Chapter 24

TITLE: Age Doesn't Matter
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Baekhyun walked Taeyeon in front of her house and gave her a peck on the cheeks before saying goodbye. “I’d like to invite you inside but Sunny’s probably still asleep on the couch. She was so wasted last night. She’s totally drunk.”


“Oh, I forgot to tell you but I saw her yesterday.”


“You did?”


“Yeah, it kind of didn’t end well for her, so I’m guessing I’m the reason of her being wasted. I’m sorry about that.”


“Oh…” Taeyeon said, understanding the broad explanation of Baekhyun. “Did you tell her about me?”


“I can’t…” Baekhyun trailed. “I really wanted to. But after that encounter I don’t think it’s safe for you if I told her about our relationship.”


“Yeah, she’ll probably kill me if she knew.” Taeyeon joked. But Baekhyun felt Taeyeon’s seriousness behind those words.


He took her hand and placed it in his chest. “I won’t let that happen.” She gave him a loving smile before nodding.


They parted ways after Baekhyun gave her hand a one last kiss before going home.


Baekhyun glanced back to see Taeyeon click their door open and went inside. “I can’t keep lying to her anymore.” He was about to stroll his way back on Taeyeon’s house to tell her the thing that he’s been keeping inside him for a long time when her mother caught a sight of him when she was about to leave home for a quick grocery.


“Baek, could you drive me to the grocery store? We’re out of ingredients for the spaghetti that I wanted to cook for our dinner. You should invite Taeyeon.” Baekhyun agreed, he’d just have to tell Taeyeon later after dinner.


 He guided her mom to his car and drove her to their destination.







Seohyun was in front of the addressed house of the envelope. She was nervous because it’s her first time being on that vicinity and her first time delivering something. But she remembered the pretty girl and her boyfriend at the pictures so she calmed down, thinking that, that pretty girl doesn’t look like a bad person. She tried to ring the doorbell but no one answered, she tried it again for three times but still no one seems to home. She shrugged and left the envelope in front of the door since the house doesn’t have a mail box. She walks off smiling to herself about the accomplishment she just made.

 “I’m sure Sehun-oppa will be proud of me.”






As soon as Seohyun left the house the door suddenly opened. Sunny’s groaning while she pinched the bridge her nose. The hangover last night dropped at her head like a boulder. All she wanted to do was sleep and forget about her embarrassing heartbreak yesterday.


Baekhyun had made it clear for the last time. There’s no hope for her to be with him. She looked for the one pestering her after she opened the door. No one was around. She scratched her blonde her in irritation and decided to go back to her room and sleep, but before she did, her eyes caught an envelope lying on the floor.


“What this?” She searched for the name of the possible sender but she found none. She shrugged and brought it inside the house.


After tossing the envelope to the couch she felt like she desperately needed to take a bath. She felt smelly and sticky from all the alcohol last night and maybe a good bath would ease her throbbing head. As she reached the bathroom door it swung and open and she stumbled upon Taeyeon who was just finished taking bath.


Taeyeon felt a pang of guilt as she looked and her sister’s stressed face. She’s partially at fault to why Sunny’s been drinking lately.


“Are you taking a bath now?” She blurted out her stupid question to avoid being stared by her hangover sister.


“Obviously.” She said as she held her bag of toiletries above her face. “And you’re in the way.” She shoved Taeyeon away from her path and slammed the door before she even retort.


Taeyeon just sighed at her sister’s harshness. She always does that and sometimes it not a big deal to Taeyeon anymore. Her sister would never like her ever and she still doesn’t know why.






Sunny got out of the bathroom after 30 minutes. She felt her headache subsiding after a long bath. She was drying her hair with a towel when she reached out for the remote and slumped herself on the couch. When she gave up on finding an entertaining show to watch she turned

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Please read my other story "Don't Forget" its not as good as 'Age Doesn't Matter' but it's my first fanfic so I'm kind of proud of it. Need support.


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I know this is tooo late but this story was really good and well written. Thank you authornim 💖
eldorado1 #2
Chapter 9: I love this
Taenglover0903 #3
Thanks authornim for sharing this great story
Taenglover0903 #4
Gonna love this story ..
Chapter 32: Aww~ it was worth it! Considering my exam is tomorrow :3 thanks×××
loveKD #6
Looks interesting... Good job author nim
lataeyeonla #7
Chapter 9: Awww. Gosh so sweet here too^^
tinycaramel #8
Chapter 5: i swear to god by far this is the most hilarious yet cutest baekyeon fanfic I've ever read. Though i'm only on chapter 5, I swear I would finish this. It's too cute T_T Keep up the great work!!
oohpolina #9
baekyeon ♡