Black Pearl 15

Black Pearl




The CEO turned to face her and Mia couldn’t move and inch. She didn’t even notice she was holding her breath until she had to speak.

“We meet again.” Chanyeol said with a smile but the girl couldn’t respond. She didn’t know why but this man’s presence just makes everything uncomfortable for her.

“Yes, sir.” Mia let out an awkward reply before finding the office’s cleaning closet. “I should get started.” She said and Chanyeol nodded as he sat on his chair, not knowing what to do.

“Uh, sir?” Mia tried to be calm but her boss’ eyes staring at her made it impossible for her.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Where’s the cleaning closet?” the janitress asked and Chanyeol just blinked at him before looking around his office.

I have my own cleaning closet? He asked himself before turning to the girl and shrugged. “I don’t have any idea.” He replied and Mia looked at him with a this-is-your-office-and-you-don’t-know look. “You can look for it. I don’t really know anything about the cleaning thing in my office so I don’t know. The ahjumma who cleans this is the only one who knows where it is and I guess you’ll know too.” He said and Mia hid her sigh and walked inside the big office to look for the closet.


He’s so weird.


Chanyeol watched the girl open very single door in his office: the restroom, the meeting room, computer room, file room, coffee room and of course, his playroom. Yes, CEO Park Chanyeol has his own play room in his office.

Then Mia managed to find the cleaning closet beside the play room and informed the CEO that she’ll be doing her job. She wanted him to go out so she could clean but Chanyeol stayed and pretended to work when he was just scribbling as he stole glances towards his lover look alike.


And since that day, Chanyeol requested for his office to be cleaned by Mia every single day.


At first, Mia was against her cleaning the CEO’s office. But then again, she didn’t have any choice since she’s the janitress and it was he job to clean in the first place. It was just she felt uncomfortable with the stares her boss was giving her. Even if Chanyeol tried to hide it, Mia would often catch him looking at her and it made Mia want to poke her boss’ eyes out.


“Ah, what a lovely day!” Chanyeol stretched his arms as he looked at the glassed windows. Mia was already cleaning and the girl was giving him weird looks because even how many times Mia would see it, it was raining heavily outside with strong winds.


Then, a knock on the door was heard. Chanyeol told the person to come in and the person opened the door revealing a soaked Suho, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun who was carrying a bag of different kinds of bread and four cups of coffee.

Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol before going towards the table and put the bread and coffee on it. “Here. Happy?” he asked and Chanyeol gave him a very large grin.



After telling the three to get their share of the snack and to dry themselves, Chanyeol kicked them out of his office leaving him with a feast.


“Wuahh!” the CEO cheered as he sat in his chair and organize the bread on his table while Mia smiled at the full grown CEO, who was excited with his feast of bread.

He’s kind of cute if he’s not staring like a creep or grinning like an idiot. Mia said to herself and continued vacuuming the carpet.


“Mia.” Chanyeol called and Mia stopped her work and turned back to her employer.

“Yes, sir?”

“Eat with me.” He said and Mia shook her head and smiled.

“No thanks, sir. Please enjoy your meal.” She said and was about to resume cleaning when she see him push a button to call.

“Kyung, throw all these out.” Chanyeol said and Mia frowned at the CEO. It was obvious that that bread weren’t cheap and Mia wasn’t the type who would waste food. So she went towards the CEO and ended the call.

Chanyeol, surprised, just blinked at Mia. “What are you—“

“Why are you wasting food, sir?” she scolded shutting the CEO up. “Don’t you know a lot of people are dying because of hunger and yet you’re just going to throw these all out?” she said and Chanyeol blinked again. This was a new side of Mia he hasn’t seen yet.

“That’s why I told you to eat with me.” He said. “I can’t finish them all by myself.” He reasoned and Mia just looked down on the food before sighing. She then turned and took a chair and placed it in front of Chanyeol’s.

“Sir, next time you buy food, please, only buy what you can eat.” She said and took bread and started to eat. And Chanyeol, contented at the result of his plan, happily ate with the girl.


After that day, Mia found herself eating snacks with her boss every weekend afternoons. Chanyeol would always find a way to make the girl eat him. And without them noticing, Mia and Chanyeol have gotten close together. She also found herself playing with him on his ‘playhouse’ inside his office.

And there, Mia got into the conclusion that Chanyeol, her boss, wasn’t that all bad. He could be a spoiled brat and arrogant sometimes, but he’s a sweet, caring and playful guy who seeks attention.


“Hey, going to clean?” Suho approached the Mia who was on her way to Chanyeol’s  office.

“Yeah, Chanyeol got possessed by a five year old kid again.” Mia rolled her eyes and Suho laughed at the girl’s words.

“Let’s work hard today, Mia-ya.” Suho said and the younger nodded in determination as they opened the door to Chanyeol’s office. “Work hard.” Suho ruffled the girl’s hair and went towards Chanyeol who was looking at the two with a slight frown on his face.


Since when did they become this close? He thought as he watched Mia start her daily routine which was clean Chanyeol’s not really messy office and make a coffee for him.

“Since when are you close with Suho hyung?” Chanyeol asked as he sat on his leather chair, watching the girl vacuum his carpeted floor.

“Since the first day we met. I guess.” Mia replied not even looking at her boss. She knew he was watching her like always and Mia was getting used of it already. Sometimes, she would get ticked with him staring and tells him to stop but she just shrugs it off most of the time, not wanting to discuss about it or getting things awkward around them.


She’s not even looking at me when she’s talking! Chanyeol frowned. “Do you like him?” he asked and Mia didn’t put a lot of thought about her boss’ words and just nodded. Of course she likes her friend. Everybody likes their friends, right? But it seems like Mia’s version of ‘like’ wasn’t the same as Chanyeol’s as the boss frowned even more.

He became silent after that talk and Mia finished her job quietly thinking that her boss might be doing some work for a change.


Chanyeol thought that Mia will eventually talk to him if he doesn’t start a conversation but he was wrong. Instead, his cleaner lady was now closer to Suho. They would eat together during lunch that left Chanyeol to eat alone. He saw Mia was a little bit taken aback when he suddenly stopped inviting her for snack but there was nothing more after that.

He grunted for the nth time that day, seeing Mia and Suho go out of the building with smiles on their faces.


Chanyeol, despite of being dead jealous, held his ground and didn’t talk to Mia. He was going to go with it but when he saw Suho leaning closer to Mia, every plan went flying out of the window and the next thing he knew, he was dragging Mia in his office.


“What the hell is your problem Chanyeol?!” Mia huffed with an eye still closed. She got something in her eye and Suho was just helping her out in taking it off.

“It’s you!” Chanyeol shouted frantically. “Why were you flirting in the company building when you’re supposed to be cleaning? Damn Mia! I didn’t let you work here to flirt with my cousin. You need to ing clean!” he scolded and Mia glared at him, offended.

“So that’s it?” she asked quietly pulling Chanyeol out of his wrath.


“That’s what you’ve been thinking about me? A ?” she asked and Chanyeol kept quiet. This wasn’t supposed to happen. “Wait. It’s not--”

“I get it Chanyeol.” she said before going out of the office leaving a messed up CEO.


Mia huffed as she sat on the stairs. Stupid giant elf. She mentally insulted Chanyeol in her head but got interrupted when she heard Suho faking a cough.

“Hey. You okay?” he asked and sat beside the girl who frowned as she got reminded of what just happened.

“I don’t get him.” She started. “Why is he so grumpy and why is he acting like a jealous husband? We’re not even together! Heck! He’s even married! So why does he have so much control in my life? Like, I can’t even talk to you. Why? Because he doesn’t like it?” she ranted and Suho patiently listened to her tantrums. And when he was sure she’s done, he spoke.


“Mia, how much do you know my cousin?” he asked and Mia turned to him in confusion. Suho knows exactly why Chanyeol was behaving that way and to be honest, he doesn’t have anything to worry about because he and Mia are just friends.

“I don’t really know much about him. All I know is that you’re his cousin, he’s married, rich and the famous chaebol everyone adores.” Mia replied and Suho nodded.

“How about his past?” he asked and Mia went silent. That’s right Mia. What do you know about Park Chanyeol? She asked herself but no answers came out.


Suho looked at the girl and remembered the photo of Althea. She really looks like her. “I think I know why Chanyeol is acting like that towards you.” He said and Mia listened to him. “You see, a long time ago, before Chanyeol became the CEO, he had a lover. The both of them were very much in love and happy back then. Everyone adored his girlfriend and supported their relationship and soon, they decided to get married.” Mia listened to the story but as she did so, she kept pushing back a jealousy like feeling she kept on denying.

Imagining Chanyeol being lovey-dovey with another women, not like they were or anything like that, bugged her a lot despite of being mad at him still. And when she couldn’t listen to the love story Suho was telling anymore, she just snapped at the poor guy.

“And why are you telling me this?” she asked with a brow raised.

“Because she looks just like you.” He told not looking at her and Mia was shut silent.


You mean… He’s like that to me because I look like her? She couldn’t believe it. She was disappointed. And even if she kept denying it, it hurt.


Hmmm. I'm not sure about this chapter
I might edit it someday
It just doesn't cut it OTL
Love me well <3 ~
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I can't download this story OTL


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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting