Chapter 15

Silence of Love (Part 2)


 At the Flower Shop

    Yun-Soon was watering the plants in the back of the store, until Mirae came outside. "Unnie, have you seen Oppa?" Mirae asked, as she came over. "An-ni? Wae?" Yun-Soon asked, looked at her. "Aish....where did he go this time?" Mirae said, scratching her head. Yun-Soon stood up as she put the bucket of water down. "Why are you looking for him? I thought he came with you this morning" Yun-Soon said, looked at her. "I don't know? He did came with me, but now I can't find him" Mirae said. Yun-Soon was about to talk until her phone interrupted them. "Yo-bo-sa-yo? This is Yun-Soon" Yun-Soon said, as Mirae looks at her. [there was a long pause] "WHAT? Minhyuk's having a fight?!" Yun-Soon said. Mirae looked shocked.


 At the school field

    Minhyuk was getting beat up badly with a group of guys from his school. "Yah! Let him go!" his friend said, trying to help him. The other guys pulled him back as the rest were kicking Minhyuk who was on the ground. "Ppa-lli, Unnie" Mirae said, as she got out the car. Yun-Soon got out and they both ran to the open field. "Get him up" one of them said. The other two pulled Minhyuk up onto his feet. The guy threw a heavy punch which sent Minhyuk to the ground. "Stop! Don't hurt my Oppa!" Mirae yelled, as she ran over. "Mirae!" Yun-Soon said, when the other person grabs her back. "Get lost!" the guy said, pulled her away and pushed her down. "Mirae!" Minhyuk said, and then he pushed the guy away and went for her. "Let me go" Yun-Soon said, trying to pull her arm away from the other guy. One of them flicked out a pocket knife as Minhyuk was helping Mirae up.


  "Watch out!" Yun-Soon warned. Minhyuk turns around as Mirae hides behind him. The guy attacks him, but as Yun-Soon got herself lose from kneeing the guy in the stomach, she ran for them. In one flash, everything went blank. Yun-Soon was holding onto the knife that was stab into her. The guy looks at her, shocked as he backs away. "Noo...Noona" Minhyuk said, speechless. Yun-Soon felt herself move back a step as Minhyuk caught her and then Mirae. "Dude, let's get out of here" the other one said, in a shaky voice. [they all ran away, leaving them behind] "Noona" Minhyuk said, when Yun-Soon slowly fell to the ground. His friend ran over to them, as he clutched onto his stomach. "Unnie!" Mirae said, grab her hand. "G-G-Gwen-chae-na. Don't worry about me" Yun-Soon said, couldn't barely breath. "Noona" Minhyuk said, looked at her. Yun-Soon then pulled the knife out of her. "Ugh!" Yun-Soon moaned in pain. "Unnie!" Mirae said. Minhyuk's friend took out his phone and dial the ambulance. Yun-Soon was breathing calming as she was still consious. "Hello? We need an ambulance quickly!" he said. Minhyuk looked at him. "Unnie. Hold on a bit longer. The ambulance will come soon" Mirae said, looked at her. Yun-Soon nodded as she held onto Mirae's hand.


 At Kikwang's house  

   He was laying on his bed as the letter was next to him. Kikwang stared at the ceiling as he felt tears in his eyes. He closed them and let out a sigh. "What are you doing, Lee Kikwang? She totally explained everything on the letter....she...she never loved me. was just only me...who only looked at her..." Kikwang said in his head, as his eyes opened.


 At the hospital

   The nurses wheel the bed as Yun-Soon on it. "Unnie! Noona!" Mirae and Minhyuk said, as they ran next to her while the nurses wheeled the bed towards the emergency room. Yun-Soon looked at them as her visions were becoming bleary, while Mirae was still holding onto her hand. 


 Kikwang then sat up and stood up. As he start to walk, the picture frame on the night stand fell over. Yun-Soon's hand slips out of Mirae's hand as her eyes closed. "Unnie!" Mirae said. "Sorry, but you have to stay out here" the nurse said, pushing them back as Yun-Soon was brought to the emergency room. Mirae covered as tears rolled down her eyes. She then turn to Minhyuk and cling onto him as her forehead was place onto his chest. Minhyuk held her and patted her back. 


 Kikwang looked down at the scattered glass. He bent down and grabs the picture frame. [there was a crack on Yun-Soon's face when he revealed it] Kikwang was shocked as he blink non-stop. He looked scared and then he ran out of his room.


   "The patient is losing too much blood" the nurse said, looked at the doctor. "Get more blood" the doctor said. "Neh" she said, and then went out the room. Yun-Soon caught a flash back as she was still unconsious.

   “My name is Lee Kikwang. What about you?" Kikwang asked, looked at her. Yun-Soon thought for a while and then she looks at him and held her hand out to him. "Huh? What are you doing?" Kikwang asked, confused, when she grab his hand which made him shock. [she pointed at herself and then she  trace something onto his palm] "...Park....Park Yun-Soon?" Kikwang said, looked at her. Yun-Soon smiled, and then he smiles back cutely.  

(another flash) Yun-Soon looked at her hands and suddenly a jacket suit covered her from behind. She turn to look to see who it was. Kikwang smiled as he sat next to her. "Why are you out here? Aren't you afraid of catching a cold?" Kikwang asked, as he looked at her. Yun-Soon sat there quietly as she looks away. He then looks up to the sky. "Wah....there's so many stars out tonight" Kikwang smiled. Yun-Soon looks at him and so did he. Kikwang gave her the cutest smile ever that his eyes shined beautifully.  

 (another flash) Yun-Soon was trap when Hyun Seung sense that someone was there. Hyun Seung ran towards her with his hands out, but Yun-Soon ducked down and ran as he followed her. She didn't look to where she was going and bump right into Kikwang who pop out behind the bushes. Kikwang caught her but they both still end up falling to the ground. [they stared at each other] Yun-Soon snap out and got up but at the same time their heads hitted each other. "Ah" Kikwang said, touched the side of his forehead. Yun-Soon was doing the same thing too but hers was on the opposite side. [they both looked at each other and smiled shyly] 


  Kikwang was running out in the streets, looking wildly around for her. "Ann-dwae. I need to find her. Kikwang ah. Think!" Kikwang said in his head, as he was catching his breath while looking around.


  Yun-Soon was still unconsious as she laid in the bed in a room. (flash back)

  She got slapped by the Queen and fell down as she covered her cheek. "Calm down, your Highness" Junhyung's mom said, pulling her back. "If it wasn't for a girl like you to live in our house, none of this would've happened!" the Queen yelled. Yun-Soon looked up at her. "Get out! Get out of my house right now!" the Queen yelled. She then stood up and ran out. [Kikwang came running into the house and Yun-Soon bumps into him] "Sorry, are you okay?" Kikwang asked, bend down to her. She wiped her face and couldn't look up to him. "Yun-Soon ah? Are you okay? Who did this to you?" Kikwang asked, when he noticed that it was her. "Didn't I tell you to get out?" the Queen said, came over. Yun-Soon stood up quickly and so did Kikwang. "Kikwang sshi, take her away, hurry" Junhyung's mom said, trying to stop the Queen. "You brat" the Queen said, raised her hand. "Wait" Kikwang said, blocked Yun-Soon. SLAP! Yun-Soon was shocked as she looked at him. 


 (another flash) "Give me your hand" Kikwang said, as he opened the box. She held out her hand as he took out the plunker. "Now, this might hurt a little because the piece of the broken plate is stuck inside the cut" Kikwang said, as he held her hand gently. She looked at him, scared. He slowly use the plunker and pinch hold onto the small piece of broken plate and he pulled it out carefully. Yun-Soon finched a little as her finger was bleeding again. Without knowing, Kikwang was out the blood to stop the bleeding. Yun-Soon looked at him.

  Yun-Soon's head moved a little as her fingers moved too. (flash back)

 "Gwen-chahn-ah-yo. There's only one fork. You can eat it" Kikwang said, politely. Yun-Soon shook her head no and held it out to him again, but aciddentally got some cream onto his lips. She bow and put the fork down as she grab a napkin. "It's okay" Kikwang said, as she wipe his mouth and at the same time he grab her hand. Yun-Soon looked at his hand, surprised. He lets her go as he took the napkin. "Thank you" Kikwang said, shyly as he wipe off the cream. Yun-Soon held her hand in her lap and was quiet. He looks at her who looked hurt. "Uh...Yun-Soonie?" Kikwang said. She looks up and he put some whip cream onto the tip of her nose. Yun-Soon was shocked as he was laughing. She then did the same thing and wiped it onto his cheek as she ran off. "Yah!" Kikwang smiled, as he stood up and chased after her with some cream on his fingers. "Ah" Yun-Soon scream, happily as she tried to avoid him. "Come here" Kikwang smiled, as he tried to get her back. 


 Kikwang stopped running and looked around, breathing heavily. He turn around and looks everywhere, as if everything around him was spinning. "Where are you...Yun-Soon ah..." Kikwang said in his head, tried from the running.




  okay! here u readers go! the longest chapter in this story! >_<

       i'll update more when i have time!!

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Hyejung #1
ahhh !! i got it now thanks ! i know im soo jung from im sorry i love you , amazing, have u seen it ? and lee yeon hee, i know her very well too ! shes pretty ! abt yeo min joo , i don't know her ! <br />
Anyway ur fic is really amazing, and i enjoyed it a lot ! please continue updating another times ^_^
baoxyooj #2
yup, the girl who played yun-soon is im soo jung, but the girl who played cho hee is yeo min joo n jung ji yul is lee yeon hee
Hyejung #3
Ah and i wanted to ask you , the girl that plays Yoon Sun is Im Soo Jung , and the girl that plays Cho Hee is Lee Dae Hee , right ? <br />
What abt the girl that's called Jung ji yul ? =D
Hyejung #4
I just finished reading your fanfic ! I really really loved it =D<br />
In the past chapters, i cried and it's one of my favourite fanfics ever ! i totally congratulate you girl , ur amazing <3<br />
I hope u write something like that again ! DAEBAAKK ! Thank you !
MissKiki #5
Nice ending~<3 xD
MissKiki #6
Thx for the update~<3 xD
Yes!:)<br />
You finally update:)<br />
You don't have to be sorry because it's not you fault.<br />
I feel more sorry because I'm new and I haven't write chapter 1 in my first fanfics(school, test and I have new rating A B C D E F).<br />
MissKiki #8
Cho hee 0.0 .... Omo Junnie has to save her..... Or Yun soon
MissKiki #9
Update~~~I already spammed u with comments >:D