Black Pearl 12

Black Pearl




"I dreamt of her last night." Chanyeol finally broke the silence and Yoona calmly listened to him knowing who he was talking about.

"How is she?" She asked, knowing it was Althea appearing on her fiancée’s dream. "Does she know about the engagement?"  Normally, Chanyeol's dreams of Althea were connected to what was happening with them, like on how Althea would scold Chanyeol whenever he drinks too much and things that would make Chanyeol feel that she's still there with him.

At first, Yoona thought it was crazy, but it somehow changed her mind and now, she was the one excited to know about her friend's dreams of his lover. Too bad she couldn't meet Althea, they could've become really good friends judging by how Chanyeol described her to be an innocent care free girl, a girl Yoona have always admired.


Chanyeol sighed and shook his head. "I don't know. She seemed different this time. She's not the same angel I have always dreamt of." He explained with a frown. "She seemed, real." He added, aware of Yoona's frowning face looking at him. "But the thing is, she doesn't remember me. And when I told you that she seemed real, it was like... I don't know, real." He tried to explain and Yoona let out an unladylike snort.

"Wow, nice explanation you got there, man." She said sarcastically making Chanyeol turn to her and threw her a piece of green peas. Yoona seemed to be the most ladylike young woman you'll ever meet, but when she's with her best friend, or should I say, fiancée, she acts like an untamed brat and that gentleman side of Chanyeol also dissolves whenever there's just the two of them.

"But really, no kidding, Yoon." Chanyeol said with a serious tone. "When I hugged her yesterday, I could feel her warmth and her smell... I can still smell it on me." He added and Yoona just sighed pitying her friend who was still longing for his lover.


She stood up and sat beside Chanyeol before eating the man's breakfast herself knowing Chanyeol won't eat anyway. "You know Althea won't be happy if you keep on doing that, right?" She asked. "I'm sure she wants you to be happy too Chan Chan." She told as she eats happily crossing her legs. "And about this deal of ours, I don't think she's happy with it, but I think she understands. After all, she wouldn’t want her fiancée’s best friend to marry a ert old man, would she?" She grinned to herself reminding the both of them that if she didn't end up with Chanyeol, she would have to get married to a erted rich old man.

Chanyeol gave his friend a look and cringed at the sight of her sitting comfortably and shoving all the food she could in . "Yah! Just be thankful my baby let me be engaged with a pig like you. Tsk" he told and Yoona just shrugged as she ate everything that was supposed to be Chanyeol's breakfast.

"It's not like I'm staying with you anyways, 2 years will pass by quickly and when that happens, I'll leave you and your sorry and go the world to find my Mr. Right." She said with a dreamy tone making Chanyeol shook his head before going to the bathroom to wash up.

"Yeah yeah. Just make sure you don’t run after him like a crazy pig or he might just run away from you." He joked and Yoona threw a chicken bone at him. "Call my butler for me and tell him to bring me clothes, Yoon." He asked and Yoona gave him a look. But before she can even speak, Chanyeol beat her out of it by saying “That is the payment for eating my breakfast, pig." He told and Yoona just pouted before reaching Chanyeol's phone on the side table and calling the said butler.


"Good day butler Kim. It is Yoona speaking, yes." She talked with such grace and Chanyeol just looked at her speechless. 'Great actress' he mouthed and Yoona just rolled her eyes. "Yes, I just called to ask for clothes Chanyeol could change unto. We are at Lim's 5 star hotel right now. Yes, the same room as always. Yes, thank you." she said with such grace and hung the phone before looking at Chanyeol. The two of them stared at each other before laughing at their 2 faced personalities.


"Yes, thank you" Chanyeol mimicked and dashed into the bathroom before Yoona's thrown spam reach him.

Cheer up giant friend of mine.


Mia stayed home for the day. It has been three days since the incident at the rooftop and since then, she felt her head aching, and she was throwing up every time she took in anything, even water. The doctors said that maybe she was having some memory realization and that her body’s forcing her to remember her lost memories.


Three years ago, Mia woke up from a coma. They said she was involved into a hit and run accident and that time; she just became independent by going out of the orphanage she grew up at. Now, the only thing she remembers and knows is what her body remembered and those were playing the guitar, a certain song and brew an expensive kind tea that the director of the orphanage said that she was thought to brew for a special event when she was little.


Is there something I should remember? She asked herself as she flushed the toilet watching all the food she just threw up be washed away. But as she watched the water run, a scene flashed inside her head. It was a white sand beach and the waters were mix of light blue and green, it was beautiful but yet familiar sight but still no memories of how that scenery is connected to her.

"Ah." She winced and reached for her head that started throbbing once again. "What's wrong with me?" She muttered before crawling out of the bathroom, all the way to her bed in reach for her phone. I guess I'm not going to university today either. She sighed and started tapping on her phone. I'll just send a text to sunbae. And with that, she fell for a long sleep having the weirdest dreams of her being with animals and a certain faceless man.


You’re coming back.


No way. It can't be. She reached for the envelope on her employer's table. "That's your last paycheck Ms. Choi. I'm really sorry to fire you, but we just can't have our employees skip work whenever they want. Yes, you were sick and take this as a chance to rest and pay more attention to your health." The employer told and she couldn't help but to just sigh.

With heavy body and a lost job, Mia walked out of the Lim's hotel leaving heavy depressing sighs as she made her way to the exit. She stopped at the main entrance and looked up to the clear sky.


Well… at least the weather is great. She told herself. I guess it's time to look for another part time job or the rent ahjumma will start whining again. She smiled at the clear skies before positively walked to some nearby store to buy a newspaper and check out the hiring corner. Just keep going Mia, everything will be okay in time.


Choi Mia, a 24 year old orphan with no memories of her past is a very positive thinker. Despite of losing her memories, she still struggled in life with the thinking that past is important, but not as important as the present, and with that, she re-started her life after getting released from the hospital three years ago by having multiple jobs and save for her education. And now, she is a scholar, 2nd year university student who works part time to feed herself.


At first, she was sad and felt empty as she had no memories of nothing. But then, she believed in fate, that if she can't find her memories, then her memories will find her by itself and all she has to do is keep the faith and continue living.

And if by chance that her memories cannot be remembered anymore, then, she just has to make another happy ones and maybe better ones. All that matters is that I'm alive.


You can do this Mia. She took a deep breath before entering the office she applied as a janitress. The Park enterprise was indeed grand and she couldn't help but to think that she was going to get lost inside it. But strangely, she did not. In fact, it was almost like a routine as she made her way to the employer's office by herself. She didn't even know what she was doing but her body just took her there, her intuition as her guide.


She knocked on the door before opening it to see a big office with a man sitting on his chair back facing the girl. "Ms. Choi, if I'm not mistaken, right?" The secretary asked.

"Yes, sir." She replied shortly and walked in front of the table. His voice sounds familiar. They both thought. "And you're applying as the weekend cleaner, right?" He asked and she replied with another short ‘yes’. “I heard you’ve been working at the Lim’s hotel as well. And since my assistant already checked your files, I don’t think there’s such a reason to not hire you.” The man chuckled and made a call.

“Suho, please come to my office.” He talked over the phone and Mia just stood there waiting. She thought it was rude for the man not to even face her but she couldn’t care less as long as she gets the job.


Seconds later, an angel like man came into the room flashing Mia a soft smile. Without looking back, the secretary spoke. "Ms. Choi, you are hired. Suho here, my assistant secretary will explain you your job." He said and made a wave with his hand. "You can go now, and see you on the weekends, work hard." He told and Mia just nodded.


She still thought that her new employer was rude judging by the fact that he didn't even give her a single glance. But then again, all that was important to her was the job and since she just got one, she shrugged off everything else. Yes. Even though Byun Baekhyun, the name of his new employer, was more than familiar to her than she could’ve ever imagine.


"We're going now, sir." Suho bowed and the secretary just hummed them away. The angelic man then turned to Mia and told "Let's get going then Ms. Choi." He told and led the both of them out.

"Yes." The girl smiled and followed the assistant and as she made her way out but automatically spoke without her knowing. "Bye Baek." And the door was closed. Suho looked at her puzzled and she didn't know what to do.


Why... did you just call your employer that?! She mentally punched herself as she returned an awkward smile to Suho. "Oh, that. I saw his name on the table and I thought it was his surname." She made a pathetic excuse and Suho just chuckled. "It's okay; just call him Mr. Byun next time." He told and they went to the cleaner's room.


You have to start fixing yourself, Mia. You can’t lose this job.


Hearing the door slam shut, Baekhyun turned his chair around with a frown in his face. Althea?! He asked himself. Besides Chanyeol and Althea, no one has ever called him like that and that voice, now he knew why it sounded too familiar. He rushed towards his door but then stopped as he held the cold doorknob waking him up to his senses.

It's impossible. You're just hearing things, Baekhyun. Stop it. He scolded himself. Althea is dead. Maybe, Chanyeol's hallucinations are just getting to me. He thought before going back to his seat forgetting that he could always look at the girl's curriculum for a picture or information.

I took off my glasses coz I think I'll get a concussion on my nose because of it lols
Please don't be afraid to comment about errors. 
I'll really appreciate it ^^/
Love me well <3 ~
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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting