Goodbye Party

Because Of You

The graduation had come. All the families were gather at the gym to see the graduated. The ceremony is not really what was important, it was the accomplishment for the graduated, the beginning of their new life as college students to fulfill their dreams.

“I can’t believe you’re going to New York while I will go to Canada with Bora” Henry was excited

“I still sense some fishy things that you and her suddenly realize that both of you want to be chefs and that both of you were accepted at the same school” Key start teasing Henry

“Hey, don’t be like that” Henry pout at him

“Ok, ok. No pouting, no teasing, just smile guys” Amber smile as one of the photographer of the event went towards them

“So, tonight at 8 right?” Henry turn around before heading towards his family

“Yes, be on time Henry, bring Bora and remember to bring your personality” Key more

“Yeah, and you don’t forget to lock the diva” Henry scream

“That little punk” Key said with a wide smile

“You were teasing him” Amber reply softly

“What’s the matter with you? By now you should be crying because you will never see me again?” Key pretend to be hurt

“One, I will see you at family reunions, two I won’t cry for you, three I was thinking” Amber reply bluntly

“Uh you thinking only involves problems” Key blurt out

“Yeah, that’s how a diva will think” Amber start running before Key could catch her

“What’s the matter to be a Diva?” Key ask himself when suddenly Luna jump on her back

“Congratulation Kibum” Luna shout to him

“Thanks sis” Key reply jumping with Luna

On the other side of the gym, The Liu family was waiting for her daughter to appear.

“There she is, come here Jo” Adam stood up and hugs her daughter tightly

“We’re so proud of you sweetheart” Linda also hug her daughter

Amber just smile at them and then turn to her siblings that already were hugging her tightly”

“Our baby grew so fast” Hae was almost crying

“We’re so proud of you, you graduate with one of the highest scores” Jong smile while ruffling her hair

“You’re always been so smart Baby Am, keep it that way at the NYU” Fanny kiss her cheek.

“Ok, ok, let the cousins have their moment too” Yuri yell while trying to peel Amber from her siblings

“Congrats” Yoona yell with her alligator laugh

“Really nice score Amber, I hope you keep it like that at college” Yuri hug her

“Amber! You’re the best, you look so awesome while getting your diploma” Sully also hug her

When Amber could get out the group hug, she went towards Minho and hug him tightly.

“I really will do my best at college, I will keep my promise too” Amber speak only for Minho to hear

“I know you will, I will miss you, after all if you didn’t teach me to be a better person I wouldn’t be so happy right now. Now…congratulations cousin, let’s party” Minho turn around while making Amber a sign to jump on her back

“Coming through, graduated Dinosaur coming through” Minho yell while carrying Amber out of the gym

“I’m glad these two get along now” Adam speak to his wife

“I know, after all Amber thought Minho something” Linda reply while smiling at her husband

“We should get another one” Adam speak softly

“Honey, I love you but you’ll have to carry the baby because I won’t do it” Linda start walking away from Adam

After a celebrating meal, everyone start to get ready for the party. Amber’s parents with Key and Henry parents decide to rent a salon for that night. They will have fun together.

“Amber, are you ready?” Fanny stood there looking at Amber

“Yeah, I hope I can take some of my stress out” Amber reply while putting her jacket

“Come on little dinosaur” Fanny had her arm on Amber’s shoulders

 “Let’s go” Hae yell downstairs

Taeyeon’s POV:

I was enjoying myself on the party. Fanny was dancing with Jessica, while Taeckyeon and Taeyang were getting food from the buffet; Seung Ri was dancing with Minzy too. I turn and saw Key and Jong hugging each other while playing rock, paper, and scissors.

“You look nervous Amber” I turn to see the girl standing awkwardly at me

“Yeah, I just need to stop thinking in NYU for a moment” Amber reply annoyed

“It’s okay to be nervous, you’re going to live by yourself on a different city, with your girlfriend stays here” I try to push her buttons

“You won’t make me ruin my temper” She smirk at me

“God, I try to help you getting that rage out of you…Hey, are you ready for dance?” I ask her

“Nope, are you going to ask me?” She ask me with a smirk

“No, you’re totally not my type” I start joking with her

“And you’re not mine” She reply

“Hahahah, come one, dance, have fun. Whatever happens this night wouldn’t matter, this is the best party you’ll have, try to let go of the stress girl” I nudge her arm

“I’ll try” She answers me kind of sad

“Can I get your attention please? We prepare a little event here; we’re going to make a little dance for Amber, Key, Henry and Bora, so please give it up for the dance group people” Amber’s dad yell at the mic

“Woooohoo” Taeyang and Taeckyeon yell excited as they start going to the center of the place with Yuri, Yoona, Minho, Seung Ri, Henry’s brother, Hae and Minzy.

“Are you going to dance too?” Amber ask me

“No, I don’t know how to dance, I at it” I reply bluntly

 (They dance this song, imagine that Yuri is (Bi)Rain:

“Yeah, well done guys. Now we have a special song by my other two amazing kids, Jong and…Fanny” Adam sigh before saying the name of her daughter

“Thank you daddy, this song is for the graduates, for a new beginning” Fanny yell excited

“Baby cause in the dark, you can’t see shiny cars and that’s when you need me there, with you I’ll always share because” Jong sing amazingly

“When the sun shines, we’ll shine together, told you I’ll be here forever, said I’ll always be your friend took an oath, I’m a stick it out ‘till the end…” Fanny start singing too

I look at the beautiful girl singing on the center with Jong, I feel like my heart was speeding just by looking at her, she was the woman for me.

“You’re totally whip by my sister” Amber said while chuckling

“Yes, I don’t care to be honest, she’s perfect Amber” I reply while smiling at the angel in front of us

I heard Amber giggle, I just smile. After a while Fanny came at our place and grabs Amber’s hand then turns and pulls Bora too to dance with her. Jong do the same with Key and Henry.

“You can stand under my umbrella” Jong and Fanny sing together while dancing with the fresh graduates

“Thank you guys” I heard Key said close to the mic

“Ok, now let’s party now kids” Henry’s dad said with another mic

The place start to blast music to dance, and a lot of people start to get in the dance floor.

“Hello beautiful” Fanny kiss me on the cheek

“Hi” I reply while smiling at her

“So, can you tell me why you are so happy and smiley if I’m not with you?” Fanny ask me while pouting

“Because, Krystal prepared something for Amber, and in any moment she will appear” I reply while pecking my fiancé on the lips

“Ohh, I like that” She said while pecking me now

“Oh you do?” I ask her while leaning to her

“Ehem, could you lend me my daughter for a moment Taeyeon?” Fanny’s dad seem a little uncomfortable with the situation

“Of course sir” I smile to him and leave towards the door

Amber’s POV:

I saw my dad walk towards Taeyeon and Fanny, he just enjoys messing with their moments, and he actually confesses me he was jealous of the attention Fanny gives to Taeyeon.

“Dad is a total dork” Hae whisper to me

“I know” I whisper back

I was actually enjoying the party, I was dancing with Hae, Jia, Henry, Bora and Sully. I look at the clock, Krystal got to do an important thing with her mom so she couldn’t go to my graduation. But she promise me she will be here by 9, it was 10:30 already. I just turn to my friends and keep dancing.

I can’t let these little details make me upset, not anymore, she said she will be here and she will

I was really into the music when I heard someone talking to the microphone. I recognize Taeyeon’s voice.

“Am, hello, I’m Taeyeon Kim, someone ask me to help her for a special gift for Amber. She practice this song a lot but unfortunately she couldn’t make it in time so she ask me to sing this especially to you so…Amber, this is for you…” Taeyeon’s voice sound excited.

You’re insecure, don’t know what for

You’re turning heads, when you walk through the door

Don’t need make up to cover up

Being the way you are is enough

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

They way you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell

You don’t know oh oh

You’re beautiful

You don’t know what makes you beautiful

If only you saw what I can see, you’ll understand

Why I want you so desperately

Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe

You don’t know oh oh

You don’t know you’re beautiful oh oh

That’s what makes you beautiful

( What makes you beautiful – Boyce Avenue cover)

Everyone on the room was clapping, I smile softly feeling kind of sad that Krystal didn’t get the chance of been here with me, I sigh but I still feel happy that she want to sing that song for me. I smile widely when I imagine Krystal singing that while standing just in front of me.

“Amber, can you close your eyes for the last part of the gift that Krystal prepares for you?” Taeyeon’s voice pulls me out my trance

“What?” I didn’t understand

“Close your eyes” Hae told me

I close my eyes tightly, I was waiting for another song or maybe that Krystal will appear in front of me. But instead of that they just make me put my hands in front of me wide open

“Don’t you dare to open your eyes” Hae kind of threat me

I stood there for like a minute, I was going to open my eyes when I feel something in my hands, it feel like a box.

“Open your eyes” Taeyeon’s voice sound through the mic

I open my eyes and found a white box in my hands, I open the box and found a note on it and a little silver coin.

“I’m sorry for missing your graduation ceremony, but I have something to give you before you left so I need time to prepare everything. Now, the only way you have to get your gift is following the leads, but don’t worry, the gift game will start tomorrow at 8 am, so be ready with the silver coin.


I hope you liked the song, it fits you completely…and congratulations on your graduation”

“I don’t get it” I mumble

“Ok, everyone, let’s party a bit more. We still have until 12” I heard my dad yell

“Hey, you like the song?” Taeyeon ask me

“Yeah, thanks…what is this?” I give her the note

“I know what it’s says, it’s a game Amber, you need to get the clues to get the gift” Taeyeon use a “duh” voice

“Oh…where are the clues?” I ask her again

“Well, that’s part of the game, you leave in 3 days right?” Taeyeon turn to see behind her

“Yes” I reply dryly

“Then you have a day to figure it out and 2 days to spend with your gift” Taeyeon sound so excited

“Can you help me to make it 3 days?” I ask with a wide smile

“Nop, I can’t, Krystal will kill me. Also, she threat everyone so don’t ask for help” Taeyeon walk away from me with a chuckle

What are you planning Krys?

 Krystal’s POV:

I grab the big piece of fabric and put it on the floor, I start putting all the things that I thought it look nice on it. I was so focus on it that I didn’t hear the door.

“Hey lil sista” Jessie sit on my bed

“Hey, how was is it?” I ask while still gluing some things

“It was pretty okay, the song was cute, but it was kind of awkward that Taeyeon sing it for Amber” Jessie giggles at the thought

“Well I wasn’t going to be able to finish all of the things. What reminds me, did you give Fanny the clues?” I turn to see her

“Of course, also Taeck make his part, we’re lucky that he knows someone at that place” Jessie smile to me

“Yeah…oh and did you tell Minho what to do?” I ask feeling nervous

“Of course, also Key knows his part, I mean even Amber’s parents know what to do” Jessie joke

“Good, this need to be perfect Jessie, is my last gift before she leaves, I want her to remember me” I state

“Krys, she will remember you even if you didn’t give her anything, she will. Just don’t overdo yourself ok?” Jessie kisses my forehead and leave

“Ok” I reply softly

I look at the piece of fabric in front of me, I just need to glue 2 more pictures and it will be done. I smile at the thought of Amber surprise face; I really want to make her feel special, just like the way she always makes me feels special.






Author's Note:

I'm, just one more week and I will be officialy out of college what it means that I'll could write more chapters of this, so please comment a lot, pretty please (insert aegyo voice here) and give me some strenght to end everything and make it through this week =________=

enjoy the chapter

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Is it possible to ask for Krystal's pov as I don't understand why she did the things she did in the last 4 chapters?
Chapter 63: Amber was right the whol time. Krystal left first.
Countingme #3
When I'm listening to Maroon 5 good night good night it remain me this fiction.
then I'm so sad very sad.
I think of it. Why they have to break up and their love just be the memories,the first love of each other.
I guess because I've read so much fictions and most of them was happy ending.
But I know in real life we all could confront the truth. There is no happy ending in the real life.
I really loved someone and think that she will be the last but then we broke up.

you right The first love is never forgotten.
Countingme #4
Chapter 63: I'm sad but thank you so much.
Kyunggie_MRA #5
Chapter 63: That was great, slightly heartbreaking, but amazing nonetheless. I cried during the funeral and when Amber flipped and as I approached the end, I didn't want the story to finish. Although realistic, my kryber heart died a little at the ending. However, it was still an awesome story.
kryber97 #6
Chapter 45: great great great !!!!
eka318 #7
Chapter 63: That was great it was the first.story were they dont end.up together but its realistic none of them had experience of being in an actuall realationship come on how Many people end up with their first love .... That is why LOVE is the one that hurts.the.most but its that shows you love and how to forget cuz.eventually you have to.forget :) love the story
Chapter 63: Nooooooo!!! Why did they have to end up like that? Why did kryber have to go their separate ways? Please write another chapter and make them back together TT___TT