Rivals Turn Into Allies...

Guardians of My Soul and Life *Editing*

EunMi's POV

''Since all I know about you guys is your group is called BAP, you want to kill me because of your so-called BOSS, and you know me...''

''You know us too but I guess you lost your memory...''

''Why don't you guys reintroduce yourselves...''

''Hi my name is Yongguk...''

''Hi I'm Yongguk, what is your name?''

''Hello I'm Daehyun...''

''Hi I'm Himchan...''

''Annyeonghaseyo I'm Youngjae''

''Hi I'm Jongup and I love dancing...''

''Hi noona I'm Zelo I'm 2 years younger than you...''


''Really?! With only the leader introducing himself?''

''Well...I asked you guys to introduce yourselves before but you said you will kill me before we be friends...''

''OH really...mian...''

''It's OK Himchan oppa!''

''Glad you can remember us''

''So...now that I remember you guys, can you describe your BOSS?''

''We don't know a lot of information about them...''

''Why don't you each say something...Yongguk oppa you start''

''Well...all we know is that they have a group of 10 or more people...'' I nodded

''Himchan oppa?''

''They have all the resources that is useful. Just ask them and they know everything''

''Oh really...Daehyun oppa?''

''I know that they live in a cave and they so-called 'help people' but they only ruin their memories''

*Did Super Junior oppas ruin my memory?...*

''Youngjae oppa?''

''I heared from Victoria noona that they have the looks. They are either handsome or pretty''

*That matches Super Junior oppas...*


''They can do anything...singing, dancing, entertainment, technology...anything!''

''What about you Zelo?''

''Hyungs said all the stuff we know...''

''OK...I think I know who you guys are talking about...but their personality is different from how you describe them...''

''Who is it!?''

''I think it is Super Junior''

''What makes you think that way?''

''Well...they are in a cave when ever I see them...they are handsome...they can do anything...and they help me with my memory...but I don't know if they messed up my mind...''

''All those things match but you said their personality is different...''

''We can check that...should ask EXO for help?''

''Zelo! Remember that we are rivals with them! How do you expect us to ask them for help. That makes us look like we lost to them!''

''It's OK Yongguk oppa...I can ask them for help...after all you guys are good people but used for evil. As long as you guys help each other I don't think EXO oppas will mind...''

''Can we EunMi?''

''Of course Daehyun oppa! Let me make a call and we will go back to my house and we will talk OK?''



''Yobeoseyo...'' Suho answered quietly ''EUNMI!?''

Everyone in the house heared Suho called out EunMi and they all rushed to the living room and try to listen to the conversation.

''Myunnie oppa can I ask you something?...''

''Of course EunMi what is it? Is BAP doing something bad to you? Do you want me to find you?...''

''NO NO NO Myunnie oppa...they are nice to me...can we ally with them?''

''WHAT?! NO WAY!''

''Myunnie oppa...they are nice people and they didn't want to hurt people like you guys but they are under control by their BOSS''

''Who is their BOSS?''

''I think it is Super Junior oppas but I don't know...if you don't say yes I will stay with BAP forever and you will never find me ever again''

''OK OK OK I'll ally with them but you need to come home now!''

''I will and I will bring BAP with me because they have no where to stay...if we don't have enough room they can stay with me...''

''NO NO We have enough room you don't need to share with them...''


*How does she know I am listening to the conversation...* All EXO members thought...


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First chapter edited~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 54: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Chapter 4: That bag is so cuteee but if I'm the one who using it probably at the day one the bag will no longer be useful. Considering on how many text book I have to bring xD
Chapter 54: lol I was like what? why is B.A.P attacking them and then you do it and i was like asdfghjkl! haha, i love it. great job author! (≧▽≦)/~┴┴
Chapter 54: OMagaD O-O <3 /fangirlmomentthurr/
sazuka #5
Chapter 54: You surely have to made a sequel or I will bite you
Chapter 51: is it just me? or is the ending's a bit confusing? btw. I like it ;)
qtkyungsoo #7
Chapter 54: Its great!! First u make me confuse about the special bap part....
I thought they have a battle again...
then u made the story happy ending....
Sooooo sweeeetttt!!! I love it!!! =))))
sazuka #8
Chapter 54: #author nim why in this story, I have to become
TAO(panda) oppa best friend & dongsaeng? I don't want to!

#because I wanted to be his, become his girl friend and then become his wife... and he will be mine (hehehehehe ^_^)

#anyways this was a great story
#interesting etc

#I can say this story have every thing...

author nim








Chapter 54: i would never be suho's sister!

because i want to be his only wife xXDDD