We Should End This Now...Maybe Not...

Guardians of My Soul and Life *Editing*

EunMi's POV

Since five minutes past and they said they are still not ready, I started provoking them.

''Missing you MOST important member?''


''Well I guess I can come back some other day and wait to finish this off...''

''We will end this today!''

''The day is going to end...and you want to end this battle today...impossible...''


''I don't see that right now...I'm getting tired maybe I should go back and sleep first...''


''Only I'm leaving though...you guys still need to wait for your peer...''


*I guess the plan is working...all members looks so tired from yelling at me...*

''How long do I have to wait then?''


*We will still win without Sungmin*

Since I didn't know what their powers were it was a little disadvantage for me. Well..maybe not a little but a LOT! I started using Kai's power and teleporting everywhere around the cave and luckily they didn't know where I'm teleporting. I suddenly started forming wind while teleporting. It is a little risky because I didn't train to do more than 1 power at a time. I looked for a hidden spot where they wouldn't find me but I can attack from there. I saw the ceilling having a platform. I teleported there and the wind was big enough to knock them out for a while. I pushed the wind towards them and unforunately they didn't have any reactions.

''Don't bother trying EunMi. We prepared this before you came''

''I have more skills than that you know that''

''We'll see...'' Before he whoever he is finish talking I formed water and fire phoenix and they combined.

''That thing won't harm us EunMi'' He smirked. No wait. They all smirked...

''We'll see...'' I began forming spikes with fire and freezing them. The spikes combined with the phoenix. They looked shocked. ''Never seen someone do this before? That's why you guys call me the strongest.''

''...'' Before they said anything, the phoenix went to them and they weren't prepared for this.

*Yes! One point for EunMi!* I looked at them and some already looked tired and exhuasted even though they didn't do anything yet. WAIT! Are they planning something...

''This isn't the battle is it?''

''What do you mean of course it is.''

''I know when you are lying Ryeowook...''

''Guess you got us. Now let the real battle begin!'' After Leeteuk said that creatures started coming out and they all disappeared AGAIN! But this time I see Eunhyuk and Donghae standing there.

*They really look like a couple...*


I started killing them. Well knocking them out. I don't know how to kill it because there isn't a heart attached to it. Whenever I stab the heart part they looked amused...

*There must be a way to kill them and Super Junior at the same time...* Since Donghae and Eunhyuk are here, that means that they are not really part of the plan and Super Junior just want to get rid of them...

I looked up the ceiling and I see all this crystal spike shaped. I can create an earthquake and teleport before it hits me. But that is dangerous.

*Maybe I can find their weakness...they look like they are the bestest friends ever. Maybe I can trap one of them and the other surrenders...*

''Maybe you guys want to find your members because you will regret it later.''

''What makes you think like that...'' Before Donghae finished talking I teleported behind Eunhyuk and freezed him.


''Told you...''

''What do you want?''

''You really like Eunhyuk don't you.''


*You guys can die?...Interesting...*

''I'll release him if you tell me all your weaknesses.''

*I can't betray Super Junior BUT I need Eunhyuk to survive...*


After hearing the list of weaknesses I unfreezed Eunhyuk and build a fire for him. I pitied them. I don't think they wanted to be part of this anyway.

''Now...tell me where they went.''

''They are further in the cave. Can you save us because we betrayed them?''

''Sure!'' I went to write a note and gave it to them ''Give it to BAP or EXO when you see them, they will know what to do''

''THANK YOU SO MUCH!'' They said at the same time *No wonder they are best friends they act the same way too*

''Leave before they noticed.'' After I said that I ran further in the cave. I noticed there was lots of weapons.

*I guess they don't have powerful poweres...*

''Well..already finished with them?''

''YUP! So easy now who's next!''

''All 12 OF US!'' I looked at all of them and they all had swords and other weapons.

''I see...well...lets start!''

(Not good at describing fighting scenes sorry. Please imagine)

We have been fighing for I don't know how long but I know that we were all exhuasted. Well most of us. 1 or 2 of them were barely touched. They don't have any wounds or bruises or cuts.

''I...see...Sungmin...is still...not here...'' I was breathing heavily because 1 vs 12 is tiring espically when you fight them at the same time. But I was strong enough to only get a cut or two.

''We gave up on him already. Without him we can still beat you''

''Are you sure about that?'' I remember their weaknesses and I went for the closest person. Yesung. His weakness is his throat because he treasure it so well that no one ever touch it. I ran to him and slashed his throat and everyone was shocked.

*I guess they know each other's weakness as well...*

''OK...who's next?''


''No wonder you guys are a group...''

I looked around and I see most people have their eyes closed like they regreted it.

''If you want to change your mind it's not too late''

They all looked at me except for Leeteuk.

*I guess he is the head. Maybe if I kill him first the members will stop.*

When I ran towards Leeteuk, I suddenly felt dizzy. I turned around and I see Donghae smirking. I looked to where his hand was and I was stabbing my side. I was wearing white so my blood was visibly shown.

''Why...did you...come...back? Why...are you...here?''

''Do you actually think that we will betray them? You are so gullible EunMi...''

I managed to form ice and freezed Donghae with a smirk.

''Who...else...want to get...frozen?''

No one answered and I was planning to set the place on fire when I realized something. I could sacrifice myself and if I disappear then Super Junior will also disappear. They were here because of me. And only I can change this.

I grabbed the knife from Donghae and I stabbed myself for good. I looked around and see Super Junior with a shocked face and slowly they are vanishing.

*I finally did it...I hope I see EXO and BAP again..* I was slowly closing my eyes when I heard something...



NOT OVER YET! I think there might be 1 more chapter before I offically end this.

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First chapter edited~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 54: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Chapter 4: That bag is so cuteee but if I'm the one who using it probably at the day one the bag will no longer be useful. Considering on how many text book I have to bring xD
Chapter 54: lol I was like what? why is B.A.P attacking them and then you do it and i was like asdfghjkl! haha, i love it. great job author! (≧▽≦)/~┴┴
Chapter 54: OMagaD O-O <3 /fangirlmomentthurr/
sazuka #5
Chapter 54: You surely have to made a sequel or I will bite you
Chapter 51: is it just me? or is the ending's a bit confusing? btw. I like it ;)
qtkyungsoo #7
Chapter 54: Its great!! First u make me confuse about the special bap part....
I thought they have a battle again...
then u made the story happy ending....
Sooooo sweeeetttt!!! I love it!!! =))))
sazuka #8
Chapter 54: #author nim why in this story, I have to become
TAO(panda) oppa best friend & dongsaeng? I don't want to!

#because I wanted to be his, become his girl friend and then become his wife... and he will be mine (hehehehehe ^_^)

#anyways this was a great story
#interesting etc

#I can say this story have every thing...

author nim








Chapter 54: i would never be suho's sister!

because i want to be his only wife xXDDD