Fall To Pieces

Because Of You

Amber’s POV:

I was under a tree trying to read some notes that I made yesterday when I feel someone looking at me so I turn my head and notice Suzy looking at me with a wide smile.

“You’re a creeper” I mumble at her

“Only for you” Suzy sits next to me

“What’s up Suzy?” I said while trying to search for my eraser

“Here…well not much” Suzy reply while giving me the eraser

“Come one, something’s bothering you…did I leave my dirty clothes on the floor again?” I ask kind of worry

“No, is just…your friend Simon, he kind of remind me a friend I have when I was a kid…but I don’t recall his name so I don’t know if it’s him” Suzy seems pretty stress out by the matter

“Why don’t you just ask him?” I look at her with a serious face

“I don’t know, if he is my old friend it will be awkward that we don’t know each other anymore if he’s not then it will be even more awkward” Suzy explain to me

“Don’t know what to do” Suzy mumble while lying on the grass

“You’ll figure it out” I reply while reading the notes again

“Thanks…I guess…you’re busy lately Amber, you don’t have time to talk to me” Suzy pout at me with a cute chuckle

“I need to finish all the things to do because I need to be in touch with Krys” I mumble while erasing some notes

“You push yourself too much, I’m pretty sure that Krystal understands that you’re busy” Suzy reply to me

“You don’t know her the way I do, she’ll start to feel neglected even if she unsertsands that I’m busy, deep inside her the monster will tell her she is been neglected” I explain to her with a little smile.

“You two are made for each other, you’ll get married and have tons of kids” Suzy roll on the grass with a giggle

“You’re going to live alone with thousands of animals” I reply to her

“Hahaha” Suzy reply to me while punching my shoulder

“Okay, I need to finish this” I mumble remembering all the things I have to do

I had to finish this homework or I won’t be able to call Krystal, also I have to study for tomorrow’s test and I almost forget the stupid couple homework for Science of Communication. I try to work as fast as I could so I could head to the library to do the assignment with Simon. I have to finish it all so I could call Krystal. it’s been 2 weeks since she called me after our talk on Skype. I’ve been pretty busy with school and I don’t want her to feel neglected.

“There, now to finish the other thing” I mumble to myself while getting up and run to the library

“Hey…bye” Suzy yell at me but I didn’t turn to see her

I get to the library and start to look for Simon, I found him already doing some research for the assignment.

“Hey” I mumble to him

“Hey…you look stress out” Simon stare at me with a calm face

“I am, let’s start this because I need to go home and call Krys” I reply to him while getting all my things ready

“Okay…don’t worry we’ll finish it quickly” He pat my shoulder and start to show me the information he had already

We work so fast, I know Simon was trying to help me to get in time to call Krystal, after a while we only need to settle some little details, Simon just chuckle at them and told me I should go home and he would take care of them.

Why people feel scared of you? Seriously, you’re such a nice dude

“Thanks Simon, see you tomorrow” I hug him tightly and left towards my home

When I was on my way I remember to check my cell phone, I realized I have left them on the department, I sigh feeling kind of heavy, I knew Krystal will be mad at me.

When I got to the apartment I went to check my cell phone, I almost chocked on my own saliva when I saw all the missed calls, it was a crazy list of 32 missed calls from Krystal so I start to write her a message knowing my girlfriend she wouldn’t pick up if I call her now, 3 missed calls from Minho and 1 missed call from…


Krystal’s POV:

I was on my house finishing my homework waiting for Amber to call me, she’s been so busy lately I’ve been starting to feel neglected, but I know I should understand that she’s busy. I sigh and throw my notebook to the floor, I lie on my bed hugging Amber’s pillow trying to feel her sense.

“Hey Krys-…What are you doing?” Jessica look at me with a weird face when she notice me hugging the dirty pillow

“Nothing, what do you need?” I glare at her and then close my eyes

“I wander if you want to join me and Taeck to buy some ice cream, it will be quick and you can bring your cell phone with you, you need some air sister” Jessie sits at the edge of the bed and tap my leg

“Okay, you’re right, let’s go” I jump from my bed and pull her out of my room

Taeckyeon was on the couch playing with Kryber, he turns to see us with a smile, he throws the ball to Kryber and he just grabs it and start to bite it.

“He’s pretty smart and cute” Taeck smile at me

“Of course, his mom loves math and riddles and her mommy is beautiful” I wink at Kryber

“His mommy also is a weird woman who hugs dirty pillows” Jessica mumbles while sticking her tongue out to me

“Whatever, let’s go” I try to push them towards the door.

We arrive to the ice cream store and I decide to wait for them to buy the ice cream on the little tables outside the store, I grab my cell phone, it was already 6 pm and Amber hasn’t called me. I decide that I should call her.

“Come one…pick up Amber Josephine Liu” I whisper to no one

I call her many times but she didn’t pick up, I start to get mad, all my patience and coolness was drifting away from me when I feel someone taping my head.

“What th-“I froze when I notice the person that I didn’t expect to see

“Hi Kry Kry…how are you?” Jiyoung sits in front of me

“What do you want Jiyoung?” I try to stay calm even if deep inside I was scared

“Nothing much, I’m moving out, my parents wants to be close to the country fields, but I think I should let you know I was going to be out of your life for good…You don’t have to be worry for me anymore” Jiyoung smile softly at me and stood up

“Oh…why don’t you try to call her another 10 times? Maybe she’ll pick up now or maybe not, I mean she is New York surrounded by mature, beautiful and outgoing girls 24/7. Of course she will pick your call, the call of her sweet and young, not mature enough girlfriend who’s still in High School and still needs help with her Math assignment…come one, try again to call her to see if she’ll pick up now” Jiyoung leave me there with her words sinking deep in my brain.

“Hey, Krys are you okay? What that girl wants now?” Jessica appear with my ice cream looking at Jiyoung direction with a glare

  “Nothing” I mumble feeling like the tears were going to start rolling my face

We walk home and I keep trying to call her but she didn’t pick up, when we reach the house I run to my room and locked myself in, I try to call her but she still didn’t pick up, I throw my cell phone at the desk and went towards my bed, I start crying so hard, Jiyoung was right I was only a young girl, wasn’t mature enough, I was a kid and Amber was surrounded by beautiful women, I cry myself to sleep.

“Krys…Wake up sweetie” My mom was caressing my cheek

“What time it is?” I sit on my bed lazily

“its 6 am honey, you need to get ready for school, did you cry last night?” My mom ask me worried after seen my puffy eyes

“Yeah…I’ll get ready” I try to escape but my mom got me by the arm

“Soojung, you know she is doing everything to keep up with you, with school, with everything, honey she’ll be busy sometimes, you need to understand that” My mom was hugging me

“I’m not mature enough for this mom, I’m not” I start to cry again

“Sweetie, you think that your daddy will let you spent two days alone with Amber on the beach if he didn’t think you’re mature enough?” My mom wiped my tears

“I just miss her so much mom” I whisper hiding myself on her shoulder

“We know honey, I bet she misses you more than you miss her, she’s trying, you should try too, now go and get ready for school” My mom kiss my on the forehead and left towards downstairs.

Amber…I just need to hear your voice

When I finish to get ready, I start to put all the things in my backpack, I start to look for cell phone and find it on the desk, where I throw it last night, it was off, I guess I throw it so hard that just turn off. I turn it on and start to make my way downstairs when I notice a message on the screen.

[From: Baby Koala

To: Princess

Princess I’m so sorry I try to finish everything so I could call you but I didn’t check my cell phone, please don’t get mad, I’m so sorry, I’ll try to call you tomorrow…I love you]

I smile softly to the message and try to remember what mom told me, I grab a bottle of water and start to walk towards the door, I made my way towards the school, it was weird but Sully and I sometimes walk together but now, Sully was nowhere to be found. I sigh and keep walking.

