
The Undomestic Nanny

Chapter 20

Annie, could I speak to you in the kitchen for a moment?” Daehyun asked giving her a look of discomfort.


Sure thing, Hyunnie!” Annie exclaimed standing up and cheerily following him.


Stop calling me that!” he demanded.


Why not, Hyunnie?” she pouted.


Don't EVER call me that! And you should stop with that cutesy act,” he sneered. “It doesn't even suit you.”


Annie shrugged and returned to her normal self. “It was worth a try,” she said.


It can work on another guy but since we've known each other longer I can't see you any other way. Cute is definitely not your forte,” he pointed out.


Alright, whatever,” she said crossing her arms. “Anyways, you needed to speak to me?”


Yeah, may I ask what you're doing at my apartment this early in the morning?” he asked finally. “And you brought him with you!” he glanced at the younger guy who was sitting on the giant living room sofa soundly glancing around Daehyun's apartment. “What's going on?”


Yeah, about that...” she said looking away slightly. “You see, Zelo has been put into an unfortunate plight.”


Narrowing his eyes at her, he leaned against his kitchen counter and crossing his arms over his chest. “Go on...” he said to ensure he was listening.


Well, last night I was walking home from the convenient store and came across a violent scene in an alley...”


Does that explain all the cuts and bruises?” Daehyun caught on immediately.


Yep,” she nodded. “Anyways, I ran over to help him and was worried of course. When I tried to ask him where he lived so I could walk him home, he told me he had nowhere to go so he stayed the night at our place. Which brings me to why I'm here today...”


His eyes widened. “Are you crazy?!” he hissed. “I barely even know the kid!”


Please, Daehyun!” Annie begged him. “This will only be temporary. I mean look at him,” she glanced back at the adorable younger guy who clearly sensed they were talking about him but feigned innocence nevertheless. “He has nowhere to go.”


Why me of all people?” he whined.


Because you're the only other person I know with a spare bedroom,” she said.


He sighed. “Yeah but that was meant for you in case your living situation didn't work out with Lucy.”


Well I'm fine with Lucy for now,” she informed him. “Please, just this once, Daehyun,” she said pleadingly. “This will be the least you can do for me. I don't usually ask for much but this will make me feel at ease.”


I don't know about this, Annie,” he said wearily.


Annie gave him a hopeful smile. “In case you feel it won't work out, just send him my way but I'm sure it won't happen,” she said confidently. “He can work to earn his keep. Like you can have him cook or clean or have him pitch in with some of the bills. You know, like a normal roommate for the time being. He's a really good kid, Dae. He's responsible and hardworking which you don't get often for someone his age. And he's set goals for himself so he's very ambitious.”


He raised an eyebrow. “You sound so sure about this,” he pointed out.


Would I send him your way if I wasn't so sure?” she retorted back with a raise of her eyebrows.


Annie noona,” a voice rang out finally. Daehyun and Annie turned to find Zelo standing nearby. “It's okay, really. If Daehyun hyung doesn't want me to stay then I'll go find a shelter or something. So--”


No!” Annie exclaimed holding up her hand to keep him from speaking any further. “I got this, Zelo. Go sit back down and eat the cheesecake. I'll handle this. Trust me.” She said assuringly.


You better not eat it all, kid,” Daehyun said threateningly.


It's okay, hyung, I'm not really hungry. The cheesecake was really meant for you anyways,” he said then obediently went to sit back down.


See what I mean? You see how great he is?” Annie pointed out. “If he's not willing to eat your cheesecake then I'm sure he won't give you a hard time if he stays with you for a little while. Just a little while is all I ask, Dae. It'll help me and Lucy out big time.”


After a moment of thought, he finally caved. “Alright fine,” he said finally. “He can stay.”


Yay! Thank you so much, Hyunnie! You have no idea how relieved I am right now! I love you!” Annie exclaimed and pulled him close for a bear hug.


Daehyun grunted in pain. “Ahh! You're choking me! Annie!” he choked out.


Sorry,” she immediately pulled away.


But there's a catch,” he finally said.


Okay sure thing,” she nodded. “What is it?”


Bring me more cheesecake,” he said. “Preferably every week.”


Okay, done,” she agreed.


Would you really?” he gaped at her in astonishment.


Um, yeah, you're my best friend and I love you very much so anything for you,” she said with a wink.


He looked at her in disgust. “Again with the cutesy stuff,” he groaned. “Seriously?”


Sorry, I thought I'd try it out for once,” she giggled.


Yeah, well don't,” he bluntly said shaking his head.


Well shall we join Zelo in the living room to tell him the good news?” she asked glancing back at the younger guy. He was brushing something off his pants and then immediately sat up once he spotted Daehyun and Annie staring back at him. Annie gave him a reassuring smile.


The kid looks pretty bored, so why not?” Daehyun said shrugging. They soon made their way to the living room to join the younger guy.


Okay Zelo,” Annie announced. “I'm getting ready to leave now. So do you need anything from me before I leave?”


Shaking his head, he finally spoke up. “Nope, I'll be fine, noona. Thanks again for your help.”


Hey don't thank me, thank Daehyun,” Annie glanced at her best friend. “Will you be alright when I leave?”


You heard him, Annie,” Daehyun spoke up with his mouth full of cheesecake. Annie rolled her eyes upon hearing him. “The kid said he'll be fine,” he repeated in a mocking tone.


Well, Dae,” Annie glared at him. “I'm just looking out for him like a good friend. That's all.”


I'll be fine, noona,” the younger guy assured her. “I'm grateful for you guys' help. Really. Thank you.”


Okay if you say so, Zelo,” she sighed then stood on her tippy toes to give him a hug. He returned the hug awkwardly since he wasn't used to this sudden skinship with a girl quite yet. Before pulling away, Annie whispered in his ear. “If Daehyun gives you a hard time, do not, I repeat do NOT hesitate to call me or Lucy, okay? I will break down his door and murder him if I have to.” She said giving Daehyun a murderous glare. He, in turn, swallowed his cheesecake in one huge gulp staring back at her fearing what his best friend was capable of.


Are you talking about me?” he called out.


Of course not!” Annie called back faking a smile.


I don't like that look you're giving me,” he remarked.


What look?” she asked innocently.


Don't act like you're not gonna murder me just now!” he argued back. “You don't think I know you all too well now, Annie!”


Oh whatever, Dae!” she exclaimed. “Anyways, I should get going! And be nice to Zelo!” she demanded.


Zelo chuckled at the minor exchange then turned to Annie. “Don't worry about me, noona,” he said assuringly. “I think I'll be fine.”


She sighed in relief. “Okay then,” she said finally. “But don't forget what I told you, okay? Bye Zelo.”


Bye, noona.”


Bye Annie!” Daehyun called from inside.


Whatever, Daehyun!”


Annie!” Daehyun whined which prompted Annie to snicker as she shut the door behind her.


So how did it go?” Lucy asked setting a coffee mug before Annie. After leaving Daehyun's, she headed straight to the Temple Cafe for her morning breakfast.


Zelo has a place to stay for the time being,” Annie said taking a sip of her coffee.


That was fast,” Lucy remarked as she was wiping a mug with a rag. “I guess cheesecake does work wonders.”


It's Daehyun we're talking about here, he never says no to cheesecake, remember?” Annie remarked. “I mean think about it, when does he ever say no to cheesecake or any other food?”


Lucy thought for a moment and nodded in amazement. “You're right, good point,” she said beaming.


And another factor was the fact that Zelo chimed in at the right time which was convincing enough for Dae to welcome him with open arms,” Annie noted. “However, I did promise Dae some more cheesecake...”


Of course, there's always a catch,” Lucy scoffed. “How so very like him.”


I'm still worried about Zelo though,” Annie's tone turned serious.


That makes the two of us,” Lucy sighed in agreement.


The door flew opened and in entered Youngjae as he made his way to settle next to Annie. “Good morning, ladies!” he greeted them warmly.


Hey Jae,” both girls replied at the same time.


He caught on to the gloomy atmosphere as soon as he sat down. Eying them curiously, he finally asked. “What's the matter?”


Long story,” Annie answered.


I've got time,” he said as he relaxed a little.


Coffee?” Lucy offered.


Sure, thanks Luce,” he nodded then turned to Annie. “So what happened?”

A/N: Hello again! Thanks for those of you who commented! I swear I almost didn't publish this fic and I'm glad I did otherwise I wouldn't have known how popular it would be lol. Anyways this is the most feedback I ever received and I'll be eternally grateful! ^^

Anyways, I know this is irrelevant but did you guys check out Beast's "Shadow" MV?! I'm totally swooning at the moment! And I'm loving the theme even though it's very dark. The boys never fail to disappoint me! :D

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I still think it's sloppy but I still want you guys to continue reading. I look forward to hearing your feedback! Love you guys! <3

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Woot woot!!! I just reached 100 subbies!!! Thanks guys! VICTORY! XD


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Chapter 7: "I wonder what happened-" of course you do asdfghjkl
On another note I'm back to read this again :')
bunnyxxx95 #2
Chapter 63: I just came to read this fic. And..... I dont know. I cant help myself.
I LOVE HIMCHAN SO MUCH BUT IN THIS FIC...... I dont know if I can continue. I cant see him this way. Noooo Omg my heart hurts.
sulminnie #3
Chapter 80: Omg!!! ends already...i love the whole story...please write another story...gomawo author-nim...☺
xxEXATOxx #4
Chapter 63: OH HELL NO. THIS BETTER NOT BE TRUE. OH LAWD. THIS BETTER JUST BE A TRICK OF THIS . i really wish its not himchans. If it really is, i wont be able to continue reading this without feel disgust and hatred towards him. Meh ><
sulminnie #5
Chapter 48: oh no, she totally likes yongguk..kinda thinking that himchan still had a chance..well, i love annie-yongguk cute... :)
sulminnie #6
Chapter 28: i can't believe it..himchan and miranda? oh come on, himchan... can't wait to read the other chapters.. interesting.. :))))
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 80: I love it so much!!!!

I cried when Danny and Annie parted from each other - their relationship is so special; I just broke down when Danny told Annie his birthday wish "I want you to be my mummy" I really felt so sad for him with his parents both screwing around (ya know what I mean? )

There was sure a lot of drama, and I like it (even though there was a bit too much drama ^^)

I really enjoyed the story... Great job authornim :D :D
sulminnie #8
Chapter 5: i love how you portray himchan's character...he really is gentleman..kekeke...i love himchan. so namja. :) i like the story so far. i'm gonna read this till the end. :)))
Chapter 28: I knew it! About Himchan! You indeed have been hinted at it and that's so good about this story. There is so much going on, but not in am over dramatic way, which is good. The Shin's are really something... I'll read further and let you know what I think about the story as a whole, but up until now I'm very much pleased :)
Chapter 80: it's been a long time, I read a story and this helped me a lot, because I laugh too much about daehyun and it help me go through my bad days, you deserved a thumbs up author. /big hugs!/