Black Pearl 18

Black Pearl




“Mngnm” Mia shuffled from her sleep making Chanyeol smile. He brushed the hair that was covering her face.

They're different, and I fell for Mia.  Not because she looks like Althea,  but because she's the whiny janitress who comforts and accompanies me whenever I needed it.


Mia woke up half an hour later. She opened her eyes to see Chanyeol napping beside her making her smile. He looks like a baby when he’s sleeping. She thought and kissed the man’s forehead before she even realized it. It was just like a habit her body remembers.

She was still in shocked of what just happened that she didn’t notice Chanyeol already woke up until they met eyes.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean.. I mean.. I don't--" she stuttered trying to find the explanation of her actions when her mind went all blank feeling the familiar soft lips on hers right away. It was oh so damn familiar that her body instincts won over her and she kissed him back, pulling him closer and wrapping her arms around his neck while Chanyeol held on her waist.

It was then when they pulled back when Mia realized what just happened and their situation. Heartbroken, Mia tried to calm herself down as she avoided eye contact with a gleeful Chanyeol.


"This is wrong, you're engaged." She whispered and Chanyeol reached for her chin so they could meet eyes. "It's a fake engagement, Mia. Yoona and I are not in that kind of relationship. We're just friends helping each other out." he explained and before she could argue Chanyeol beat her out of it. "I love you Mia. I don't know when it started. At first, I thought I was just lured by your appearance because you really looked like my ex. But the more I get to know you, the more I realized that you're both different." He said. “You both look the same but I never loved you less because you’re Mia. In fact, I fell for you for different reasons. You’re stingy, whinny, hardworking and kind. I fell for you, not because of your looks but because of who you are, Mia.” He told and held the girl’s hands. “Please, believe me.” He begged and even before he tried to look at the girl’s eyes, he was pulled into a passionate kiss.

“You’re mine Chanyeol.” she joked and Chanyeol only chuckled before hugging her closed. “Wouldn’t have it any other way, Mia.”


“Oh my dear! Both of you are so cute!” Yoona squealed as she entered the room and seeing Chanyeol and Mia cuddling on the bed. When Chanyeol told Yoona about him and Mia finally getting together, the young lady immediately congratulated them and decided to go for a visit. She looked so happy that even Mia thought she was ridiculous for thinking Yoona and Chanyeol were in love with each other. They looked like close siblings than lovers in Mia’s opinion and it was a relief in her part.


It didn’t take long for Suho to know about the new relationship the two just have. And seeing Mia happy with his cousin made him realize that it was a hopeless fight and gave both of them his blessings. Yoona praised him for it making him blush and the new couple didn’t fail to tease the two.


Days have passed and Mia recovered rapidly much to Chanyeol’s relief. Mia hadn't told them about her dreams because she thought she had mistaken it as her fantasy with her boyfriend. The day of her discharge came and Mia found herself drowsing off in the car beside Yoona. Dreams or visions never failed to get to her and this time, she dreamt of sitting under the tree with Chanyeol. She was sitting between Chanyeol’s legs as she leaned on his chest.


Their surrounding looked like a jungle and there was a baby cheetah resting on her side. She was wearing leafy clothes while the Chanyeol wore no shirt and just wore his dirty pants. The man sighed in content and kissed her forehead.

"Are you still asleep?" he asked and Mia wanted to respond but none of her voice came out. Chanyeol then held her tight and kissed her head.

"I love you, Althea."


“Mia!” she woke up at Yoona’s voice calling her and she opened her eyes, panting. Chanyeol stopped the car and looked behind worriedly and they watched Mia frown.

Maybe these aren’t my dreams. Maybe these memories? She thought and looked at Chanyeol. Why didn’t she realise it sooner? Why Chanyeol looked familiar and why she was captivated at him? This is all so confusing but this could only lead to one thing...She’s seeing Althea’s past and possibly, her past as well. But to answer all that, Mia decided to first know who she really is.


