Black Pearl 6

Black Pearl


One day, the  two were taking a walk on the stream, occasionally splashing water at each other when Chanyeol stepped on a slippery rock and almost slipped but Althea got hold of him. Chanyeol thought that it should be the other way around but he knew Althea didn’t care about that. There’s nothing like ‘it should be done this or that or it should be that way or another’. He knew Althea’s far from judging her because for the young lady, nothing was wrong or right, her instincts are the ones leading her and Chanyeol wished everyone’s like that. Not judging because of the acknowledgement of their humanity and nature.


Althea saw Chanyeol’s struggles and kept their hands together to keep him from falling and soaking his clothes. The sudden skinship surprised Chanyeol and but Althea merely noticed it if it wasn’t for his flushed face.

"Are you alright?" She asked and Chanyeol nodded awkwardly massaging his nape.

"I might've died there if it weren't for you.” he said and gave her a shy smile.

Althea just chuckled and pulled him forward. Helping Chanyeol should’ve felt like another burden but it didn’t, instead, the young lady found assurance and comfort with the man’s warm hand. "It's okay, I'm here for you." She assured before resuming their walk as they held hands going back to the hut.


That night, Chanyeol couldn't sleep because of what happened in the streams. He tossed and turned but to no avail, he couldn’t sleep. What's wrong with me? Sitting up, he turned to Althea’s bed only to find it empty. Where is she? It’s late. He thought and peeked at the window to see the girl looking at her hand as she stood near the lake.

She was there, in front of the lake, too engrossed by her thoughts as she stared at her own hands before looking up on the full moon.

Chanyeol then took the opportunity to look at her. There was no denying she’s beautiful. Perfect, even. Despite of her unkempt appearance, Chanyeol was very sure the girl won’t have any problems taking his breath away.


Chanyeol snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Althea move and made her way to the hut. Panicking, he hurriedly tucked himself on his bed and pretended to sleep. Toto was sleeping beside Althea’s bed so he didn’t have to deal with waking the little beast up. Not long after, Althea showed up in the hut and went to her bed. Chanyeol opened his eyes again when he heard Althea’s steady breaths. He shuffled again, this time, facing Althea’s bed and stared at the sleeping beauty.

The only thing he could do that night was sigh on how the girl looked so perfectly beautiful. Her natural beauty was blinding him unlike those city girls that put cakey makeup. To Chanyeol, she wins them effortlessly.

Giving up on falling asleep with the thoughts of the girl never leaving his mind, he reached for his camera and began his new found hobby; looking at Althea’s photos taken by him and some taken by Paba. She’s perfect. He smiled looking at the photo of Althea carrying a newborn boar. She looked really gentle and pure and --- Wait. What?


Then, a feeling struck him. He reached for his chest and felt His heart beating fast from the realization. Am I...falling in love?


Althea sighed as she stood beside the river. Her heart beat irregularly every time she see Chanyeol. It was uncomfortable, but somewhere deep inside her, she liked the feeling. Not to mention the butterflies she feels whenever she hears his voice and when she hold his hand. Even the slight unintentional touches make her insides ticklish.

I think I'm sick. She thought with a long audible sigh before getting up to explain it to Chanyeol, hoping that the guy would know what was happening to her.


She found Chanyeol absentmindedly petting Toto drowned with his own thoughts, the sound of Althea's footsteps made him turn and met eyes with the girl but both looked away after a few seconds hiding their flushed face.


A long silence lingered between them until Althea decided to talk. "Chanyeol." She called and the man replied with a 'hmm', not trusting his mouth to talk. "I think I'm sick." She told in a sad tone.

Upon hearing this, Chanyeol quickly let go of Toto and his complicated thoughts. He worriedly walked closer to the girl. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked and put his hand on the girl's forehead to check for fever but found none.


Althea blushed at the skin contact and blinked at Chanyeol with red face. "Y-you see, my heart beats fast and my face heats up. It only happens when I think of you or whenever you're close though.” She pouted and gasped. “Oh! my heart!” she panicked and held Chanyeol’s hand before putting it to her chest. Chanyeol becoming a stone. “See?! Can you feel it? Am I going to die?" She asked with a frown.


Chanyeol couldn’t move. His hands began to sweat and he couldn’t hear anything after what Althea just told her. She’s not sick. She feels the same.

“Chanyeol!” Althea called out again and he found himself jolting away because his hand was still touching her chest. Then, he saw her panicked expression changing from something Chanyeol never wanted to see; hurt. After all, he just winced his way out of her grasps.


Chanyeol then tried to compose himself and went closer to the girl. "Is that why you're sick?" He asked tilting the girl's chin with the back of his index finger, leaning closer.

“Hm.” She replied, her face starting to blush again but she didn’t pull away. She found herself getting too emerged on looking at Chanyeol’s lips.

“If that’s the case, then I’m sick just as you are. And I don’t mind dying with you.” he told her before closing the distance, claiming Althea’s lips together with her heart.


The moment their lips touched each other, Althea didn’t know if what she was feeling was her dying or her being invincible. The only thing she knew was close her eyes and let her whole being be swayed by the moment.


Chanyeol broke the kiss and kept their eye contact, their heart beats almost audible to each other but no one dared to care.

"Does your heart feel like exploding?" Chanyeol didn’t need the doctor to know what they were both feeling. The girl nodded making the his smile wider.

"I think I forgot how to breathe." She added, panting slightly. Chanyeol laughed and stared at the innocent girl lovingly.

"I think I know what wrong with you." He said with a sweet tone.


"You're in love. Just like the character of the book you were reading." He explained and let his hand slide finding Althea's. "And I think it’s with me and I love you too." He added.

The girl blinked at him before looking confused. "Oh, that? But isn't it something that should be felt? Then why do you think that, Chanyeol?" She asked taking Chanyeol aback. She’s so pure and innocent. He chuckled before pulling the girl in his arms. "You're right. Silly me. I feel it. I love you." He said and Althea found herself smiling hugging him back.

78 pages more!
Congratulations to Chanyeol on winning acting awards
And thank you for working hard for us and EXO <3 ~
Love me well <3 ~
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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting