Don't Go Home

Because Of You

Jong’s POV:

I was lying on my bed, I was so tired after a bored day at college. I turn on my side and look at the wall, I focus on an invisible spot until I feel dizzy. I turn on my back again and sigh, I really was bored but I didn’t have anything to do.

“Hey, what’s up?” Fanny appear on my door frame

“I’m bored…what are you doing here?” I reply to her

“I live here smart ” Fanny reply with a smirk

“Duh, I mean, didn’t you want to go Titanic at the cinema? You’ve been bragging about seen the movie in 3D all the week, even Sully told you that you were annoying” I state with a huge smile

“I was, but…Tae had to go for his brother at the academy. Jessie is busy with Krystal and Amber needs to make her things ready for the visit to New York. Hey, what about we go? It’s been a while since we hang out” Fanny sit next to me on the bed

I look at her and then considered my other options, it’s not like I don’t like movies like Titanic but…in 3D? Seems a little too much for me but what the hell I’m bored.

“Let’s go sis” I say to her while standing up

“Yeyy” She squeal at me

We were sitting on the cinema with some popcorns and soda. I was more interesting in the movie after hearing Fanny talk about it while we were buying the tickets. I look at my right when I heard some familiar voices, they seem awfully familiar. Then I notice Kibum and his sister Luna sitting a row front of us. I smile to myself looking at both of them, they were wearing matching outfits and they were squealing exciting about the movie.

“Mmm Kibum is here” Fanny state while eating

“Yeah” I reply

“So…what happen in Valentine’s Day? You came home late and smiling like a fool” Fanny poke my cheek

“We…I don’t know, he kiss me but then he haven’t call me or text me so I don’t know if I have the right to do it” I reply while putting my 3D glasses.

I see Fanny looking at me with weird eyes, she just lean and kiss my cheek, she smile at me and put her glasses too. The movie start and I decide I will put all my foucs on her.

“I feel like I’m screaming at the top of my lungs on a room full of crowd and no one can hear me”

“Such a drama beach” Kibum’s voice sound

I look at him and then continue looking the screen, I was feeling so connected with Rose, she was such a poor kid. Yeah she had money and class, lot of things and pretty cool hats but she was so miserable.

“I like this part of the movie” Fanny whisper to me

I nod while seen Rose rising on her toes, I smile feeling a little light after seen her happier. I’m such a weirdo I know, but I always end up feeling what the character I like the most feels, so when Rose got happy I got happy.


“Oh God” Fanny was holding my hand tightly

I feel tears forming on my eyes, I turn to see Fanny and she was crying already, I turn again to the screen just to see Jack disappear on the deep ocean.

God, why don’t you kill the douche bad instead of Jack?

The movie end and a lot of people start to clap their hands and to cheer up. Fanny clean her face and smile at me.

“I’m glad we do this Jong”

“Me too” I reply excitedly

We were getting up when.

“Jonghyun!” Luna scream suddenly

“Oh…hi” I mumble awkwardly

“How are you? it’s been a long a time since you visit my brother” Luna state while looking at Kibum

“I’ve been busy with school, sorry. But I would visit next week” I smile to her

“So…” Fanny and Luna was standing there awkwardly

“It was good to see you Jong” Kibum state and drag Luna off the building.

“That…was really awkward” Fanny look at me with a pale face

Yeah…like we were strangers

After the movie we decide to go for ice cream, Fanny was looking at me trying to read what happen at the theater but I just keep my spoon of ice cream trying to ignore her.

“So…what happen?” She ask me this time directly

“I don’t know, I guess I misunderstood the situation that’s all” I reply dryly trying to ignore the hurt feeling

“Jong…” Fanny took my hand and smile at me

“I’m fine…” I smile to her too.

We went home and find Amber lying on the floor of her room with a blank expression.

“What up baby dino?” I ask her with a teasing voice

“Nothing” her reply without any emotion worries me

“Amber, what’s wrong?” Fanny motion me to sit in the floor to her and Amber

Amber sighs and then roll herself, now she was laying on her stomach. She look at me then at Fanny.

“I need to take this out my chest” Amber’s voice sound so off

“I think I just figure out that could hurt someone I love so much and I don’t know if I should tell that person what I find…should I even talk about it? Even if this will probably break that person?” Amber was now sitting looking at me with straight eyes.

Why do I have this awful feeling?

Key’s POV:
I drag Luna out the theater without saying anything, I drag her towards our house without even listen to her whining about why I was been so rude towards him. I just want to go to my room.

I don’t deserve to talk to him anymore…not after what I did

“Key…Kibum!” Luna yell at me

I was sitting on my bed hearing my mp3, even when I put my mp3 player to the maximum volume Luna’s screaming was higher.

“I don’t want to talk about it” I mumble and she left me

No love, no more

Being in love ends now, just live with pleasure

No love, no more

Don’t make promises you can’t keep

Oh no no, Oh no no

By now you should be aware, before you get hurt again

Try to stop yourself whenever the world “love” tries to slip your mouth


“Kibum?” He ask me with a blank expression

“What?” I reply to him

He come closer to me, I didn’t move, he come closer and closer until his lips were on mine, he start kissing me tenderly and I kiss him back. His hands grabbing the back of my neck while my fingers got tangled with his hair.

“I need you Kibum” his voice quivering with fear

“Shut up” I command to him while I start kissing him back

The way his skin felt on mine, the way he was feeling so love, the way I feel so free, so new, so powerful. He was on the palm of my hand, I was powerful and he was weak.

“Kibum? Where are you going?” He ask me with hurt

“This…was a mistake…I never meant…we shouldn’t…I’m sorry Dongwoon”


“Hey kid, your sister was pretty mad because you ignore her, it’s everything ok?” My dad ask me softly

I realize that maybe my mp3 player wasn’t really that high

“I…made a mistake and when I come clean I’m going to hurt someone who help me a lot” I reply

“Kibum…the lies hurt more than the truth son…I’m pretty sure he’s going to understand it” My dad try to comfort me

“Dad…I don’t think he will forgive me…I don’t want to lose him” I turn to see my dad

He look at me, it was just like looking at a mirror, we were the same person. But dad look older, look wiser, look so much like a man than a kid like me.

“Kibum…what happen in that party the other day doesn’t make you mature or a man. It’s the way you handle the situations of your daily life son. So…be a good man Kibum” My dad kiss my forehead and leave my room

“How do you find out?” I ask feeling embarrass

“Son…I know you better than yourself, also, your mom note something on the laundry…I know you’re not a kid anymore but I will remind you that you need to be careful Kibum, without love is hollow and only brings happiness for short periods but making love will make you entirely happy for your whole life…talk to Jonghyun, he deserves an explanation” Dad smile and leave my door frame

I’m so sorry Jong…I’m not the man you want, the one you deserve.

( JYP – No love, no more)

Minho’s POV:

I, Jong, Onew and some other friends were outside a café when this dude came and punch Jong on the face, he was drunk and he was all dirty and smelling like crap. The boy slurred words and in some point he spill something to Jong because Jong just push him and run away from here.

“Something wrong handsome?” CL came to pick me at college today

I was going to answer when I heard some laughs from behind me, there was a bunch of girls older than me, they were mocking me but I didn’t care. Not anymore

“I told you…it should be better if I don’t pick you in the front door, they’re never going to stop mocking you now” CL was now sad

“Hey, I don’t care, I love you and you love me. So what if my GIRLFRIEND picks me at school in her MOTORCYCLE? You’re still more feminine than those girls over there and after what I’ve learn, that you pick me up doesn’t make me less man” I kiss her lips softly after my little too loud speech

“You’re really a good boyfriend” CL was smiling like she have won the lottery to me

“No, I still need to learn some things, but I want to be the most awesome boyfriend for you” I reply with a smile

“Ready?” She start the engine while I was putting my helmet

“Ready beautiful” I sit behind her hugging her

Just when I was passing some dudes that also were mocking about me, I understand what Amber say to me once:

“When you truly love someone, you realize that nothing in the world beside that person should matter to you”

I hug CL tightly while enjoying the ride, we didn’t took so long to my house, she enter running while I was following her. Just when we were getting at my room I notice Sully dancing on her room. I stop and look at her, my sister never dance alone. I look more carefully and notice her wearing her earphones, she was smiling and singing. I guess she is feeling a lot better now.

“Hey turtle…catch me” CL poke my cheek and run to my room again

I run after her and catch her on the entrance, I pull her up and I throw her at the bed while tickling her, she was laughing. After a while we just lay there on the bed, I feel so complete with her and I can be me with her.

“What are you thinking?” CL ask me while playing with the hem of my t-shirt

“In you” I reply

“Dork” she said and run again

I just laugh and run after her, it was one of the things I like about her, when she was touch she always run away, so I had to catch her and tell her the same thing over and over until she will admit it.

CL…you’re a really wonderful treasure.

Jonghyun’s POV:

I run so far from everything, from my friends, from Dongwoon, from Kibum, from my family, I just want to disappear.

I was on a park, near my college, no one will come search for me here, they don’t know I like sitting between the trees and try to forget all the bad stuff that happen.

“I wish I could stop feeling, this stupid feelings…I should be mad, I must be mad…but…I’m not” I start to talk to myself

“Why? Why would you do that Kibum?” I feel the hot tears again

I cry for who know how much time, it was getting dark but I didn’t care, I start feeling a little bit weird. I notice some people passing by looking at me but I didn’t care.

“Like they didn’t cry” I mumble feeling my dry throat

I stood up but I feel the whole place start to move, I fell on my and start feel dizzy, I guess running from there to here and crying my heart out, wasn’t a good idea.

Summer is arriving and with that the freaking Sun will burn my brain out

I chuckle lightly by my stupid thought when I feel like the dizziness was getting higher, I sense like I was going to throw up when I heard someone talking to me.

“Hi, I couldn’t stop looking at you, are you okay?” She was a cute yet calm girl

“I…I” I couldn’t say anything feeling the bitterness in my tongue

I turn my head the other way and throw up, I feel so embarrass with the poor girl in front of me. I try to say something but the dizziness was taking the best out of me.

“It’s okay” That was the last thing I hear before fainting.

Ambers’ POV:

I sit awkwardly with the girl that brought Jong to the house, she was beautiful yet innocent. I haven’t felt like this before…actually I have, with Krystal…

“So…what was your brother doing in that park alone?” I heard her asking me

“No idea…I guess he want to think or been alone” I reply trying to understand why I feel like that

“How old are you?” She ask me with a smile

Her smile is so cute…wait! You got the most beautiful girl in the world, why are you thinking in other girls

“I’m 18 years old, I’m a senior” I reply softly

“Me too, I will soon leaving this place to major in dance” She state proudly to me

“That’s good…I” I was going to say something when Hae come downstairs.

“He will be fine, he was dehydrated. Thanks so much again…”Hae realize he didn’t know the name of the girl

I don’t know it too now that I think about it

“Suzy Bae” She reply with a cute smile to Hae

“Well thank you so much Suzy, Amber can you walk Suzy to her car please?” Hae whisper to me


“Okay” I mumble

Amber Josephine Liu what are you doing?

I walk her to her car without saying anything, she was walking slowly and swinging her body to the sides like a little girl yet the feeling was like she was a mature woman. We arrive to her car and she turn to see me.


“Thanks again, for bringing Jong, I hope we could pay you the favor” I say dryly

“its fine, it was the last thing I could do. I saw him talking to himself, then he start crying and then he just throw up. I wasn’t going to leave the poor kid there” She state with a “duh” face to me

“He is older than us you know?” I ask her

“I know, I saw her ID card, that’s how I know where he lives. Well I guess this is goodbye, bye Amber, nice to meet you and take care of your brother” She said softly while getting in her car.

“B-b-ye” I stutter after seen her cute face while trying to start the engine.

She drove off and I feel like I was star truck with her, but I didn’t understand why. I decide to push the feeling away, after all I got the most amazing girlfriend on the world.

“I should go inside” I state for myself.

“Hey” I heard a voice behind me

When I turn I notice Key standing awkwardly. I look at him with a raise eyebrow. He smile softly to me and turn to see the house.

“You can come in, but I need to tell you that no matter what they say I know you did something to him. So you better ask forgiveness to him not me. We’re not kids anymore Key” I state to him while punching softly his shoulder.

“I know…I will go see him, he needs an explanation” Key smile to me and left towards the door.

 I stood there for a moment, thinking in my little travel towards New York, leaving Krystal, what I start thinking these days about the whole subject and decide to go to bed. After all I will need the energy to the travel.

“I need to stop thinking” I mumble to myself and went to my house

Key’s POV:

I knock on Jong’s room, I heard a “come in” from the inside. I sigh and turn the knob just to find Jong sitting on his bed eating ice cream and drinking milk. Seriously? I thought he almost die or something, I was so concerned.

“Hi” his face fell from happiness to sadness in a second

I guess he must be mad at me

“Can we talk?” I ask him while fidgeting with the hem of my t-shirt

He just nod and move a little bit on his bed to make room for me, I sit next to him and notice he wasn’t even looking at me. I sigh again and remember what dad had told me.

Be a good man Key, be a man

“I’m sorry, for treating you like that at the movie theater, I guess I should have explain you. I’m sorry you heard about it by Dongwoon and I’m sorry you dehydrated” I state

“It wasn’t your fault…the last thing I mean…on the other things…well…I guess it’s fine. You need your space” His voice sounding so calm that it hurts

“You’re not mad?” I ask him in disbelief

He look at the spoon of ice cream then at me, he turn again to the ice cream and eat it. He sigh and then grab my hand softly.

“I’m not mad…I’m disappointed, I thought you were smarter Kibum. If you want to do it, you need to be careful; you don’t know if Dongwoon use protection, you could get a disease. Be careful the next time ok?” He reply with a sad smile

“Cut the crap” I said kind of laud

“You’re not angry? And you think there is going to be a next time? What is wrong with you?” I start yelling now

“What is wrong with me? You’re the one who went to a party and got laid with the same boy who hurt him because he got laid with someone else. You always say to me you want to wait, you want to be with the right person. Yet the first moment, the first chance you went to a filthy room and got laid. You told me you want me, that you like me but you go and had with him…what’s wrong with you?” Jong reply to me showing sadness only

“I trust you, I told you that I was hurt from my past experiences and when I think I have found someone who is pure, and I’m not talking about that pure of stuff, pure of heart, you just crush my trust. But I start thinking, I came to the conclusion that you’re scared. You were so hurt about Dongwoon that you don’t want to feel it again, the loneliness, the sickness of remember everything. So you sabotage your chance to be happy with me. Just like I wasn’t able to show you I was over my past experience. Am I wrong?” Jong state

No, you’re not

“I…” I couldn’t reply to him

“Kibum…when you’re ready to be happy I’ll be there. But I can’t promise that I will feel the same I feel yesterday or the day before. But I will your friend, but for now I want some space, because you hurt me and I can’t help to hear that voice in my ear saying the details. Okay?” Jong hug me while saying the last sentence.

“Okay…”I reply while hugging him back.

I’ve screw things for the last time…I need to show him I can be a good friend…and if I had the chance to be something else I will take it, I can’t be scared all my life…I’m sorry Jong.

I was going to let go and left his room when he hug me tightly. He was crying on my shoulder and I feel my heart getting torn apart. I rub his back and hum a melody to him.

“Can you stay just this night here with me? I know I ask space…but I really need to hug you” Jong whisper to me

“I will stay here with you…just sleep Jong, you can ask me for space again tomorrow morning” I state while lying on the bed hugging him

“I’m a cry baby” he whisper to me again

“No you’re not…sleep Jong, Amber will leave tomorrow and you need to say goodbye to her” I continue rubbing his back

“I love you Kibum…no matter what have you done I know you love me too…” he mumble and start dozing of

“I will be better for you if you wait for me to become a man” I mumble back

There was a silence, it wasn’t awkward like when I was with Dongwoon, it was a nice silence. I feel happy at that moment. I smile at Jong while planting a soft kiss on his cheek. Slowly I start to fall asleep. But just before I could I heard a low whisper.

“You’re man already Kibum…you told me the truth and you stay with me…you’re a good man”







Author's Note:

So...I'm back :D, hello hello my readers. So, many of you are not pleasent with the disolution of Taesul, or Taelli, or just Taemin and Sully xD, but I swear to you, everything have a reason. You probably will hate me or not, but the end will be so full of rewards to the one who choose to stick with me til the end.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter and wait for more drama and confusion and some...twists?

Danni out

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Is it possible to ask for Krystal's pov as I don't understand why she did the things she did in the last 4 chapters?
Chapter 63: Amber was right the whol time. Krystal left first.
Countingme #3
When I'm listening to Maroon 5 good night good night it remain me this fiction.
then I'm so sad very sad.
I think of it. Why they have to break up and their love just be the memories,the first love of each other.
I guess because I've read so much fictions and most of them was happy ending.
But I know in real life we all could confront the truth. There is no happy ending in the real life.
I really loved someone and think that she will be the last but then we broke up.

you right The first love is never forgotten.
Countingme #4
Chapter 63: I'm sad but thank you so much.
Kyunggie_MRA #5
Chapter 63: That was great, slightly heartbreaking, but amazing nonetheless. I cried during the funeral and when Amber flipped and as I approached the end, I didn't want the story to finish. Although realistic, my kryber heart died a little at the ending. However, it was still an awesome story.
kryber97 #6
Chapter 45: great great great !!!!
eka318 #7
Chapter 63: That was great it was the first.story were they dont end.up together but its realistic none of them had experience of being in an actuall realationship come on how Many people end up with their first love .... That is why LOVE is the one that hurts.the.most but its that shows you love and how to forget cuz.eventually you have to.forget :) love the story
Chapter 63: Nooooooo!!! Why did they have to end up like that? Why did kryber have to go their separate ways? Please write another chapter and make them back together TT___TT