"I need answers.” she gulped and closed her eyes. “I think my memories, my past, are coming back." She told them and Chanyeol and Yoona promised to help her. She didn’t tell them what she saw all this time though, not wanting to give Chanyeol false hopes as the evidence of Althea being dead was still there: her ashes.


She told Chanyeol about everything she knew about her current self and Chanyeol, already knowing the half of it because of the detectives he hired to investigate Mia the first time they met, agreed that they should go to the orphanage she supposed to have spent her childhood.


The director of the said organization quickly welcomed them and showed them fake pictures of Mia and the ‘kids’. Chanyeol looked at Mia if she remembered any of it but aside of the time she spent there after the accident, she couldn’t remember more of it. The director of the orphanage apologized and wished Mia a speedy recovery of her memories before the couple went on their way to search for more clues.


Little did they know that as soon as Mia and Chanyeol’s car drove out of the orphanage, the director hurriedly took the phone and called someone. “Yes. This is the director of the orphanage. Is the owner of the house there? Please tell her it’s urgent.” The director told the servant.

“Yes. Madam is here. Please wait.” The maid said and in a few seconds, the madam’s voice was heard.

“What’s wrong?” the madam asked with a cold and arrogant voice. “Didn’t I tell you not to call me here?” she scolded.

“I’m so sorry madam. But this is an emergency.” She told in panic.

“What’s wrong?” the madam asked again.

“Althea.” The madam’s eyes widened at the sound of the familiar name.

“Wait a sec.” she told and went for a more private room. “Talk.” The madam ordered.

"She came here with your son today, asking for her past.” The director told her and the madam’s jaw tightened in anger. I should’ve got rid of her when I had the chance.

“What should I do madam?” the director asked and the madam took a deep breath to calm down.

“Calm down, what did you say to them?” she asked.

“I told them the lies we prepared in case this happens, madam.” The director responded.

“Good. You’ve done well Mr. Director.” The madam told. “But you can’t stay there any longer. I’m sure my son and that girl will go back and ask for more details and we don’t want that. You should get away from there. Go migrate overseas with your family or something. I’ll send the money and send someone to help you with the preparation. For now, just hide and don’t show yourself to them in case they come back.” the madam told and the director listened to every word.

”Yes, madam. Thank you. I’ll do my best.” The director said and ended the call when someone knocked on the door.


The madam’s body shook and with her shaking hands, she threw the phone in anger. I should've killed her instead when I had the chance. The madam regretted the decision she made years ago. Funny on how they unknowingly find each other. But I'm not letting you go with Chanyeol. He deserves much much better than a jungle woman. The madam thought and went to her room to get her handphone to call someone who’ll end her worries.


The couple agreed to stay in Chanyeol’s apartment while they search for Mia’s missing memories together. Mia sat on the couch and sighed tiredly and Chanyeol followed him.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find them soon.” he assured and Mia silently nodded before leaning on him. But then, she looked at the digital clock before frowning as she heard something ticking. Chanyeol heard the sound too and frowned before carrying Mia quickly outside.


“Cha-chanyeol wha--” Mia was confused until they were pushed by the force of explosion that came from Chanyeol’s apartment. This horrified Mia and held on Chanyeol like her life depended on it while Chanyeol held her back while calling for help. Then, the firemen and police came and asked for their statement before they were freed.

Yoona found out what happened and offered her manner to the couple. She accepted them warmly and assured them that they will be safe as long as they are under her care.


"Did it do it?" Madam asked as she lit up another cigarette. The man in black stiffened as he stood on his place nervously. "N-no ma'am, Mr. Park took the girl out before the apartment exploded."

With the sound of Chanyeol’s name, the madam panicked and slapped the man’s face furiously. "FOOLS!! Is Chanyeol alright? If he gets hurt into this, I will hunt you down!" She shouted and the man bowed.

"No one's hurt ma'am, we'll be careful next time." he assured and madam sat back on her chair. "You better be."


No translationg or re-posting or plagiarizing my works please
Reveiws are okay but please ask me first.
Thank you for the interest
Love me well <3 ~
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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting