Sparks Fly

Because Of You


Ahhhh >w<, rainy days always bring me so much inspiration. The past days rain where I live, it was pretty cool and refreshing.

So here is another chapter full of cuteness and fluffiness and funny moments with Simon and Kryber XD

I hope you guys really like it, I found myself smiling at it while checking it.



So here is, a full chapter of Kryber been Kryber xD



Don’t forget to comment and thanks for all the love, keep giving me love and support please




[Author’s advice: You should listen to this song while reading at least the first part of this chapter, it will make the words sink even deeper and it will make you guys feel all fluffy inside :D

( “Stolen” By Dashboard Confessional)]



Author’s POV:

Amber and Krystal wave their hands at the people in the car, Taeyeon seems tense to drive but she told Fanny she will drive. Key and Jong were cuddling in the backseat and they were smiling at the couple.

“Don’t have too much fun Krystal” Key said while smirking

“Ok, we’re out, take care kids and don’t forget that Jessica and Taeckyeon will come for Krystal on Sunday at 9 am sharp. Take care! We love you! Have fun!!” Fanny yells to them while Taeyeon start driving.

“They’re crazy” Amber said while smiling

“Yeah, but they’re the best, so what are we going to do today?” Krystal said while intertwined her hands

“Why don’t we go to buy something to cook together?” Amber suggested.

“Yeah, sounds great…what we’re cooking?” Krystal ask while following the older girl to the apartment to grab their things

“Don’t know, what do you want?” Amber ask her while opening the apartment to her

“Mmm, what we can eat?” Krystal ask back

“We need to solve this, if not we’ll starve to death when we live together” Amber state while chuckling

Krystal froze on her spot when she heard Amber, she smile realizing Amber had a future with two of them already planned

“We always can buy food” Krystal said while grabbing Amber’s hand again

“Haha, ok, but for now why don’t we make some pasta and lasagna?” Amber led the way to the little market near the house

“Emm, can we invite Simon and Suzy?” Krystal ask softly

“Why? I thought you will want to keep warm each other tonight” Amber wriggles her eyebrows

“Amber” Krystal pinch Amber’s arm

“Aww, I’m sorry, I was kidding. Of course we can invite them, but what’s with this shyness about the topic?” Amber ask her while grabbing a basket to put the things they need

“I…I don’t want that our relationship is based on that” Krystal whisper

“Babe, our relationship is not based on that, we barely do that, the two days we spent at the house beach were amazing but because it felt like we were living together, waking up next to you, made breakfast, watch TV, kiss and hug and cuddle. We made it two times in those 2 days, one once the day we play the game where I run everywhere, the other one was when I was leaving. Is not like we’re bunnies you know? Also is just a part of the relationship, not our relationship” Amber explain to the younger one while pointing at some vegetables for Krystal to put them in the basket

“You’re right, is just that, I want to be your air…I’m kind of selfish I know, but I really don’t know what would I do if I don’t have you by my side” Krystal said while looking at her

“Aww, you’re so cute Soojung” Amber said trying to make her laugh but she was pinch again.

They were walking hand in hand, Amber was holding the basket and Krystal will put the things in it. Krystal was completely comfortable, she didn’t even notice once a person looking at them or throwing a weird stare nor glaring to them like sometimes happen at home.

“Anything else?” The cashier ask them

“No, that’s all” Amber said looking at all the things

“Babe, can we buy this?” Krystal was holding an ice cream bucket

“Yeah, we need some desert after all…and this please” Amber said to the cashier

The cashier looks at them with a serious look, and continue marking the things. Then when she told them the amount of money she notices the two younger girls fighting to pay the food. She just smiles to these two kids in front of her, the one with long hair win and pay her.

“Excuse me but are you two a couple?” She ask softly

“Yes” Krystal answer with a blank face

“You two look completely adorable, here is your change young lady” The cashier smiles to them and give the change to Krystal

“Thanks” Krystal smile to her and grab Amber’s hand and some bags

Amber’s POV:

“Okay, so we need to put the pasta in some water and oil, we need to do the sauce for the pasta and we need to cut some vegetables for side dish. To the lasagna we need to prepare the meat and the cheese” I smile to Krystal, she looks kind of insecure

“Don’t worry, you need to learn how to cook” I reassured her

“But you’re going to help me don’t you?” She ask me with a scared face

“I’ll help you” I said while putting an apron

“Here” I give her an apron.

She put herself next to me and listens to me with such focus to listen the instructions that made me feel warm inside. This girl has completely stole my heart

“Ok, now you put a little bit of oil on the pasta and you put these herbs” I said to her while chopping some vegetables.

“Ok, now how we do the meat?” She ask me with a cute face

I clean my hands after I put the vegetables on a pot with butter and black pepper. I went towards her and tuck some of her hair behind her ear clearing her face, she smile at me at made a cute pout, I peck her lips and smile to her.

“You’re so cute” I said to her

“Not as much as you” She reply to me

I kiss her cheek and then turn to grab the ingredients to the meat. I grab some onions, some coriander and tomato sauce. I put them next to the stove and look at Krys, she look at me with a cute pout. I chuckle at her. I put myself behind her and grab her arms, I made her grab the meat and put it in a little pan, then I move her to cut some pieces of onions and coriander, then I made her put them on the meat and then I made her put the tomato sauce.

“Then you just grab the jar and put some water on it, you close it and then you shake it for a bit, after that you open the jar again and put the content over the meat again” I explain while grabbing a spoon to mix the meat.

“But why?” She ask me while taking the spoon

“Because that way you use all the tomato sauce” I said while poking her face, I turn to see the past and the veggies.

“Okay, I’ll start to make the pasta sauce, just mix it and when you notice that is already done you turn off the stove” I said to her while grabbing the blender

I put some cream, some pieces of jalapeños and coriander, onions, and put them in with a little bit of milk. I mix them together until it was a greenish sauce.

“Done” Krystal said to me while tasting the meat

“Okay, now we need to put the container here, now you’re going to put a layer of meat then a layer of cheese, then you will put the lasagna layers on top and then you repeat all of it until you end up with a lasagna layer on top and then you just spread cheese all over it. After that we will put it on the oven ok?” I explain to her.

I remember that I need to call Simon, so I went for my cell phone, I start calling Simon while getting to the kitchen again, I was sure Krystal will kill me if I left her alone.

What are you doing?” She ask me

“Calling Simon” I said to her while kissing her cheek


  • Hey!
  • Hey, what’s up?
  • Well, me and Krys were cooking and she told me that it would be nice if you and Suzy come to eat with us
  • Oh…yeah, the thing is… -Amber you’re on speaker and we are having ice cream with Dana- Suzy don’t yell

I turn to see Krystal, she smile to me, I put my hand over the phone so they couldn’t hear me.

“Ehm, they put me on speaker and they we’re having some ice cream with Dana, can we invite her too?” I ask her Krystal smile to me and took the phone of my hand

  • Hey guys, of course, it will be nice to have some dinner, actually Amber had already call Daniel so I guess it will be you guys, us and Daniel
  • That sound good, well Dana said she is ok with that and Simon is pretty happy about it too
  • Ok, so I guess we see you at…6?
  • Yeah, sounds good, see you Krys –Bye!- Amber!...]

“There” Krystal gives me the phone back

“Ah…why did you say we have invite Daniel?” I ask her

“Because you will invite him, that way Dana won’t be alone” She explain to me

Such a bad liar

“Are you trying to pair Daniel with Dana? Just because you’re jealous” I ask her while back hugging her

“Maybe” She reply to me but her eyes never leave the container

“Why at 6?” I ask her

“Don’t know, I think is a nice hour, and that way we still have some 3 hours to get ready and to finish these” She explains to me

“Ok, I’ll call him then” I said to her


  • …Hello?
  • Hey Daniel
  • Yeah, what’s up?
  • Well Krystal and I were cooking and Krystal thought it will be nice to eat together, I already call Simon, he will come with Suzy and Dana
  • Eh…Dana?
  • Haven’t you talked to her?
  • I did…what time?
  • 6 sharp
  • Ok, I’ll be there, you guys need something?
  • Mmm no, actually can you bring something to drink?
  • WHAT?
  • I mean like soda or tea, no more alcohol for you
  • Oh…yea, I’ll bring something
  • Ok
  • See you then]

“There, everyone is coming” I said to her

“I think this is ready” She said to me while showing me the container

“It looks really good, ok, why don’t you go to take a bath and get ready while I end up these things, then I’ll take a bath and get ready while you keep an eye on this on the oven” I said while looking at the pasta

“Ok” She pecks me and leave to take a bath

I keep getting everything ready, I put the little table we have and I clean a little bit while still checking the things in the kitchen, I turn to see the clock and notice we still have time to put everything on the table. I went to the kitchen and start to put the pasta on a container while putting the sauce I made on top. I cover it with foil, I look at the oven that was already on, I put the lasagna first and then I put the pasta. I close the little oven and went to sit at the couch for a while.

Krystal’s POV:

I came out of the room after taking a shower and get ready, I saw my sweet dinollama resting on the couch. I got near her and look at her, she was snoring softly, I smile and kiss her lips. She moves her head and opens her eyes at the contact.

“Wake up sleepy head” I said while caressing her face

“What time it is?” She looks at me with sleepy eyes

“5 pm, go and get ready, just tell me what I need to do” I said to her

“Well, the lasagna and the pasta are in the oven, can you put the veggies on a container and put them on the oven too, but put them in the first grill, covert them and can you put the glasses on the table? I forget to put them” She told me while stretching

“Okay, go and take a bath, I have everything under control” I said to her while pushing her slightly to the room

I put the veggies on the oven and then put the glasses on the table. I was going to the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door.

I open the door and saw Daniel standing there awkwardly, with a bag on his left hand and he was rubbing his neck with her right hand. He look at me and smile softly, I move so he could pass.

“I guess I came a little bit too early” He said to me

“Yeah, let me tell Amber you’re here okay?” I went to the room and knock on the door.

“Babe, Daniel is here” I said to her kind of loud

“WHAT?” She yells at me

“I SAID DANIEL’S HERE” I yell at her

“OKAY” She yells at me back


“OKAY” I yell back

Daniel looks at me and then to the room, I glare at him and took the bag off her hands.

“Rude” He mumbles behind me

“Look, I try to be nice, but is obvious you had fall for my girl, now the things are like this: She is mine, I don’t appreciate you look at her with those lovey dovey eyes nor you touch her too much, I didn’t even touch her at the party because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable but don’t test me. Now is also obvious you do something dumb at the party with Dana, she is a nice girl don’t play with her or I’ll kill you. Now, I know Amber is amazing, and I also know that the most likely is that I don’t deserve her, but I try my best every day to be worth for her, so please, don’t you dare to take her away from me” I said feeling my eyes got teary

He look at me with wide eyes open, I close my eyes and turn to the other side trying to hold my tears.

“Eh…I wouldn’t even think in do something like that…and she is crazy for you, I don’t stand a chance. And of course you’re worth it for her, now I did something dumb with Dana but I think in something she said to me when we talk, I’ve been thinking in that, that’s why I’m here, I want to tell you that I wish only the best for you two and she is indeed my best friend, so I can stand away from her but I won’t do anything else. Now what about we start again? My name is Daniel, Amber’s my best friend” He offer me his hand

“Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Amber’s girlfriend, my name is Krystal” I said while grabbing her hand

“Now, why don’t we put these things at the kitchen and sit on the couch to talk a little?” He smiles at me and I just smile at him.

“Okay, sounds good” I said while following him

We went to sit at the couch and we start talking about how school was and how he was taking two majors. About what I want to study and where would I apply, he was really a nice kid, I was more than sure that if Amber like boys, he would be the best choice for her.

“So, you like architecture?” He ask me with wide eyes

“Yeah, is hard to believe?” I ask him back

“Well, I thought you will be like a fashion designer or maybe an interior designer” He shrug his shoulder and I glare at him but in a playful way

“Well I like architecture, I’m still looking where is good to study. I’ve been thinking in a school in Arizona, it’s actually the school of a famous architect” I explain to him

“Who?” He ask me

“You don’t know him” I said

“Don’t be like that, maybe I do” He looks at me with a cute smile

“Frank Lloyd Wright” I said

He starts to nod and laughing cutely, so I smile, I thought he knew who it was until I heard her reply.

“You’re right I don’t have any clue about who is he” He said while laughing loudly

“You’re a dork like Amber” I said to him

“Does Amber know you want to study architecture?” He ask while cleaning the tears of laugh that came out of his eyes

“We have talk about it but the last time I also tell her that I want to study photography” I said while looking at the clock

“It’s time to take out the food” I said more to myself

“Let’s go then” He got up and looks at me

“Okay” I said while leading the way to the kitchen

We take out the food and we put it on the table, we also put the teas and sodas he had brought in the table, we were putting some napkins when Amber came out of the room.

“You really took your time to bath don’t you?” Daniel teases her

“I…actually fell asleep on the shower” She smiles shyly at us

“Ow, you’re tired, don’t you?” I ask her while tapping her nose


“A little, but I’m good now” Amber went to open the door, Simon, Suzy and Dana came in

“Hey” Daniel says happily to them

“Did you come here earlier?” Simon looks at Daniel with a serious face

“I ask him if he could bring something to drink, that’s why he got earlier” I said to them

“Yes, Krystal and I, we are good friend don’t we?” He put and arm over my shoulder

But Amber took his arm away and pulls me towards her, she hugs me and glare playfully at Daniel.

“Come on, is not like I’m going to take her away from you” Daniel whines

“Don’t care, don’t touch her” Amber state while kissing my head

Everyone laugh, we took our place in the little table and we start talking about random things.

We sit at the table serving the food, Dana and Daniel were sitting in front of each other and Simon was next to me, while Suzy and Amber were in front of us.

“Who made this?” Dana ask with a cute face while pointing at the lasagna

“I did” I said with a worry face

“It’s amazing, you need to give me the recipe Krystal” She beam at me while grabbing another piece for her.

“Of course” I said with a wide smile to her while eating my pasta

“So, are you guys had planned something for tomorrow?” Simon ask us while eating veggies

“You need to eat pasta and lasagna too” Suzy poke his hand with her fork

“But the veggies are pretty good” He said with his serious face

“Simon…eat…”Suzy look at him with a straight face, Simon sigh and put some pasta on his plate

“Someone is whipped” Daniel say while making the sound of a whip

“Hahahaha” Dana and Amber laugh at this

I turn to see Amber and glare at her, she stops laughing and continue eating peacefully, and she even ask Simon to pass her some soda.

“Aww everyone is whip” Daniel make the sound again and Dana and him laugh loudly

“We like been whip thank you very much” Simon reply while eating the pasta

“Yeah” Amber said after him while drinking soda

We continue eating and talking about how awesome will be if I knew their school and how tired they get and how they want to be in High School again. I just laugh at their faces when they remember been in High School.

“Oh, Amber I didn’t tell you, remember the boy who was my friend from childhood?” Suzy ask Amber while putting a piece of lasagna on Simon’s plate

“Oh, yeah, you find him?” Amber ask her while passing Daniel a napkin

“Yeah, you’re looking at him” Suzy smile at her

“Simon?” Amber ask with a cute smile

“No” Suzy shook her head with a smile

“Then who?” Amber ask her

“Me” Daniel rub the back of his neck while shyly smiling

“YOU” Amber said quiet loudly

“Yeah, I used to play with Suzy, we didn’t recognize us because, well Suzy had short hair and that time and I was a little chubby back then” Daniel admit softly

“You were…big for your age that’s all, but yeah, he start to talk to me and Jay at class and then she mention she spend summer vacation at his grandma house, then I ask her where her grandma lived and he told the address and I start laughing, then I ask him if he remember the little girl who play with him and he start laughing when he found out it was me” Suzy said while flicking Daniel’s forehead

“She’s been crazy since she’s a kid” Daniel state while showing his tongue out to her

“She is not crazy” Simon state while a red blush went to his cheeks; he got up and give a punch in Daniel’s shoulder

“Awww” Daniel said while rubbing his shoulder

“Hahaha, she is crazy and you are crazy too” Amber said while drinking some soda

Simon looks at her, just when Amber swallows her drink he punch her on her shoulder too, Amber look at him with a pout.

“Aww” She said to him

“You deserve it…both of you” Simon said while serving himself more veggies

“You really like veggies don’t you?” I ask him with a smile

“I do, my mom always cook a lot of veggies, so maybe is because of that” He smile at me and continue eating.

We finish eating and Daniel and Suzy help me to make the dessert, ice cream with cookies. We eat it while talking about how beautiful it was to walk at downtown at night with all the people doing their things.

“Well, I guess it’s time to leave” Daniel said while watching his clock

“Yeah, it’s pretty late, Bom is going to kill me…again” Suzy said with a giggle

“Let’s go then, Dana, where do you live?” Simon ask her while getting up

“I can take her home don’t worry, she kind of lives near me” Daniel said to him while smiling at Amber

“Well, this was pretty amazing, you really know how to cook Krystal, we hope we can eat something else made by you later. By Amber, take care both of you ok?” Suzy hug me and hug Amber

“Well, thanks for the food, see you later” Simon hug Amber and wave his hand at me

He is still scare of me

“Ok, thanks for everything, see you later then peace out” Daniel run to hug both of us and then he jump the door frame while making a “V” sign

“Dork, bye guys, thanks for inviting me, rest and take care” Dana smile to both of us and left while following Daniel

We close the door and start cleaning everything, we clean the dishes and we put some ice cream for later, we clean the table and we clean the living room.

“So you and Daniel are good now?” Amber ask me while grabbing her ice cream

“Yeah, we talk when you were bathing, he is quite amusing” I said to her while putting some things in the garbage bin.

“He is, that’s why Dana likes him” She said to me while her spoon

“She does?” I said with a fake shock

“Haha, ok, I’m kind of dense sorry” She said to me with a cute smile

“You are dense indeed, but I love you that way love” I sit next to her while eating my ice cream

“This…feels really good” I said to her while snuggling on her neck while eating. She just nods at me and turn the TV on

“I feel like we’re an old couple” Amber said to me

“We’re not old…well you are but I’m young” I

“You’re right, I’m old” She gives in while hugging me

“Amber…” I whisper to her

I put the ice cream on the table next to the couch and lean towards her, she look at me with a confuse face, I just smile to her while closing the gap between us, I kiss her softly but the kiss turn into something else, something deeper. I was now sitting on her lap with my legs on each side of hers. Her hands were on my lower back holding me while my hands were on her hair, tangled with their locks.

“Krystal…bedroom…wait…”She try to mumble between kisses but I keep kissing her

“Suzy…will kill me if she find out we were doing this on the couch” She cut the kiss and put her forehead on mine

“I won’t tell her…are you going to tell her?” I kiss her cheek

“Haha, you’re really too much sometimes” She whisper to me

“But you love me Amber” I said while kissing her jaw

“Ok…now, I need to be strong” She mumbles to me

“What?” I said but then I gasp when I feel Amber getting up

By instinct I wrap my legs on her waist and grab tightly on her neck, she chuckles at me

“Do you really think I’ll let you fall?” She asks me while opening the bedroom door.

“No, but you shock me” I reply honestly while she lie me on the bed

“You don’t want to try something new?” I ask her

“You’re my princess, believe that, at least to me, is better if you’re in a comfortable place instead a couch or a car, I want you to be comfortable…I want to treat you like a queen babe” Amber explain me while smiling at me

“You’re starting to talk like Taeyeon” I said while chuckling

“I do right? But I’m me” She said while lying herself on top of me

“Now…what we were doing?” She ask me while planting sweet kisses on my neck

“We were going to sleep” I said while turning my body

“Okay then” She hug me from behind and I frown

Is she really not going to fight for it?

“Amber?” I turn to see her, she was snoring softly

I got on top of her and I poke her cheek, she suddenly open her eyes and sit on the bed making me almost fell off the bed, she hug me and kiss me deeply on the lips.

“You scared me” I mumble to her

“Well you were playing with me, I thought doing the same thing to you” She explain while her hands start to rub my hip bone

“Someone is impatient” I said with a smirk

“No, I just really like to caress this part of you, and you love it too” She smiles at me

“You’re too much” I said to her while kissing her on the lips

“I now” And with that we stop talking.






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Is it possible to ask for Krystal's pov as I don't understand why she did the things she did in the last 4 chapters?
Chapter 63: Amber was right the whol time. Krystal left first.
Countingme #3
When I'm listening to Maroon 5 good night good night it remain me this fiction.
then I'm so sad very sad.
I think of it. Why they have to break up and their love just be the memories,the first love of each other.
I guess because I've read so much fictions and most of them was happy ending.
But I know in real life we all could confront the truth. There is no happy ending in the real life.
I really loved someone and think that she will be the last but then we broke up.

you right The first love is never forgotten.
Countingme #4
Chapter 63: I'm sad but thank you so much.
Kyunggie_MRA #5
Chapter 63: That was great, slightly heartbreaking, but amazing nonetheless. I cried during the funeral and when Amber flipped and as I approached the end, I didn't want the story to finish. Although realistic, my kryber heart died a little at the ending. However, it was still an awesome story.
kryber97 #6
Chapter 45: great great great !!!!
eka318 #7
Chapter 63: That was great it was the first.story were they dont end.up together but its realistic none of them had experience of being in an actuall realationship come on how Many people end up with their first love .... That is why LOVE is the one that hurts.the.most but its that shows you love and how to forget cuz.eventually you have to.forget :) love the story
Chapter 63: Nooooooo!!! Why did they have to end up like that? Why did kryber have to go their separate ways? Please write another chapter and make them back together TT___TT