water. "Thank you" Yun-Soon said, took it. He watched her drink the water as he sat down. "You should be more careful of what you're doing. The heart inside your body is special to someone, so treat it with care" Shi Yoon said, looked at her. "Mian-hae. It's just that....I couldn't control myself" Yun-Soon said, as she put the cup down. He sighed and then looked over to the clock. 10:05 p.m. "It's getting late. You should take a rest. I've gotta get home too" Shi Yoon said, looked at her. "Neh. Thanks again, Shi Yoon sshi" Yun-Soon said, when he stood up. "Thanks for what?" Shi Yoon said, looked at her. "Thanks for helping me all the time. But maybe I'm asking too much from you. Aren't you annoyed by it?" Yun-Soon said, looked at him. 


   He smiled. "An-ni. I'm glad to help you anytime. Besides, you're a princess too. You should take care of your health too" Shi Yoon said. Yun-Soon was unsuprised when he said that. "If there's anything else you need, just call me" Shi Yoon said. She nodded. He then left the house. She sat there, blinkly. "That's right. The others still doesn't know that I'm a really Princess from the Park family...except for Kikwang and Shi Yoon" Yun-Soon said in her head. Then, she placed her hand onto her chest, feel her heart beat normally. "Without this heart....I may not even been here right now" Yun-Soon said.


 A year ago....

     Yun-Soon was moving the pot of the flowers and suddenly her heart felt like it was squeezed. She lost the grip of the pot and drop it. CLINK! "Huh? Unnie!" Mirae said, came over as Yun-Soon was on the ground. She clenched onto her chest, gasping for air. Mirae took out her phone and quickly dial the hospital. "Yo-bo-sa-yo? My Unnie needs the ambulance right now!" Mirae said. [the ambulance arrived quickly and took Yun-Soon to the closest hospital] "Get a doctor ready!" nurses said, as they wheel the bed with Yun-Soon on it to the emergency room. "Unnie! Unnie, you stay strong" Mirae said, holding onto her hand. Yun-Soon nodded though she was shaking. The nurses got the bed into the room and the doors closed. Mirae stood outside the door, worried as she cup her hands together, under her chin. Ring-ring-ring-ring. Mirae took out her phone and flips it open. "Hello? Oppa, where are you?" Mirae answered. "Sorry, but are you Minhyuk's dongsaeng?" a male voice asked. "Neh" Mirae said. [there was a long pause] "Your brother...he was killed in a gang fight that happened not too long ago, miss" the voice said. "Mwo?!" Mirae said, shocked.  


 At the other hospital

    Mirae entered and ran inside, looking around. Tears were forming her eyes, as she looked around wildly. "Your brother...he was killed in a gand fight" the voice echo through her mind. She got to the room and steps inside. There were two policemen and a young guy inside, including the person on the bed with a white blanket over them. "Oh?" the policemen said, turn to look at her, as she walked over. The young guy looked at her, who walked over to the bed. Mirae was shaking, tears steaming in her eyes. Her hand reaches out and pulled the blanket down. Minhyuk laid there, bruises and cuts on him. "Oppa!" Mirae cried, as she hug him. The young guy and the policemen looks at her. "Oppa" Mirae said, tears flowing down her eyes.


 2 months later....

    Yun-Soon's hand moved and her eyes opened. "Mirae" Yun-Soon said, looking around the room. She slowly sat up and clench onto her chest. Then, she felt that something it was weird. The door opens and Yun-Soon looks up. Mirae and the young guy came inside. "Shi Yoon sshi" Yun-Soon said, shocked. [5 mintues later] Mirae was crying, unable to calm down. Yun-Soon pulled her towards her and embraced her. "Oppa" Mirae sobbed. Tears were falling from Yun-Soon's eyes as she patted Mirae's head. Shi Yoon watched them from outside the room. [flash back ends] 


 At Kikwang's house 

     He sat in his bed, staring at the gold watch that was given from Yun-Soon on his birthday. He stared at the time, watching the arms circle around. Knock. Knock. He turn to look at the door as it opened. His mom walked inside and hand him the phone. Kikwang looked at the phone, and then his mom. "Someone wants to talk you" his mom said, looked at him. His hand slowly reach out for the phone and took it. His mom turned around and left the room. She closed the door behind her, as Kikwang place the phone next to his ear. "Yo-bo-sa-yo?" Kikwang said. Yun-Soon was surprised to hear his voice. "Hello?" Kikwang said, again. [there was a long pause] Kikwang looked at the phone weirdly, and then he held it to his ear again. "Yun-Soon?" She was shocked, as tears filled her eyes. He sat up quickly. "Yun-Soon. Is this Yun-Soon?" Kikwang asked. She covered , tears dripping down her eyes. "You...where are you? Why are you hiding away from me, Yun-Soon ah" Kikwang said, tears in his eyes. She shook her head. "It's not like that, Kikwang" Yun-Soon said in her head. "Wae? Why did you have to leave, huh? Didn't I told you before, that if there's something bothering you, please let me know" Kikwang said, tears falling down his cheeks. Yun-Soon closed her eyes, causing more tears to flow, as her hand slowly fell down. Kikwang put the phone down, slowly and his hand into a fist as it covered his mouth. Yun-Soon hugged her knees, crying while Kikwang was laying on the bed, tears rolling non-stop from his eyes.





 sorry for late updates! i've been so busy that i could only have time to update once in a while.

   but here's a chapter! please leave any comments!



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Hyejung #1
ahhh !! i got it now thanks ! i know im soo jung from im sorry i love you , amazing, have u seen it ? and lee yeon hee, i know her very well too ! shes pretty ! abt yeo min joo , i don't know her ! <br />
Anyway ur fic is really amazing, and i enjoyed it a lot ! please continue updating another times ^_^
baoxyooj #2
yup, the girl who played yun-soon is im soo jung, but the girl who played cho hee is yeo min joo n jung ji yul is lee yeon hee
Hyejung #3
Ah and i wanted to ask you , the girl that plays Yoon Sun is Im Soo Jung , and the girl that plays Cho Hee is Lee Dae Hee , right ? <br />
What abt the girl that's called Jung ji yul ? =D
Hyejung #4
I just finished reading your fanfic ! I really really loved it =D<br />
In the past chapters, i cried and it's one of my favourite fanfics ever ! i totally congratulate you girl , ur amazing <3<br />
I hope u write something like that again ! DAEBAAKK ! Thank you !
MissKiki #5
Nice ending~<3 xD
MissKiki #6
Thx for the update~<3 xD
Yes!:)<br />
You finally update:)<br />
You don't have to be sorry because it's not you fault.<br />
I feel more sorry because I'm new and I haven't write chapter 1 in my first fanfics(school, test and I have new rating A B C D E F).<br />
MissKiki #8
Cho hee 0.0 .... Omo Junnie has to save her..... Or Yun soon
MissKiki #9
Update~~~I already spammed u with comments >:D