Do You Remember?

Because Of You

Minho’s POV:
I was there sitting at the couch in my house, I was waiting for Sully. I was going with her to High School to apologize not only to my cousin but with Krystal.

You really screw everything this time

“Come on Minho” Sully grab my hand and pull me up

We were on our way to school when we ran into someone, actually I ran into someone I was tall so the girl just fall flat in the ground.

“I’m sorry, are you okay?” I try to help her but she just stare at my hand

“I’m fine thank you” She get up and clean her clothes.

“I didn’t seen you I’m sorry” I said again

“It’s okay I was distracted” She smile to me.

I feel something really weird at my stomach, like someone punches me. I feel like my voice was useless and I feel my throat dry.

“Well, see you” The girl said and walk away

“Come on little Romeo” Sully keep pulling me

After like half hour we were at High School I feel my heart sink when I saw Krystal at the door of School. She look like she was waiting for someone.

She’s waiting for Amber

I start walking towards her; I will apologize with her first then. I notice she saw me and she got really scared I was going to come closer but I feel something stopping me, it was Sully.

“This distance is fine” She let go of my hand and went next to Krystal

She looks at me and nods to me. I took a deep breath and raise my head.

“Krystal I want to apologize with you because my behavior. I was jealous because you like Amber and not me. Even though is not excusing, I truly feel bad.  Just make everyone at my family sad and the worst part is that Amber still doesn’t hate me. I broke her heart, the heart of someone who always stood up for me even when I act badly. It’s okay if you don’t forgive me. You can slap me if you want, I deserve it” I explain to her.

She look at me and then she smile softly, I stay there expecting she hit me or something.

“If Amber doesn’t hate you I don’t hate you either, but I don’t forgive you, you need to show me more than words.” She reply to me

“Thank you so much Krystal, Amber really know how to pick a girl, she’s lucky to have you” I said to her.

“She broke up with me” Krystal voice sound really sad

“I guess it’s better this way, I don’t deserve her” She said

I sit in the floor expecting that Amber shows up, but she never did. Sully and Krystal have to go to them classroom and they left there. It was already 8 am and she wasn’t there. I sigh. Probably she’s not coming to school today. I get up and start my way to the bus stop, I will be late for college but this was more important.

Krystal’s POV:

I was really sad, Amber didn’t show up. I was hoping to see her at lunch. I look at the board to find myself not even focus in the class. I grab my pen and start writing Amber’s name all over my notebook.

I was so out that I didn’t notice the lunch was just a few minutes away, but I guess my History teacher notice my mind.

“So Miss Jung can you tell me the reason?” The teacher ask me

“What?” I ask her

“Miss Jung you’re a really good student, you always pay attention to me so this time will not be a punishment, but please at least can you pretend you know about what we’re talking the next time?” She scolds me

Just when she turn around it was lunch time, I get up really quickly and head to cafeteria, I didn’t wait Sully but I knew she knew.

I practically run to seat at our regular spot I take out a little small of chocolates that I was intended to give Amber, the Saturday I saw something in her eyes, she still loves me and I decide to at least let her know I still love her too.

Maybe one day we can be together again

I saw Sully coming to the table; I saw Luna and Taemin too. I feel my heart light a little when I saw Key didn’t show. Maybe she’s busy with something. But my heart sinks even lower when I saw Key and other boy coming to the table. I sigh and buried my face in my hands.

“Don’t worry Krys, maybe she felt sick” Luna try to cheer me up

“Or maybe she just don’t want to see me again” I said

“Well hello, I’m happy to see you too” Key said with an annoyed voice.

I give him a death glare what makes him smile like saying: You mess with the wrong person. I just covered my face again.

“Oh hi there” The boy said to me

“Why are you here?” Sully ask him really mad

“Sully he did something good and he’s sorry ok?...Let him speak first and hate him later” Key state

“Hi…probably I should thank you for saving me the last Friday right?” I ask him

“Nop, it was my pleasure. You’ll see my job from now on is to protect you” He was smiling to me

“Why?” Sully sounds angrier now

“When I saw her at the dance competition I feel really jealous of her, but then I remember that Key actually told me that Amber was really happy and she really love you. So I came with the conclusion that: If you’re the reason why Amber is happy, then I have to protect you and make you feel secure so you can keep making Amber happy…So I will be happy” He explains to Sully

“You’re the guy who told all those bad things to her uh?” I ask him

“Yes and I’m totally jerk but I’m not doing this for nothing in exchange. I’m doing this because I didn’t lie when I say I love Amber” He was looking at me.

“Well you’re going to be happier then…Amber broke up with me” I said to him

“Mmm seeing you makes me think that you’re not going to do anything to change her mind eh?” He ask me

“I don’t deserve her, I cause her family fight…She kick Minho” I explain to him

He just looks at me and chuckles, he turn to see Key and smile really widely.

“They’re meant for each other right?” He said to Key

“More than you will think” Key keep eating his lunch.

“Look…I know Amber since elementary school and I can assure something: She is already regretting break up with you, but she is not going to do anything because she will convince her that it’s the best, just like you’re doing to yourself” He explain again to me

I stay there looking at him, I sigh and cover my face again, I stay like that for a few minutes and then I turn around to see this guy.

“So what can I do?” I realize I was at the verge of crying

“Well, I know teddy Ber, you need to talk with her. When she saw you she’s going to act like she is awkward or something like that but it’s just that she’s ashamed. Also you need to push her to make a move or you will have to make the move” He was smiling to me

Teddy Ber? Who this guy thinks he is…Amber is MINE baby koala!

“Teddy Ber?” I ask him

“You’ll see, I just cry a lot when we were in elementary school that’s how I met her, she went towards me and give me a cookie and said to me:

  • You really need to stop crying, you need to smile because if you smile someone can fall in love with you

“Imagine a cute girl with a messy ponytail, a pink ribbon and pink short saying that to you…That’s how we met and after that she becomes my best friend. She call me Henrietta when I cry and I start calling her Teddy Ber, because every time I cry she hugs me…and I guess you have hug her…It feels like…”

“A teddy bear, I Know” I said coldly

“Well, I already told you how is the situation, I’m going to go, it was really nice to meet you Krystal” He get up and leave

“What’s his name” I ask dumbfounded

“Henry” Key answers me.

I sigh again, he was right. I could not afford lose her, but maybe I was right and it was the best just stay away from her.

Amber’s POV:

I woke up and realize I was more than late to school, I freak out and urn downstairs, I found myself dumbfounded when I saw my family eating breakfast.

“Jo, you want some pancakes or eggs?” My dad makes me a hand gesture to sit

“Pancakes please” I answer

I sit on the table, they were eating like nothing was wrong, I feel myself weird.

Maybe I’m dreaming

“Here, juice, coffee or milk?” Fanny ask me

“Milk please…Why no one wake me up for school?” I ask them

“Well, just because I think it was best if you stay at home just for today” My mom answer me

I start eating the pancakes and talk with my family, somehow I feel better since I had seen Krystal, I was really regretting what I say but I knew that it was to late. I finish my breakfast and watch my brothers and sister go to school. My mom told me that this day I can do whatever I want. I start thinking what to do but everything that I think connect somehow to see Krystal.

“I guess I can watch a movie or play more video games” I said to myself.

I sit in the floor and turn the TV on. I start watching a movie but everything was so confusing and then they guy kill someone one and I decided that I better play some video games.

I start playing some video games but nothing come like I was expecting I lose in everyone, I turn the TV and the game console off. I sigh deeply.

Maybe I should clean my room

I get up and head to my room, it wasn’t really messy but I thought that maybe cleaning will be a nice way of concentrate in something else.

Something else that is not Krystal

I make my bed first, I decide I will change my bed cover and sheets so I went to the closet and took the red sheets I have, I also took my black bedcover.

When my bed was ready I decide to pick my dirty clothes and put in the basket of dirty clothes. I start to clean my closet too.

“Why I have this here?...I really need to clean more often”

I just found a bag of chips in my closet, I took everything from it and clean it with the vacuum after that I put everything back in his place.

“Mmm I will clean my desk too”

I head to my desk and start to cleaning him. I threw some papers that didn’t have anything important. Once again I found the picture, but this time I didn’t feel so sad actually I feel regret. I took the picture and put it in my bed; I took all my books and my lamp and put it in the floor so I could take all the dust of my room.

“I should put some music”

I pick my mp3 player and put some music, it was more fun to clean while singing. I see a playlist I had made the last year; I haven’t heard it in a while so I put it on.

“Cause this love is all I have to give; this love is all I have to give…”

I was feeling much better, my bed, my closet and my desk were now clean, I move towards my bedside table, I start to pull out all my stuff of my drawers when I found something really weird.

“What is this?”

I found a little black box with a letter tape on the top. I take the letter and start reading it.

“I Amber Liu promise to keep Henry Lau’s secret gift for his special person, I will give his secret gift back when he meet the ONE. I promise to never reveal the secret gift until I’m sure that Henry has found the real person that it meant to be with him all his life”

I remember then what the box was, I feel I little sad again but this time it was because I knew I should forgive Henry, he was my best friend since elementary school.

If I forgive Minho I should forgive Henry too

I still remember the day we bought those secrets gifts. It was really dumb but we were 12 years old.


“So what can we buy? I mean we don’t even know who is going to be the ONE for us” Henry was looking at the window of his room

“Well we need to see something first don’t you think?” Amber was sitting in the desk counting some money

“Ok…That’s your part this is mine” Amber give Henry part of the cash

“I think I know what to buy Teddy Ber” Henry was smiling widely

“What?” Amber look at him dumbfounder

“A necklace, I love my mom necklace so I will buy a beautiful necklace and that will be my secret gift” Henry explain to Amber

“Mmm sounds actually pretty good.” Amber starts walking towards her backpack.

She took out two little black boxes, she give one to Henry and piece of paper.

“Let’s promise that what we’re going to put in those boxes will never leave this room or ourselves ok?” Amber statement


I sigh really deeply, I open the box and found the necklace with the pendant heart, I knew Henry was really romantic and also was a good kid. They went through a lot of things together since girls laughing at Henry for been short, just like girls laughing at Amber boy look or boys bulling them for been them.

“I miss Henry; he probably would help me with Krystal”

I finish cleaning my bedside table, I went to my closet once again and took out one of the frames I have and put the picture of me and Krystal together. I put the frame in the shelf that was over my bed, I have a picture of my family, one when I was with Jong, Hae, Fanny, Minho, Sull, Yuri and my dad in a park, also I have one with only Sull playing video games, one with Henry while we were in a theme park and one with Luna, Taemin, Sull, Key and Dongwoon at the movies. I put the picture in my favorite red frame I had, I have saved it to put something really special in there.  Put the picture next to the one with Henry.

I sit in my bed and grab my cell phone; I search something, actually someone and dial.


  • Hello?
  • Henry?
  • Yes, mm why don’t you come to school today?
  • My mom think it was fine if I rest today
  • Oh…well you should Krystal let it know that

Krystal? How Henry know Krystal?

  • What do you mean?
  • I mean that Krystal was really upset for not seen you today
  • I broke up with her, she’s better without me
  • I know you too well Teddy Ber and you should know that I know you’re saying that to make and excuse so you can be hurt

He knows me really well…well he know me since I was 7 years old.

  • Well it’s not like I can regret and ask her be with me again…
  • Yes you can, you know Teddy Ber, she’s the ONE for you
  • And I really mean it. I make a promise the last Friday you know? I promise to protect the one that makes you happy…
  • I help her found her sister Teddy Ber and I know I was a jerk before but I really miss my best friend…
  • I miss my best friend too…Thank you Henry for helping Krystal.
  • Its fine…you really need to talk to her.
  • I´ll try it…
  • Hey Teddy Ber…you want your box?

I start laughing, he know me so well. We were best friend for nothing.

  • Please…I just found yours today while I was cleaning
  • You were cleaning? Woah you really feel bad eh?
  • You can’t even imagine
  • Yes I can, but well. Hey I have to go Jia is looking me really mad because I should doing my homework
  • You’re already at home?
  • Yes, it’s 4 pm Teddy Ber
  • Oh…time flew by when you’re cleaning…See you later Henrietta
  • Yes Teddy Ber]

I hang up; I lay in my bed with my eyes close. I start feeling like I was falling asleep when I heard a knock in my door. I get up and open my room. I saw Key and Dongwoon standing there.

“Hi, we came to bring your homework” Key say with a fake smile

“Sorry for haven’t call you to say I was not going to school” I mumble to him

“Oh I’m not mad at you for that…I’m mad at you because you’re acting like a girl” Key was sitting now in my desk.

I and Dongwoon were still in the door. I let Dongwoon sit in my bed next to me while I was looking at Key.

“I’m a girl you know?” I was now annoyed

“NO, you’re a woman Amber!! You’re not 15 years old and you’re acting like a little brat. You’re been selfish with Krystal and the poor kid is starting to convince herself she don’t deserve you either” Key explain me

“Kibum be nice with her, she’s suffering too. Look Amber you really need to stop sabotaging this” Dongwoon said.

“Look…I can’t, I don’t think she’s going to forgive me and be with me again” I reply to them

“First you need to stop blaming yourself about what happen with Minho, Minho hurt her, not you. Second you need to learn how to love you and accept yourself so you can love her. Third, just try” Key was looking more calm

“I guess” I said to Key

“Have you been cleaning?” Dongwoon was looking at my room

“Yes, I clean all my room. Also I talk to Henry, I forgive him” I was looking at the ceiling

“What about we make you a new hairstyle? You know like something new that you like and also for you to move on in your new life…A life when what it matter is YOU HAPPY” Key suddenly blur out

I stay there thinking, it was true that a lot of people is juts to cut their hair after a rough time making it like they were cutting their past. But also I was scared I never cut or make anything too extreme to my hair because I was scared people look at me weird.

“Look you can call Henry and tell him, he probably needs to change his hair too. Kibum also wants to change his hair. Platinum Blonde right Kiboo?” Dongwoon was so charming

“Yes Wonie, so what do you say?” Key put his pinky up

I sigh and cover my face with my hands I was feeling so anxious and so frustrated. But then I remember something that Krystal told me once.

You can’t make everyone happy but its better if you make yourself happy, after that people will be happy for you been happy

“Let’s do it” I put my pinky up too

“Well now you make the promise, you bring her the homework now…You owe me a dinner Kiboo so let’s go” Dongwoon stood up and grab Key’s hand. Before Key could say anything Dongwoon already pull him out of the room and I guess out of the house.

“Do you remember when you and Henry just say that one day you won’t care about people?” Jong pop-up of nowhere

“Yes…also I remember that we used to say that we will rule the world” I reply to him

“Maybe you should focus on stop caring about people” Jong kiss my forehead and left my room

I lie in bed again and fall asleep. After like an hour or two I feel like someone was poking my cheek. I open my eyes with an angry face. I saw Hae looking at me.

“Baby Dino! Woke up sunshine I want to tell you something” He was happier than usual

“What Hae?” I get up lazily and sit in bed

“I have a girlfriend I haven’t say anything to you because I was afraid you were upset for who is it. But now that you and Henry are fine I can finally told you” Hae blur out

“What? When you start dating? And who is the girl?” I was confused

Hae just smile to me and grab my hand, he pull downstairs and I feel my eyes got bigger when I see my dad and my mom talking with Jia, Henry’s sister.

“Hi Amber, Henry told me that you will need this” She got up from the couch and give a little black box

I was expecting seen Henry but maybe he was a little uncomfortable coming home.

“He was doing his homework and when I told him I was coming to your home he want to come but Siwon told him that he need to finish homework first, but he told me that he will see you tomorrow at school” Jia explain to me

I smile to her and sit with my parents, apparently Hae and Jia have been dating, they were dating when Henry and fought, so in order to not hurt their younger brother and sister they keep it secret. I sigh, poor Hae. He likes to scream when he is happy and he couldn’t scream all this time this.

Jia didn’t stay much at house; Hae and she were going to movies. I say goodbye to her and went to my room again. I start doing my homework.

I have to love myself so I can love Krystal. I need to start changing my way of thinking first.

I was going to have dinner when Henry and Key appear at my house.

“Change time!”

That’s all I could understand, they dragged me out of my house and took me to a hair salon. I want a change, I do but maybe it was to early.

“If you feel good, then Krystal will be happy” Henry whisper in ear

“Ah…Are you ready?” The hairstylist spoke


If you don’t risk you won’t win


Author's Note:

The story will take some twists in order to make the story grew and have...maybe a happy ending?

I don't know...

Enjoy it and please comment!



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Is it possible to ask for Krystal's pov as I don't understand why she did the things she did in the last 4 chapters?
Chapter 63: Amber was right the whol time. Krystal left first.
Countingme #3
When I'm listening to Maroon 5 good night good night it remain me this fiction.
then I'm so sad very sad.
I think of it. Why they have to break up and their love just be the memories,the first love of each other.
I guess because I've read so much fictions and most of them was happy ending.
But I know in real life we all could confront the truth. There is no happy ending in the real life.
I really loved someone and think that she will be the last but then we broke up.

you right The first love is never forgotten.
Countingme #4
Chapter 63: I'm sad but thank you so much.
Kyunggie_MRA #5
Chapter 63: That was great, slightly heartbreaking, but amazing nonetheless. I cried during the funeral and when Amber flipped and as I approached the end, I didn't want the story to finish. Although realistic, my kryber heart died a little at the ending. However, it was still an awesome story.
kryber97 #6
Chapter 45: great great great !!!!
eka318 #7
Chapter 63: That was great it was the first.story were they dont end.up together but its realistic none of them had experience of being in an actuall realationship come on how Many people end up with their first love .... That is why LOVE is the one that hurts.the.most but its that shows you love and how to forget cuz.eventually you have to.forget :) love the story
Chapter 63: Nooooooo!!! Why did they have to end up like that? Why did kryber have to go their separate ways? Please write another chapter and make them back together TT___TT