Chapter 20

Silence of Love (Part 2)


  Late that night, Yun-Soon drove to Kikwang's house and parked outside the house for hours. Snow was falling and covered up the empty spaces of the ground. Yun-Soon looked up at the windows to see that all the lights were off. "Goodnight, Kikwang..." Yun-Soon said. Then, she starts the car and drove off, leaving a trails of the wheel marks behind in the snow.


A week later....

  Cho Hee was back at her house, sitting on her bed. She was holding onto the key necklace that Junhyung gave her.


   Cho Hee stared at it, sitting on her palm. She sighed as tears formed her eyes. Knock. Knock. "Princess, lunch is ready" a maid said from outside the door. "Neh" Cho Hee said, wiping the tears off her eyes. She quickly put on the necklace and got off her bed to the door.


 At Kikwang's house

   He study the note and then something came across his mind. "Soon..? Yun-Soon?" Kikwang said, surprised. He grabs the gold watch and looked at it. He turn to the back plate of the watch and there was it was....KK & YS written on the back. He quickly stood up and grabs his coat. But his phone rang which interupted him. "Yo-bo-sa-yo?" Kikwang answered. "Did you recieved the gift?" Kikwang thought for a while. "Shi Yoon?" Kikwang said, confused. "Neh. I'm Shi Yoon, Ji Yul's brother" Shi Yoon said. "Neh...I remember you" Kikwang said. "That's good. But let me tell you something" Shi Yoon said. Kikwang just listened. "Yun-Soon....she didn't left you" Shi Yoon said. Kikwang's expression was shocked.   


  Ding-Ding. "Welcome. What would you like to buy?" Minhyuk greeted the customer. "Let me look around first" the young lady said. "Neh" Minhyuk smiled. Mirae came down and looked around. "What are you looking for?" Minhyuk asked. "Unnie? Did you see her?" Mirae asked. "An-ni. I haven't seen her ever since last week when she told us to look after the store" Minhyuk said. "Yah? What if something bad happen to her? Unnie never comes late to work, ya know" Mirae said, looked at him. Minhyuk thought for a while and then he took out his phone from his pocket. "I'll call Noona, you help the customer when she's done looking around" Minhyuk said. Mirae turn to look at the customer as Minhyuk dial the number and went upstairs.


At the hair salon

  "Oh? Yun-Soon sshi, long time no see" Tae Yu said, surprised to see her. "Neh..." Yun-Soon said with a smile. "Huh? Your by yourself today?" Tae Yu asked, curiously. "Yeah...something like that" Yun-Soon said. "Ah...I see" Tae Yu said, nodded. "Uh...Tae Yu Unnie, do you mind giving me a new hair cut? I haven't cut it since that day you cutted for me" Yun-Soon said. "Sure. Have a seat and see what hairstyle you want to have. I'll be back in a bit" Tae Yu said. "Okay" Yun-Soon said, and then she went over to sit down and looked through the magazine.


Hours later....

   Kikwang was running in the mall, looking around. [flash back] "Yun-Soon...she really loves you, Kikwang. She told me to give you that gift, but instead I gave it to your people and had them gave it to you. Yun-Soon...she...she's still here in Seoul" Shi Yoon said. [flash back ends] " are you hiding away from me?" Kikwang said in his head, looking around. Ding-ding. "Oh? Kikwang ah" Tae Yu said, surprised. "Noona, did Yun-Soon perhaps came here by any chance?" Kikwang asked, looked at her. "Yun-Soon? Neh...she came to get a haircut earlier, wae?" Tae Yu said. "When did she leave?" Kikwang asked. "Just an hour ago" Tae Yu said. Kikwang turn back and ran out. "Wait!" Tae Yu called after him, but he was already out the door.


This was Yun-Soon's new haircut:

   She was walking around the mall and stop outside a store when she saw a reflection of herself. "Is this really me...? Someone like me...doesn't deserve to be a Princess from the "Park Family" Yun-Soon said in her head. Suddenly, she saw a fimilar figure on the other side in the reflection. "Kikwang?" Yun-Soon said, shocked. Kikwang stopped and looked around, catching his breath. Yun-Soon turned around and saw him, looking around wildly. As his face turned towards her way, his eyes met hers. Yun-Soon's heart ship a beat. "Yun-Soon" Kikwang said. She couldn't look at him and ran off. "Yun-Soon!" Kikwang called her name, and then he ran after her. Yun-Soon ah! Wait!" Kikwang called from behind her. Yun-Soon was running down the stairs, not looking behind her. Kikwang chased her though people were crowding everywhere. "Yun-Soon ah!" Kikwang said, when she made it to the doors and ran out of the mall.


  Yun-Soon looked around and ran to the streets. "Taxi!" Yun-Soon called, waving out her hand. Kikwang came out just when the she got into the taxi. "An-ni. Yun-Soon!" Kikwang said, ran to the taxi, but then it drove off before he could reach it. "Where are you going, miss" the driver asked. Yun-Soon saw in the rear mirror, Kikwang running after them, so she turn around to look back. "Stop the car!" Kikwang called. "Huh? Is that a friend of yours?" the driver asked, when he looked into the rear mirror. "Just keep driving, sir. Please" Yun-Soon said, looked at the driver. "Neh" the driver said, nods. "Yun-Soon ah! Please stop the car!" Kikwang yelled. Yun-Soon's eyes were tearing up. "Ah-jah-sshi, can you go faster?" Yun-Soon said. The driver step on the acceleration harder as the car moved faster. Kikwang started to slow down and came to a stop. His eyes were teary as he watched the taxi getting away farther from him. "Wae? Why are you running away from me, Yun-Soon" Kikwang said in his head, as he was catching his breath.   



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Hyejung #1
ahhh !! i got it now thanks ! i know im soo jung from im sorry i love you , amazing, have u seen it ? and lee yeon hee, i know her very well too ! shes pretty ! abt yeo min joo , i don't know her ! <br />
Anyway ur fic is really amazing, and i enjoyed it a lot ! please continue updating another times ^_^
baoxyooj #2
yup, the girl who played yun-soon is im soo jung, but the girl who played cho hee is yeo min joo n jung ji yul is lee yeon hee
Hyejung #3
Ah and i wanted to ask you , the girl that plays Yoon Sun is Im Soo Jung , and the girl that plays Cho Hee is Lee Dae Hee , right ? <br />
What abt the girl that's called Jung ji yul ? =D
Hyejung #4
I just finished reading your fanfic ! I really really loved it =D<br />
In the past chapters, i cried and it's one of my favourite fanfics ever ! i totally congratulate you girl , ur amazing <3<br />
I hope u write something like that again ! DAEBAAKK ! Thank you !
MissKiki #5
Nice ending~<3 xD
MissKiki #6
Thx for the update~<3 xD
Yes!:)<br />
You finally update:)<br />
You don't have to be sorry because it's not you fault.<br />
I feel more sorry because I'm new and I haven't write chapter 1 in my first fanfics(school, test and I have new rating A B C D E F).<br />
MissKiki #8
Cho hee 0.0 .... Omo Junnie has to save her..... Or Yun soon
MissKiki #9
Update~~~I already spammed u with comments >:D