Black Pearl 4

Black Pearl




Chanyeol and the girl was still on their first meal together with the man sitting there confused, a bitter taste on his mouth caused by the fruit he was given to.


The girl shook her head and carefully crawled in front of Chanyeol. She took the fruit from his hands and took the skin off with her own teeth. She spat the skin out and then lifted her hand in front of Chanyeol's mouth like she was asking him to give her something confusing the man.

He didn't know what to think at first, should he think that a girl just crawled across the table like an uneducated person, or should he think that the girl just took the fruit he bit and was peeling it with her own mouth like a wild animal. Or the fact that they just shared an indirect kiss through that fruit and the girl wasn't even aware of that. Or should he wonder what he should give to her since she still has her hand in front of him waiting for something he was supposed to give to her.


Chanyeol kept on chewing the bitter fruit skin as he stared at the girl. "Give." She said confusing the man.

"Give what?" He cluelessly asked.


The girl sighed and reached for the man's mouth shocking him. "Out! Out!" She said referring at the fruit skin he was chewing.


Chanyeol gasped and was beyond aghast when he felt her fingers inside his mouth, taking the piece of fruit out. He scooted back but the girl didn't let him. "Ahhh ~" the girl opened his mouth for Chanyeol to copy and the man, hesitantly did. Much to Chanyeol's shock, the girl put in her fingers into his mouth again and took remaining chewed fruit skin before throwing it somewhere. Not even a hint of disgust in her expression as she wiped her fingers with her leaf top.


What the hell is wrong with her?! He stared at girl in shock as he covered his, mouth with his hand but the girl was unconscious at the looks he was giving her as she was busy peeling off the fruit with her hands and mouth. He felt like he just got violated in a way and the person who did it was oblivious about it. Too oblivious.


After she finished peeling the fruit, she handed it to Chanyeol with a hospitable smile. "This!" She said and the man hesitantly took the fruit from her. She sure was beautiful but she move was like a wild animal. He ate the strange fruit and to his surprise, this time, it was good.


The two ate silently while the girl tried to teach him on how to eat some fruits and even some bugs that took Chanyeol farther from his extremes and excitedly tried them seeing that nothing happened to the girl after eating them. And besides, the girl in front of him ate those worms like it was nothing and it will hurt his pride if he ever backed up on it just because he’s a little nervous.


After eating, the girl cleaned up with the older monkeys helping her while some birds took care of the small bits they left in their surroundings. Chanyeol stared on how the animals worked together with her and for the nth time, he was amazed.


Then, the girl turned to him and dragged him to the waters, the other animals following suit.

"Wash!" She said to Chanyeol pointing at the waters and Chanyeol seemed to understand. But Oh! How wrong he was.


He crouched down and folded his sleeves before starting to wash his face carefully not to wet his clothes. But everything went futile when a big splash of water came unto him soaking inch of his body. Different kinds of animals jumped on the water making gigantic waves that slapped Chanyeol in every way possible.


Then, he heard the female’s laugh coming from the middle of the lake. She was surrounded with animals as she swam splashing waters without any care of the world. She waved at the man and Chanyeol waved back with a timid smile. He saw her swam towards him and he waited for her, eager for more things she’ll show him.

But everything went blank when she came on the shallow waters where Chanyeol was. Chanyeol's eyes were the size of saucers and he forgot how to breathe. He can feel his face in deep shades of red, staring in surprise at the girl standing in front of him.


The girl chuckled at his reaction, unsure of the reason why. She have never felt embarrassment in her life anyways. It was a feeling that she never knew that exists. How can she be shy if she has lived all by herself anyways?


His face is funny. She said to herself as she looked at the red faced man. She have always liked baths with everyone and never did she know about reservation or difference.

"Wash! Wash!" She chimed as she splashed water on the frozen man. Chanyeol remained stoned, literally.


He didn’t know what to think or to even think. This adventure has given him shocks beyond compare.

Chanyeol was still in his absence of mind when he felt himself getting pushed by the older gorillas. Chanyeol couldn’t even struggle when the animals took off his clothes and threw him on the waters. He so was busy blushing and weakly hiding everything he could in the water that he didn't see the girl's confused expression on her face until she actually came beside him.


Chanyeol’s eyes refused to go back to their original size as he kept his hands covering his precious friend down there. The girl took notice of it but continued observing the man’s anatomy.

Strange, this part really looks the same as Paba's dad but less hair and whiter. Is he really of my specie or is he in Paba's? She asked herself not feeling Chanyeol’s stares at her.


The man tried with all his might not to look down and just concentrate on her face but it was impossible. Especially when she tried no efforts of covering herself like it was just a basic thing for everyone to see. He felt like a ert getting this free pass to this show.

Then, Chanyeol felt a hard thing smack his head and all turned into black. The girl shouted in shock seeing the man sink in the waters. The monkeys were playing with a coconut using it like a ball and accidentally hit Chanyeol's head knocking him out.


The girl panicked and tried to carry the man by herself but failed. Luckily, the male gorilla was still nearby and helped her carry the fainted man back to the hut. She dried the man's body with some leaves and the covered him with the animal fur. But something caught her attention while she was drying his body, that strange thing between the man's thighs, that thing that looks like an ant eater’s head attached to the man's body. She never have seen that before, but besides that part and the chest part, they have the other parts of their bodies somewhat similar.

Should I cut this? She asked as she sat on the bed looking at the strange thing on the man’s body thinking that it may be a parasite that has attached on the man’s body. She reached for the nose like part and Chanyeol let out a groan and the ‘parasite’ stood on its own startling the girl.


“OH!” she gasped looking at the thing she believed was a parasite with wide eyes. IT’S ALIVE! I have to tell this to Paba’s mom. She thought and left the man sleeping.


Chanyeol woke up in the darkness but felt something warm beside him. It was Toto the cheetah. What happened? He asked himself as he felt pain on his head. Oh right. I got knocked out. He pathetically thought to himself as he tried to sit up. It was already night time judging from the lack of light, the moon being the only source of light.

He realised he was still and quickly covered himself with the first thing he could grab. Then, he remembered what happened and felt like wanting to die from the embarrassment he experienced. Still with an aching head and with a lack of clothes, Chanyeol decided to sleep it off, praying that this was all an embarrassing semi- dream.


Morning approached and Chanyeol was awakened by baboons’ screams. He saw his clothes already dry; hanging by the window and quickly put them on. He saw the girl the baboons crawling on the ground picking up something and then put it on a big leaf.


The baboons turned to see Chanyeol and the girl followed suit giving him a smile.

"Annyeong." She greeted with a smile. "Ang@*$*$! $;" the baboons copied her actions and gave the man a smile showing their brown teeth making Chanyeol chuckle. He was reluctant on ever going out still feeling embarrassed but it looks like it was all one sided so if they didn’t mind, he thought why should he, right?


Chanyeol observed them around and thought that, maybe, the baboons didn't know how to behave in front of him. That’s why they copied every move the girl made so they wouldn't anger or sadden their guest. After all, she’s the most similar to him.

Cute. He walked towards them and everyone’s heads followed his movements making him uneasy.


"Wa-what are you doing?" He asked awkwardly, trying to lower the tension around them.

The girl turned to show the boy the leaf filled in with different kinds of seeds before continuing her task. "Bird eat" she said and then put the basket down to resume her search and the baboons soon stop giving attention to the male and continued helping the girl.


"I guess I'll help then." Chanyeol said scratching his head before crouching down to help. The baboons observed him for awhile until they got used to his presence and continued their task.


After filling the bag with seeds, the girl took the leaf and dragged Chanyeol with her other hand, the baboons following suit. She made a right turn while the baboons went to the left where their nest was, leaving Chanyeol and the girl alone. Soon, the types of plants changed and the tall trees slowly became shorter and shorter as they went further ahead. Then, the smell of fruits came to them and soon, got welcomed by a lot of tweets and colors.


Chanyeol's jaw drop at the incredible sight; Colorful feathers and birds were all over the place, some resting on the reachable branches where their nests rest while others were pecking the ground in search of food. The sound the birds were making was all so different and nonstop: little, big, medium sized birds chirping. Silence was impossible on the place, but it wasn't noisy. It was like a whole different genre of music to his ears.


Soon, the birds all turned in sight of their visitor and they all flew on the branches close to the girl following her every move and the leaf she was carrying. They also observed Chanyeol who was following the girl closely, not wanting to cause any trouble.

The two stopped at the center of the bird's habitat and she waved her hands causing the birds to flap their wings and chirp excitedly making colorful feathers rain.

The struggle of non-stop editing and watching anime is real!
Love me well <3 ~
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I can't download this story OTL


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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting