First Friend - Continue...

Guardians of My Soul and Life *Editing*


Victoria's POV

I was walking around acting nothing like a QUEENKA when suddenly Hyunah came up to me and said the new transfer student is seducing my future boyfriend. I thanked her and told her to have a meeting and gather everyone.

''Why are we having this meeting?'' some guy said

''We need a plan to get the transfer student to withdraw from this school.''

''But she knows most of us... unless you are the one that approaches to her and acts friendly. Then start doing stuff without her noticing.''

''That's a great idea. I don't mind being her 'friend' for a while. As long as she withdraws then I'm fine. This will start tomorrow. Remember not to say anything when you see me. You guys can treat me around the same way you will treat her so she wouldn't notice anything.''



EunMi's POV

''How come I never met you when I was in my classes?''

''I also just transferred here so I had meetings with teachers so I wasn't in classes...''

''Really? How come I don't have meetings?''

''Well I'm from China so I have more paper work to do.'' I nodded and walked to my next class physical education...

Not that I don't like it. It's just I haven't exercise for 6 years so I might have a hard time. I went to girls' change room and started changing. While I was changing, I didn't notice any people, they were all staring at me with envious stares. I wonder why...

''Victoria, why are they all staring at me like that?''

''Well because first you are pretty, smart, and have a nice body...'' I blushed after hearing a girl say that

''I never knew that. I always thought I was fat compared to you...''

''Well let's go to class before we get into more trouble.'' I looked at her confused

*More trouble...?*

''Never mind''

When we got to the field everyone was staring at me. *Or are they staring at Victoria?*

''Why are they all staring at you?''

''You're funny. They are staring at you. I think the principal gave you a size smaller. your shorts are very short and showed your slim legs. Your shirt is a bit tight in the upper area but it looks nice on you.'' I blushed after she explained. I see Kai and Sehun a little irritated. I wonder why

*Why are they all staring at her*

*I want to dig out their eyes!*

Kai's POV

We were about to start class until EunMi and that witch was walking towards us. EunMi looks very nice in the clothes but it looks too tight for her. After seeing like that my eyes went to the boys in our class. They have evil smiles and can't take their eyes off her. I really want to kick them so they would never be able to make children. I guess we need to talk about this when we get back home.

*Such a stupid girl...*

Sehun's POV

I was cheerfully talking to my friends when all theirs eyes are turned the other way. Being very curious I also turned my head and see EunMi. She looks very nice in the clothes but the guys are sick minded. During the whole class they were talking about her body. I got sick from hearing every guy in our class talking about it. Only Kai hyung and I didn't talk about it. Guess we have to protect her from normal people too...

''Sehun, why aren't you talking to your friends'' I turned and see Kai hyung.

''Hyung those guys are sick. I wonder why the principal gave a size smaller.''

''I don't think it's the principal that gave her a size smaller...'' hyung said as he point at the girl next to EunMi

*That witch...what is she doing near EunMi!*

''Why is she with EunMi? Why is she talking to her? Why is she laughing and giggling with her?''

''Lets talk about this when we get home...''

Soon the day ended and everyone start eyeing EunMi as the boys spread a rumore about EunMi's body. I felt sick hearing all these sick comments about how they want to ge to her and stuff like that after hearing about her body...

EunMi's POV

When I got home it was very quiet. Too quiet... Whatever quiet is good too. I started walking until oppa told me to change and go to the living room after. After I changed into comfortable clothes, I went down and see everyone look serious.

''What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?''

''EunMi-ah, how do you know that witch?''

''Oppa, who is that witch?''


''She is not a witch she is my friend. She is my first friend. She just transferred to the school like I did.''

''EunMi-ah remember you got all the wounds and stuff from a QUEENKA called Hyunah?'' I nodded remember what happened on the first day of school ''She is a QUEENKA too but people doesn't know. She doesn't act like one but she is the head of the group. Even though you might think Hyunah is, she isn't. Hyunah is the one that does the action while Victoria is the one that thinks of ideas and targets.'' I looked at them confused

''EunMi-ah what Baekhyun was saying is Victoria is the head QUEENKA not Hyunah'' I nodded after Chanyeol explain it in a short way ''That means that you are the next target'' I looked confused again

''What do you mean I'm the next target she is just being friendly to me. How does that make me the next target. You guys said that Hyunah is the one that does the action so Why am I the next target?''

''The first day you met Hyunah, that is the day when you were targeted.'' My vision is starting to get blurry. ''Don't worry EunMi we will protect you from...''

''I don't want to hear any of this! She is my first friend, how can you guys say she is a witch!'' I stormed out the house and start to run to where ever my legs take me to.

Suho's POV

''I guess we told her too much information today.''

''Hyung...we have something else to say.'' We all looked at Sehun ''People are talking about her body the whole day because Kai hyung and I think the witch change he clothes into a size smaller...''


''Her shorts were very short showing her slim legs. Her shirt look a bit tight on the upper area. But I don't think she noticed...''

''We should tell the whole school that she is my sister...I don't want anyone to talk about like that...''

''Should we find her...I think she is wearing a very short shorts and a tank top showing most of her skin.'' We all nodded and each grabbed a sweater so who ever finds her will cover her.

EunMi's POV

I kept running until I bumped into someone. Victoria.

''Are you OK EunMi. Why are you crying?''

''Nothing Victoria, my family was shouting and yelling so I ran out thats all. I think I should go now, its getting dark''

''Why don't you stay at my place for the night then tomorrow morning you can go back home.''

I shooked my head and then she grabbed my arm tightly

''Are you sure. I live alone so it doesn't botherme...''


I turned around and see oppa running towards me.

''OPPA what are you doing here?'' I turned and see Victoria hugging oppa O.O

''Ah Victoria nice seeing you here...''

''OPPA you know EunMi?''

''Yes...of course I do she is my sister.'' Her eyes widen and turn and look at you. Well not look but glare.

*Why is she glaring at me?*

''EunMi lets go others are worried about you and we still didn't finish talking yet.'' I nodded and started walking until

''OPPA are you kidding me. Why is she your sister?''


''Victoria-sshi what are you talking about. What do you mean why. She is my blood-related sister that I almost lost 6 years ago.''

''OH she is the one that was in a coma for 6 years... but still she doesn't deserve to be your sister. Look at her so innocent looking. That's what you think she is but she isn't.''

''Sorry Victoria-sshi but we have to leave now GOODBYE.''

Oppa held my hand and we walked back home. I didn't realize that I ran that far and I was getting tired and sleepy. I starting yawning ''Want a piggyback? I haven't given my sister a piggyback for a long time.'' I nodded and hopped on. The whole walk back home was quiet so I fell asleep.

Victoria's POV

*You're going to get it KIM EUNMI... I'll do what ever it takes to get rid of you, even though you forgot what happened to your parents I should be careful in case you remember what I did to your parents. It's your fault for being there to see what I did. Blame yourself, don't blame anyone else...''




Sorry for such boring chapter. I pormise that after 2-3 more chapters things will get interesting. Also I will tell you guys ahead of time that I will be camping from the 19-22 so I won't be able to update around those times because I'm busy preparing. Thank you for reading I appreciate it.

Hope you guys have other fanfics to read while I have camp. WISH ME LUCK because I think I will be too tired to update


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First chapter edited~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 54: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Chapter 4: That bag is so cuteee but if I'm the one who using it probably at the day one the bag will no longer be useful. Considering on how many text book I have to bring xD
Chapter 54: lol I was like what? why is B.A.P attacking them and then you do it and i was like asdfghjkl! haha, i love it. great job author! (≧▽≦)/~┴┴
Chapter 54: OMagaD O-O <3 /fangirlmomentthurr/
sazuka #5
Chapter 54: You surely have to made a sequel or I will bite you
Chapter 51: is it just me? or is the ending's a bit confusing? btw. I like it ;)
qtkyungsoo #7
Chapter 54: Its great!! First u make me confuse about the special bap part....
I thought they have a battle again...
then u made the story happy ending....
Sooooo sweeeetttt!!! I love it!!! =))))
sazuka #8
Chapter 54: #author nim why in this story, I have to become
TAO(panda) oppa best friend & dongsaeng? I don't want to!

#because I wanted to be his, become his girl friend and then become his wife... and he will be mine (hehehehehe ^_^)

#anyways this was a great story
#interesting etc

#I can say this story have every thing...

author nim








Chapter 54: i would never be suho's sister!

because i want to be his only wife xXDDD