His Circumstance, If Only, If Only

His and Her Circumstances


“Yes, tonight. I have to attend a party but I can’t find myself a substitute for my brother-who-you-placed-into-the-hospital. That’s why you’ll have to me instead.” Ms. Jung said.

“What? Me? You know I hate rich people like you! Then going to a place full of those people I hate to the core? I don’t think so, Ms. Jung,” I hastily rejected.

“NOONA!!!” she corrected me. “And you can’t do anything. It’s an order from master to slave.” She said. Then the car stopped in front of a boutique. One in which people like me can only look outside.

She went out of the car and motioned to me that I do the same. I followed her inside the store then five employees went and bowed to us guests.

“Find him a suit for a party. And make him look elegant.” She said and sat on a couch. Then the five employees led me in front of a mirror and started criticizing me.

“Ms. Jung, I think that he’s already elegant. He’s tall and good looking. Anything would suit him.” The manager said.

“Then give him something worthy of his elegance.” She said.

The employees went to their racks and started looking for a suit. One took a white overalls and gave it to me. He then told me to change. I did and when I went out of the dressing room,

“No. He looks older than his age. Another.” She remarked.

Another one brought me a dark blue colored suit. I changed, went out then,

“No. It doesn’t look comfortable for the eyes.” She commented.

One after another, the employees brought suit after suit. But she’d always say a remark saying it does not fit me.

“Ms. Jung may I?” the manager spoke. It looked like even the manager wants to take the challenge to see what would fit me.

He brought a black tuxedo, it looks simple and plain and ordinary. As always, I went and change, but this time, after exiting the dressing room.

“Perfect! It seems plain and ordinary suits you best!” She finally gave her okay. But I don’t like the comment plain and ordinary suits me even though it’s expected for a poor man like me.

“Don’t you think so, Ms. Jung? I thought that giving him a simple yet elegant style would show his charm. The tuxedo by itself looked boring, but, unexplainable it may be, the tuxedo looked as if it was a very stylish one on him. Maybe it was because of the way he wore it.” The manager also commented. “Child, don’t you know how to wear it properly?”

“Sorry. It was my first time wearing one.” I said. I’m really offended. But the nearest clothes to this one are my school uniforms. I don’t know how to wear these clothes so I wore it like my uniform.

“Please forget the question, Kyuhyun. I’ll buy the tuxedo. Let’s go now.” Ms. Jung said leaving a check to the manager. I followed right behind her again.

“Don’t be offended. You’re very stylish and inventive you know. You actually made it look cool even though you have not worn one before yourself. I’m really amazed.” She said going inside the car.

We then went to their mansion but she told me to stay in the car. After a few hours, she went out in a dress. She really is rich. And to think I’ll surround myself with people like her later in the evening. She entered the car and went to her favorite salon. She had her hair and make-up, and mine too. When I looked into the mirror, I looked like them. I was horrified but at the same time felt a little joy. It was the first time I was able to wear clothes like this and had a makeover. I actually looked decent!

After our session at the salon, we then went to the mansion where the party is held. As told, I escorted her inside. She greeted her friends and talked business with some. She had her fun for some time but all I can do is stand in the corner trying to avoid people.

“Ms. Jung, is he your brother? It’s been a long time since I last saw him. He looked really handsome now is he?” A man said to noona.

“Ani… He’s just escorting me for tonight’s party since my brother can’t come.” She said.

“Really? He’s not your brother? I thought he was! He kind of resembled your father. Sorry, it’s an honest mistake.” He apologized.

“Dae… He does looked… a little like… father.” She said. “Oh, I have to greet Mr. Park. Let’s talk later, alright?” She walked towards me and pulled me away from the corner.

“What is it?” I asked confused.

“We have to greet the celebrant. That’s why we’re here, right?” she replied. We approached a middle aged man.

“Joo!!! How nice of you to drop in!” Mr. Park said as soon as he saw noona.

“Mr. Park. Thank you for inviting. And Happy birthday!” she said.

“Who’s this? Your lover? Quite young. But good-looking I say.” Mr. Park asked.

“This is Mr. Cho Kyuhyun. And he’s not my lover, Mr. Park. He’s just escorting me for this party since my brother can’t come.” She defended quickly.

“Oh yeah? Sorry about that. Well then Mr. Cho, is there anything you can give this old man for his birthday?” he turned to me.

“Mr. Park, I have not asked him to prepare any-”

“Anything, child?” Mr. Park cut noona and insisted on asking me for any gift. It seems like he knew I’m not rich like them and he is mocking me.

“Well, if there is anything I could give you, would you accept a song?” I said in the spur of the moment.

“A song? I like songs. Do you play piano? A song with only voice is great, but with musical accompaniment, better. Don’t you agree?” He said still trying to look down on me.

“Of course. Any song request?” I said though hesitant.

“Anything child. Anything.” He said then showed me to the stage where a grand piano sits. Thank God father thought me how to play piano when he was still alive.

“Ladies and Gents, my friend here would like to offer us all a little entertainment. Let us listen to the song he’d offer us.” Mr. Park announced to everyone in the main hall. All attention focused on me. He’s really trying to embarrass me. No way would I lose to rich devils like you!

I started playing on the piano the intro of a ballad song. When the cue came, I started singing the song. I felt that the crowd finally recognize me and fell silent to listen to my song. This made me forget my hate for this people for a moment and started singing the song whole-heartedly.

If only she could hear this song I’m singing. If only, if only….

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please update this story :(
i do have a feeling that Kyuhyun is rich. but he didn't know it. please update soon... ;)
Nilam- #3
ch 24. ^^<br />
aih I want to know who is really kyu soon<br />
seokyu fighting !!
Nilam- #4
ch 23. what's that? ddukbokki?<br />
oh joo, actually how rich are you???<br />
hey, they're like husband & wife shopping together<br />
she chose him clothing ^^<br />
Nilam- #5
ch 22<br />
jeeeezzzz, what kind of fish actually? seo you're too over<br />
oh seo no,, you got it wrong XDD he's acting like that just because of you!<br />
enjoy your date!
Nilam- #6
ch 21. dear author................<br />
ugghhhhhh this is fluuuuuuuuuuuuffy ^^<br />
lmao~ joo, you weren't be disturbed because you were busy preparing their date. how sweet~ forever grateful to you mmuuuuaaaaachhhh<br />
hahaha kyu you saw what? bikini? don't worry. she saw you shirtles XDD
Nilam- #7
omg you really updated 4 chapters. thank you~ *read first*
“Then, I’ll be with you forever.” :"> AISH!!!!!!! THAT WAS SO SWEEEEEEEET! ^^