Black Pearl 11

Black Pearl




Chanyeol wasn't even listening to the girl and just stared at her with his heart jumping in all directions. I found you. He suddenly heard the familiar gentle voice whisper in his head. He looked at the frown on the girl’s face and tears came streaming down his face.

No, you found me, my love. He was lost in his emotions and thoughts that he didn’t even notice the girl looking at him with a confused-worried expression. He didn’t even hear her apologies as he can only look at her.


Five years. Five years of living with the half of his heart missing. Five years of separation, five years of suffering, five years of longing, praying to be with her soon, to feel her warmth, to see her smiles and to hear her sweet voice and heavenly laughter, to play the guitar with her in the middle of his arms, leaning on his chest as he sing to her a song expressing on how much he loves her. And now, there she was, standing in front of him, wearing the hotel’s cleaning service’s uniform, repeatedly bowing her head as she apologized for the forgotten and expensive shoes she accidentally soaked while watering the plants.


You really are here, right? His teary eyes stared at the figure in front of him as he slowly reached her face with his shaking, cold hands and when he finally felt her warm cheek, he could suppress the longing he had and pulled the girl in a tight embrace.

You’re here, my love.




The girl froze at the drunken man’s touch, her heart beat beginning to fasten its phase as she felt the familiar sensation of the man’s touch. “S-sir.” She tried to speak; wanting to get away from that oh so familiar feeling that’s making her anxious. She looked up and stared at the man’s face, trying to recognize him if she has met this person somewhere, or if he knows her. Because for the girl, she never knew about the existence of this familiar face up until now.

Does he know me? She asked herself looking at the Chanyeol with eyes filled with questions and worry. Why is he crying? And why is my heart aching seeing this man’s tears?


But then, she came back to her senses and then again stared at the man’s face with wide open eyes. CHOI MIA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! She scolded herself before panic hits her once again.


“S-Sir. Please! Get a hold of yourself!” she tried to pry him away from her but Chanyeol was hugging her tightly, too tight for her to escape. And when she finally gave up on squirming away, she just heaved a big sigh and tried to calm herself down in order to find a way to free herself but all of those thoughts were washed away when she heard Chanyeol’s sorrowful sobs.


“You came back.” He cried. “You came back to me.” He let out every ounce of grieve out with his tears trying to convince himself that this realistic feeling was true when deep inside him, he knew that he was probably just dreaming. And remembering his past shots of whisky made his dream or illusion more realistic that he can even feel her warmth.


This was not the first time Chanyeol has seen Althea after her death. With his desire of seeing Althea, his mind and wants got the best of him and created its own imaginary Althea that would console, comfort and smile at him just like what he remembered her to be. She would also appear in his dreams and would often see illusions of her everywhere, especially in the places where Althea used to be at frequently.


But this time, to Chanyeol, this illusion of Althea’s quite different. She was too real and her touches felt like she was actually a living person. He can totally feel her warmth and the beating of her heart which he never felt whenever his imaginary Althea hugged him in the past. But Chanyeol didn’t let himself be bothered by the realness of what he believed another imagination of Althea. He just wanted to feel her, even if it was only for tonight, for a minute or seconds.

It’s okay. Even if you’re not real, I’m still happy you came back. I miss you, Althea.



Mia, feeling the sadness and the longing of the man just stood still, her thoughts fighting inside her head.

What should I do? Should I push him away?

But he’s crying.

But he’s a stranger Mia!


“I missed you.”



Hearing those words, Mia’s mind turned blank and her body started acting on its own, wrapping her arms on the stranger’s waist and patted the man’s back for comfort.

What the hell are you doing, Mia? She asked herself but didn’t have the strength to push the man away as she even pulled him closer, feeling the familiar warmth and motions her body was doing. She could hear him mumble the words 'I miss you' 'I love you' and 'I found you' that made her heart beat faster but she let him be as she cursed herself for being incapable of controlling her own body. And when she thought that it couldn’t get any more stranger, Chanyeol whispered something that made her sight double and body completely froze.


"Althea" he called before falling asleep making the two of them collapse on the floor.


Mia didn't move for a while, pain caused by the fall and the weight didn't bother her as the only thing she was concerned was her beating heart, feeling like it wanted to explode. W-what's happening to me? She asked herself as she laid under the drunken man she knew nothing of but felt otherwise. She stayed there for a good five minutes composing herself before calling staffs for help when she snapped out of her thoughts.


Who was that man? And why was he crying? She asked herself again as he moment she saw the man, her head just automatically got filled with questions enough to even question her identity. She picked some dried leaves on the ground and threw it on the bin as the hotel’s services and the man’s (she assumed as) friends helped the crying man who was ‘harassing’ her earlier.

Althea, huh? What a beautiful name. She thought as she watched two men named Kyungsoo and Baekhyun helped the drunk man go to one of the rooms but stopped when the he puked. The two sober apologized to the manager of the hotel for the mess with a bow and went on their way while she stayed behind the plants she was supposed to be watering.


The moment the drunken man’s friends arrived, she was ordered to get a bucket of water to mop the terrace floors. The female staff were too busy ogling at the man’s friends that they forgot to mention that it was Mia who found him fainted there. Then when Kyungsoo and Baekhyun asked who found him so that they could at least thank and apologize for the trouble, they said they were the ones who found him instead.


Pssh. These ahjummas. Mia rolled her eyes and just continued with her job. It’s not like she wanted to be thanked at or anything. She was just pissed on how her co workers were willing to set her aside just for a handsome guy. But then, the other guy seemed strangely familiar with her too.

Enough trouble for one day Mia, just let it go. She scolded herself and continued her work. The last time you thought someone’s familiar to you, you were harassed by a crying drunk rich man. So stop.


Chanyeol woke up with a horrible hangover. He wasn't in his room and he couldn't remember what had happened last night except for one thing: he saw Althea. If she was real or not, he didn't know, but his longing for her seemed to have been getting more and more worse that before.

‘You have to stop drinking to much, Chanyeol’ are the words Althea might’ve told me right now if she was still alive. He tried to sit up but his aching head didn’t let him as he groaned in pain. You’re messed up Chanyeol. He told himself massaging his head lazily.


Then, knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts and watched it open revealing his smiling fiancée. He couldn't understand why Yoona always has to dress like she was going to a gala when she was just in their hotel.

"Good morning!" She greeted and entered the room with a room service following her with a cart of breakfast. "I brought breakfast. Eat then drink the medicine." She told and the room service prepared the food settling a small table beside the bed while the couple watched.

"What happened last night?" Chanyeol finally decided to ask as he sat up dizzily ruffling his messy hair hoping the headache will disappear if he does.

"You drank too much and fainted on the rooftop." She said taking a seat on a sofa not far from the bed. "A staff saw you there and called for Kyungsoo and Baekhyun." She continued. "Then, we decided to just let you stay here for the night since the press was still crowding the exit. We couldn't take you out." She told and Chanyeol just sighed. Really messed up. Yoona signed the room service to go once he was done and left them alone in the room.


Silence lingered in the room but none of them showed any discomfort as they were used to each other's company. Unlike Dasom, Yoona actually became his friend before their parents set them up for each other.

Yoona met Chanyeol in a business gathering. Yoona just wanted an escape out of that suffocating event and went behind the long curtains just to breathe and there, she saw Chanyeol who was still in his mourning days. The young lady ended up comforting the guy and Chanyeol listened to the girl's rants after recovering from his cries. The two of them stayed behind the curtains until the party was over, not even knowing each other's names. But the future balls and meetings let them get to know each other more and made them become close friends. And when the elders noticed their closeness, the misunderstandings and thoughts came in their minds having the two ending up in this difficult situation.

Yoona and Chanyeol knew better; that even if the both of them refuses the engagement, they will probably be set up to another person anyways. And with that, the two decided to just go with a flow. With them signing a sure divorce within two years time, they have decided to pretend to be a couple.

The adults would set them up for dates once in awhile and the two just used the time to just hang out with Yoona talking about her dreams of going to Paris and Chanyeol telling her about his dream of Althea.

Yoona didn't oppose the engagement thinking that it was better for her to be together with her friend than other man she didn't know of. She was also well aware of Chanyeol's feelings and respected it a lot. In fact, she’s a fan of Althea and Chanyeol's love, a love that was so innocent and pure, one that she doesn't mind having someday when she finds her ‘Romeo’.

"I dreamt of her last night." Chanyeol finally broke the silence and Yoona calmly listened to him knowing who he was talking about.

200 subscribers!
Thank you for not leaving me and waiting guys OTL
It's been a decade since I've started this and I still haven't finished it but still you guys stayed
Thank you so much TT
Love me well <3 ~
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Chapter 25: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! Its like barbie...hehehe.. But still...i love it so much... <3 n keep up in writing author-nim...~~
Chapter 25: Woah, this was surprisingly good. Gonna go check out your page to find some more!
exoksmtown #4
Chapter 25: this story is full of surprise and i like it! good job author-nim
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 21: i didnt expect this!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 10: this story is seriously like a roller coaster ogOd
exoksmtown #7
Chapter 9: omgg /////
exoksmtown #8
Chapter 4: this story is so interesting and funny hahaha
Snandunggina #9
Chapter 1: its like im watching into the wild. hope it has different plot. lol.
chanyeolexo27 #10
so good fighting