Black Pearl 9

Black Pearl




Althea became a lady that everyone wants to become; beautiful, smart, gentle, loving, kind and understanding. Everyone adored the young lady and the Parks can't become any prouder. Chanyeol was promoted as CEO of the Park's business while the old couple still watched over them on the sidelines.


In their 1000th day, Chanyeol decided to ask for his lover's hand into marriage surprising everyone. He has been planning it for a long time and when he saw that his parents have finally accepted the girl fully, the society loves his girl and Dasom was out of the picture, he decided to give it a go.


Dasom, a girl that have always adored the Park's only son, have left the country when she knew about Chanyeol's relationship. Of course she didn't give up without a fight. She insisted on seeing the girl they were talking about. But the moment she saw Althea, she knew she was fighting a losing battle. It wasn't worth comparing to her as she was beautiful, more beautiful than her. But that wasn't the only reason she gave up. The way Chanyeol looks at the girl broke her into pieces. She can see it, the overflowing love that she can never receive from the man she loved. And with a heavy heart, she gave the couple her blessings and went away silently, taking Chanyeol and Althea's apology for they are the reason of her aching heart.


Althea was surprised by Chanyeol's marriage proposal and with teary eyes; she said her sweet ‘yes’ making it official with a deep kiss.


After all the busy preparations for the wedding, Althea found herself with Dasom, who just got back from the US, and Rei, an idol that has become a very close friend of hers when Althea became a model of the brand Rei was also advertising.

They were celebrating Althea’s private bridal shower and was having some fun teasing the bride-to-be about their first not so innocent night while Chanyeol and his friends drunk out their friend’s last night of being single.


Their friends and families tried their best to separate the two at least for the night but with the inseparable couple they are, they ended up in their bedrooms talking over the phone until they fell asleep.


And with that, the wedding day arrived.


Chanyeol was sitting on a sofa, his hands clasped together as his right foot cautiously tapped the tiled floor. He was nervous and he missed his fianceé. He just wanted to get over this and have Althea for all eternity, for himself and for their future children.


“Hey” Chanyeol didn’t even hear the knocks Baekhyun, his best friend, did. “Hey.” He replied back and the shorter guy just chuckled at his friend’s state.

“Nervous, huh?” Baekhyun asked and all Chanyeol did was nod. Baekhyun sat beside him and gave him an ensuring pat on the back. “You’ll be fine dude.” He told trying to ease his friend’s nervousness. “Thea is a good girl, take really good care of her, man.” He added and Chanyeol smiled at the realization his friend was giving him: Althea will be his forever.

The two chatted away the groom’s nervousness when a sudden bang was heard from the door before it opened, it was Kyungsoo panting with a heavy frown in his face, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.


“CHANYEOL!” the secretary shouted due to adrenaline rush. “Thea!” he added, couldn’t talk much because of the short of breath. The two stood up from the couch and went to their friend.

Chanyeol’s heart thumping like it was about to explode. “W-what happened?” he asked. “Where is she?” he was petrified, praying that nothing bad happened to his beloved. He didn’t really believe in superstitions but his dream last night just won’t stay away from his mind.


He and Althea were wearing all white summer clothes walking in the beach holding hands, smiling happily as they laughed together at Chanyeol’s jokes. Then, they rested on a bench watching the sunrise when Chanyeol suddenly felt sleepy. He closed his eyes for a minute and when he opened it to glance at his fiancée, he didn’t find her. Instead, a raven was there resting, looking at him with those dark eyes making Chanyeol scoot away and fell from the bench which woke him up with a thumping heart. The fall really felt realistic and he can feel his body startled by it.

He then called his fiancée and when he heard her sleepy voice, his heart managed to calm down and with a relieved sigh, he requested her to sleep with the phone on call just so he can hear her breathing. He didn’t tell anyone about this dream of his because he thought it was just nothing, but the raven’s eyes just kept on haunting him up until now.


“TV!” Kyungsoo pointed and Baekhyun raced to get the remote and turned it on. And the moment they saw the news, everything went downhill for all of them.


“A wedding car that was on its way to the church had lost its control and went straight to the railing to the cliff straight to the river, before exploding. The passengers on the said car are identified as Althea Lee, who is known as Park Chanyeol’s fiancée, Royal’s Rei Lee and their driver that was found dead on the spot. The burnt body was identified as the bride’s while the idol, Rei, got thrown out of the car with the impact and flew on the corner of the driveway. Althea, Rei and the chauffer will be rushed to the Seoul general hospital --.”


Baekhyun turned the TV off and turned to the soulless Chanyeol who was standing beside him while Kyungsoo was kneeling on the ground crying. He then reached for his best friend’s hand and pulled him out to go to the hospital. People were already aware of the situation outside and they could see Mrs. Park fainted in Mr. Park’s arms. The old man saw them making their way out and gave them a nod to go without them.


Heart beating crazily fast, burning lungs and a clogged throat of sobs prevented Chanyeol to even move until they arrived at the hospital with Baekhyun still dragging him in the way. But when the nurse on the reception directed them to the morgue, something clicked inside Chanyeol and almost punched the people around him including his friend. But with his best friend there threatening him to not let him see Althea, he forced himself to calm down. He kept on shaking but nevertheless become violent again.

Outside the room were a doctor and a nurse waiting for them. The two said their apologies while Baekhyun managed to only give them a polite bow. Chanyeol didn't even bother about them and went into the room without any words.

His knees were trembling and he felt his body grow cold as he saw the petite figure covered in a white cloth lying on the stretcher. His breathing started to get heavy as his knees suddenly gave up on him even before he take another step closer to the corpse. Baekhyun helped him up and led them both beside the dead body staring at it with fear, sadness, doubt, hope, panic, mixed emotions slowly eating their courage to unveil the body. Wanting the reality to hit them, Baekhyun hesitantly reached for the tip of the cloth with trembling hands and slowly lifted it up.


The moment Baekhyun saw the cooked corpse, his stomach acted on its own and squeezed itself empty throwing up everything he had eaten that morning. The scent of a cooked flesh made him almost faint knowing that that scent he used to love came from a human flesh. Not any Korean meat or pork belly, it was his best friend's fiancée’s body burned up. The face and her pale skin was nowhere to be found as the only left on her was dark brown flesh with a figure. Her petite and perfect figure remained but her face was roasted, the lips turn almost into ashes that some of the teeth was showing. It was a horrifying sight to Baekhyun and to everyone. But to Chanyeol, it was the sight that turned his world into pieces. The sight that made him curse the heavens and hell.


Why? Was the only thing he asked before leaning down and wrapped his arms to his love one, sobbing as he called for her, crying his prayers and hatred toward everything.


With almost an hour crying, the doctors helped the man to go to the room where Baekhyun was taken when the boy finally fainted. Chanyeol,  threw up as well and nearly fainted because of the smell and the sticky liquid that stuck unto him when he hugged the corpse, but he regretted nothing as he knows that that was the last time he'll be able to wrap his arms to his lover's body. Althea, did you really leave me?


Staying for two days and one night in the hospital from the trauma, Chanyeol managed to get news and updates about Althea's accident through his secretary. From the looks of it, the accident wasn't really an accident as someone messed with the car's machinery, they have also learned that the procedures the culprit did was very clean and the ones who can only say what really happened were the ones in the car: the chauffeur that was dead, the burnt corpse of Althea, and the comatosed Rei. They also have learned through the hotels CCTVs that Dasom entered the car as well, but her body was nowhere to be found at the scene. Ever since that incident, she has been missing and even her family couldn't find her but the police and more search teams were hunting her down.


The burial was managed by Mr. and Mrs. Park having the body cremated. A lot of press, business partners, friends and relatives went to pay their condolences to the Parks especially to Chanyeol but the young Park just sat in a chair in front of his fiancée’s jar of ashes, letting his tears fall silently.

Are you really gone, my love? He stared at the expensive jar with soulless eyes. You didn't even say goodbye. A tear fell from his swollen left eye. Why Althea? Don't you love me anymore? Do I deserve this? He asked silently eying the object. Am I really going to be separated from you? Is this God wants to happen? Then, I will make my way to you, my love. We will be together again. Someday, somehow.


63 pages moreee!! Fighting!
Love me well <3 ~
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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting