Panick!!/Getting Ready For School

Guardians of My Soul and Life *Editing*

EunMi's POV

After having a nice dream of candyland I woke up and my alarm clock said it's 5 am. Since I can't go back to sleep, I went downstairs and started cooking breakfast. I like having simple breakfast so I have waffles with peaches.


After I finished my breakfast it was 6 am. Since I'm bored I start to make their breakfast. I don't know if they like korean food or other style so I made some of each.







*After making all these, I think I will go around the neighbourhoos and have a morning jog.*

I left a note on the dinning table where all the food were place

I'm going to go for a morning jog you don't need to worry i have a good memory and I won't get lost. Trust me. I'm probably going to be back in 2-3 hours.


I left without waking up the boys.


After yesterday's dinner I have a feeling that she will cook for us again so I woke up a bit earlier than usual. When I got downstairs my eyes are wide open. The dinning table was filled with food. I ran to the kitchen but I don't see anyone. I ran to her room but there wasn't annyone there. I decided to wake up all the members and tell them to eat. When they saw the dinnning table their eyes widen too. We ate slowly and I can't stop thinking about EunMi. In the corner of my eyes I saw something fall. It looked like a piece of paper so I didn't bother picking it up.

''Guys, where is EunMi?'' Suho hyung asked. We all shrugged.

''Kyungsoo, when did you make all these breakfast?'' Kai asked. ''I didn't...''

''Then who made it?''

''I think EunMi-sshi did, but I look everywhere and she isn't here...''


''Lets go look for her.''

No One's POV

They all split up into their room groups. Kai and D.O went to the parks nearby. Suho and Kris went to the supermarkets nearby. Sehun and Luhan walked around the neighbourhood. The others went around and asked people walking by. They all gave up because they search and they are hungry. They went home and heard the TV.

''Who forgot to turn the TV off?''

''None of us used the TV cause we all went out to find EunMi-sshi after eating.''

They walked to the living room and see EunMi doing yoga in front of the TV.

''Hi, why are you guys so sweaty. Did you guys go out for a run together?''

''EunMi where were you!'' Suho yelled

EunMi was shocked and she fell on the ground. ''I left a note on the dinning table...'' she said trembling.

D.O walked to the kitchen and found a piece of paper on the floor. It is the same paper he saw when they were wating. He read it and his eyes widen. He ran to the living room.

''Guys... I found the note on the floor...''

''How did the note get to the floor.'' '

''Maybe it flew when we all walked in...''

''EunMi, I'm sorry...''

''It's OK. As long as you guys know the truth and not blame anyone it's OK'' she said and smiled. ''Are you guys hungry? I ordered chicken in case you guys come back and have nothing to eat.''

EunMi's POV

I was so scared when my brother yelled at me. But it's OK, he is just worried where I went.

''EunMi, school starts In two days and we already help you transfer into our school. Do you want to go shopping for supplies because I think all your supplies won't work now.'' I nodded

''EunMi-sshi, since you are 17 turning 18 soon, you will be in the same class as Sehun and Kai OK?'' I nodded

''You guys can stop calling me EunMi-sshi, just EunMi sounds better.'' They all nodded

''Then you call us oppa. But to make your brother special you call us oppa with our names in front but Suho hyung will just be oppa.'' I nodded

''Lets go and buy supplies before they close.''

While walking to the store people were staring at us. Well not us but them.

I went in and found a lot of supplies I want to buy.

''Choose what ever you want to buy EunMi.''

''Ne oppa''

I looked around and I see this very cute bag. I grabbed it and ran to oppa. He smiled and I continued to look for supplies.


I found this set of pencils and pen and found more supplies


I found a pencil case and I remember they call their group EXO so I took it.


I decided to buy a whole stack of notebooks so I won't run out


After I was done picking my supplies, Oppas help me carried them and we went home. Since we have school in 2 days I think I should study so I am not behind.

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First chapter edited~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 54: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Chapter 4: That bag is so cuteee but if I'm the one who using it probably at the day one the bag will no longer be useful. Considering on how many text book I have to bring xD
Chapter 54: lol I was like what? why is B.A.P attacking them and then you do it and i was like asdfghjkl! haha, i love it. great job author! (≧▽≦)/~┴┴
Chapter 54: OMagaD O-O <3 /fangirlmomentthurr/
sazuka #5
Chapter 54: You surely have to made a sequel or I will bite you
Chapter 51: is it just me? or is the ending's a bit confusing? btw. I like it ;)
qtkyungsoo #7
Chapter 54: Its great!! First u make me confuse about the special bap part....
I thought they have a battle again...
then u made the story happy ending....
Sooooo sweeeetttt!!! I love it!!! =))))
sazuka #8
Chapter 54: #author nim why in this story, I have to become
TAO(panda) oppa best friend & dongsaeng? I don't want to!

#because I wanted to be his, become his girl friend and then become his wife... and he will be mine (hehehehehe ^_^)

#anyways this was a great story
#interesting etc

#I can say this story have every thing...

author nim








Chapter 54: i would never be suho's sister!

because i want to be his only wife xXDDD