Meeting EXO??/ EXO-K??/ EXO-M??

Guardians of My Soul and Life *Editing*

EunMi's POV

It was very awkward seeing 12 good-looking boys staring at me like I'm some sasaeng fan. I was going to break the ice when some guy talked. I don't know who he is so I just started to space out.

''Lets introduce ourselves since we don't know each other.''

Suddenly someone stood in front of me and I stopped spacing out.

''My name is Suho...''

*Suho... sounds so familiar*

''I'm the leader of EXO-K. I am also your brother.''


''Really?! How will I know that you are my brother?''

''I have my birth certificate.'' he gave it to me ''This is yours'' he gave me another one. I looked closely and saw the birth parent and we have the same parent.

''Why are you the leader? what is EXO-K?''

''Well I will explain all that when we all introduced ourselves.'' I nodded and looked to see who will introduce themselves next.

''I'm Sehun. I'm the maknae of the group. I think I'm older than you. How old are you?''

''I'm 17 years old.''

''YAY! I have a dongsaeng!''

*He is so childish no wonder his room is like that* I thought and giggled.

''I'm Tao. I'm also the maknae but EXO-M's maknae.''

''So there are two groups with the 12 of you guys?''

He nodded and asked ''Do you like GUCCI?''

''Sorry have no memory of anything so I don't know what most things are...''

''It's OK I'll teach and tell you!''

''OK, I'm next. I'm Kai. I'm the second youngest here.''

''WHAT! you're the second youngest!''

*I thought he might be the oldest because of his look*

They all burst out laughing, I wonder why

''Well...I'm not''

''What is your birth name?''

''Kim Jongin'' I nodded

''Hello EunMi-sshi, I'm Baekhyun.''


*He has a lot of eyeliner on. More than me*

''Can I ask you a question.'' he nodded ''Why do you have eyeliner on?''

''Because... I have small eyes...''

''It's OK you don't need eyeliner for having small eyes. Guys look better without those things.''

He smiled and walked back to his seat.

''Hello EunMi-sshi.'' My eyes widened O.O because his eyes are like that too ''I'm Kyungsoo but call me D.O''

''OH!! You're the guy that Chanyeol-sshi said that doesn't let anyone in the kitchen right?'' he nodded shyly ''Can I go in the kitchen from now on? I love cooking, I don't know how but I can cook.'' his eyes widen more and smiled.

''Of course you can. I don't let them in the kitchen because they can't cook and when they do, they make a huge mess for me to clean. That's why they call me the umma. I guess Chanyeol hyung told you that too.'' I smiled and nodded

''I guess I don't need to introduce myself since I showed you around the house and we become more close than others.'' I giggled and nodded


''The people that just introduced themselves to you except Tao are in a group called EXO-K.'' my brother said.

''So the other 5 is in EXO-M?'' he nodded

''Hello I'm Kris. Leader of EXO-M. Nice to meet you.'' I bowed when he said that. I don't know why but the way he says it sounds like I should respect him.

''I'm Luhan. The guy that help you check out of hospital.'' I nodded


''Are you always this shy?''

''He's only shy if he is around people he doesn't know or trust very well. He will change back to his personality later whenn you get to know him.'' I nodded

''I'm Xiumin.''

*He looks so young. Is he younger than me?*

''EunMi-sshi, he is the oldest member here.'' my eyes widen again O.O

''REALLY!!'' he nodded

''This isn't your birth name right?'' he nooded

''It's Kim Minseok...''

''That's a nice name''

''Thank you''

''I'm Chen. My birth name is Kim Jongdae.''

''Nice to meet you.''

''Since we introduced all of us why don't you introduce yourself.'' I think D.O-sshi said.

''Well all I know is my name is Kim EunMi. I'm 17 years old. I had a coma for 6 years. I don't remember anything but the doctor said I wasn't injured or anything when I was sent to the hospital. My parents died before I fell in a coma. I only have my brother left, who I don't really know very well...''

''That's enough for now.'' Suho-sshi said ''Kyungsoo-ah go make dinner, if you need any help ask us.''

''I will never ask you guys for help. You guys can't even tell which is sugar and which is salt....''

''Can I help? I want to see how you cook annd prepare.''

''I'll let you cook some other day, You need to rest.''

''Fine, next time.''


*She is such a nice girl, why would the witch put a spell on her. Is it because she saw what happened when she was killing her parents? Why won't Suho hyung tell her anything about our powers and other dangerous things that is going on? Maybe she doesn't believe in it and Suho hyung doesn't want to confuse her?*

I kept thinking about other things, before I know it EunMi-sshi was standing next to me watching what I'm doing for dinner.

''Do you need help? You almost put sugar instead of salt.''

''Can you cook dinner tonight. I want to see how you cook before letting you cook other days when I'm not here.


I sat there spacing out and before I know it, she cook a full table of food.


(ignore the background)


(ignore the background)


''I don't know how I did it but I can only think of these things to make...'' she smiled

''You are a natural cook. Even I don't know how to make most of these things. Lets call them to eat.'' she nodded ''Guys come in and eat.''

When I saw their expression it was so funny

''Hyung when did you know how to cook these things? How did you use so less time and cooked so much?''

''Kai, EunMi cooked all these. I was spacing out the whole time.''

We then all looked at her which made her uncomfortable ''Lets eat before the food gets cold.''

''Thank you EunMi-sshi'' they all said at the same time

We started eating quietly and surprisingly, there were leftover. Even though there wasn't much left it was surprising, usually they would finish eveything and asked me to cook more.

''Do you guys want drinks I'm going to make bubble tea. I saw the ingredients and I'm craving for some.'' EunMi-sshi said

''I do!'' Sehun and Luhan screamed

''Write down the flavour you want and I'll start making it.''

EunMi's POV

This is so funny. They are all older than me but when it comes to food they are very childish. Sehun-sshi and Luhan-sshi want chocolate and taro bubble tea. I'm going to make a watermelon bubble tea for myself.

*For Sehun-sshi*


*For Luhan-sshi*


(ignore the background)

*For me!*

After giving it to them, I finished mine and bid them goodnights because I'm too tired today.

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First chapter edited~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 54: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Chapter 4: That bag is so cuteee but if I'm the one who using it probably at the day one the bag will no longer be useful. Considering on how many text book I have to bring xD
Chapter 54: lol I was like what? why is B.A.P attacking them and then you do it and i was like asdfghjkl! haha, i love it. great job author! (≧▽≦)/~┴┴
Chapter 54: OMagaD O-O <3 /fangirlmomentthurr/
sazuka #5
Chapter 54: You surely have to made a sequel or I will bite you
Chapter 51: is it just me? or is the ending's a bit confusing? btw. I like it ;)
qtkyungsoo #7
Chapter 54: Its great!! First u make me confuse about the special bap part....
I thought they have a battle again...
then u made the story happy ending....
Sooooo sweeeetttt!!! I love it!!! =))))
sazuka #8
Chapter 54: #author nim why in this story, I have to become
TAO(panda) oppa best friend & dongsaeng? I don't want to!

#because I wanted to be his, become his girl friend and then become his wife... and he will be mine (hehehehehe ^_^)

#anyways this was a great story
#interesting etc

#I can say this story have every thing...

author nim








Chapter 54: i would never be suho's sister!

because i want to be his only wife xXDDD