“I should have brought my Mp3 player with me” I mumble when notice that Sully didn’t get to school.

In lunch time Luna and I sit and try to find out why Sully hasn’t appear for School today. We got tired to call her and sending messages.

I guess it runs in the family to not pick up my calls

“Hey Krys, how are you? You know with the entire long distance relationship thing” Luna keeps munching on her sandwich

“I don’t know, every day that passes by I feel like less and less prepare for it…actually Jiyoung talk to me yesterday” I stop eating while saying the last phrase

“WHAT?” Luna yell, like usual, at me

“Keep your voice down” I mumble to her

“Sorry, what?” Luna seems completely shock about it

“I went to buy ice cream with Jessica and Taeck, I was waiting for them outside when she just appear, she told me she was moving out from the city and then she told me that I should keep trying to call Amber, that she will pick my call, the call from her young not mature who still needs help for her math homework girlfriend, and she even told me that Amber is surrounded by beautiful women 24/7…I got depressed after she didn’t pick up my calls and then what Jiyoung said…I don’t know Luna” I put my head on the table trying to stop the tears for coming down

“I can’t believe my eyes” Luna mumbles while poking my head

“Stop it, I don’t want to people see me cry…please stop it Luna” I try to shrug her finger away but she keep insisting.

 “What? Can you see I’m crying?” I lost my temper at her

“God, just turn around” Luna rolled her eyes at me

I turn annoyed at where she told me to see, I feel like my heart stop beating, I couldn’t believe what I just see in front of me. All the tears that I’ve been holding or trying to hold start to rolled down my cheeks, I got up from my seat and stood there looking at her, I wasn’t sure if I was awake anymore, it feels like a dream.

“Krys…go” Luna pushes me

I start to walk towards her, but my legs were shaking so much, I feel like my lungs will collapse, but there was one thing that made me feel courage to walk and hug her. Her face was cover with tears. I feel my heart breaking as I was close enough to see her face.

“Krys…” Her croaky voice and tears tear me apart

“Baby, what’s wrong? What are you doing here?” I grab her face and she just hugs me tightly, she hides her face on the crook of my neck

“Krys…I…” She was trying to talk but nothing came out, she was broken and I didn’t understand why, her dad was standing behind her crying too.

Oh my God, what happen?

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Is it possible to ask for Krystal's pov as I don't understand why she did the things she did in the last 4 chapters?
Chapter 63: Amber was right the whol time. Krystal left first.
Countingme #3
When I'm listening to Maroon 5 good night good night it remain me this fiction.
then I'm so sad very sad.
I think of it. Why they have to break up and their love just be the memories,the first love of each other.
I guess because I've read so much fictions and most of them was happy ending.
But I know in real life we all could confront the truth. There is no happy ending in the real life.
I really loved someone and think that she will be the last but then we broke up.

you right The first love is never forgotten.
Countingme #4
Chapter 63: I'm sad but thank you so much.
Kyunggie_MRA #5
Chapter 63: That was great, slightly heartbreaking, but amazing nonetheless. I cried during the funeral and when Amber flipped and as I approached the end, I didn't want the story to finish. Although realistic, my kryber heart died a little at the ending. However, it was still an awesome story.
kryber97 #6
Chapter 45: great great great !!!!
eka318 #7
Chapter 63: That was great it was the first.story were they dont end.up together but its realistic none of them had experience of being in an actuall realationship come on how Many people end up with their first love .... That is why is.call.FIRST LOVE is the one that hurts.the.most but its the.one that shows you how.to love and how to forget cuz.eventually you have to.forget :) love the story
Chapter 63: Nooooooo!!! Why did they have to end up like that? Why did kryber have to go their separate ways? Please write another chapter and make them back together TT___TT