Black Pearl 10

Black Pearl




After Althea's burial, Chanyeol decided to go away from everyone for a while and went to where it all began, to the Black Pearl island. He spent his days remembering his and Althea's memories together; from how they first met to the moment they left the place. Althea's clothes were still there and Chanyeol didn't miss a night without sleeping on to what Althea used to call nest with the clothes in his arms. He missed her scent, her breath, her smile, her eyes, her giggles, everything about her.

The animals, of course didn't fail to search for Althea whenever Chanyeol appeared and the man tried to explain it to them but failed. They might've killed him if they knew what happened to their friend, which was bittersweet to Chanyeol’s ears. To die.

He was actually planning on dying in that very place but to his luck he always failed to do so. Jumping off a cliff only to be hanged in the vines and be saved by the female gorillas, jumping off to a rocky waterfall only to fall onto the part where deep and safe and more suicide attempts only to fail.

Chanyeol have tried all sorts of things to die, but everything strangely failed. If it's not the animals saving him, it’ll be the nature itself. He also tried killing himself with a dagger but failed as he strangely heard Althea's voice whispering to him to not to do it, that they will meet again even if he doesn't try looking for her. But still, Chanyeol's longing for her won and the man decided to try again for the last time, he hoped.


He went to the anaconda's cave and as expected, the giant reptiles were there having their mouths welcome him. Chanyeol smiled in triumph and closed his eyes waiting for his own death happily.

At last, I will see you again my love. He thought but when the snakes were taking too long to devour him, he opened his eyes only to see a white wall of scale trapping him inside. He touched the wall and was taken aback to feel it soft and cold, he then realized that the thing he so called ‘wall’ was another reptile, a giant white Boa and from the sounds outside, it was obvious that the two reptiles weren't in a harmonious relationship.


Chanyeol stayed inside and could feel the giant reptile's breathing and the impact it was taking in the fight as it trembles and move whenever the anaconda gave it harsh attacks attempting to get to Chanyeol. And when the sound finally subdued, the Boa gently uncovered him of its body and looked at Chanyeol's eyes.

The man, instead of being afraid, thought that it was the most beautiful creature he has seen. Its scales were shining and its body was moving gracefully as it untangled by itself, it was perfect he thought. But the thing that really made his breathing stop was its eyes, its warm blue eyes that resemble gentleness and grace, thing that reminded him of his dead lover.


His eyes involuntarily shed its remaining tears and looked at the animal with eyes full of loneliness. "Althea, I'm lonely." He sobbed finally breaking down to his knees and crying. "I can't live without you." He cried while the reptile remained still in front of him. Then, it moved and wrapped the man with its body, its head in front of Chanyeol's face.


We'll find each other again, my love.


The man heard a familiar voice as he gazed into the snake’s eyes before he felt his eyelids slowly closing taking him away to the world.


Our hearts will be our guide, Chanyeol.


After that incident, Chanyeol decided to keep his colorless life because of his late lover's request. Just like she said, they will see each other again, and Chanyeol will wait for that time to come. Someday, somehow, we'll be together again. He told himself.


He decided to fix himself, wore the best clothes he has on his camping bag and called the house for him to be picked up. He was wearing all white and has gathered wild white tulips that Althea used to love, the ones he used to greet her with every morning she wakes up.


Goodbye, my love. He threw the bouquet to the sea and watched it float away with the waves and closed the helicopter's door. "Are we going, sir?" The pilot asked and Chanyeol nodded leaning on his seat. The helicopter made its turn and went away from the island.


Goodbye to you too, Black Pearl.


Tok tok tok tok...


A woman was walking on the hospital's hallway with her luxurious heels tapping the tiled floor and stopped in front of a door. 120, was the room number. The door opened and a nurse greeted her, allowing the madam to come in.


"How is she?" The woman asked.

"Her burns are healing slowly but she has no signs of waking up sooner or later, ma'am." The nurse replied. The woman smiled, contented at the news and looked at the vulnerable girl lying in the hospital bed.

You're still beautiful even if you're in a coma. She looked at the girl's arms that still have concussions here and there and then her eyes landed on the girl's engagement ring making her side lip twitch slightly. You're not worthy of him. She gave the girl one last look before turning her heels to the exit. She took the knob and, murmuring, she said "When you wake up, don't remember anything" and left the room.


Time passed by in a blink of an eye and five years have passed since the tragic death of Althea. Chanyeol became one of the most successful businessmen in Asia as all he did was work ever since the incident. Along with that, he became cold, motionless and intimidating, but everyone knew the reason of it, his smiles, laughter and playfulness, together with his heart has died along with the love of his life.

Of course, everyone tried to get back the old Chanyeol. But all of them did not succeed on it, they all knew that no one can actually make him laugh again or smile at the least. That, that genuine smiling and kind hearted guy would only go back if a certain dead person would come back to life, in his arms.


But in those five years, Chanyeol was still in search of the main suspect of the murder; Dasom and waiting for the comatose idol, Rei, to wake up. But don’t misinterpret this; Chanyeol has already accepted the death of Althea. That time, he just wanted the justice of her death, he thought that it was the least he can do for her.


The CEO walked towards the large glassed window in his office and looked at the beauty of the city of Seoul, watching the tiny cars move like ants on their ways. Are you watching over me, my love? He asked his dead lover and took a sip of his whisky, savoring its bitterness. We will meet someday, right? Chanyeol believed that she was in the heavens with the God who he cursed for years. He’d still curse the heavens once in awhile but knowing how futile it was, he would hold himself up.


A knock on the door woke the CEO out of his thoughts. He turned and saw his secretary with a nervous smile.

"Chanyeol, are you ready?" The doe eyed boy asked and as much as Chanyeol wanted to say he wasn't, he just replied a sigh before putting the empty glass on his table and follow his secretary to the gala.


As expected, the words, ‘congratulations', 'Be happy', and complements of being the perfect couple were bestowed at him and his ‘fiancée’ that night. After all, it was normal since it was his and the daughter of the Lim’s engagement party. The son of the Park’s has finally decided to settle down with the heiress named Lim Yoona, the daughter of the most successful Korean businessman in the sector of technology.



If you all think he doesn’t love Althea anymore, you are wrong. He indeed accepted his woman's death, but he’d never have himself love or even look at others. In fact, he never wanted this engagement but he agreed with it with the intentions of the growth of his company. Surely, the merging will have a great effect on both sides and that was the only thing Chanyeol wanted. And besides, his mother has taken a lot of liking to Yoona and kept on pushing him to her.



But one thing Chanyeol was relieved at is the facts that just like him; Yoona didn't want the engagement either. She just agreed on it since she was the typical obedient and princess girl that goes to everything her parents says with the reasons of wanting to repay her parent's kindness to her.



That night, was the night they have decided on announcing their relationship as an engaged couple. Yoona was the one doing all the talking and Chanyeol just tagged along, falsely smiling when the attention was turned to him. The sweet sight of them having their arms intertwined made a lot of people giggle and jealous but the fact that Chanyeol and Yoona thought it's uncomfortable and that their forearms were slightly sweating was hidden at the back of the two forced couples’ heads.

When Chanyeol had enough of those false lovey-dovey acts, he secretly drunk every whisky the waiters were serving and excused himself saying that he didn't notice that he had drunk too much.


Not wanting to go home, he decided to go up to the rooftop to have a breather. His world was spinning but he wouldn't want it another way as this was the quietest situation he has ever been ever since that party started. He was lying on a bench with his feet hanging on the end of it and he let out a good sigh.

At least you’re happy up there, right my love? He smiled bitterly. Are you jealous? I’m engaged, Althea. He chuckled loudly as he engulfed himself in his own drunken world. But it seems like Althea heard his words because cold water was splashed on him all of a sudden, soaking his feet and the hem of his black pants.



"WHAT THE FU--" he sat up immediately, startled by the coldness and glared at the one responsible of it. But everything seemed to have stopped when he heard her voice.


"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, sir! I didn't know people still come at the terrace this late of an hour. So I went to water the plants. I'm very sorry!" She bowed a couple of times, a frown and heavy worry can be read on her face, a face that was oh so familiar with Chanyeol.






Where did I left this story again?
I'll just publish everything and you guys look for it.
Sorry I'm lazy OTL
Love me well <3 ~


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I can't download this story OTL


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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting